CSG :: Volume #26

#2506: The couple collaborates

Jian Chen, do not go too far, even if Jun Kong has the mistake, but the crime until death, he has not made into this to touch the type by you let alone now, you should also be content. If you continue to press on step by step, to you do not have the advantage, must know everything to understand the onset and retreat, just now can in Saint Realm is more relieved.” Lian Qi said, hopes can convince Jian Chen to give up. 剑尘,你也不要太过分了,俊空即便是有错,但也罪不至死,更何况他现在已经被你打成这幅摸样了,你也该知足了。你若是继续步步紧逼,对你并没有好处,须知凡是要懂得进退,方才能在圣界过的更安心。”连奇说道,希望能说服剑尘罢手。 After all, now the Jian Chen status was different, the back has Martial Soul Lineage to support, unless it is absolutely essential, he really does not want to conduct the pointed weapons to dock with Jian Chen. 毕竟,现在剑尘的身份不一样了,背后有武魂一脉撑腰,不到万不得已,他也真的不想与剑尘进行兵刃相接。 „Are you threatening me?” Jian Chen imposing manner suddenly changes, powerful sword qi sends out from him on, sees only his hand to turn, Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword has appeared in his hands, sends out charming star light. “你在威胁我?”剑尘身上气势猛然一变,强大的剑气自他身上散发而出,只见他手一翻,九星天道剑已经出现在他手中,散发出一股迷人的星光。 You , if determined to guarantee Jun Kong, that do not blame me to disregard another's feelings.” Jian Chen cold voice said, took action to indicate the own attitude directly. “你若执意要保俊空的话,那就别怪我不留情面了。”剑尘冷声说道,直接是以行动表明了自己的态度。 Lian Qi......” another side, Gu Na summoned in a soft voice, she was also worried about the matter, once noisy big, the Martial Soul Lineage person compelling. 连奇......”另一边,古娜轻声呼唤,她也担心事情一旦闹大,会将武魂一脉的人给逼过来。 If only Jian Chen one person, he in Divine Sound Principle Sect again how noisy, is a small scale, cannot involve the Divine Sound Principle Sect senior member. 如果只是剑尘一人的话,他在神音道宗内再怎么闹,都算是一种小打小闹,牵扯不到神音道宗的高层人士。 But once Martial Soul Lineage arrives, that matter may really noisily be big. 可一旦武魂一脉降临,那事情可就真的闹大了。 Jun Kong is I trains single-handedly, I poured into too many heart's blood on him, how could to look helplessly he was harmed by the avid follower.” Lian Qi cold snort, the tone is firm, similarly indicated his attitude. 俊空乃是我一手培养起来的,我在他身上可是倾注了太多的心血,岂能眼睁睁的看着他被狂徒所害。”连奇一声冷哼,语气坚决,同样表明了他的态度。 Mu'er......” Gu Na looks at the vision to Shangguan Mu'er, in the heart is hoping Shangguan Mu'er can prevent this matter from happening, does not make the matter expand. 幕儿......”古娜又将目光看向上官幕儿,心中盼望着上官幕儿能阻止这一事情发生,不让事情扩大。 Shangguan Mu'er winds to reject, 上官幕儿蜿蜒拒绝, Her standpoint is like Jian Chen, regardless of Jian Chen makes anything, she consistently stands this side Jian Chen, will not ask favor for Jun Kong. 她的立场和剑尘一样,无论剑尘作出什么事情,她都始终站在剑尘这一边,不会为俊空求情。 , most powerful sword intent erupts suddenly, invisible sword intent floods in this stretch of the world, enormous and powerful, continuous, as if void gave to change a sword qi domain this piece. 陡然间,一股至强剑意爆发而出,无形的剑意充斥在这片天地之间,浩浩荡荡,连绵不绝,似乎将这片虚空都给改变成了一个剑气领域。 Jian Chen acted, facing Great Primal Beginning Realm powerhouse, he does not dare to have remains slightly, comes up whole-heartedly, to display Supreme Sword Dao directly, controls a side to be void with the own will, becomes this piece of void Ruler, the myriad things life and death, in his a thought. 