CSG :: Volume #27

#2669: A move

Jian Chen comes to the Spirit Immortal World ruins, the main goal is to go to Fallen Beast World rescues Sheng Yu, all are the low-key conduct, even if enters Star Source Continent according to here custom, its goal is not to cause complications, makes trouble for no reason. 剑尘灵仙界遗址,最主要的目的就是前往陨兽界救出圣羽,一切都是低调行事,即便是进入星源大陆都是按照这里的规矩来进行,其目的就是不想节外生枝,惹出无端的麻烦。 But tree desiring calm but wind restless, he has not thought that can meet such persistently unreasonable Beginning Realm powerhouse through passage, came up to launch the so swift and fierce attack to him directly, this made the Jian Chen vision immediately one cold. 可树欲静而风不止,他没想到只是通过一下通道都能遇见这么一位蛮不讲理的始境强者,一上来就直接对他发动了这般凌厉的攻击,这让剑尘的目光顿时一寒。 He does not want to stir up trouble, does not want to cause complications, but did not represent to be bullied so the situation also to tolerate. 他不想惹事,也不想节外生枝,可并不代表被人欺负到这般地步了都还能容忍下去。 After all, he is not a being afraid of getting into trouble person. 毕竟,他也不是一个怕事之人。 The red robe old man sends out divine fire to congeal to condense the strength of Principle, the roaring flame is torrential, withdrawing that the guarding these soldiers who here the high temperature of that terrifying made could not bear, no one dares to stop, similarly also no one dares to make noise, in vision that looked at to this old man, has several points of dreading color. 红袍老者发出神火凝凝聚着法则之力,烈焰滔滔,那恐怖的高温令的驻守在这里的那些士兵都忍不住的退后,没有人敢阻拦,同样也没有人敢出声,一个个看向这名老者的目光中,都是带着几分忌惮之色。 Because the Star Source Continent rule is so, powerhouse is to revere, so long as does not make to harm the Star Source Continent stable matter, basically some people will not stop. 因为星源大陆的规则就是如此,强者为尊,只要不作出有损星源大陆稳定的事,基本上不会有人制止。 Dares to snatch to say with the old man, the boy, the next generation reincarnation may probably study smartly, may not live otherwise for a long time. However, if you even flame of old man cannot shoulder, was burnt body and soul completely eliminated, you practiced the opportunity of reincarnation not to have.” In the red robe old man eyes reveals the gloomy and cold meaning, obviously is also one bites the person of killing. “敢跟老夫抢道,小子,下辈子转世可要学机灵点,不然的话可活不长久。不过,你如果连老夫的火焰都扛不住,被烧得形神俱灭的话,那你练转世的机会都没有了。”红袍老者眼中露出阴冷之意,显然也是一个噬杀之人。 Saw that Jian Chen must be surrounded by divine fire, suddenly, powerful and swift and fierce sword qi erupts, before previously seemingly ordinary Jian Chen, this moment body erupted incomparably dazzling silver-white rays of light unexpectedly. 眼看剑尘就要被神火包围,骤然间,一股强大而凌厉的剑气爆发出来,之前先前看似平淡无奇的剑尘,此刻身上竟爆发出一股无比耀眼的银白色光芒 This group of silver light, are condense by pure sword qi, to firm most powerful, to just to advantage, it, as soon as appears, immediately full sword intent fill the air, the every place of sword intent covering, there space, the time, as well as floods in inside various energies and world vitalities, as if by this sword intent to the assimilation, in abundance the transformation is invisible sword qi. 这一团银光,是由精纯至极的剑气凝聚而成,至坚至强,至刚至利,它一出现,立即有一股铺天盖地的剑意弥漫而出,凡是剑意笼罩之处,那里的空间,时间,以及充斥在里面的各种能量以及天地元气,都仿佛是被这股剑意给同化,纷纷转化为一股股无形的剑气 At this moment, this piece of space totally becomes a domain of sword! 这一刻,这一片空间完全成为了一个剑的领域! divine fire of red robe old man also came under the influence, under this powerful sword intent impact, the dreadful roaring flame of this flaming combustion started to rock unexpectedly, the flame might is starting the straight line to be feeble, contains in inside Divine Fire Principle under the influence of this sword intent, in disappearance fast. 