CSG :: Volume #27

#2671: Fearful sword formation

Four God King Realm initial-stage Martial Artist, can span several boundaries to cut unexpectedly to kill Everlasting Realm 3-layer powerhouse through sword formation, if this saying said, everyone will regard fantasy story, no one believes. 四名神王境初期武者,通过剑阵竟然能跨越好几个境界斩杀一位无极境三重天强者,这话要是说出去,所有人都会当成天方夜谭,没有人会相信。 Because let alone is four God King Realm initial-stage, even if four God King Realm peaks, even is Peerless Generation God King on four God King Ranking, not possible through to cut to kill Everlasting Realm 3-layer powerhouse by formation that own cultivation level forms. 因为别说是四名神王境初期,哪怕是四名神王境巅峰,甚至是四名神王座上的绝代神王,都不可能通过以自身的修为结成的阵法斩杀一位无极境三重天强者 But so the inconceivable matter, the experience of flame demon on these four old men crossed, and he personally sees, absolutely true, does not need to doubt. 而如此不可思议的事情,偏偏炎魔在这四名老者身上见识过了,并且还是他亲眼所见,千真万确,根本就无需置疑。 Let alone these four old man then cultivation level of also stayed in God King Realm initial-stage, actually thus it can be seen this sword formation might had what kind of astonishment, it made the world everyone sufficiently crazy. 更何况这四名老者当时的修为还停留在神王境初期,由此可见这剑阵的威力究竟有何等的惊人,它足以让天下所有人都为之疯狂。 The flame demon, then falls into the nutter for this sword formation, even if he does not repair Sword Dao, so long as obtains this sword formation, studied anything to come from inside is profits infinitely. 炎魔,便是为了这剑阵而陷入疯狂之人,哪怕他不修剑道,但只要获得这剑阵,从里面研究出一些什么来就已经是受益无穷了。 Therefore, when sees these four old men appear, the flame demon is the excited heart quickly jumps, wishes one could to face upward the long and loud cry. 因此,当看见这四名老者出现时,炎魔是激动的心脏都快跳出来了,恨不得仰天长啸。 However he also knows that all around many many points of view, have Great Primal Realm powerhouse to assume personal command on some Void Battleship, therefore he does not dare the own innermost feelings excited displaying, in order to avoid causes others' suspicion. 不过他也知道四周眼多嘴杂,在一些虚空战船上更是有混元境强者坐镇,因此他也不敢将自己内心的激动给表现出来,以免引起别人的猜疑。 Must fight a battle to force a quick decision, gives to catch their four people at the shortest time, then brings to place of interrogating and torturing secret skill slowly secret, so long as their four people fall into old man's hand, the old man has confidence from them obtains the thing that the old man wants.” In the flame demon heart decides on the attention, this comes up to act full power, the cultivation level turbulent eruption of Everlasting Realm 5-layer, Divine Fire Principle arrives, that dreadful roaring flame, will be void a distortion that burns down, under the terrifying high temperature fills the air, compels in abundance to draw back from near Martial Artist all around. “必须速战速决,以最短的时间将他们四人给擒住,然后带到隐秘之地慢慢的拷问秘法,只要他们四人落入老夫之手,老夫就有把握从他们身上获得老夫想要的东西。”炎魔心中打定注意,这一上来就全力出手,无极境五重天修为汹涌爆发,神火法则降临,那滔天烈焰,将虚空都焚烧的一阵扭曲,恐怖的高温弥漫之下,将四周距离较近的武者逼得纷纷远退。 The terrifying roaring flame under the control of flame demon, formed a fiery-red sphere, this sphere seems prison results in four old men covers in inside, cannot see clearly inside scenery, tries to cover inside all, is not willing more to see. 恐怖的烈焰在炎魔的控制下,形成了一道火红色的圆球,这圆球就仿佛是一个囚牢似得将四名老者笼罩在里面,看不清里面的景物,试图掩盖里面发生的一切,不愿让更多的人见到。 At once, he forms a giant palm to drop from the clouds by the strength of oneself that powerful cultivation level, the palm penetrated by the prison that the strength of Divine Fire Principle forms, toward was stranded in inside four old men grasps. 旋即,他以自身那强大的修为之力形成一道巨大的手掌从天而降,手掌穿透了以神火法则之力形成的囚牢,朝着被困在里面的四名老者抓去。 The flame demon was wounded by a Jian Chen sword although, but he after all is Everlasting Realm 5-layer powerhouse, the body of being wounded, has extremely strong battle strength as before. 