CSG :: Volume #15

#1431: Chaos 5-layer ( 1 )

Finally, Jian Chen is unable to shirk, only then accepts this precious incomparable ten thousand years of ice mortal form. 最终,剑尘无法推脱,只有收下这颗珍贵无比的万年冰魄。 Ices in the mortal form extreme cold air, although had ruled out all, but still cannot change its essence, therefore Jian Chen ten thousand years of ice mortal form in the hand, still feels an icy coldness, but at this moment, he does not feel the least bit to be cold, instead feels warm. 冰魄里面的极度寒气虽然已经被尽数划去,但仍然改变不了它的本质,因此剑尘将万年冰魄拿在手里,依然感到一阵冰凉,但此时此刻,他却不觉得半点寒冷,反而觉得心中暖洋洋的。 He knows the importance of this ten thousand years of ice mortal form to Changyang Mingyue, if these ten thousand years of ice mortal forms use on Changyang Mingyue, the strength that Changyang Mingyue enhances absolutely compared with own in many, the energy cover that Chaos Body that after all he cultivates, each promotion, needs huge is unable to plan, but Changyang Mingyue does not have to be own considers, rather the own strength advancement few some must help him, this lets the heart of Jian Chen by deep touching. 他知道这一颗万年冰魄对长阳明月的重要性,这万年冰魄若是用在长阳明月身上,那长阳明月所提升的实力绝对要比自己强上很多,毕竟他所修的混沌之体,每一层的提升,所需要的能量罩之庞大都无法算计,但长阳明月却丝毫沒有为自己着想,宁愿自己的实力进境少一些都要帮助他,这让剑尘的心被深深的触动。 Fourth Brother, walks, Second Sister looks for a secret room to you, then Second Sister checks for you personally, must make you absorb these ten thousand years of ice mortal forms completely.” Changyang Mingyue draws Jian Chen toward closing up the cultivation secret room walks. “四弟,走,二姐给你找一间密室,然后二姐亲自为你把关,一定要让你把这万年冰魄全部吸收。”长阳明月拉着剑尘就往闭关修炼的密室走去。 Jian Chen has not revolted, he knows that Second Sister at this moment has how firmly, how regardless of own revolts has no effect, can only do this benevolence, deep brand mark in heart. 剑尘沒有反抗,他知道此刻的二姐有多么的坚决,无论自己如何反抗都沒有任何效果,唯一能做的就是将这个恩情,深深的烙印在心中。 Under Jian Chen in Changyang Mingyue leads personally, entered in a cold ice cave, in the ice cave the cold fog fills the air, the vitality is abundant, but in the center position, is placing together clean Bai Bing stone of rush cushion size, sends out the intermittent cold air. 剑尘长阳明月亲自带领下,进入了一间寒冷的冰窟中,冰窟内寒雾弥漫,元气充沛,而在正中央的位置,摆放着一块蒲团大小的洁白冰石,散发出阵阵寒气。 Fourth Brother, Imperial Guardian Shui said that this mysterious ice is not every thing, sits cross-legged to sit above cultivates, is good to cultivator, after you absorb ten thousand years of ice mortal form completely, is going out.” Changyang Mingyue points at icing stone of that rush cushion size saying that then waved then to close the front door of secret room, left behind a Jian Chen person in inside, but she sat cross-legged to sit outside is Jian Chen closes up Custodian personally. “四弟,水侍卫说这块玄冰不是凡物,盘膝坐在上面修炼,对修炼者有好处的,等你把万年冰魄完全吸收之后在出关。”长阳明月手指着那块蒲团大小的冰石说道,然后挥手间便关闭了密室的大门,留下剑尘一个人在里面,而她则盘膝坐在外面亲自为剑尘闭关护法 Imperial Guardian Shui, I decided the matter you are unable to change, although I know that you consider for me, wants to make my strength stronger, but my Fourth Brother these years cross very much bitterly outside, although the Fourth Brother has now was not weak in my strength, but I know that his today's strength, trades with the own life, once the Fourth Brother suffered hardships outside, when the person under chases down all over the sky, is my incompetent that makes Big Sister, without the means helps him, currently I have the ability, in any event must help my Fourth Brother one, this is. I as a Big Sister proper responsibility.” Changyang Mingyue shuts the eyes to sit in the closed secret room front door place, in the heart meditates. 水侍卫,我决定了的事情你无法改变,虽然我知道你是为我着想,想让我的实力变得更强,但我四弟这些年在外面过得很苦,虽然四弟现在已经拥有了不弱于我的实力,但是我知道他今天的实力,是用自己的生命去换來的,曾经四弟在外面受苦,被人满天下追杀时,是我这个做姐姐的无能,沒有办法去帮助他,不过现在我有能力了,无论如何都要帮我四弟一把,这是我作为一个姐姐应有的责任。”