CSG :: Volume #27

#2624: The rain in starry sky

Lost the defensive light barrier protection of Mountain Soul, causes to collect on Mountain Soul forms the Martial Soul Formation Jian Chen seven people, instantaneously became in imminent danger. 失去了山魂防御光罩保护,使得正汇集在山魂上结成武魂大阵剑尘七人,瞬间变得岌岌可危了起来。 Because Martial Soul Formation can not disturb, simultaneously forms under the Martial Soul Formation condition, their whole body strengths, and vigor collects on Hun Zang, therefore, before terminating Martial Soul Formation, they are unable to use the own strength. 因为武魂大阵受不得干扰,同时结成武魂大阵的状态下,他们的全身力量,以及精气神都汇集在魂葬身上,因此,在没有终止武魂大阵之前,他们根本就无法动用自己的力量。 But Martial Soul Formation, once stops, that means that they will have no strength and Sha Yun and Xu Zhiping again contend. 武魂大阵一旦中止,那就意味着他们将再也没有任何力量与沙云许志平抗衡。 However, even gets sucked into this is almost the boundary of dead end, is on the Martial Soul Lineage seven big successors, actually cannot see the least bit desperate color. 不过,即便是深陷这几乎是穷途末路之境,可是在武魂一脉的七大传人身上,却是丝毫看不出有半点绝望之色。 Crisis that as if at present faces, to them, but also is not enough to threaten their life truly. 似乎眼前所面临的危机,对于他们来说,还不足以能够真正的威胁到他们的生命。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, protected your tortoiseshells finally crushing by this Palace Master, without the protection of this tortoiseshell, you in the this Palace Master eye, is the grasshopper that only put up a last-ditch struggle. Today, the Martial Soul Lineage myth, is going to be shattered in the this Palace Master hand, with the biggest enemy who Radiant Temple opposes, will end in the this Palace Master hand, extinguished you, since this Palace Master will have been the Radiant Temple this endless years biggest hero.” 哈哈哈哈,保护你们的乌龟壳终于被本殿主给击碎了,没有了这一层乌龟壳的保护,你们在本殿主眼中,就是一只只垂死挣扎的蚂蚱。今日,武魂一脉的神话,将要在本殿主手中破灭,与光明圣殿作对的最大敌人,将在本殿主手中终结,灭了你们,本殿主将是光明圣殿这无尽岁月以来的最大功臣。” Because of this Palace Master, completed Radiant Temple to successively hold the long-cherished wish that Palace Master has not completed, in the meantime, for these years in our Radiant Temple, these tragic death Battle Saint Master in your hands avenged a grievance.” Gongsun Zhi grasps Slaughter God Sword, although was absorbed blood essence to make his vitality damage severely by Slaughter God Sword twice, but he at this moment, actually cannot attend to his weak, in his vision brings the ferocious name color is looking in his opinion, that seven in the Martial Soul Lineage successor who on Martial Soul Mountain can only wait for death, expression appears exceptionally excited. “因为本殿主,完成了光明圣殿历任殿主都没有完成的夙愿,同时,也为这些年我们光明圣殿中,那些惨死在你们手中的圣战天师报仇雪恨。”公孙志手握屠神之剑,尽管被屠神之剑吸收了两次精血让他元气大伤,但此刻的他,却丝毫顾不得自身的虚弱,他目光中带着狞狰之色的望着在他看来,那七位在武魂山上只能等死的武魂一脉传人,神色显得异常的兴奋。 „Since my Gongsun Zhi, has been doomed to become the Radiant Temple this no several tens of thousands year wisest Palace Master, Radiant Temple, will certainly the rays of light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) in my Gongsun Zhi hand.” Gongsun Zhi Ha Ha laughs, in the laughter filled insolent, is insufferably arrogant. “我公孙志,注定会成为光明圣殿这无数万年以来最英明的殿主,光明圣殿,必将在我公孙志手中光芒万丈。”公孙志哈哈大笑,笑声中充满了张狂,不可一世。 Is well-known in Saint Realm Martial Soul Lineage, today the destruction under his leadership, this will soon let of strength Gongsun Zhi clearer realizing own has at this moment, actually to go to the what kind astonishing situation. 闻名于圣界武魂一脉,今日在他的主导下即将覆灭,这让公孙志更加清晰的认识到自己此刻所拥有的力量之强,究竟达到了何种惊人的地步。 This lets his confidence bursting, there is an invincible spirit. 这让他信心爆棚,有一股所向无敌的气概。 The most important point, that is Grand Dao Highest Saint Art will soon re-enter in his hand. 还有最重要的一点,那就是大道至圣决即将重回他手中。 Once holds Grand Dao Highest Saint Art this Supreme level Cultivation Technique again, Gongsun Zhi self-confident own in the future definitely will become peerless character who will stand in the summit of Saint Realm. 