剑尘出手了,面对一名混元始境强者,他不敢有丝毫留守,一上来就全力以赴,直接施展无上剑道,以自己的意志掌控一方虚空,成为这片虚空的主宰,万物生死,都在他的一念之间。 very powerful sword intent, his outcome of this comprehension is what Sword Dao, why such!” Lian Qi, Gu Na, in Deng Wenxin three people of hearts one cold, is Jian Chen Sword Dao feels the exclamation again. 好强剑意,他这领悟的究竟是什么剑道,为何如此之强!”连奇,古娜,邓问心三人心中一凛,再一次为剑尘剑道而感到惊叹。 When because of them can the obvious feeling, the Sword Dao strength of Jian Chen this moment use, compared with before he and Ba Bu and Ge Tong two people war must powerful. 因为他们能明显的感觉到,剑尘此刻动用的剑道力量,比之前他与巴布葛同两人大战时还要更加的强大。 Truly, Jian Chen before and Ba Bu and Ge Tong battled, has not acted full power, but showed some strengths. But is at this moment different, he facing Great Primal Beginning Realm, only has whole-heartedly. 确实,剑尘之前与巴布葛同交战,并没有全力出手,只是展现出了部分实力。但此刻不同,他面对混元始境,唯有全力以赴。 His both eyes bloom intense white glow, is ordinary just like two stars, release dazzling rays of light, as his thought moves, void produced the faint trace ripples immediately, the fearful fluctuations go toward the Jun Kong long-range raid. 他的双目绽放出强烈的白芒,宛若两颗星辰一般,释放出耀眼的光芒,随着他意念一动,虚空中顿时产生了丝丝涟漪,有一股可怕的波动朝着俊空奔袭而去。 This is he comprehends one ability that Supreme Sword Dao has, so long as during a side that in own sword intent covers is void, under Beginning Realm, his a thought may kill. 这是他领悟无上剑道所具备的一种能力,只要是在自己剑意笼罩的一方虚空之中,始境之下,他一念可杀。 Naturally, he knows that Lian Qi will shelter Jun Kong surely, therefore, when he launches the thought attack, his own also acted. 当然,他知道连奇必定会庇护俊空,因此,在他发动意念攻击时,他自己也同时出手了。 On Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword, blooms to have dazzling stars, whenever stars appear, the Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword might will also grow. 九星天道剑上,绽放出一颗有一颗耀眼的星辰,每当一颗星辰浮现,九星天道剑的威力都会随之增长。 Merely in an instant, then nine illusory Great Star appear, they melt in Divine Sword, as if changes into a body with Divine Item, sprinkles the next dim star light, suddenly thorn to Lian Qi. 仅仅刹那间,便是有九颗虚幻的大星浮现而出,它们融于神剑之中,似乎与神器化为一体,洒下一层朦胧星光,陡然刺向连奇 The Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword might, had been played peak by Jian Chen, this sword punctures, whether there is to perform the star light to submerge him, looks from afar, seems nine stars lines up, changes into frightening sword qi to puncture the expansive sky, will be void gives the separate. 九星天道剑的威力,已经被剑尘发挥到极致,这一剑刺出,有无尽星光将他淹没,远远看去,就仿佛是九颗星辰排成一线,化为惊天剑气刺破长空,将虚空都给割裂。 Lian Qi complexion gloomy, he holds Jun Kong by the left hand, is the rushing energy burst of Great Primal Realm, forms an incomparably solid energy to protect the shield the Jun Kong protection in inside, strength of the powerful Principle, changes into the note implications of beat to be one of them, forms double-decked defense. 连奇脸色阴沉,他以左手抓住俊空,属于混元境的澎湃能量爆发出来,形成一道无比坚实的能量护盾将俊空保护在里面,更是有一股强大的法则之力,化为一个个跳动的音符蕴含在其中,形成双层防御 The Jian Chen Supreme Sword Dao strength, was isolated immediately outside, under a protection of Great Primal Realm powerhouse, the ability of his a thought judgement all living things is unable to display. 