CSG :: Volume #28

#2702: Mysterious person

Chu Jie, Kong Feiying, Zhao Wenbin and other have not protected the body at the energy, took in a lot of gray thick fog supreme talent to reveal the exciting color, the haze on face sweeps away, just like having a new lease of life exuded the blissful long howl, started greedily in gulps is swallowing these rainwater. 楚杰,空飞鹰,赵文斌等十几名没有以能量护体,摄入了大量灰色浓雾的天骄们纷纷露出激动之色,脸上的阴霾一扫而空,宛若重获新生般的发出充满喜悦的长啸声,开始大口大口贪婪的吞咽着这些雨水。 Actually did my I just do what?” “我我刚刚究竟干了什么?” I am attacking the own person unexpectedly, how can I how make this matter “我竟然在攻击自己人,怎么会我怎么会做出这种事情来” On the person ready dead face that these sober is vacant, they are looking at the blood on own, recalled numerous that just own made, complexion becomes a paleness instantaneously. 那些清醒过来的死士脸上则是一片茫然,他们望着自己手上的鲜血,回想起刚刚自己所做的重重,脸色瞬间变得一片苍白。 They are only the people ready dead who each respected family trains, is clear regarding respective family's some customs, the mistake that in the heart clear own just violated has how seriously, will cause how serious consequence for them. 他们只是各个大家族培养起来的死士,对于各自家族的一些规矩都非常明白,心中清楚自己刚刚犯下的错有多么的严重,会为他们带来多么惨重的后果。 Not is only they must die without doubt, their behind family member, and families must be hit by the total destruction. 不仅是他们必死无疑,就连他们身后的亲人,以及家族都要遭受灭顶之灾。 Young Master forgives, Young Master forgives, just I completely lost the reason, could not realize that own is making anything......” 少主饶命啊,少主饶命啊,刚刚我完全失去了理智,根本就意识不到自己在做什么……” Young Master forgives, we are also the body already, completely not by the own control......” 少主饶命啊,我们也是身不由已,完全不受自己控制……” ...... …… Many people ready dead start to beg for mercy, they do not fear death, because they at most can live the last 100 years, what are more was worried that the own behind person will be involved. 众多死士开始纷纷求饶,他们不怕死,因为他们最多也只能活上一百年而已,更多的是担心自己身后的人会受到牵连。 Because some of them have the family member, there are wife and children, or family. Because of all sorts of situations, forces them to make some involuntary matters, sold to these top families the own life, thus was planted slave seal, becomes by the person ready dead who Hundred Tribulations God King Pill trains. 因为他们当中的一些人也有亲人,也有妻儿,或是家族。只是因为种种情况,才迫使他们做出一些身不由己的事,将自己的命卖给那些顶尖家族,从而被种下奴印,成为被百劫神王丹培养起来的死士。 The Jin Hong vision takes a fast look around from these people ready dead, hesitates slightly, then said to supreme talent: Since they restored, you hurry to reorganize the team, here is not the long-term place, must leave as soon as possible.” 金宏目光从这些死士身上扫视一圈,略微犹豫,然后对诸位天骄说道:“既然他们都恢复了,那你们赶紧整顿一下队伍,这里不是久留之地,要尽快离开。” Right, even if there is a huge matter first to put, first left here to say again, just made that big noise, definitely alarmed Devouring Life Beast of distant place, perhaps is currently having large quantities of Devouring Life Beast to catch up toward here, we must hurry, hurried “对对对,就算有天大的事都先放一放,先离开这里再说,刚刚闹出那么大的动静,肯定惊动了远处的噬生兽,说不定现在正有大批的噬生兽正朝着这里赶过来的,我们得赶紧走,赶紧走” One hear of this words, in many hearts are one tight, dozens supreme talent rashly, depart by the quickest speed reorganization team immediately in a hurry. 一听此言,许多人心中都是一紧,数十名天骄不由分说,立即以最快的速度整顿队伍匆匆离去。 However after this lesson, the people does not dare to save the energy, haunched energy shield to isolate here thick fog completely. 不过经过此次教训,众人都不敢节省能量了,全部都撑起了一道能量护罩来隔绝这里的浓雾。 Beyond hundred li (0.5 km), Jian Chen from carved conducting the back to stand greatly, saw only him to be away from the remote distance to grasp to the direction that the big team is. 百里之外,剑尘从大雕背上站了起来,只见他隔着遥远距离对着大队伍所在的方向一抓。 This grasps, space twisted immediately, a little bit rainwater was given to absorb in the palm by him by Space Principle from hundred li (0.5 km), condenses a small water drop static float of thumb size in the palm. 这一抓,空间顿时扭曲了起来,一滴滴雨水被他以空间法则从百里之外给摄取到掌中,凝聚成一颗拇指大小的小水珠静静的漂浮在掌心。 