一旦重掌大道至圣决这部太尊功法,公孙志自信自己将来必然会成为站在圣界之巅的绝世人物。 We can only use the last move.” On Mountain Soul, the Chu Jian vision is staring in Gongsun Zhi that in the starry sky laughs wildly, makes the low and deep sound. “我们只能用最后一招了。”山魂上,楚剑目光凝望着在星空中猖狂大笑的公孙志,发出低沉的声音。 His sound reverberates in several other people of ears of Martial Soul Lineage, causes everyone is complexion is dignified. 他的声音在武魂一脉的另外几人耳边回荡,使得所有人都是脸色凝重。 Jian Chen is also in the heart sinks, this so-called last move, actually he is naturally clear refers to anything. 剑尘也是心中一沉,这所谓的最后一招,他自然清楚究竟是指什么。 Last move, is the Martial Soul Lineage last maintaining life card in a hand, this move, will inspire Mountain Soul all strengths to happen from exploding, in this earth-shaking large explosion, Martial Soul Lineage everyone will lose flesh body, loses all things that dress, Space Ring, as well as Divine Item Battle Armor wait/etc., only has Primordial Spirit to survive finally. 最后一招,是武魂一脉最后一张保命的底牌,此招,将引动山魂的所有力量发生自爆,在这惊天动地的大爆炸中,武魂一脉的所有人都会失去肉身,失去身上所穿戴的一切东西,空间戒指,以及神器战甲等,最终只有元神能够存活下来。 But Mountain Soul from in exploding, inside has one only to be the Martial Soul Lineage mysterious strength, will be protecting their Primordial Spirit, sends in their Primordial Spirit true Martial Soul Mountain instantaneously, thus achieves Primordial Spirit not to extinguish. 山魂在自爆中,里面有一股只属于武魂一脉的神秘力量,会保护着他们的元神,将他们的元神瞬间送入真正的武魂山之中,从而达到元神不灭。 So long as Primordial Spirit does not extinguish, they will then not die, only needs to cost some time to remould flesh body, can restore to the past again. 只要元神不灭,他们便不会死亡,只需要耗费一些时间重塑肉身,便可再次恢复至从前。 At present hopeless, is placed in their present roads, as if also only then this. 眼下山穷水尽,摆在他们眼前的路,似乎也只有这一条了。 Several Senior Brother, Senior Sister, uses this move of price, was really big, but Junior Brother my also move of trump card, could break the current difficult position.” Jian Chen said, he cannot leave, because he is not all alone, in Cloud Province Southern Territory this stretch of land, some of his also many old friends as well as good friends. “几位师兄,师姐,使用这一招的代价,实在是太大了,不过师弟我还有一招杀手锏,或许能打破当前的困境。”剑尘说道,他根本就不能离开,因为他不是孤身一人,在云州南域这片大地上,他还有许多故人以及挚友。 If he really displays the last move to depart, that Tianyuan Clan absolutely is that difficult the fate escapes to perish. 他倘若真的施展最后一招离去,那天元家族是绝对难逃灭亡的下场。 The Jian Chen voice falls, immediately very astonishing sword qi send out from him, but his both eyes, lost the original color in this flash, that two like sharp sword swift and fierce shoulder neck, turned into dazzling purple, and has turned into profound azure. 剑尘话音一落,顿时有一股十分惊人的剑气从他身上散发而出,而他的双目,也在这一瞬间失去了原有的色彩,那两只如利剑般凌厉的肩颈,其中一只变成了耀眼的紫色,另外一直变成了幽深的青色 Two eyes, are glittering respectively purple-azure two color rays of light, enabling this moment Jian Chen to seem like, felt a monster evil feeling. 两只眼睛,分别闪烁着紫青两色光芒,使得这一刻的剑尘看上去,充满了一股妖邪之感。 This was the Purple-Azure Sword Spirits strength, Jian Chen has summoned Purple-Azure Sword Spirits, prepared Dual Sword Combination. 这是紫青剑灵的力量,剑尘早已呼唤出了紫青剑灵,准备双剑合璧 Now is a dead end, even if this will expose the own status, refused to balk. 现在已经是穷途末路了,哪怕是这会暴露自己的身份,也是在所不惜了。 In Jian Chen prepares to display Dual Sword Combination, Cloud Province Southern Territory, in Blood Sun Dynasty Imperial City, is sitting Mindless Boy on building roof also stood slowly, his vision pierces the nihility, looks directly to the Mountain Soul position. 就在剑尘准备施展双剑合璧时,云州南域,血阳皇朝皇城中,正坐在一处建筑屋顶上的无心童子也是缓缓的站了起来,他目光洞穿虚无,直接瞄向山魂的位置。 „The Martial Soul Lineage life and death have nothing to do with our Myriad Bones Building, but Jian Chen is an important character, he cannot die here, it seems like, was the time acts.” Mindless Boy in a low voice twittering, quite pondering meaning, as if this war, from start to the present conclusion, to him is a modern drama, is a splendid performance. 