剑尘无上剑道的力量,顿时被隔绝在外,在一名混元境强者的保护之下,他一念裁决众生的能力无法发挥出来。 Jian Chen, I have to acknowledge, 剑尘,我不得不承认, You are very indeed uncommon, but you eventually are only Everlasting Beginning Realm, between Everlasting Beginning Realm and Great Primal Beginning Realm, but differed a big boundary, I must shelter Jun Kong, you cannot injure his in the slightest. ” Lian Qi cold voice said, in his right palm has the vigorous energy turnover, transforms an energy big hand to hold Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword. 你的确很不凡,但你终究只是无极始境,无极始境混元始境之间,可是相差了一个大境界,我要庇护俊空,你根本伤不到他分毫。”连奇冷声说道,他的右掌中有浑厚的能量吞吐而出,幻化出一张能量大手将九星天道剑抓住。 yín~! 吟! Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword by restraint, was sent out sound of the clear sword cry immediately, seems Sword Spirit is sending out to angrily roar, at once, contains star light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dazzling on Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword, nine illusory stars even more real, is conducting revolts full power. 九星天道剑束缚,顿时发出一声清脆的剑鸣之声,仿佛是剑灵在发出怒吼,旋即,蕴含在九星天道剑上的星光万丈耀眼,九颗虚幻的星辰愈发的真实,在进行全力反抗。 Meanwhile, Jian Chen within the body Chaos Force also moves rolling, rushes, but brings destruction aura Chaos Force turbulently the turnover from Inner Core, implements his whole body each flesh and cell, the Chaos Body might, had been displayed peak by him. 与此同时,剑尘体内混沌之力也是滚滚而动,澎湃而带着毁灭气息混沌之力汹涌的从内丹中吞吐而出,贯彻他全身上下每一处血肉与细胞,混沌之体的威力,已经被他发挥到极致 And, he used Strength Principle, saw only him to grip the arm of Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword to inflate suddenly, an explosive strength implication was one of them, his right hand gripped tightly Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword, the violent force wielded. 且,他更是动用了力量法则,只见他握住九星天道剑的手臂猛然膨胀了起来,一股爆炸性的力量蕴含在其中,他右手紧握九星天道剑,猛力挥动。 „!” “刺啦!” Sees only sound of one hear of energy cutting to transmit, Lian Qi by the big hand that own rushing energy transforms, unexpectedly by Jian Chen Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword launching a fissure, Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword has myriad star light difficulty-relief, then under wielding of Jian Chen, cuts from top to bottom to Lian Qi, that powerful sword qi as if changed into a silver Milky Way, blooms blinding rays of light, covers toward Lian Qi. 只见一听能量切割的声音传来,连奇以自身澎湃能量所幻化的大手,竟是被剑尘九星天道剑给展开了一道裂痕,九星天道剑带着万千星光脱困而出,而后在剑尘的挥动之下,由上而下斩向连奇,那强盛的剑气似乎化为了一条银色天河,绽放出炽目的光芒,朝着连奇笼罩。 Quite fierce, the might of his sword, fully achieves Everlasting Realm 7-layer, even presses up to 8-layer!” In looked Deng Wenxin and in the Gu Na that heart at the same time Jian Chen acts is not tranquil, they have looked at Jian Chen high, but discovers now, their cognition to Jian Chen also by far insufficient, can be in so the situation unexpectedly. “好厉害,他这一剑的威力,完全达到无极境七重天,甚至是直逼八重天了!”在一边看剑尘出手的邓问心古娜心中并不平静,她们已经高看剑尘了,可现在才发现,她们对剑尘的认知还远远不够,竟然能强到这般地步。 