CSG :: Volume #26

#2504: Devastates Jun Kong

Listened to Jian Chen the sound of taunt, the anger in Jun Kong heart to draw near the limit, his vision gloomy and cold, expression became very ugly/difficult to look at, only felt that on the face became burning boiling hot, the whole piece face put nowhere. 听着剑尘的嘲讽之声,俊空心中的愤怒已经快到了极限,他目光阴冷,神色变得非常的难看,只感觉脸上变得一片火辣辣的滚烫,整张脸都无处搁了。 He threatened that must challenge Jian Chen, because comprehended Life and Death's Heart, his confidence inflates, self-confident incomparable, in the heart is also thinking surface devastation Jian Chen that ruthlessly is working as Shangguan Mu'er, lets Jian Chen that her taking a look makes her never forget is actually how useless, compares the disparity to be actually huge with own. 他扬言要挑战剑尘,由于领悟了生死之心,他信心膨胀,自信无比,心中还想着当着上官幕儿的面狠狠的蹂躏一下剑尘,让她瞧瞧让她念念不忘的剑尘究竟是多么没用,与自己相比差距究竟有多么巨大。 Even was he has prepared for has cut to kill Jian Chen, because just in Divine Sound Principle Sect supreme Wind Ancestor spoke, allowed him and Jian Chen fights. 甚至是他已经做好了斩杀剑尘的准备了,因为刚刚神音道宗内至高无上的风祖发话了,准许了他与剑尘一战。 He thinks Wind Ancestor agrees with own to enter the war , because Wind Ancestor thought that own has assurance that must win, this makes the Jun Kong confidence sufficient. 他原本以为风祖之所以同意自己参战,是因为风祖觉得自己有必胜的把握,这就使得俊空信心更加的充足。 But he has not thought, the final result meets unexpectedly makes his awkward one like this, inverts with the result in his heart thinking completely. 可是他怎么也没有想到,最终的结果竟然会是这样令他尴尬的一幕,与他心中所想的结果完全颠倒。 Has been regarded as Jian Chen of thorn in the side to hold both arms calm standing by him there, without using any magical treasure, also has not made the slight protection, Tuning Principle that but own is proud, cannot affect him. 一直被他视为眼中钉,肉中刺的剑尘就这么抱着双臂气定神闲的站在那里,没有动用任何法宝,同样也没有做丝毫的防护,可自己引以为傲的音律之道,就是影响不到他。 And, he has put forth the full power, the Life and Death's Heart ideal condition is displayed peak by him, at this moment, can not say exaggeratingly, his strength obtains the extraordinary display, but cannot injure Jian Chen. 并且,他已经使出了全力,生死之心的意境已经被他发挥到了极致,此时此刻,可以毫不夸张的说,他的实力已经得到了超常的发挥,可偏偏就伤不到剑尘 As if, Jian Chen can complete immunity his temperament attack. 似乎,剑尘能完全免疫他的音律攻击。 No, this is impossible, this is impossible, how like this, how Jun Kong is unable to maintain like this calm, his both eyes become a redness, he is unable to accept such fact. “不,这不可能,这不可能,怎么会这样,怎么会这样”俊空无法保持镇定了,他的双目变得一片赤红,他无法接受这样的事实。 Jun Kong, you put out your full power, if such temperament attack wants to injure to me, but also is far from enough.” Jian Chen is holding both arms suspended in the summit of hills, often has the light fog to flutter from his side, made his form appear and disappear from time to time, appeared as deep as a well. 俊空,你还是拿出你的全力吧,这样的音律攻击要想伤到我,还远远不够。”剑尘抱着双臂悬浮在群山之巅,不时的有淡淡的云雾从他身边飘过,令他的身影时隐时现,显得高深莫测。 A Jun Kong complexion paleness, his flute sound has not stopped, but the tooth closely has actually nipped in the same place, feels the incomparable humiliation. 俊空脸色一片铁青,他的箫声没有停下来,但牙齿却已经紧紧咬在一起,感到无比的屈辱。 After comprehending Life and Death's Heart, he biggest method is the Life and Death's Heart ideal condition, the great strength of this ideal condition, must far exceed these secret techniques that he grasps, now, his Life and Death's Heart has stimulated to movement full power, has put out the strongest strength to come out. 领悟了生死之心之后,他最大的手段就是生死之心的意境,这个意境的强大,要远超他所掌握的那些秘术,如今,他生死之心已经全力催动,早已拿出了最强的实力出来。 Jian Chen makes him put out the full power, however he has displayed peak. 剑尘让他拿出全力,然而他已经发挥到极致了。 