武魂一脉的生死存亡与我们万骨楼无关,不过剑尘可是一个至关重要的人物,他可不能死在这里,看来,是时候出手了。”无心童子低声呢喃,颇有一丝意犹未尽的意味,似乎这一战,从开始到现在的结束,对于他来说都是一场话剧,是一幕精彩的表演。 Now will perform will soon finish, this made his many somewhat regrettable. 如今表演即将结束,这让他多少有些遗憾。 Hun Zang is Martial Soul Lineage most powerhouse, now this Palace Master first cuts Hun Zang, is tidying up you slowly.” Gongsun Zhi spreads the big laughter, his vision locking body had been cut two sections of Hun Zang, raises hand high Slaughter God Sword, without hesitation cuts toward Hun Zang. 魂葬武魂一脉的最强者,现在本殿主就先斩了魂葬,然后在慢慢收拾你们。”公孙志传出大笑声,他目光锁定身躯已经被斩成两截的魂葬,高举手中屠神之剑,毫不犹豫的朝着魂葬斩下。 Stop!” “住手!” Big Senior Brother!” 大师兄!” On Mountain Soul, the screams rise from all directions, everyone complexion big change, Jian Chen both eyes killing intent rises suddenly, immediately speeds up the fusion of Purple Azure Dual Swords. 山魂上,惊呼声四起,所有人都脸色大变,剑尘双目杀意暴涨,立即加快紫青双剑的融合。 At the same time, Cloud Province Southern Territory, Mindless Boy also lifted the hand slowly, the palm aimed at the side that Gongsun Zhi was at to be void, when will take an action, suddenly the vision congealed, reveals wipes accidental look, in a low voice twittering: Well! How did she come?” 同一时间,云州南域,无心童子也缓缓的抬起了手,手掌对准了公孙志所在的这方虚空,正要有所行动时,突然目光一凝,露出一抹意外之色,低声呢喃:“咦!她怎么来了?” With the Mindless Boy voice, sees only space before Gongsun Zhi body, was quiet then split a giant crack, this crack, as if divided the world, Gongsun Zhi and Hun Zang two people of space, creation became two different world. 随着无心童子的话音,只见在公孙志身前的空间,悄无声息间便裂开了一条巨大的裂缝,这道裂缝,就仿佛是分割了天地,将公孙志魂葬二人所处的空间,创造成了两个不同的世界。 Finally, Slaughter God Sword in Gongsun Zhi hand had the dreadful prestige to infiltrate in the space crack, started the giant mighty waves in the space crack, but situated in his opposite Hun Zang, was intact. 最终,公孙志手中的屠神之剑带着滔天之威打入了空间裂缝之中,在空间裂缝内掀起了巨大波澜,而位于他对面的魂葬,则是丝毫无损。 Space Principle! Is who!” restraint Mountain Soul Xu Zhiping and Sha Yun complexion changes, simultaneously sends out shouted in a low voice. 空间法则!是谁!”正束缚山魂许志平沙云脸色微变,齐齐发出一声低喝 This time extinguishes Martial Soul Lineage, they feared that has the unexpected accident, the appearance of this moment this space crack, lets in their two people of hearts one tight. 此番灭武魂一脉,他们二人就怕发生意料之外的变故,此刻这道空间裂缝的出现,让他们二人心中一紧。 Suddenly, Xu Zhiping and Sha Yun two people simultaneously touched under the face of own, looks in the palms this not to know the water drop that from where comes, their expression simultaneously is startled. 忽然间,许志平沙云两人齐齐摸了下自己的面庞,望着手掌间这不知从何而来的水珠,他们二人神色齐齐一怔。 Water? It is not right, this is the rain, rain where comes?” In Xu Zhiping heart one startled, now he in beyond the heavens void, how to possibly present the rainwater. “水?不对,这是雨,哪来的雨?”许志平心中一惊,现在他可是在天外虚空中,怎么可能会出现雨水。 Next, rains......” at the same time, Gongsun Zhi cannot attend to this sudden space crack what's the matter, but looks at to look at top of the head piece vastly already cannot distinguish clearly the direction void, the whole person dumbfounded. “下,下雨了……”与此同时,公孙志也顾不得这突然出现的空间裂缝是怎么回事,而是望着头望着头顶这片已经分不清方向的浩瀚虚空,整个人都呆住了。 His clear seeing, big crowded rainwater do not know that from where comes, sprinkles unexpectedly from space of top of the head nihility, is watering this side starry sky. 他清晰的看见,有一大片密集的雨水不知从何而来,竟然从头顶这片虚无的空间中洒落下来,在浇灌着这方星空。 What is strange in the starry sky does not have the attraction obviously, without the gravity, all objects floats the condition, is this rain, is actually true space fell from top of the head piece, gets bigger and bigger, shortly, then became the torrential downpour, and has the lightning to follow thunderously, dark cloud cover heaven. 奇怪的是星空中明明没有引力,没有重力,一切物体都是漂浮状态,可是这雨,却是真真正正的从头顶这片“天上”落了下来,越下越大,顷刻间,便成了瓢泼大雨,并有闪电雷鸣伴随,乌云盖天。
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