How many years does he then cultivation? 他这才修炼多少年啊? Jian Chen, you are doing not studiously, Everlasting Beginning Realm and Great Primal Beginning Realm, the disparity eventually was too big, even you were remarkable, you still wasted energy.” Lian Qi is self-poise, in his right hand also presented a jade desolate, jade desolate brandished gently, exudes together the sound of wailing. 剑尘,你这是在做无用功,无极始境混元始境,差距终究是太大了,即便是你卓越非凡,你也只是白费力气。”连奇镇定自若,他的右手中同样出现了一根玉萧,玉萧轻轻挥舞,发出一道尖啸之声。 This sound, is the sound wave attack, forms a light ripple to give to reduce and solve the Jian Chen sword qi river, then, he jade desolate Fangzai mouth, played gently. 这声音,是音波攻击,形成一股淡淡的波纹将剑尘剑气长河给化解,而后,他将玉萧放在嘴边,轻轻的吹奏了起来。 Lian Qi is Divine Sound Principle Sect one of the four big Old Ancestor, the frontal attack is not the domain that he excels, he strongest method, is the temperament. 连奇神音道宗的四大老祖之一,正面攻击不是他擅长的领域,他最强的手段,是音律。 The howl same place, puts on gold/metal Lieshi, nothing can prevent, it can penetrate all isolation, goes directly to the hearts. 啸声一起,穿金裂石,没有任何东西能够阻挡,它能穿透一切的隔绝,直达心间。 Hears this flute sound, Jian Chen to feel immediately the head of own becomes a murkiness, at this moment, he felt that own all energy pass completely, becomes drowsy, body also gradual becomes must be incapable soft. 一听见这箫声,剑尘顿时感觉自己的脑袋变得一片昏沉,这一刻,他感觉自己的所有的精力都流逝殆尽,变得昏昏欲睡,身躯也逐渐的变得柔软无力。 Lian Qi Tuning Principle, is not Jun Kong may compare, even he has not comprehended Life and Death's Heart, can his Great Primal Beginning Realm cultivation level launch the temperament attack, regarding all Everlasting Realm powerhouse, like demon sound of death. 连奇音律之道,可不是俊空可比,即便他没有领悟生死之心,可以他混元始境修为发动音律攻击,对于所有无极境强者来说,都如同死亡的魔音。 However at this moment, spooky zither's music separates transmits spatially, sees only Shangguan Mu'er to sit cross-legged in void, she put out Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry, started playing. 然而就在这时,一股幽幽的琴音隔空传来,只见上官幕儿盘坐在虚空中,她拿出了天魔鸣音琴,也开始了弹奏。 Her zither's music, specifically is aiming at the Lian Qi flute sound, zither's music and flute sound is conducting unceasing clashing, the zither's music annihilation of fate, but flute sound, is the might quickly wanes. 她的琴音,在专门针对连奇的箫声,琴音与箫声在进行不断的对撞,下场的琴音湮灭,而箫声,则是威力骤减。 By Shangguan Mu'er God King Realm cultivation level, this does not have the qualifications to weaken the might of Lian Qi flute sound, but she comprehended Divine Demon's Heart, and uses is Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry that past Third Ancestor spread. 上官幕儿神王境修为,本没有资格削弱连奇箫声的威力,可她领悟了神魔之心,并且所使用的又是当年三祖流传下来的天魔鸣音琴 This enables her to be capable to prevent 12 to the Lian Qi flute sound. 这就使得她有能力对连奇的箫声进行阻挡一二。 Mu'er!” Sees the Shangguan Mu'er action, in the Lian Qi heart hates greatly, Shangguan Mu'er, once by their several people of the future of being regarded as Divine Sound Principle Sect, sparing no effort trains, now actually aims at him in turn, this makes in the Lian Qi heart have mixed emotions. 幕儿!”看到上官幕儿的举动,连奇心中大恨,上官幕儿,曾经被他们几人看做是神音道宗的未来,不遗余力的进行培养,如今却反过来针对他,这让连奇心中百感交集。
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