Deng Wenxin, Gu Na and Lian Qi three people static looks at this, among expression has a complex meaning. 邓问心,古娜连奇三人都静静的看着这一幕,神色间都带着一丝复杂之意。 The strength that Jun Kong shows is indeed extraordinary, If nothing else, merely was this flute sound, can affect Everlasting Realm 1-layer powerhouse. 俊空展现出来的实力的确非凡,别的不说,仅仅是这箫声,就能影响到无极境一重天强者了。 Can achieve this in God King Realm, already extremely, even in entire Saint Realm, is still the extremely rare scarcity. 能在神王境就做到这一幕,已经极为了不得了,即便是在整个圣界,也是属于凤毛麟角般的稀少。 Pitifully, he faces is not a Everlasting Realm 1-layer character, but is one can easily rout Everlasting Realm 4-layer powerhouse. 只是可惜,他面对的可不是一位无极境一重天的人物,而是一个能轻易击溃无极境四重天强者 This makes the Deng Wenxin three people be in the heart Jun Kong feels a sorrow. 这让邓问心三人都在心中为俊空感到一阵悲哀。 It seems like, this was your complete strength.” Jian Chen said that “看来,这就是你的全部实力了。”剑尘说道, His shaking the head of gently, regards the ants vision to gaze at Jun Kong by one type, said: You were really weak, could not even mention to me weakly to you begins, my retinue can kill by mistreatment your a lot of ease.” 他轻轻的摇了摇头,以一种看待蝼蚁般的目光注视着俊空,道:“你实在是太弱了,弱到我甚至都提不起对你动手的,我的仆从就能轻松虐杀你千百遍。” But, you thousand should not ten thousand not should uses the method of low for Mu'er, since did, that must take the consequence.” Finishes speaking, Jian Chen then such as flickers to move appears in front of Jun Kong generally, the direct fist pounds toward Jun Kong. “不过,你千不该万不该的对幕儿使用下三滥的手段,既然做了,那就要承担后果。”话音刚落,剑尘便如瞬移一般出现在俊空面前,直接一拳朝着俊空砸去。 This fist is ordinary, without using any Principle strength, used the strength of flesh body merely. 这一拳普通之极,没有动用任何法则力量,仅仅使用了肉身之力。 But by the great strength of Jian Chen Chaos Body, even the strength of flesh body, might still very astonishing, similarly was the Everlasting Realm level. 但以剑尘混沌之体的强大,即便是肉身之力,威力也是非常的惊人,同样达到了无极境的层次。 peng~! 碰! His fist, easily accomplished, the potential such as chops the bamboo, the fist has not arrived, contains that fearful the pressure on this fist, then has let Jun Kong look changes. 他这一拳,摧枯拉朽,势如劈竹,拳头未到,蕴藏在这一拳上的那可怕的威压,便是已经让俊空变色 However by the Jun Kong strength, opens Jian Chen this fist where hides. 然而以俊空的实力,哪里躲的开剑尘这一拳。 Sees only this fist, first hits on jade desolate in Jun Kong hand, this jade desolate cracks immediately accordingly, this fought with the fists the smashing by Jian Chen, the fragment lasing goes out, punctured the palm and chest of Jun Kong. 只见这一拳,先是打在俊空手中的玉萧上,这玉萧顿时应声而裂,被剑尘这一拳打成粉碎,碎片激射出去,刺破了俊空的手掌以及胸膛。 But Jian Chen this fist, is actually remaining power does not reduce in the slightest , to continue to push directly into, hitting ruthlessly on the bridge of the nose of Jun Kong. 剑尘这一拳,却是余势不减分毫,继续长驱直入,狠狠的打在俊空的鼻梁上。 Immediately has the blood to splash, the bridge of the nose of Jun Kong was broken, the nose had caved in completely, is centered on the bridge of the nose, the entire surface gate left behind a hole of fist size, looks like exceptionally the ferocious name and scary. 顿时有鲜血飞溅而出,俊空的鼻梁被打断,鼻子已经完全塌陷了进去,以鼻梁为中心,整个面门都留下了一个拳头大小的洞,看上去显得异常的狞狰与骇人。 Jun Kong by flying upside down that Jian Chen this fought with the fists, body hit ruthlessly on following barrier, was then rebounded. 俊空剑尘这一拳打的倒飞了出去,身躯狠狠的撞击在后面的结界上,然后又被反弹了回来。 At this moment, 这一刻, He only feels to see stars, a dizziness, the might of Jian Chen this fist was too strong, in a boxing his bridge of the nose, making his Primordial Spirit also receive the sharp shake. 他只感觉眼冒金星,一阵天旋地转,剑尘这一拳的威力太强了,一拳击中他的鼻梁,让他的元神也受到了剧烈的震荡。 