CSG :: Volume #27

#2672: Old friends

Comes from Saint Realm each Great Province Great Primal Beginning Realm to enter Star Source Continent in these, this piece void returned to again normal. 在这些来自圣界各个大洲混元始境进入星源大陆,这片虚空再次恢复了平静。 Naturally, this tranquil merely is the surface, in these platoons the long team are waiting in Martial Artist heart that enters Star Source Continent, but raised the startled big wave monstrous waves, everyone's heart vigorous is twitching, flowing of whole body blood is speeding up. 当然,这平静的仅仅是表面,在那些排着长长队伍等候着进入星源大陆武者心中,可是掀起了惊涛巨浪,所有人的心脏都在大力的抽搐着,浑身血液的流动都在加快。 heavens, this not real, four God King Realm late-stage, can give the heavy losses the Everlasting Realm 5-layer flame demon unexpectedly......” 天啊,这不会是真的吧,四名神王境后期,竟然能将无极境五重天的炎魔给重创……” „A move, merely one move made the flame demon lose the strength of resistance, escaping in a panic to Star Source Continent, this...... this is really inconceivable......” “一招,仅仅一招就让炎魔失去了抵抗之力,仓皇的逃到了星源大陆,这……这实在是不可思议……” low-grade Divine Item Battle Armor cut in half, this is the powerful strength, their four people are really only God King Realm late-stage......” 下品神器战甲都被切成了两半,这是何等强大的力量,他们四人真的只是神王境后期吗……” „, Four God King are chasing down Everlasting Realm 5-layer powerhouse unexpectedly, is it possible that they are the unsurpassed Supreme apprentice......” “不得了啊,四名神王竟然在追杀一位无极境五重天强者,莫非他们是无上至尊的徒弟吗……” Even the unsurpassed Supreme apprentice is not so powerful, what they take advantage is fearful sword formation......” “即便是无上至尊的徒弟也没有这么强大,他们依仗的是一种可怕的剑阵……” sword formation......” 剑阵……” After short silence, following is a noisy sound, everyone was exclaiming in surprise, in sobbing, among expression has the shock, inconceivable and other expressions. 短暂的寂静之后,随之而来的则是一片嘈杂之声,所有人都在惊叹,在嘘唏,神色间带着震惊,不可思议等种种表情。 Some God King Realm late-stage Martial Artist keeping is rubbing the eye, does not dare to accept that own just saw. 更是有一些神王境后期武者在不停的揉着眼睛,不敢接受自己刚刚看到的那一幕。 The Star Source Continent area is not big, the land usable area actually surpassed Cloud Province by far. 星源大陆的面积并不大,不过土地的使用面积却是远远的超过了云州 Because Spirit Immortal World is broken, the entire contact surface only then five mainland preserved, this makes any Martial Artist that came from Saint Realm almost completely toward these five mainland centralized, naturally makes the Star Source Continent master/monarch number many, the place that the inch of land worth an inch of gold, some can use used completely, builds pavilions and big or small store. 因为灵仙界已经残破,整个界面就只有五块大陆保存了下来,这就使得凡是从圣界过来的武者几乎全部都朝着这五块大陆集中,自然就使得星源大陆上人数过多,寸土寸金,一些能利用的地方全部都利用了起来,修筑亭台楼阁以及大小商铺等。 Some unavailable place was also occupied by some cultivation level low Martial Artist, builds Cave Mansion, as the place of temporary housing. 就连一些不能利用的地方也被一些修为低下的武者占据,搭建洞府,作为临时居住之地。 Because on Star Source Continent the inn is expensive, disciple from big influence respected family basically cannot spend, can only rest outside, the wind meal camping, will be facing the danger frequently. 因为星源大陆上客栈非常昂贵,不是来自大势力大家族的弟子基本上消费不起,就只能在外面歇息,风餐露营,时刻都会面临着危险。 On Star Source Continent, there are every large or small city dozens, basically came from some respected family big influence controls of Saint Realm, but biggest city, is Star Source City. 星源大陆上,有大大小小的城池数十座,基本上都是被来自圣界的一些大家族大势力掌控,而最大的城池,则是星源城 Star Source City, names by Star Source Continent, it is not only the Star Source Continent biggest city, was one has been through repeatedly does not know that many years the powerful old cities, then stood erect since old times not but actually. 星源城,是以星源大陆来命名,它不仅是星源大陆最大的城池,同时也是一座历经了不知多少岁月的强大古城,自古便屹立不倒。 Since this no several tens of thousands year, the city on Star Source Continent has often changed, in battles, circulates in destruction and rebirth. But Star Source City, is permanent exists forever, immortal. 这无数万年以来,星源大陆上的城池时常更替,在一场场争斗中,于毁灭和重生中循环。而星源城,则是恒古长存,永垂不朽。 