CSG :: Volume #27

#2670: Four people of groups

After understanding the cause and effect, Jian Chen smiles embarrasedly, the vision shot a look at a float void in the distant place, among expression is also startled has fears, mixes in also the innocent red robe old man, strides at once walked into to lead to Star Source Continent passage. 了解前因后果之后,剑尘讪讪一笑,目光瞥了眼漂浮在远方虚空中,神色间又是惊有是惧,夹杂在其中还有一丝无辜的红袍老者,旋即跨步就走入了通向星源大陆通道中。 These Divine Crystal consider to reward to you.” The Jian Chen sound fluttered from passage, these best-quality Divine Crystal are not worth a red cent in his eyes, was disinclined to take back. “这些神晶就当是赏赐给你们的。”剑尘的声音从通道中飘了出来,这些极品神晶在他眼中是一文不值,也懒得去收回了。 That red robe old man, he has not gone to cut to kill, although must kill Everlasting Beginning Realm 5-layer by his strength, even without Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword is still easy, but both sides have no bitter hatred of being able to untie, appropriate lesson on line. 那红袍老者,他也没有去斩杀,虽说以他的实力要杀一名无极始境五重天,即便是在没有九星天道剑的情况下也是轻而易举,但双方也没有什么解不开的深仇大恨,适当的教训就行了。 Naturally, the most important point, he Fallen Beast World, is not wanting to cause some troubles to come out anxiously here, if had what accident to delay the traveling schedule, perhaps he must regret life-long. 当然,还有最重要的一点,他急着去陨兽界,不想在这里惹出一些事端出来,万一发生了什么变故耽搁了行程,那他恐怕要后悔终生了。 Originally...... he does not know after here custom......” Jian Chen walks, was looks to understand by a red robe old man of his sword severe wound, he looked down chest front is still flowing the sword cut of blood, on the face is completely bitter and astringent, mixed in, a faint trace rejoiced. “原来……原来他根本就不知道这里的规矩……”剑尘走后,被他一剑重伤的红袍老者也算是看明白了,他低头看着胸前还在流淌着鲜血的剑伤,脸上尽是苦涩,夹杂在其中的,还有一丝丝庆幸。 Fortunately, fortunately this Senior is not the person of bloodthirsty, otherwise, old man short remaining life......” red robe old man long implored the tone, then did not prepare to enter Star Source Continent immediately, sat cross-legged in void pulls out healing Medicine Pill to conduct healing, in the heart warns own secretly, from now on must restrain. “还好,还好这位前辈不是嗜杀之人,不然的话,老夫这条老命……”红袍老者长吁了口气,然后也不准备立即进星源大陆了,就这么盘坐在虚空中掏出疗伤丹药进行疗伤,心中暗暗告诫自己,今后一定要克制。 Not far away, these also arranged Martial Artist of long team naturally to witness Jian Chen and between the red robe old men clash, many people by the powerful strength that Jian Chen showed shaking, all was holds breath cold air, at once erupts the sound of intermittent low shouting in abundance. 不远处,那些还排着长长队伍的武者自然是亲眼目睹了剑尘与红袍老者之间发生冲突,许多人都被剑尘展现出的强大实力给震住了,皆是倒吸一口凉气,旋即纷纷爆发出阵阵低呼之声。 heavens, that was in Spirit Immortal World the ominous illustrious flame demon, the flame demon was defeated unexpectedly, actually that (Bai Yi) white clothes youth was , was so unexpectedly powerful......” 天啊,那可是灵仙界中凶名赫赫的炎魔了,炎魔竟然被击败了,那个白衣青年究竟是谁,竟然这么强大……” „A move, merely one move defeated the flame demon, but this flame demon the Everlasting Beginning Realm 5-layer boundary, that (Bai Yi) white clothes youth should not be Great Primal Beginning Realm......” “一招,仅仅一招就击败了炎魔,这炎魔可是无极始境五重天境界了,那白衣青年该不会是混元始境吧……” Snort, this flame demon did all kinds of evil things for many years in Spirit Immortal World, if he continued to go on living, does not know that must damage many innocent fellow daoist, that mysterious powerhouse how varying sword killed him......” “哼,这炎魔在灵仙界为非作歹多年了,他如果继续活下去,不知道又要祸害多少无辜的道友,那个神秘强者怎么不一剑杀了他……” Hateful, this flame demon almost died, Grandfather, you could rest assured that I certainly will try hard cultivation level, strives soon to break through to Beginning Realm cuts to kill the flame demon personally, avenges a grievance for you......” “可恨啊,这炎魔差一点就死了,爷爷,你放心,我一定会努力修为,争取早日突破到始境亲手斩杀炎魔,为你报仇雪恨……” ...... …… In Martial Artist that these are lining up, almost half Martial Artist the curse flame demon in the heart, can line up here, naturally also means these people , is not only not Beginning Realm , the back does not have the powerful backer. 