You , if frank and upright, I am speechless, but you must use the sinister method, this forgives you not to.” Jian Chen cold voice said, the sound falls into the Jun Kong ear, just like slating crack. “你若是正大光明,我无话可说,可你偏偏要使用阴险手段,这就饶你不得。”剑尘冷声道,声音落入俊空耳中,就犹如雷鸣般炸响。 At once, his another moves sideways to arrive in front of Jun Kong, this time, he not with fist, but brandished the palm of the hand to fly to the fan Jun Kong. 旋即,他又一个闪身来到俊空面前,这一次,他没有用拳,而是抡起巴掌将俊空给扇飞了出去。 His palm strength big astonishment, only listens to bang, the Jun Kong profile hit pulp, covered with blood, the tooth breaks completely. 他的手掌力量大的惊人,只听“”的一声,俊空的半边脸都被打的稀巴烂,血肉模糊,牙齿全部断裂。 Jun Kong is angry, he stares one pair to spout the fire the vision that comes to fill virulently to stare at Jian Chen, opens mouth, however actually the mouth cannot say. 俊空大怒,他瞪着一双似要喷出火来的目光充满恶毒的盯着剑尘,张了张嘴,然而却口不能言。 Jian Chen this palm of the hand, the hit his words could not say, the lower jaw is completely uncontrolled. 剑尘这一巴掌,打的他连话都说不出来了,下颚完全不受控制。 Then, Jian Chen acts again and again, fists and feet adding together, is devastating Jun Kong ruthlessly, such as rubber ball results in Jun Kong, hits flying round that in the midair. 接下来,剑尘连连出手,拳脚相加,狠狠的蹂躏着俊空,将俊空如皮球似得,在半空中打的飞来飞去。 Just right that his strength grasps, can only injure not to kill, otherwise, by his present strength, only need shoot the ball finger to let Jun Kong body and soul completely eliminated. 他的力量掌握的恰到好处,只能伤而不杀,否则的话,以他现在的实力,只需弹弹手指就能让俊空形神俱灭 The Jun Kong behavior, making Jian Chen very angry, he does not want to let Jun Kong such dying easily. 俊空的行为,让剑尘非常愤怒,他不想让俊空这么轻易的死去。 At the same time in Deng Wenxin and Gu Na that two people observes looks that by inadequate human appearance Jun Kong that Jian Chen devastates, among expression is to reveal color of not enduring, mixes in, faint trace anger. 在一边观战的邓问心古娜两人看着被剑尘摧残的不成人样的俊空,神色间都是露出一丝不忍之色,夹杂在其中的,还有一丝丝怒意。 This aims at the Jian Chen anger. Jun Kong is Divine Sound Principle Sect Chosen, at the present in Divine Sound Principle Sect, Jian Chen is actually in front of their so to treat Jun Kong, this makes their faces somewhat unable to hang. 这是针对剑尘的怒意。俊空乃是神音道宗天之骄子,而今又在神音道宗内,剑尘却当着他们的面如此对待俊空,这让他们的面子也有些挂不住。 As for Lian Qi, is in the eye the ominous light braves, his fist gets hold of time to time loosens from time to time, the mood is fluctuating fiercely, but vision stubbornly is staring at Jian Chen, frequently is paying attention to the Jun Kong life sign. 至于连奇,则是眼中凶光直冒,他的拳头时而握紧时而松开,心情在剧烈起伏,而目光更是死死的盯着剑尘,时时刻刻都在关注着俊空的生命迹象。 Shangguan Mu'er, is an indifference of face, she is looking at Jun Kong pitifully this touches type of aloof, has not done takes a stand slightly. 上官幕儿,则是一脸的冷漠,她望着俊空这凄惨的摸样无动于衷,没有做丝毫表态。 Shangguan Mu'er when Tian Yuan Continent, was called Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, she is not a softhearted person, similarly is the Murdering decisive generation, Jun Kong uses Entranced Pill to her, similarly also aroused killing intent in her heart, but read in Divine Sound Principle Sect to her some benevolence, she has not acted. 上官幕儿天元大陆时,被人称之为“琴圣天魔女”,她本身就不是一个心慈手软之人,同样是杀伐果断之辈,俊空对她使用醉生梦死丹,同样也激起了她心中的杀意,只是念在神音道宗对她的一些恩情,她没有出手罢了。 At this moment sees Jian Chen to intend to teach Jun Kong, she naturally cannot ask favor again. 此刻见剑尘出手教训俊空,她自然不会再去求情。 In fact, previous time in Azure Sea Divine Palace, she has rescued Jun Kong one time, otherwise, Jun Kong has died in the Ming Dong hand, where can also live now. 事实上,上次在沧海神宫,她已经救过俊空一次了,否则的话,俊空早就死在鸣东手中了,哪里还能活到现在。
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