CSG :: Volume #15

#1430: Ten thousand years of ice mortal form ( 3 )

Second Sister.” Sees Changyang Mingyue, Jian Chen is also a happiness of face, temporarily places one side Rui Jin their matters, immediately walked. 二姐。”看见长阳明月,剑尘也是一脸的高兴,暂时将瑞金他们三人的事放在一边,立即走了过去。 Fourth Brother, you came finally, Second Sister has waited for your several years here, initial one year, has passed early.” Changyang Mingyue stands before the Ice Temple front door, smiling looks at Jian Chen, be that as it may, but does not have the least bit to blame the meaning of Jian Chen. “四弟,你终于來了,二姐已经在这里等你好几年的时间了,当初的一年之约,已经早早过去了哦。”长阳明月站在冰神殿的大门前,笑盈盈的看着剑尘,话虽如此,但却沒有半点怪罪剑尘的意思。 Jian Chen apologized with a smile, during that time, he was Sea God resurrection, but is bustling about, first was Sea God Temple Palace Master Ya Di Lan Mo steps into Hopeless Sea to seek for Sea God Supreme Temple, he delayed long time in this merely, when he and Ya Di Lan Mo brought Sea God Supreme Temple is coming out, he and Changyang Mingyue one year had about passed by, later was Sea God resurrection ceremony Custodian, prevented Palace Master of another two big temples. 剑尘笑着赔罪,在那段时间里,他一直在为海神复活而忙碌着,先是和海神殿殿主亚蒂蓝魔踏入绝望海寻找海神至高神殿,仅仅在这里面他就耽误了很长时间,当他和亚蒂蓝魔带着海神至高神殿出來时,他和长阳明月的一年之约早已经过去了,随后又为海神复活仪式护法,阻挡另外两大神殿的殿主 Afterward he returned to Tian Yuan Continent, on encountering the invasion of Abandoned Saint World, therefore during that time, he was encumbered by the trivial matters, involuntary, has to approximately lengthen in Second Sister one year temporarily again, can keep an appointment until today. 后來他回到天元大陆上,又恰逢遭遇圣弃界的入侵,因此那一段时间,他被琐事缠身,身不由己,只得暂时将于二姐的一年之约再次延长,直到今日才能赴约。 Jian Chen explained these simple resembles Changyang Mingyue, Changyang Mingyue said with a smile immediately: Fourth Brother, you do not need to look like Big Sister to explain, Big Sister will also not blame you.” Said here, Changyang Mingyue exuded one to sigh lightly, said: Pitifully Big Sister these years have not been able to leave Ice Temple, making the Fourth Brother your one person withstand so many outside painstakingly, otherwise, how regardless of Big Sister must help your, all your enemies had taught entirely to make things difficult for.” 剑尘将这些简单的像长阳明月解释了一番,长阳明月当即笑道:“四弟,你也不用像姐姐解释,姐姐又不会责怪你。”说道这里,长阳明月发出一声轻叹,道:“可惜姐姐这些年还无法离开冰神殿,让四弟你一个人在外面承受了那么多苦,不然的话,姐姐无论如何也要去帮你的,把曾经为难过你的所有敌人统统教训一遍。” Hears here, on the Jian Chen face shows the from the heart smile, said: Second Sister, I have this strength now, my once enemy, even Saint Emperor, now is not my opponent.” 听到这里,剑尘脸上露出开怀的笑容,道:“二姐,现在我已经拥有这个实力了,我曾经的敌人,即便是圣帝,如今都已经不是我的对手了。” Yes, my Fourth Brother now gets better formidable, a person slaughters in Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor, no one is your opponent, is Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor in your hands has more than 200 people at least, these things I was knew for your there from whom, oh, thinks that Big Sister I now am very fierce, finally now discovers, Big Sister was inferior to my Fourth Brother unexpectedly.” Changyang Mingyue smiling saying, not slightly discouraged, what are more is happy for Jian Chen, is the own Fourth Brother becomes so powerful and is proud. “是啊,我的四弟现在变得好利害,一个人在圣弃界圣帝中大开杀戒,沒有人是你的对手,是在你手中的圣弃界圣帝起码有两百多人,这些事情我都从谁是为你那里知道了,唉,原以为姐姐我现在已经很厉害了,结果现在才发现,姐姐竟然还是不如我的四弟。”