长阳明月闭着双眼坐在已然紧闭的密室大门处,心中默念。 Has me to defend here, Imperial Guardian Shui, you are unable to seize again ten thousand years of ice mortal form from Fourth brother's hand, even if my Changyang Mingyue lengthened infinitely the Profound Ice Body mature day, must defend till the Fourth Brother to go out......” “有我守在这里,水侍卫,你是无法从四弟的手中重新将万年冰魄夺回來的,我长阳明月即便是将玄冰之体成熟之日无限延长下去,也要守到四弟出关为止……” In ice cave that the cold fog fills, a line of sight dimness, Jian Chen grasps ten thousand years of ice mortal form to sit cross-legged to sit on the mysterious ice stone, vision complex is staring at the ten thousand years of ice mortal form in hand, suddenly, the state of mind is unable to be tranquil unexpectedly. 寒雾弥漫的冰窟内,视线一阵朦胧,剑尘手握万年冰魄盘膝坐在玄冰石上,目光复杂的盯着手中的这颗万年冰魄,一时间,心绪竟无法宁静下來。 At this moment, under mysterious ice stone of a cool air/Qi sends out from left, enters Jian Chen within the body to walk randomly, this cool air/Qi and is not only the cold air is so obviously simple, with its appearance, gradually smoothed Jian Chen that complex state of mind unexpectedly, making him remove the distracting thoughts in heart rapidly. 就在这时,一股清凉之气从左下的玄冰石上散发而出,进入剑尘体内游走,这股清凉之气显然并不仅仅是寒气那么简单,随着它的出现,竟然逐渐的抚平了剑尘那复杂的心绪,让他迅速的排除了心中的杂念。 Second Sister...” In the Jian Chen heart meditates, then calm, starts the Yi Xin (wholeheartedly) cultivation, absorbs ten thousand years of ice mortal form inside vitality full power. 二姐…”剑尘心中默念,然后便凝神静气,开始一心修炼,全力吸收万年冰魄里面的元气。 Although in ten thousand years of ice mortal form boundless vitality is condensed by the extremely cold air/Qi, but ices each formation of mortal form, consumed for 1 million years, under the so long-term accumulation, the vitality in ice mortal form making has achieved the qualitative change, not only ruled out the cold air, becomes the modest energy, and this energy also incomparable purity, incomparable vastness and great strength. 万年冰魄里面的磅礴元气虽然是由极寒之气凝聚而成,但冰魄的每一颗形成,都足足耗费了百万年时间,在如此长时间的积累之下,令的冰魄内的元气早已达到了质变,不仅划去了寒气,成为了温和的能量,且这股能量还无比的纯净,无比的浩瀚与强大。 In the first wisp of energy in ten thousand years of ice mortal form Jian Chen inhales within the body, this wisp of tiny energy such as swelling rubber ball resulted in immediately, starts to inflate fast, the quantity that finally this point of energy strengthened to the percentage, full, finally caused Dantian that Jian Chen entire Dantian filled unable to hold this energy under unexpectedly completely, caused the energy diffusion to Dantian beside, is flooding Jian Chen all the limbs and bones, making his body seem like obviously swelled. 当万年冰魄里的第一缕能量内剑尘吸入体内时,这一缕细小的能量顿时如一个胀大的皮球似得,开始飞快的膨胀了起來,最终这一分能量增强至百分的量,将剑尘的整个丹田都充填的满满的,最后竟导致丹田无法完全容纳下这一股能量,使得能量扩散至丹田之外,充斥着剑尘的四肢百骸,让他的身体看上去明显胀大了一圈。 In the Jian Chen heart the great happiness, he had appraised precious of these ten thousand years of ice mortal forms before, however now he surprised discovery, these ten thousand years of ice mortal forms powerful unexpectedly also above the appraisal of own. 剑尘心中大喜,他之前就已经评估过这万年冰魄的珍贵,然而现在他才吃惊的发现,这万年冰魄的强大竟然还在自己的评估之上。 Does not know whether I with this moment ten thousand years of ice mortal form, can promote Chaos Body to 5-layer.” In the Jian Chen heart filled, immediately starts to refine the energy of ten thousand years of ice mortal form full power. “不知我能否凭着这一刻万年冰魄,将混沌之体提升到第五层。”剑尘心中充满了起來,立即开始全力炼化万年冰魄的能量。 As the energy of ten thousand years of ice mortal form continuous was absorbed by Jian Chen, Chaos Core in his Dantian also starts bit by bit is expanding, in Inner Core inclusive Chaos Force, is more and more, Jian Chen that made from Chaos Body 5-layer, is close unceasingly. 