炎魔尽管被剑尘一剑击伤,但他毕竟是无极境五重天强者,带伤之躯,依旧是有极强的战斗力 All around many lining up that this, made waited to enter Star Source Continent Martial Artist to shake the head secretly, felt the sigh in the heart for that four old men, Sword Dao Principle that although four old men sensed was in 3,000 Principles one of the offensive strongest Principle, and that sword formation seemed like the might is also good, but no one favored them as before, in all person hearts, that four old men this time must die without doubt. 这一幕,令的四周不少排队等候进入星源大陆武者都是暗自摇头,在心中为那四名老者感到叹息,尽管四名老者感悟的剑道法则三千法则中攻击性最强的法则之一,并且那剑阵看起来威力也是不俗,但依旧没有人看好他们,在所有人心中,那四名老者此番是必死无疑。 Because they and disparity between flame demons was really big, four God King Realm late-stage, how can also be a Everlasting Realm 5-layer powerhouse opponent? 因为他们与炎魔之间的差距实在是太大了,四名神王境后期,又岂会是一位无极境五重天强者的对手? In their opinion, if Everlasting Realm 1-layer, their four people are supplementing with sword formation with the Sword Dao Principle striking power, perhaps strength of the spelling, but if opposite opponent the opponent of Everlasting Realm 5-layer, that no least bit odds of success. 在他们看来,倘若是无极境一重天,他们四人凭着剑道法则的攻击力在辅以剑阵的话,或许还有一拼之力,可倘若对面的对手的一位无极境五重天的对手,那就毫无半点胜算了。 However at this moment, heavens frightening sword glow appears suddenly, the flame demon by the prison that the strength of Divine Fire Principle forms, is generally frail on such as the oblate in front of this sword glow, quiet was cut a crack by sword glow, then sword glow remaining power does not reduce in the slightest, sends out the dazzling and radiant brilliance, pierced the flame demon again by the giant palm that the strength of cultivation level congeals, directly soars the flame demon to go. 然而就在这时,一股惊天剑芒骤然出现,炎魔以神火法则之力形成的囚牢,在这道剑芒面前就如糊纸一般脆弱,悄无声息的便被剑芒切割出一道裂缝,而后剑芒余势不减分毫,散发出耀眼而璀璨的光辉,再次洞穿了炎魔以修为之力凝结的巨大手掌,直奔炎魔而去。 The flame demon felt instantaneously own aura by locking firmly, his vision stares at sword glow that the front surface is shooting, the pupil shrinks suddenly, complexion is also suddenly big change, reveals the panic-stricken and unbelievable color. 炎魔瞬间感觉自己气息被牢牢的锁定,他目光盯着迎面射来的剑芒,瞳孔猛然一缩,脸色也是骤然大变,露出惊骇和难以置信之色。 Because he felt a threat from this frightening sword qi unexpectedly, only four God King late-stage, formed sword formation can threaten his Everlasting Realm 5-layer powerhouse unexpectedly, this let the flame demon unusual shock. 因为他竟然从这股惊天剑气中感受到了一股威胁,区区四名神王后期,形成的剑阵竟然能威胁到他这位无极境五重天强者,这让炎魔非常的震惊。 And is not limited to this, he with powerful Spiritual Consciousness and spirit sleep/felt, felt vague from this sword qi, made he fearful and apprehensive strength. 并且不止于此,他凭着强大的神识和灵觉,更是从这道剑气中感受到了一丝若有若无,令他都心惊胆战的力量。 The great strength of this strength is impossible to appear on God King Realm, let alone God King Realm, is impossible to contact this strength Everlasting Beginning Realm. 这股力量的强大根本就不可能出现在神王境身上,别说神王境,就连无极始境都不可能接触这股力量。 This...... this...... this is how possible, they...... they were only God King Realm late-stage...... in flame demon heart raised the startled big wave monstrous waves obviously, the next quarter, low-grade Divine Item Battle Armor appeared, covered his whole body in inside. “这……这……这怎么可能,他们……他们明明只是神王境后期啊……”炎魔心中掀起了惊涛巨浪,下一刻,一件下品神器战甲浮现而出,将他全身笼罩在里面。 This set of Battle Armor, faced Jian Chen before he wants to put on, may in front of Jian Chen Space Principle, he put on the Battle Armor time not to have, at this moment facing the attacks of these four old men, he had to put on the Battle Armor opportunity finally. 这套战甲,在之前面对剑尘时他就想穿上,可在剑尘空间法则面前,他连穿战甲的时间都没有,这一刻面对这四名老者的攻击,他终于有穿上战甲的机会了。 Meanwhile, he points, has Divine Fire Principle to condense immediately, sends out a red light beam to directly soar sword qi to go, tries to temper the sword qi strength. 与此同时,他手指一点,立即有神火法则凝聚,发出一道红色光柱直奔剑气而去,试图削弱剑气的力量。 sword qi with irresistible force, sends out the prestige of startled day, crushed all attack methods of flame demon, finally passed over gently and swiftly from his waist. 剑气一路势如破竹,散发出惊天之威,一路粉碎了炎魔的所有攻击手段,最终从他的腰部掠过。 