Because of Star Source City and Star Source Continent as one, by the Supreme formation protection, is not willing to be dull in this Highest Beginning Realm continually, Great Primal Realm is in the heaven broken world, naturally is indestructible. 因为星源城星源大陆连为一体,被太尊阵法守护,在这太始境都不愿多呆,混元境便是苍天的残破世界中,自然是坚不可摧。 But Jian Chen, at this moment in Star Source City, because Transmission Formation between Spirit Immortal World five big holy lands, the build in Star Source City, is on Star Source Continent only Transmission Formation. 剑尘,此刻正在星源城中,因为灵仙界五大圣地之间的传送阵,就搭建在星源城之中,同时也是星源大陆上唯一的一座传送阵 The Spirit Immortal World world is broken, space already not entire, being far from Saint Realm is so perfect, but the distance of among five big holy lands being separated by is also remotely infinite, if therefore wants to construct Crossing-Province Level Transmission Formation is difficult such as to ascend to heaven, even Saint Realm some top influences, do not have the ability to construct Crossing-Province Level Transmission Formation in such bad environment. 灵仙界的世界已经残破,空间已经不全,远远没有圣界那么完善,而五大圣地之间相隔的距离又无穷遥远,因此要想修建一座跨洲级传送阵是难如登天,即便是圣界的一些顶尖势力,也是没有能力在这样恶劣的环境下修建跨洲级传送阵 But on Star Source Continent this only Transmission Formation, it is reported that does not know many ten thousand years ago, is arranged by Ancient Principle Supreme personally. 星源大陆上这唯一的一座传送阵,据传是在不知多少万年以前,由古道太尊亲手布置而成。 Also only has Supreme boundary powerhouse to act, Transmission Formation under arrange/cloth just now can here safe and sound spans remotely void. 也唯有太尊强者出手,布下的传送阵方才能在这里安然无恙的跨越遥远虚空。 Jian Chen in Star Source City, walks toward city central that Transmission Formation directly, his vision glance, is sizing up street both sides shop along the way. 剑尘星源城中,径直朝着城中央的那座传送阵走去,沿途中他目光扫视,打量着街道两旁的店铺。 Here Divine Crystal purchasing power is so unexpectedly powerful, low-grade Divine Item a price in Saint Realm, only needs the half price to purchase here unexpectedly, not only that some each Rank Cultivation Technique, be much cheaper than Saint Realm.” In the Jian Chen heart expressed admiration secretly, he knew in Spirit Immortal World, Divine Crystal was really precious, this caused the Divine Crystal purchasing power to strengthen all of a sudden, if purchased some Divine Item as well as Cultivation Technique to here the Saint Realm Divine Crystal belt/bring wait/etc., is attaining Saint Realm to sell, inevitably was a very quick profit way. “这里的神晶购买力竟然这么强大,在圣界中一件下品神器的价格,在这里竟然只需要半价就可以购买,不仅如此,就连一些各个阶级修炼功法,也要比圣界便宜得多。”剑尘心中暗暗称奇,他知道在灵仙界,神晶实在是太珍贵了,这就导致神晶的购买力一下子就增强了,若是将圣界神晶带到这里来购买一些神器以及功法等,在拿到圣界去出售,必然是一个十分快捷的盈利方式。 Naturally, the major influence also some people do that. 当然,各大势力也有人这么做。 Just low-grade Divine Item one that had from Burial Territory, was well-preserved, only needs five hundred thousand best-quality Divine Crystal, opportunity must not be lost, lost no longer comes, hurrying that must buy......” “刚刚从葬域中带出来的下品神器一件,保存完好,只需要五十万极品神晶,机不可失,失不再来,要买的赶紧啊……” Shouted loudly shout to transmit, sees only in the front, the old man sat cross-legged sat on the ground, before the body, to place a to send out eye-catching rays of light the Divine Item fragments of Divine Sword as well as some obvious breakages. 一声吆喝声传来,只见在前方,正有一名老者盘膝坐在地上,身前摆放着一柄散发出夺目光芒神剑以及一些明显破损的神器碎片。 Five hundred thousand best-quality can Divine Crystal buy low-grade Divine Item? Real false? Walks, hurries to have a look......” to hear this to shout loudly shout, immediately many Martial Artist go. “五十万极品神晶就能买到一件下品神器?真的假的?走,赶紧过去看看……”听见这吆喝声,立即有不少武者纷纷前往。 In the Jian Chen eye rays of light flashes, five hundred thousand best-quality Divine Crystal low-grade Divine Item, this indeed was too cheap, even the Spirit Immortal World Divine Crystal purchasing power were very strong, but a Divine Item value was still insufficient to this situation inexpensively. 剑尘眼中光芒一闪,五十万极品神晶一件下品神器,这的确是太便宜了,即便是灵仙界神晶的购买力很强,但一件神器的价值也不至于低廉到这种地步。 