随着万年冰魄的能量源源不断的被剑尘所吸收,他丹田中的混沌内丹也开始一点一点的壮大着,内丹中包容的混沌之力,也是越來越多,令的剑尘距离混沌之体五层,正在不断地接近着。 Without this ten thousand years of ice mortal form, Jian Chen to achieve Chaos Body 5-layer, that decides however must cost a lot of time, after all from 4-layer to the energy that 5-layer needed is really huge, when was much higher than him to be promoted 4-layer from 3-layer initially needed. 若是沒有这颗万年冰魄,剑尘要想达到混沌之体五层,那定然要耗费不少时间,毕竟从第四层到第五层所需的能量实在是太庞大了,远远高于当初他从第三层晋级第四层时所需。 Although he has massively Immortal Level heavenly material treasure obtained from Black and Yellow Small Heaven, but these heavenly material treasure, if takes in a short time too, the body will then have the antibiotic nature, then, the heavenly material treasure effect will fall short greatly, therefore Jian Chen is unable to depend to swallow these Immortal Level heavenly material treasure to make own in a short time achieve Chaos Body 5-layer, after all he does not have small white tiger such inherent advantage, can unlimited taking heavenly material treasure. 虽说他有大量从玄黄小天界内获得的仙级天材地宝,但这些天材地宝若是短时间内服食太多,身体便会产生抗药性,如此一來,天材地宝的效果将会大打折扣,因此剑尘也无法在短时间内靠吞服这些仙级天材地宝自己达到混沌之体五层,毕竟他沒有小白虎那样的先天优势,可以无限制的服用天材地宝 But now, the emergence of this ten thousand years of ice mortal form, gives opportune help to Jian Chen without doubt, making him step into the Chaos Body 5-layer time greatly to reduce. 而现在,这颗万年冰魄的出现,对剑尘來说无疑是雪中送炭,让他踏入混沌之体五层的时间大大缩短。 Jian Chen absorbs ten thousand years of ice mortal form the speed very rapidness, merely two months, the ice mortal form of fist size has then vanished to disappear from the Jian Chen hand, had been built up to change into own Chaos Force by Jian Chen completely. 剑尘吸收万年冰魄的速度非常之快,仅仅两个月的时间,拳头大小的冰魄便已经从剑尘手中消失不见了,已经完全被剑尘炼化为自己混沌之力 However what makes Jian Chen regrettable is, after absorbing ten thousand years of ice mortal form, his Chaos Force still has not entered into 5-layer, from 5-layer, only has a difference. 不过让剑尘遗憾的是,在吸收了万年冰魄之后,他的混沌之力依然沒有迈入第五层,距离第五层,仅有一线之差。 His Dantian Chaos Core, from the initial pigeon egg size, had turned into the present adult fist size, situated in the 4-layer peak, reached a limit, if can go a step further, then enters into 5-layer immediately. 丹田混沌内丹,已经从最初的鸽蛋大小,变成了如今的成人拳头大小,处于第四层的巅峰,达到了一个极限,若是能更进一步,便立即迈入第五层 Is gazing in Dantian silently that large Chaos Core, Jian Chen silent the moment, at once clenches teeth, the hand turns, immediately presented an energy crystal that is from Black and Yellow Beast within the body. 默默注视着丹田内那颇大的混沌内丹,剑尘沉默了片刻,旋即一咬牙,手一翻,立即出现了一颗取自于玄黄兽体内的能量晶体。 This energy crystal a appearance, then the energy of incomparable terrifying was just fluctuating, fills the air in the entire secret room. 这股能量晶体刚一出现,便有一股无比恐怖的能量在波动着,在整间密室内弥漫。 Meanwhile, in Ice Temple another place, sits cross-legged to sit Imperial Guardian Shui on thick ice has a sleep/felt, opened the eye slowly, the vision sweeps the position that Jian Chen closed up, the pupil light was profound, seems has penetrated ices the hindrance of wall to see Jian Chen in secret room layer on layer/heavily directly. 与此同时,在冰神殿另一处地方,盘膝坐在冰床上的水侍卫似有所觉,缓缓的睁开了眼睛,目光扫了眼剑尘闭关的方位,眸光深邃,好似已然穿透重重冰墙的阻碍直接看见了密室之中的剑尘 But quick, Imperial Guardian Shui then took back the vision calmly, sat closed the eye on the thick ice again slowly. 但很快,水侍卫便若无其事的收回了目光,坐在冰床上再次缓缓的闭上了眼睛。 Now Ice Temple has difficult, the lots, this King can not care, does not pay attention, but hopes that Jian Chen in the future, such as Mo Tianyun will really say like that will help Ice Temple pass this disaster.” In Imperial Guardian Shui heart secretly thought. “如今冰神殿有难,很多东西,本王可以不在乎,不去理会,只是希望剑尘在将來,真如莫天云所言那般,会帮冰神殿度过此次劫难。”水侍卫心中暗道
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