His both eyes bloom the bright god glow, results in just like sharp steel needle together, wanting to pierce this water drop, understands clearly the mystery of implication in water drop. 他的双目绽放出炯炯神芒,宛若一道锋利的钢针似得,欲要刺穿这一颗水珠,洞悉蕴含在水珠内的奥秘。 In his observation, these merely is the ordinary rainwater, and has no unusual place, if said that then can cure these to lose the person ready dead of control by this type of common rainwater, Jian Chen is how regardless of not to believe. 只是在他的观察中,这些仅仅是普通的雨水,并没有任何与众不同的地方,若要说以这种寻常的雨水便能治愈那些失去了控制的死士,剑尘是无论如何也不会相信。 Because in his cognition, if the common rainwater, is unable to restrain this strange gray thick fog. 因为在他的认知中,若是寻常的雨水,根本就无法克制这诡异的灰色浓雾。 „It is not right, is not these rainwater.” In the Jian Chen eye the fine glow flashes, he can the obvious feeling have these rainwater that own absorbs, unlike making these people ready dead the rainwater that restores from the out of control condition has some, is two different material results on seemingly. “不对,不是这些雨水。”剑尘眼中精芒一闪,他能明显的感觉出自己摄取过来的这些雨水,与令那些死士从失控状态中恢复过来的雨水有着一些不同,就放佛是两种不同的物质似得。 The Jian Chen palm grasps again and again, to understand clearly hiding, he could not attend to so many, the preparation gathered from these people ready dead directly. 剑尘手掌连连抓去,为了洞悉其中的隐蔽,他也顾不得那么多了,准备直接从那些死士身上收取。 Saw only the Jian Chen body suddenly becomes illusory, from an entity, turned into a transparent shadow, and this shadow also in unceasing desalination, after two time of breath, the Jian Chen shadow has vanished thoroughly does not see. 只见剑尘的身躯忽然变得虚幻了起来,从一个实体,变成了一个透明的影子,并且这影子还在不断的淡化,直到两个呼吸的时间之后,剑尘的影子已经彻底消失不见。 In he disappears, his was only big vulture to look back one, in that slightly obviously muddy and slow vision revealed one to confuse with the puzzled color, because in its feeling, Jian Chen still also stood after own conducted the back, but the eye of own could not have seen the Jian Chen form. 就在他消失时,他脚下的那只大雕回过头看了一眼,那略显浑浊和迟钝的目光中露出一丝迷惑和不解之色,因为在它的感觉中,剑尘仍然还站在自己的后背上,可是自己的眼睛已经看不到剑尘的身影了。 During Jian Chen made own escape into to be void by the Space Principle ability, then before arriving at beyond hundred li (0.5 km) a body of person ready dead, that hid the palm in void is wiping to the shoulder of this person ready dead on gently, contaminates some rainwater immediately strange disappearance on this person ready dead, fell into the hand of Jian Chen. 剑尘空间法则的能力让自己遁入了虚空之中,然后来到百里之外一名死士的身前,那隐藏在虚空中的手掌对着这名死士的肩上轻轻一抹,沾染在这名死士身上的一些雨水立即诡异的消失,落入了剑尘的手中。 However in this rainwater falls into the hand of Jian Chen, brow of Jian Chen immediately a wrinkle. 不过就在这雨水一落入剑尘的手中时,剑尘的眉头顿时一皱。 In his Primordial Spirit once integrated true Chaos Force, has become unusual, the sensation strength is exceptionally clear and bright, can discover many, even if the boundary is unable to detect powerhouse that he is higher than when the thing that his obvious feeling these rainwater will soon be falling into his hand had some subtle changes unexpectedly. 他的元神中曾融入了一丝真正的混沌之力,早已变得与众不同,感知力异常明锐,能发现许多哪怕是境界比他高的强者都无法察觉到的东西,他明显的感觉到这些雨水在即将落入他的手中时竟然产生了一些微妙的变化。 That feeling, seems the certain things of implication in this rainwater, suddenly vanished. 那感觉,就仿佛是蕴含在这雨水中的某些东西,忽然间消失了。 Really right, lets is not these rainwater that these people restore, but was in these rainwater contained certain things, this rainwater, perhaps was only concealing.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, this discovery made in his heart very surprised, he started to suspect, this rain naturally fell, was artificial. “果然没错,让这些人恢复过来的不是这些雨水,而是这些雨水中包含了某些东西,这雨水,恐怕只是一种掩饰。”剑尘心中暗道,这一发现令他心中非常吃惊,他不禁开始怀疑起来,这一场雨是自然落下的,还是人为的。 However makes him think what is not clear, if the rain under nature, why such coincidence, when why he absorbs the rainwater wants to understand clearly inside secret, contains in rainwater some strange materials suddenly to vanish, why will also draw support from rain to do to conceal? 