Immediately, the blood splash, the body of flame demon cut off around the middle, divides into two, puts on frailly in his low-grade Divine Item Battle Armor also like the tofu, is unable to prevent in the slightest. 顿时,鲜血飞溅,炎魔的身躯被拦腰斩断,一分为二,穿在他身上的下品神器战甲也脆弱如豆腐,根本就无法阻挡分毫 The flame demon has a big shock, he looked down own that with the spot that the both legs separated, the vision had fallen when that sword qi again, revealed the panic-stricken color unexpectedly for the first time. 炎魔大惊失色,他低头看了看自己那已经与双腿分离的部位,目光再次落在那道剑气上时,竟首次露出了惊恐之色。 Another side, that frightening sword qi after cutting off the waist of flame demon stopped in not far away, at once sword qi rays of light rapid gloomy, resembled to lose all strength to result in vanishes thoroughly does not see, revealed the figure of that four old man. 另一边,那惊天剑气在斩断了炎魔的腰部之后在不远处停下,旋即剑气光芒飞速暗淡了下来,似失去了所有力量似得彻底消失不见,露出了那四名老者的身形。 He has not died, to lay a formation!” “他还没有死,结阵!” Good, extinguishes his Primordial Spirit, lets his thorough body and soul completely eliminated......” “好,灭他元神,让他彻底形神俱灭……” Separates the later four old men to see the flame demon not to have falls/dies, sends out low loudly shout, then their four people have the tacit understanding very forms sword formation again. 分开之后的四名老者见炎魔没有陨落,纷纷发出低喝声,而后他们四人十分有默契的再次结成剑阵 The flame demon has asked for advice this sword formation might, in front of this sword formation, including in his eyes defense strength very powerful Divine Item Battle Armor frail like tofu, the so terrifying might, his where also has the courage to dare to withstand the second attack. 炎魔已经领教过这剑阵的威力了,在这剑阵面前,连在他眼中防御力十分强大的神器战甲都脆弱如豆腐,这般恐怖的威力,他哪里还有胆子敢承受第二次攻击。 Because he understands, this he has not died time is really because the luck is good, no wound to Primordial Spirit, otherwise, sword formation, once attacks his Primordial Spirit, his fate only has body and soul completely eliminated. 因为他明白,这一次他没有死实在是因为运气好,没有伤到元神,否则的话,剑阵一旦攻击他的元神,他的下场只有形神俱灭 Therefore, hears low loudly shout of four old men, the flame demon is all frightened the ghost to brave, does not dare to stay, moved sideways to drill into passage of not far away to vanish does not see, entered Star Source Continent. 因此,一听到四名老者的低喝声,炎魔是被吓得亡魂皆冒,一刻也不敢停留,一个闪身就钻入不远处的通道中消失不见,进入了星源大陆 Pursues!” Behind, four old man simultaneously drink lowly, in both eyes killing intent jumps shoots, they seem bitter hatred that anything cannot untie to result in the flame demons, immediately pursued following the direction that the flame demon ran away. “追!”后方,四名老者齐齐低喝,双目中杀意迸射,他们与炎魔之间似有什么解不开的深仇大恨似得,立即顺着炎魔逃走的方向追了过去。 The passage that they walk, is specially is the Beginning Realm powerhouse preparation, Beginning Realm powerhouse can enter free, under cultivation level Beginning Realm, then needs to pay ten thousand best-quality Divine Crystal as the toll. 他们走的这条通道,是专门为始境强者准备的,始境强者可以免费进入,修为始境之下,则需要交纳一万极品神晶作为通行费。 When their four people pursues the flame demon to go, guards this passage these soldiers actually no one to dare to stop them, making their four people smooth entered passage. 只是,当他们四人追击炎魔而去时,看守这条通道的那些士兵却没有一个人敢阻拦他们,使得他们四人顺畅的进入了通道 Their four people just vanished in void, parks on some Void Battleship of distant place, immediately the has one after another person's shadow flashes before, speed very rapidness, entered Star Source Continent following this passage. 他们四人刚消失在虚空之中,停放在远处的一些虚空战船上,立即有道道人影闪现而出,速度非常之快,也是顺着这个通道进入了星源大陆 These people, are Great Primal Beginning Realm powerhouse, that four old men by sword formation that God King Realm late-stage cultivation level forms, can compel so the situation the Everlasting Realm 5-layer flame demon unexpectedly, the mystery and great strength of this sword formation, aroused the interest of many Great Primal Realm powerhouse obviously. 这些人,都是混元始境强者,那四名老者以神王境后期修为结成的剑阵,竟然能将无极境五重天的炎魔逼到这般地步,这剑阵的玄妙与强大,显然引起了不少混元境强者的关注。
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