红袍老者的神火也受到了影响,在这强大的剑意冲击之下,这熊熊燃烧的滔天烈焰竟然开始晃动了起来,火焰的威力在开始直线衰弱,蕴含在里面的神火法则在这剑意的影响下,也是在飞快的消失。 This is Sword Dao Principle! It is not right, Sword Dao Principle will sword intent be so how strong?” Sudden startled changes, the red robe old man pupil that made shrank, expression that on the face cannot believe unexpectedly, he was also Beginning Realm powerhouse, and Everlasting Beginning Realm 5-layer, he knows where instantaneously this powerful Sword Dao Principle came from. “这是剑道法则!不对,剑道法则剑意怎么会这么强?”突如其来的惊变,令的红袍老者瞳孔一缩,脸上竟是不敢相信的神色,他也是始境强者,并且还是无极始境五重天,他瞬间就知道这强大的剑道法则来自何方。 How possibly, this pays ten thousand best-quality Divine Crystal to enter the passage boy, unexpectedly is also Beginning Realm?” “怎么可能,这个缴纳一万极品神晶进入通道的小子,竟然也是始境?” However does not wait for him to think, divine fire that he sends out was then given to cleave in two by silver-white sword qi together, then sword qi remaining power does not reduce in the slightest, sends out the shining starry sky the shocking god glow, in thorn that in myriad Martial Artist that delay and panic-stricken vision are relentless to red robe old man. 不过不等他多想,他发出的神火便是被一道银白色的剑气给劈成了两半,而后剑气余势不减分毫,散发出照耀星空的惊世神芒,在万千武者那呆滞和惊骇的目光中毫不留情的刺向红袍老者。 The red robe old man has a big shock, he has felt the fatal threat from this sword qi, the intense life and death crisis, making his whole body soft body hair explode stands, the spine sent coldly. 红袍老者大惊失色,他已经从这道剑气中感受到了致命的威胁,强烈的生死危机,令他全身毫毛炸立,背脊骨发寒。 However his response speed is also very quick, forms defense by the strength of cultivation level in outside the body instantaneously, at the same time, low-grade Divine Item Battle Armor also starts to reappear. 不过他的反应速度也是非常快,瞬间以修为之力在体外形成一道防御,与此同时,一件下品神器战甲也开始浮现。 When he has not put on Divine Item Battle Armor with enough time, the space sudden fluctuation before his body, sees only that say/way to make him have powerful sword qi of chill in the air, is similar to flickers to move to the general towering appearance unexpectedly in his body previous foot place. 只是他还没来得及穿上神器战甲时,他身前的空间突然一阵波动,只见那道令他心生寒意的强大剑气,竟然就如同瞬移一般突兀的出现在他身前一尺处。 This distance was really near, in addition sword qi speed was quick, draws near the reaction time of far ultra red robe old man, therefore he can only look helplessly this sword qi pricked in own flesh body. 这个距离实在是太近了,再加上剑气速度非常快,快到了远超红袍老者的反应时间,因此他只能眼睁睁的看着这道剑气刺入自己肉身中。 !” “噗!” The blood splash, sword qi changed into silver-white rays of light to pierce the chest of red robe old man together, made the red robe old man body shake at the scene fiercely, a blood also spouted. 鲜血飞溅,剑气化为一道银白色光芒洞穿了红袍老者的胸膛,当场让红袍老者身躯剧烈一震,一口鲜血随之喷出。 However, the red robe old man does not have falls/dies, his damn results is staring Jian Chen, in pair of old eyes is completely shocks and color of lingering fear, the body withdraws rapidly. 不过,红袍老者并没有陨落,他一副见了鬼似得瞪着剑尘,一双老眼中尽是震惊和后怕之色,身躯飞速退后。 Reading your Cultivation is not easy, this time then forgives your life, if from now on you so will be again overbearing, will see the person to bully, how long you could not live.” Jian Chen stands in the passage entrance, vision coldly is staring at the red robe old man. “念你修行不易,这次便饶你一命,今后你倘若再这般霸道,见人就欺,那你也活不了多长时间了。”剑尘站在通道入口处,目光冷冷的盯着红袍老者。 Drawing back of red robe old man face lingering fear must, think by far just thrilling degree his cold sweat directing current, the spine is sending coldly. 红袍老者一脸后怕的退得远远的,一想到刚刚的惊险程度他就冷汗直流,背脊骨都在发寒。 