这些排着长队的武者中,差不多有半数武者都在心中诅咒炎魔,能在这里排队,自然也就意味着这些人非但不是始境,同时背后也没有强大的靠山。 But this kind of person, the flame demon will not have slight showing mercy, once some wee bit things stir up him is not unhappy, under he is direct the killer. 而也正是这类人,炎魔是不会有丝毫的手下留情,一旦有一丁点事情惹得他不喜,他就直接下杀手。 Because here is the broken world, Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse is not basically willing to come to here, therefore in the Spirit Immortal World ruins, most powerhouse that usually sees is also Great Primal Beginning Realm, but these powerhouse basically escort main family's some Junior to come informed and experienced, will not stay for a long time here. 因为这里是残破的世界,太始境强者基本上都不愿意来这里,因此在灵仙界遗址中,通常所见的最强者也就是混元始境,但这些强者基本上都护送本家的一些晚辈前来历练而已,不会在这里久留。 Therefore, by flame demon Everlasting Realm 5-layer cultivation level, in this Spirit Immortal World, naturally it can be said that rides roughshod. 因此,以炎魔无极境五重天修为,在这灵仙界中,自然可以说是横行无忌。 At this time, scale middle-grade Void Battleship drove from the starry sky deep place slowly, stopped in void of not far away. 这时候,一艘规模中等虚空战船从星空深处缓缓的驶了过来,停在不远处的虚空中。 All Martial Artist subconscious turn head looks, discovered that this is commercial Void Spaceship, belongs to that payment certain Divine Crystal, that anybody can come up, the exclusive spaceship of some not big influence. 所有武者下意识的回头望去,发现这是一艘商用的虚空飞船,属于那种缴纳一定的神晶,任何人都可以上去的那种,并非某一个大势力的专属飞船。 Void Spaceship stops, immediately has numerous Martial Artist to depart from inside, dense and numerous, such as the locust is common, little said that also has hundreds of thousands of. 虚空飞船一停下来,立即有众多的武者从里面飞出,密密麻麻,如蝗虫一般,少说也有数十万 Void Spaceship is in has the universe, Void Spaceship is equivalent to Small World, can easily accommodate 1 million people. 虚空飞船都是内有乾坤,一艘虚空飞船就相当于一个小世界,能轻易的容纳百万人。 These Martial Artist that departs from Void Spaceship, almost all goes toward team side flying who that is lining up finally, obviously also enters Star Source Continent. 这些从虚空飞船中飞出的武者,几乎全部都朝着那排着长队的队伍最后方飞去,显然也是进入星源大陆 Only then some extremely minority Beginning Realm powerhouse do not need to line up, can directly enter Star Source Continent through special passage. 只有极为少数的一些始境强者才无需排队,可以通过特殊的通道直接进入星源大陆 Was the flame demon, the flame demon was injured unexpectedly......”, when these Beginning Realm powerhouse saw to sit cross-legged there healing red robe old man, complexion became serious, circled in abundance from the flame demon flank. “是炎魔,炎魔竟然受伤了……”当这些始境强者一看到盘坐在那里疗伤的红袍老者时,一个个脸色都变得严肃了起来,纷纷从炎魔侧方绕过去。 These Beginning Realm majority are Everlasting Realm initial-stage, 4-layer also only then , compared with flame demon Everlasting Realm 5-layer, a quite long distance. 这些始境大多数都是无极境初期,四重天也只有一个,与炎魔无极境五重天比起来,还有一段相当长的距离。 At this time, on Void Battleship that in this just arrived, departed four old man who wore the cotton garment, the body all sends out God King Realm late-stage aura. 这时,在这艘刚刚抵达的虚空战船上,飞出了四名身穿布衣的老者,身上皆是散发出神王境后期气息 God King Realm late-stage in the starry sky is very common cultivation level, therefore cultivation level of these four old men will not be remarkable, but attracts attention truly, is behind their four people carries a long sword respectively. 神王境后期在星空中是很常见的修为,因此这四名老者的修为并不会引人注意,不过真正引人关注的,是他们四人背后分别背着一柄长剑。 The long sword by the beast skin package, was only kept a sword hilt outside. 长剑被兽皮包裹,只留出了一个剑柄在外面。 They four people of appearances, brought to the attention of many, because of Saint Realm or Spirit Immortal World, such as they so the long sword back in the person of conducting the back, were really rare. 他们四人的出现,引起了不少人的注意,因为无论是圣界还是灵仙界,如他们这般将长剑背在背上的人,实在是太罕见了。 These four old men did not care at all all around that strange vision, their calmly departs from the stream of people, is preparing the team finally lines up to enter Star Source Continent. 