CSG :: Volume #26

#2505: To holding Great Primal Realm

Bang!” “砰!” A dull thumping sound transmits, Jian Chen kicks on the chest of Jun Kong, kicks completely the rib of his chest, the fearful strength is to invade Jun Kong within the body, broke his heart. 一声闷响传来,剑尘一脚踢在俊空的胸膛上,将他胸膛的肋骨全部踢断,可怕的力量更是侵入俊空体内,震碎了他的心脏。 The body of Jun Kong in the upper air by falling that rapidly this kicks, pounding ruthlessly on a below mountain peak, left behind a big hole, the entire mountain peak is trembling slightly. 俊空的身体在高空中被这一脚踢的急速下坠,狠狠的砸在下方的一座山峰上,留下了一个大坑,整座山峰都是在微微震颤着。 Jun Kong has not definitely been able to make the least bit sound, life aura is weak, in Jian Chen this just like under the violent storm maltreatment attack, his flesh body was almost beaten quickly, outside the body is the whole body is bathed in blood, the flesh of body many places have blurred one piece, in inside the body, five main internal organs, the big or small meridians was not shaken the smashing, breaks completely. 俊空已经完全无法发出半点声音来,身上的生命气息微弱,在剑尘这犹如狂风暴雨般的虐待攻击之下,他的肉身几乎都快被打烂,体外是浑身浴血,身上多处地方的血肉已经模糊一片,在身体内部,五脏六腑,大小经脉不是被震成粉碎,就是全部断裂。 His present fate, it may be said that is pitiful incomparable, the heaviness of injury, hangs one to describe that with the life is not overrated. 他现在的下场,可谓是凄惨无比,身上的伤势之重,用命垂一线来形容也毫不为过。 If not he is God King Realm Great Expert, if not his Primordial Spirit also keeps complete, by the so heavy injury, was feared deeply had cut off life aura. 若非他是神王境大高手,若非他的元神还保持完好,深受如此重的伤势,怕是早已经断绝了生命气息了。 But, Hell suffering that he withstands has not so terminated even as before, sees only Jian Chen to arrive on this mountain peak, he stands by the gulf border that the Jun Kong body pounds, will raise like mud Jun Kong, was a slap in the face fan in the past. 可即便是如此,他所承受的地狱般的折磨依旧是没有终止,只见剑尘来到这座山峰上,他站在被俊空身躯砸出的深坑边沿,一把将如烂泥般的俊空提了起来,又是一个耳光扇过去。 A resounding, Jun Kong was flown by the distant fan again, his face similarly is covered with blood, could not have distinguished the five senses completely. 一声脆响,俊空再次被远远的扇飞了出去,他面部同样是血肉模糊,已经完全辨别不出五官了。 Because his eye had been beaten, the nose has vanished, the center of face left behind a sunken of fist size, opens mouth is also beaten, could not distinguish completely. 因为他的一只眼睛已经被打烂,鼻子已经消失,面部的中心处留下了一个拳头大小的洼陷,一张嘴也被打烂,完全分辨不出了。 If said that world has the evil spirit, that Jun Kong touching type at this moment, on the shape same evil spirit, the ferocious name is like that fearful, some timid people have a liking for one, will be frightened the cold sweat to brave. 若说世间有厉鬼的话,那俊空此刻的摸样,就形同厉鬼那般,狞狰而可怕,一些胆小一人看上一眼,都会被吓得冷汗直冒。 He was really miserable, was regarded the sandbag to hit by Jian Chen completely. 他实在是太惨了,完全被剑尘当成了沙包在打。 Mu'er, Jun Kong, although does is not right, but he after all is your Senior Brother, you helplessly looks that Jun Kong was so maltreated?” Lian Qi is sending greetings to Mu'er, the Jun Kong bitter experience, making in his heart quite angry, complexion is gloomy is more incomparable. 幕儿,俊空虽然做的不对,但他毕竟是你的师兄,难道你就眼睁睁的看着俊空遭受如此的虐待吗?”连奇对着幕儿传音,俊空的遭遇,让他心中极为愤怒,脸色更是阴沉无比。 He wants to intend to rescue Jun Kong, and teaches Jian Chen ruthlessly, may think Jian Chen back Martial Soul Lineage, in his heart also has the worry. 他很想出手救下俊空,并狠狠教训一下剑尘,可一想到剑尘背后的武魂一脉,他心中又有顾虑。 Although he is Great Primal Beginning Realm powerhouse, but the great strength of Martial Soul Lineage, still made in his heart fill dreaded. 尽管他是混元始境强者,但武魂一脉的强大,仍然让他心中充满了忌惮。 