长阳明月一脸微笑的说道,沒有丝毫气馁,更多的是为剑尘感到高兴,为自己的四弟变得如此强大而自豪。 Fourth Brother, hurries your year of bitter experiences any splendid experience told Big Sister, Big Sister was also curious, rapidness that such how Fourth brother's your strength can promote.” Changyang Mingyue reveals expression that is interested. “四弟,赶紧把你这些年遭遇的什么精彩经历告诉姐姐,姐姐也非常好奇,四弟你的实力怎么会提升的这么快。”长阳明月露出感兴趣的神色 Jian Chen smiles, at once says these years approximate experiences outside, but many places are one have brought, does not have the detail, including the Black and Yellow Small Heaven matter, is not he believes Changyang Mingyue, but is worried about strength immeasurably deep Imperial Guardian Shui. 剑尘莞尔一笑,旋即将这些年在外的大致经历说了出來,不过很多地方都是一句带过,沒有详细说明,包括玄黄小天界的事情,不是他信不过长阳明月,而是担心实力深不可测的水侍卫 Imperial Guardian Shui is actually powerful, is Origin Realm or God Realm, Jian Chen does not understand, he believes before this grade of character, even if own passes message not to hide the truth from Imperial Guardian Shui. 水侍卫究竟有多么强大,是源境界还是神境界,剑尘至今都不了解,他相信在这等人物面前,自己即便是传音也瞒不过水侍卫 Second Sister, several years ago with Rui Jin that I come together, Hong Lian, Hei Yu three Beast Clan Senior by Imperial Guardian Shui Seal here, Rui Jin their three Senior were been once heavy to my graciousness like the mountain, even can say , without their three people , there would be no now living I, asking Second Sister to urge Imperial Guardian Shui, put Rui Jin their three Senior.” Jian Chen said, he knows by the own current strength , to rescue Rui Jin their three people, only had to take advantage of Second Sister Changyang Mingyue. 二姐,几年前和我一同前來的瑞金,红莲,黑鱼三位兽族前辈水侍卫封困在此处,曾经瑞金他们三位前辈对我恩重如山,甚至可以说如果沒有他们三人,就沒有现在活着的我,请二姐劝一劝水侍卫,放了瑞金他们三位前辈吧。”剑尘说道,他知道以自己目前的实力要想救出瑞金他们三人,唯有依仗二姐长阳明月了。 What, really has this matter, this Imperial Guardian Shui dares to act to Fourth brother's benefactor unexpectedly, she was more and more excessive, walked, the Fourth Brother, Second Sister this led you to see Imperial Guardian Shui.” Changyang Mingyue flies into a rage, in her heart very concerned about own Fourth Brother, in her opinion, so long as is Fourth brother's benefactor, that also is the own benefactor, Imperial Guardian Shui so treats Rui Jin their three people, aroused the Changyang Mingyue anger again. “什么,竟然有这种事,这水侍卫竟然敢对四弟的恩人出手,她是越來越过分了,走,四弟,二姐这就带你去见水侍卫。”长阳明月勃然大怒,她心中十分关心自己的四弟,在她看來,只要是四弟的恩人,那同样也是自己的恩人,水侍卫如此对待瑞金他们三人,再一次激起了长阳明月的怒火。 Changyang Mingyue brought Jian Chen to enter Ice Temple immediately, just stepped into the temple, then the piercing chill in the air produced, making Jian Chen hit one to tremble unrestrainedly, immediately transported the merit to resist. 长阳明月当即带着剑尘进入了冰神殿,刚一踏入神殿中,便有一股刺骨的寒意产來,让剑尘都情不自禁的打了一个寒颤,立即运功抵挡。 Jian Chen this is the first time that stepped into regarding the outside world is very mysterious Ice Temple, sized up well, discovered that this Ice Temple internal snow white, completely by the ice crystal casting, seeming like simply is a cold ice world. 剑尘这还是第一次踏入对于外界來说是非常神秘的冰神殿,不由的好好打量了一番,发现这冰神殿的内部一片雪白,完全由冰晶铸造而成,看上去简直是一个寒冰世界。 In addition, this mysterious Ice Temple had no extraordinary place, but in the Jian Chen heart actually understands, Ice Temple under this ordinary outside, actually also hid the terrifying that is making him unable to detect. 除此之外,这神秘的冰神殿就沒有什么出奇的地方了,不过剑尘心中却明白,冰神殿在这平凡的外面之下,却还隐藏着一股令他都无法察觉的恐怖。 