这四名老者毫不在意四周那怪异的眼光,他们若无其事的从人流中飞出,正准备去队伍的最后方排队进入星源大陆 However at this moment, they saw suddenly flame demon that sits cross-legged healing in void, that old vision simultaneously became swift and fierce, intense sword intent sent out. 然而就在这时,他们忽然看见了盘坐在虚空中疗伤的炎魔,那苍老的目光齐齐变得凌厉了起来,一股强烈的剑意散发出来。 Is the flame demon, he unexpectedly here......” “是炎魔,他竟然在这里……” to lay a formation, kills......” 结阵,杀……” Four old man shouted in a low voice, the cultivation level unretentive eruption of God King Realm late-stage, sees only their four people to point at once directs, in the intermittent clear sword cry sound, four iron sword simultaneously shoots up to the sky, sends out dazzling rays of light, powerful sword intent fills the air. 四名老者一声低喝,神王境后期修为毫无保留的爆发出来,旋即只见他们四人手指一引,在阵阵清脆的剑鸣声中,四柄铁剑齐齐冲天而起,散发出耀眼的光芒,强大的剑意弥漫。 Their four people stand instantaneously a formation, both hands transform in chest front again and again, the knot becomes enlightened a seal to decide, sends out drinks lowly: Of the vast world, all returns to one. With the Nirvanic Sword Formation, only we are supreme. With the four swords as one, worlds shall be annihilated! 他们四人瞬间站成一个队形,双手在胸前连连变换,结成道道印决,发出低喝:“天地浩然,万物归一,寂灭剑阵,唯我独尊,四剑合一,天诛地灭! With their sounds, floats when in the air four long sword light glow rises, formed four giant light beams to pass through Heaven and Earth, each rays of light column covered one person, in their mouth read Four Swords Unite became quiet, four rays of light columns gathered suddenly in the same place, bloomed incomparably dazzling rays of light. 随着他们的声音,漂浮在空中的四柄长剑光大盛,形成了四道巨大的光柱贯穿天与地,每一道光柱都笼罩一人,当他们口中所念的“四剑合一”落音时,四道光柱骤然合在一起,绽放出无比耀眼的光芒 But they four people of forms also disappear in the light beam, as if four long swords fuse in the light beam together. 而他们四人的身影也消失在光柱中,仿佛随着四柄长剑一同融合进光柱之中。 This sudden accident, alarmed here all Martial Artist, at this moment, that more than ten just under Void Spaceship Beginning Realm powerhouse, God Realm Martial Artist that these lining up wait, looked at the vision. 这突如其来的变故,惊动了这里所有武者,这一刻,无论是那十几名刚刚下虚空飞船始境强者,还是那些排队等候的神境武者,纷纷将目光看了过来。 Is that four strange person, is their must do?” “是那四个古怪的人,他们这是要干什么?” Well, looks at their, is it possible that can begin to the flame demon? Four God King Realm do late-stage challenge Everlasting Beginning Realm 5-layer unexpectedly on own initiative? Their brains have not gone bad......” “咦,看他们这样子,莫非是要对炎魔动手?四名神王境后期竟然主动挑战无极始境五重天?他们脑子没坏吧……” ...... …… Detected that their intention, including that more than ten Beginning Realm powerhouse, everyone reveals the astonished color. 察觉到他们的意图,包括那十几名始境强者在内,所有人都露出惊愕之色。 But sits cross-legged also to notice the behind situation there healing flame demon, he immediately stopped healing, was broadminded to stand, vision swift and fierce after staring at four long swords to fuse, giant light beam that formed, complexion became gloomy. 而盘坐在那里疗伤的炎魔也注意到身后的情况,他立即停止了疗伤,豁然间站了起来,目光凌厉的盯着四柄长剑融合后形成的巨大光柱,脸色变得阴沉了起来。 Is you? The old men asked you for a long time not to find, never expected that your four people delivered unexpectedly on own initiative. Since came not to walk, obedient handing over secret skill.” The flame demon reveals to sneer, in the vision has the exciting color to flash faintly, rushing flame erupts from within the body. “是你们?老夫找了你们这么长时间没找到,没想到你们四人竟然主动送上门来了。既然来了就别想走了,乖乖的交出秘法。”炎魔露出冷笑,目光中隐隐有兴奋之色闪动,澎湃的火焰体内爆发而出。 On Star Source Continent has Great Primal Beginning Realm, must carry off these four people before them.” In the flame demon heart secretly thought, three people of grasping secret skill are very at present powerful, powerful to letting his special training Divine Fire Principle people drools. 星源大陆上有混元始境,一定要在他们之前将这四人带走。”炎魔心中暗道,眼前三人掌握的这种秘法十分强大,强大到让他这种专修神火法则的人都为之垂涎。 Because he saw with own eyes when these four old men display Sword Art, cut to kill Everlasting Realm 3-layer powerhouse by God King Realm initial-stage cultivation level unexpectedly. 因为他亲眼见到这四名老者施展剑诀时,竟然以神王境初期修为斩杀了一位无极境三重天强者
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