Immediately he walked with one curiously, saw that this Divine Sword interior has damaged completely, that complete outer covering also obviously after processing, radiant rays of light that sends out is also the increase in an internal formation camouflage, but level, therefore seems like appears is complete Divine Item, cannot pick up the problem. 当即他怀着一份好奇走了过去,一眼就看出这神剑的内部已经完全破损,那完好的外壳也显然是经过处理的,散发出的璀璨光芒也是添加在内部的一个阵法伪装而层,所以看上去就显得是一件完好神器,挑不出毛病。 If really takes away the use, cannot send out several attacks, this Divine Item will collapse thoroughly. 若真拿去使用,发不出几次攻击,这件神器就会彻底崩溃。 Jian Chen continues, discovered that such example also has many, is flooding mistrusting each other everywhere, does not pay attention slightly, will then eat one to owe greatly. 剑尘继续前行,发现这样的例子还有不少,到处都充斥着尔虞我诈,稍不注意,便会吃一个大亏。 Naturally, he also discovered some good things, for example some Martial Artist obtained some heavenly material treasure under some important place accident of sorts, as well as superior Item Refining divine materials. 当然,他也发现了一些不错的东西,比如一些武者在某个险要之地机缘巧合之下获得了某种天材地宝,以及上等的炼器神材等。 His Spiritual Consciousness sweeps off, even in one by the store of formation protection, was still discovered the high-grade Divine Item fragment. 他的神识扫去,甚至还在一间被阵法保护的商铺中,发现了上品神器的碎片。 Spirit Immortal World, had experienced the earth-shaking fight, in this broken void buried too many too many powerhouse, naturally some relics left behind, therefore, this contact surface becomes many Martial Artist to be informed and experienced and treasure lands of exploration. 灵仙界,曾经经历过惊天动地的战斗,这一片残破的虚空中埋葬了太多太多的强者,自然就有一些遗物遗留了下来,因此,这个界面成为了不少武者历练和探险的宝地 At this time, Jian Chen has soon arrived at the Transmission Formation position. 此时,剑尘已经快要到达传送阵的位置了。 At this moment, the Jian Chen vision looks suddenly to Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), discovers in the sky, one group of flame grazes to come by speed that the wind spreading electricity holds up, the speed rapidness, passed over gently and swiftly from Star Source City, directly soars Transmission Formation to go. 就在这时,剑尘的目光忽然望向苍穹,发现在天空上,一团火焰以风驰电擎的速度飞掠而来,速度非常之快,从星源城上空掠过,直奔传送阵而去。 Jian Chen recognized came the person, in the passage place by the flame demon that a own sword damaged. 剑尘一眼就认出了来人,正是在通道处被自己一剑所伤的炎魔。 All makes way, the old man must first use Transmission Formation.” The flame demon sends out drinks greatly, the tone is very anxious. “全部让开,老夫要先使用传送阵。”炎魔发出大喝,语气十分焦急。 Jian Chen has not paid attention to the flame demon, but looks at the vision to the flame demon, the vision solidified suddenly. 剑尘没有去关注炎魔,而是将目光看向炎魔后方,目光猛然凝固了。 Sees only behind the flame demon, sword qi comes, to send out powerful sword intent air-splitting, the speed similarly very rapidness, compared with flame demon Everlasting Realm 5-layer powerhouse, slow many. 只见在炎魔后面,一道剑气破空而来,散发出强大的剑意,速度同样非常之快,比起炎魔这位无极境五重天强者,也慢不了多少。 But the Jian Chen vision saw this sword qi interior, at this moment the four forms display powerful sword formation, combined into one, changes into this sword qi to be in hot pursuit to the flame demon. 剑尘的目光则是看到了这道剑气的内部,此刻正有四道身影施展强大剑阵,合而为一,化为了这道剑气对炎魔紧追不舍。 Nirvana Sword Formation, this is Nirvana Sword Formation aura......” at the same time, the Jian Chen consciousness deep place, quiet Purple-Azure Sword Spirits awakened, first pays attention to the outside world. 寂灭剑阵,这是寂灭剑阵气息……”与此同时,剑尘的意识深处,沉寂的紫青剑灵惊醒了过来,第一时间关注外界。 Is they, how do they appear in Spirit Immortal World?” In the eye of Jian Chen is flashing the inexplicable brilliance, mixes in, has the faint trace the excitement that is hard to conceal, he has recognized that four people of identity, was in the past in Tian Yuan Continent that contact surface, obtained Nirvana Immortal Venerable inheritance some A Da their four brothers. “是他们,他们怎么出现在灵仙界?”剑尘的眼中闪动着莫名的光彩,夹杂在其中的,有着丝丝难以掩饰的兴奋,他已经认出那四人的身份,正是当年在天元大陆那一界面中,获得了寂灭仙尊部分传承的阿大他们四兄弟。 Suddenly, his vision looks to the flame demon of front running away, the finger and sword, selects directly toward the flame demon. 猛然间,他的目光看向在前方逃窜的炎魔,手指并剑,直接朝着炎魔点去。
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