His Everlasting Beginning Realm 5-layer cultivation level, calculates that in this Spirit Immortal World ruins on is No. 1 character, is widely traveled, came across many life and death crises, may have no to have one time this time is so thrilling. 无极始境五重天修为,在这灵仙界遗址中也算到上是一号人物,走南闯北,也遇到了许多生死危机,可没有任何一次有这次这么惊险。 Because of former such attack, he could not hide, Sword Dao Principle and Space Principle unified mutually, he put on the Divine Item Battle Armor time not to have, to escape does not have the opportunity to escape. 因为之前那样的攻击,他根本就躲不过去,剑道法则空间法则相互结合,他连穿上神器战甲的时间都没有,逃都没机会逃。 Fortunately at present this does not know mysterious powerhouse where flees not the idea that wants him to assign/life, otherwise, just that sword qi, if injures his Primordial Spirit, he escapes absolutely difficultly dies. 所幸眼前这不知哪里窜出来的神秘强者并没有要他命的想法,否则的话,刚刚那剑气若伤他元神,他绝对难逃一死。 His life and death, all in a thought of opposite party. 他的生死,全在对方的一念之间。 You...... you really have such strength, why that must to Divine Crystal, you...... your not be......” red robe old man cry of discontent said, he wants to say your does not play jokes upon the old man, looked that has words on the tip of the tongue is swallowed back by him, only this one strikes, he gave birth to the heart of intense dreading to Jian Chen, for fear that own offended the opposite party incautiously. “你……你竟然有如此实力,那为何还要给神晶,你……你这不是……”红袍老者怨声说道,他本想说你这不是戏耍老夫吗,看话到嘴边又被他咽了回去,仅此一击,他就对剑尘生出了强烈的忌惮之心,生怕自己一不小心又得罪了对方。 However his also truly full belly resentment, he can cultivation so the boundary, naturally is not the ignorant person, in the heart should annoy anyone, anyone should not annoy a minute/share of clarity, generally came from the big influence disciple, in without offending under his premise, his not truculent and unreasonable snatches to say. 不过他也确实满肚子怨气,他能修炼到这般境界,自然不是愚昧之人,心中将什么人该惹,什么人不该惹分的清清楚楚,一般来自大势力的弟子,在没有得罪他的前提下,他也不会蛮横无理的去抢道。 But disciple that any from big influence, does not have the exception to enter Star Source Continent under elder's leadership, does not need to pay ten thousand best-quality Divine Crystal. 而凡是来自大势力的弟子,毫无例外都是在长辈的带领下进入星源大陆,根本就无需缴纳一万极品神晶 If Jian Chen so all alone, and also pays Divine Crystal is the toll, is cultivation level is low, without background unimportant person. 剑尘这般孤身一人,并且还缴纳神晶为通行费的,都是修为低下,没有背景的小人物。 An unimportant person in the red robe old man eyes, has not wanted to kill kills, wants to pinch pinches, his where will think of this time meet , is not only not an unimportant person, instead is a sheet iron. 一个小人物在红袍老者眼中,还不是想杀就杀,想捏就捏,他哪里会想到这次遇见的非但不是一个小人物,反而还是一块铁板。 However red robe old man saying falls into the Jian Chen ear, is to make Jian Chen be suspicious, enters this passage not to need according to here custom to pay ten thousand best-quality Divine Crystal? 不过红袍老者这话落入剑尘耳中,却是让剑尘心生疑惑,难道进入这通道不需要依照这里的规矩缴纳一万极品神晶 At this time, in front of soldier trembling arriving Jian Chen of guard passage, apologized repeatedly, that ten thousand best-quality Divine Crystal prime numbers that while both hands gave Jian Chen presented , the attitude was respectful. 这时,一名看守这个通道的士兵战战兢兢的来到剑尘面前,一边连声道歉,一边双手将剑尘缴的那一万极品神晶原数奉还,态度恭敬之极。 An inquiry, Jian Chen knew that every Beginning Realm powerhouse, does not need to pay any fee to be able through this special passage to enter Star Source Continent. 一番询问,剑尘才得知凡是始境强者,都不需要缴纳任何费用便可通过这专门的通道进入星源大陆 Only has under Beginning Realm, also does not have some low-level Martial Artist that Beginning Realm powerhouse leads, needs to observe such custom. 唯有始境之下,同时又没有始境强者带领的一些低阶武者,才需要遵守这样的规矩。
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