不过让他想不明白的是,如果是自然下的雨,为何会这么巧合,为何当他摄取雨水想要洞悉里面的隐秘时,包含在雨水中的一些奇异物质会忽然消失,又为何会借助一场雨来做掩饰? But if is artificial, in this only permits in Fallen Beast World that below thousand Martial Artist just now can enter, who has this skill, can hide the truth from his sensation unexpectedly? 可若是人为,在这只允许千岁以下的武者方才能进入的陨兽界中,又有谁有这个本事,竟然能瞒过他的感知? As for Dark Star Clan, most powerhouse also only then Dark Star Great Emperor, Jian Chen is self-confident, although fights, presently own not necessarily is the Dark Star Great Emperor opponent, but Dark Star Great Emperor , to hide the truth from his sensation to complete all these, is impossible. 至于暗星族,最强者也只有一个暗星大帝而已,剑尘自信,虽然打斗起来,当前的自己不一定是暗星大帝的对手,可暗星大帝要想瞒过他的感知完成这一切,绝不可能。 Suddenly, Jian Chen looks at dumbly in same place, was deep in the deep thought that in the eye rays of light kept glittering, complexion was the transformation is also unceasing, the straight utmost team has walked away, he left here, returned to carve greatly. 一时间,剑尘呆立在原地,陷入了深深的沉思,眼中光芒不停闪烁,脸色也是变换不断,直至大队伍已经走远,他才离开这里,重新回到了大雕上。 After Jian Chen walks, in this wooded mountains, presented an illusory person's shadow suddenly, this person's shadow to the strength of Primordial Spirit condense together, can only roughly see clearly is a build of man, is slender, the appearances and five senses and others is a fuzziness. 剑尘走后,这片山林间,忽然出现了一道虚幻的人影,这人影是以一道元神之力凝聚而成,只能大致看清是一个男子的体型,身材修长,面貌及五官等则是一片模糊。 This stature illusory man just like the ghosts and demons float in the midair, to the Jian Chen direction, he as if can see beyond hundred li (0.5 km), has returned the form that the big vulture bears to sit cross-legged to sit. 这名身材虚幻的男子犹如鬼魅般的漂浮在半空中,面向剑尘的方向,他似乎能看见百里之外,已经重新回到大雕背上盘膝而坐的身影。 Jian Chen, this Saint may more than once has heard you from the Mindless mouth, now sees, some of some of your really fortes, can detect these rainwater unexpectedly the issue, but so, this Saint acts even what's the big deal personally, your trivial Everlasting Beginning Realm can look through can it be that.” The illusory man seems in sight the Jian Chen form to send out to talk to oneself the sound, in the tone acclaims, disdains. 剑尘,本圣可不止一次的从无心口中听说过你,现在一见,你果然有些许过人之处,竟然能察觉出这些雨水的问题来,不过即便是如此那又如何,本圣亲自出手,又岂是你区区无极始境就能看破的。”虚幻男子仿佛在望着剑尘的身影发出自语之声,语气中有赞叹,也有不屑。 Listens to his tone, as if not spare a glance to Everlasting Beginning Realm, has not cared completely. 听他的口气,似乎对无极始境不屑一顾,完全没有放在心上。 But Jian Chen, does not have to think from beginning to end, even if his Spiritual Consciousness time is covering the surrounding area ten million miles range, during the mountain forest that the illusory man is at also in his Spiritual Consciousness covers, but Jian Chen has not discovered his existence completely. 剑尘,从始至终都是毫无所觉,哪怕是他的神识时刻都笼罩着方圆千万里范围,就连虚幻男子所在的这片山林也在他的神识覆盖之中,可剑尘完全没有发现他的存在。 At once, the illusory man as if looks to Jin Hong their direction, muttered: You, although the cultivation level boundary is mean, places in Saint Realm unable to raise storm completely, is in this Dark Star Clan, your strengths actually do not allow to look down upon, is formed great formation that by many people ready dead, even can display Everlasting Beginning Realm 1-layer to the 2-layer strength, enough caused giant storm in Dark Star Clan.” 旋即,虚幻男子似乎又望向金宏他们的方向,喃喃道:“你们虽然修为境界低微,放在圣界中完全掀不起一点风浪,可是在这暗星族内,你们的力量却不容小视,由众多死士形成的大阵,甚至能发挥出无极始境一重天二重天的实力,足够在暗星族内引发一场巨大的风暴了。” „The Dark Star Clan big sacrifice soon started, this big sacrifice only permits the failure, cannot succeed, is only Jian Chen one person, this Saint had a little not felt relieved, if adds on you, that destroyed the assurance of big sacrifice to be bigger.” 暗星族的大祭就快要开始了,这大祭只许失败,不能成功,只是剑尘一人,本圣还有点不放心,不过若是加上你们,那破坏大祭的把握则更大了。”
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