Because of the Divine Sound Principle Sect strength, cannot resist Martial Soul Lineage, his cultivation level boundary is also well below Wind Ancestor let alone. 因为就连神音道宗的力量,都抵挡不住武魂一脉,更何况他的修为境界还远远不如风祖 Now, he only will then want to pin on Shangguan Mu'er, hopes that Shangguan Mu'er read in the share of sentiment of same side, asked for leniency for Jun Kong. 如今,他只有将希望寄托在上官幕儿身上了,希望上官幕儿念在同门之情的份上,替俊空说说情。 He is not my Senior Brother, his fate, is he brings upon oneself, could not complain about others.” Shangguan Mu'er cold voice said, does not give the Lian Qi face. “他已经不是我的师兄了,他的下场,都是他自找的,怨不得别人。”上官幕儿冷声说道,丝毫不给连奇面子。 Because has been starting to suspect in her heart, Entranced Pill in Jun Kong hand, whether stems from the hand of Lian Qi. 因为在她心中已经在开始怀疑,俊空手中的醉生梦死丹,是否就是出自连奇之手。 Mu'er , Jun Kong feared this way must be killed by Jian Chen while still alive, he has injured to Primordial Spirit now, how long could not insist.” Gu Na also passes message to Shangguan Mu'er, Jun Kong is almost she looks to grow, and has disciple of relations her companion Lian Qi, she is not cruel enough to look that Jun Kong was so maltreated. 幕儿,再这样下去,俊空怕是要被剑尘活活打死,他现在已经伤到元神了,坚持不了多久。”古娜也向上官幕儿传音,俊空几乎是她看着成长起来的,并且更是有她的道侣连奇之徒这一层关系在,她也不忍心看着俊空遭受如此虐待。 Jun Kong life and death with my what does/works, if is not looks here is Divine Sound Principle Sect, depended on him just to the method that I used, I should let his horizontal corpse wilderness.” The Shangguan Mu'er vision is indifferent, in the tone disclosed Sen Ran (dense) killing intent. 俊空的生死与我何干,若非是看在这里是神音道宗,就凭他刚刚对我使出的手段,我就该让他横尸荒野。”上官幕儿目光冷漠无比,语气中透露出一股森然杀意 Deng Wenxin has not spoken, she understood the meaning of Wind Ancestor, even if behind Jian Chen does not have Martial Soul Lineage, that must give up Jun Kong. 邓问心没有说话,她明白了风祖的意思,哪怕是剑尘背后没有武魂一脉,那也必须要放弃俊空 Because of the Jun Kong reason, Shangguan Mu'er does not hesitate to be separated from Divine Sound Principle Sect. Similarly also because of the Jun Kong reason, making Shangguan Mu'er lose heart about Divine Sound Principle Sect. 因为俊空的原因,上官幕儿不惜脱离神音道宗。同样也是因为俊空的原因,让上官幕儿神音道宗死了心。 The importance of Shangguan Mu'er to Divine Sound Principle Sect is self-evident, since she has the so deep hatred to Jun Kong, if that Divine Sound Principle Sect continues to shelter Jun Kong, that will only let distance alienation between even more Divine Sound Principle Sect and Shangguan Mu'er. 上官幕儿神音道宗的重要性不言而喻,她既然对俊空有着如此深的恨意,那神音道宗倘若继续庇护俊空,那只会让神音道宗上官幕儿之间的距离愈加的疏远。 This is the aspect that no one is willing to see! 这是谁都不愿意看到的局面! Therefore, looks like in Deng Wenxin, even if Shangguan Mu'er must be separated from Divine Sound Principle Sect, cannot make in her heart have the tiny bit hatred to Divine Sound Principle Sect absolutely. 因此,在邓问心看来,就算是上官幕儿要脱离神音道宗,也绝对不能让她心中对神音道宗有一丝一毫的恨意。 Wind Ancestor is wise, Mu'er has aroused the interest of Antiquity Family now, she continues to stay in Divine Sound Principle Sect, our Divine Sound Principle Sect is very difficult to preserve him, her temporary departure might also as well be a good deed, after all her husband is Jian Chen, but Jian Chen returns Huan Zhen Tower, contributes to the great merit in Magnificent Heavenly Palace, with the aid of the Magnificent Heavenly Palace power and influence, is instead favorable for Mu'er.” This suddenly, Deng Wenxin as if understood clearly the significance of deeper level. “还是风祖高明,幕儿如今已经引起了远古家族的关注,她继续呆在神音道宗,我们神音道宗很难保住他,她暂时性的离开也未尝不是一件好事,毕竟她的丈夫是剑尘,而剑尘归还还真塔,在彼盛天宫内立有大功,借助彼盛天宫的威势,反而对幕儿有利。”这一刹那间,邓问心似乎洞悉了更深层次的意义。 Suddenly, radiant sword light flashes through together , in the sky is blood rain everywhere. 突然,一道璀璨的剑光闪过,紧接着,天空中便是血雨漫天。 Sees only both hands of Jun Kong, cutting to fall with sword qi by Jian Chen, breaks the arm to spray the blood, falls from the upper air. 只见俊空的双手,已经被剑尘剑气给斩落,断臂正一路喷洒出血液,从高空中落下。 The double fist of Lian Qi has gotten hold, he looks has been losing Jun Kong of both arms, the body is shivering slightly, both eyes must spout the fire. 连奇的双拳已经握紧,他望着已经失去双臂的俊空,身躯都在微微颤抖着,双目更是要喷出火来。 Should deliver you to start off.” In upper air, Jian Chen unemotional stares at suffocation Jun Kong, both eyes murderous intention is jumping shoots, a direction to Jun Kong forehead. “该送你上路了。”高空中,剑尘面无表情的盯着奄奄一息的俊空,双目杀机迸射,一指点向俊空眉心 Pointed out, the sword light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), see only the silver-white bolt of white silk to cut the expansive sky together, approaches Jun Kong like lightning. 一指出,剑光万丈,只见一道银白色的匹练划破长空,闪电般逼近俊空 Suffering was so long, Jian Chen also lost the interest, the direct under killer, wanted completely to finish the Jun Kong life. 折磨了这么久,剑尘也失去了兴趣,直接下杀手,想要彻底结束俊空的性命。 Sufficed!” “够了!” However at this moment, gets angry loudly shout to transmit together, finally in Jun Kong life and death one, Lian Qi cannot bear stood. 然而就在这时,一道怒喝声传来,在俊空生死一线之极,连奇终于忍不住的站了出来。 Sees only him, if flickers move to appears in front of Jun Kong, but optional waving, is the Great Primal Beginning Realm powerful power and influence on erupt suddenly, a palm pinches the smashing sword light that Jian Chen projects. 只见他如瞬移般出现在俊空面前,只是随意的一挥手,属于混元始境的强大威势骤然爆发,一掌就将剑尘射出的剑光捏成粉碎。 Lian Qi suspended in the upper air, the control world vitality packages the Jun Kong remnant body, a vision piece ice-cold stares at Jian Chen, cold voice was saying: Jian Chen, do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch.” 连奇悬浮在高空中,控制天地元气包裹住俊空的残躯,目光一片冰冷的盯着剑尘,冷声道:“剑尘,你不要得寸进尺。” Jun Kong is his apprentice, and Entranced Pill, is he gives Jun Kong, therefore, Lian Qi did not allow Jun Kong dead in own at present. 俊空是他的徒弟,并且就连醉生梦死丹,也是他交给俊空的,因此,连奇是决不允许俊空自己眼前死去。 Sees this one, Deng Wenxin, Gu Na two people is complexion changes, but Shangguan Mu'er, is in the vision jumps projects cold intention. 见此一幕,邓问心,古娜两人都是面色微变,而上官幕儿,则是目光中迸射出冷意 „Can you guarantee him?” Jian Chen vision coldly is staring at Lian Qi. “你要保他?”剑尘目光冷冷的盯着连奇 Jun Kong had been injured this to touch the type by you, the mistake that he makes has also paid off, you should call a halt.” The Lian Qi calm face said. 俊空已经被你伤成这幅摸样了,他犯下的过错也已经还清,你该停手了。”连奇沉着脸说道。 Jian Chen shakes the head, said: Who said the mistake that he makes has paid off, so long as he does not die, that this mistake will not pay off.” 剑尘摇了摇头,道:“谁说他犯下的过错已经还清了,只要他不死,那这过错就不会还清。” Said, your right and wrong did kill Jun Kong is not possible?” The Lian Qi vision is also gradually cold, cold sound said ; Jun Kong is my direct disciple, you make a move to teach him, but if kills him, I do not permit.” “这么说,你是非杀俊空不可了?”连奇的目光也是渐渐的冷了起来,寒声道;“俊空可是我的亲传弟子,你出手教训他就罢了,可若要杀他的话,那我决不允许。” You, although is Great Primal Beginning Realm, but you felt you guarantee lives in Jun Kong?” Jian Chen does not make concessions, killing the heart of Jun Kong is firm, even if has Great Primal Realm powerhouse in current. “你虽然是混元始境,但你觉得你保的住俊空吗?”剑尘毫不退让,杀俊空之心坚决无比,哪怕是有一位混元境强者在当前。
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