He knows, is not Ice Temple is extremely ordinary, but is the own strength is insufficient, could not completely understand. 他知道,不是冰神殿太过平凡,而是自己的实力不够,根本就看不透。 On the way, Jian Chen also discovered that in Ice Temple still has people of the part of cultivation, in Saint King to Saint Sovereign, even minority Heaven Saint Master, are playing the role of retinue. 途中,剑尘也发现冰神殿中还存在着一部分修炼之人,在圣王圣皇不等,甚至还有少数的天空圣师,担任着仆从的角色。 Everyone sees Changyang Mingyue on the way, in abundance manner respectful saluting, respect/honorable. 途中所有人见到长阳明月,纷纷神态恭敬的行礼,尊敬之极。 These people, unexpectedly are the Tian Yuan Continent people.” The Jian Chen vision sweeps at will, discovery these people come from Tian Yuan Continent. “这些人,竟然都是天元大陆的人。”剑尘目光随意一扫,就发现这些人全部都來自于天元大陆 Quick, Jian Chen saw Imperial Guardian Shui under the leadership of Changyang Mingyue, sees only Imperial Guardian Shui to put on her silver-white armor to sit cross-legged to sit on the thick ice as before, when sees Changyang Mingyue, she sets out to look like Changyang Mingyue to salute, then does not wait for Changyang Mingyue to question, was saying to Jian Chen: Their three people shortly after you walk, was rescued, now already not on this icefield.” 很快,剑尘长阳明月的带领下见到了水侍卫,只见水侍卫依旧穿着她那身银白色的铠甲盘膝坐在冰床上,当看见长阳明月时,她才起身像长阳明月行礼,然后不等长阳明月问话,便对着剑尘说道:“他们三人早在你走后不久,就被人所救,如今已经不在这片冰原上了。” Jian Chen expression stares, feels unbelievable, by the Imperial Guardian Shui strength, actually also who can their three people rescue Rui Jin from here. 剑尘神色一愣,感到难以置信,以水侍卫的实力,究竟还有谁能从这里把瑞金他们三人救走。 Senior, Rui Jin their three people were saved by whom.” Jian Chen asked submissively. 前辈,瑞金他们三人是被谁所救。”剑尘拱手问道。 Mo Tianyun.” Saying of Imperial Guardian Shui coldly. 莫天云。”水侍卫冷冷的说道。 What, is Mo Tianyun Senior, Mo Tianyun Senior still also keeps Tian Yuan Continent.” In the Jian Chen heart in great surprise, turned the difficult situation, this matter was really astonishing. “什么,是莫天云前辈,难道莫天云前辈至今都还留在天元大陆。”剑尘心中大惊,翻起了惊涛骇浪,这件事情实在是太惊人了。 That is only Mo Tianyun clone, because of should be just Lower Realm came, now I cannot induce his saying that clone aura, because of should vanish into thin air, after all this World, is is not so good.” Imperial Guardian Shui said. “那只是莫天云的一道分身,因该是刚刚下界而來,如今我也感应不到他那道分身气息,想必也因该烟消云散了吧,毕竟这一界,可不是那么好來的。”水侍卫说道。 Jian Chen looked that has the color of several points of surprise to the Imperial Guardian Shui vision, he felt that today's Imperial Guardian Shui became somewhat different, according to him the understanding Imperial Guardian Shui, arrogant Imperial Guardian Shui was can never talk too much with others, but today can bear the temper and own unexpectedly explained, this was actually somewhat unusual. 剑尘看向水侍卫的目光中带着几分诧异之色,他感觉今天的水侍卫变得有些不同了,按照他对水侍卫的了解,高傲的水侍卫是从來不会与别人多言,而今天竟然会耐着性子和自己解释,这却是有些反常。 Imperial Guardian Shui, do you have my your highness pay attention, Rui Jin their three Senior are not only my Fourth brother's benefactor, that similarly is also my Changyang Mingyue benefactor, your unexpectedly my Changyang Mingyue benefactor Seal here, you were really more and more excessive.” Changyang Mingyue vision coldly is staring at the Imperial Guardian Shui sinking sound said, although Imperial Guardian Shui is powerful, but she actually did not fear. 水侍卫,你有沒有把我这个殿下放在眼里,瑞金他们三位前辈既是我四弟的恩人,那同样也是我长阳明月的恩人,你竟然把我长阳明月的恩人封困在这里,你真是越來越过分了。”长阳明月目光冷冷的盯着水侍卫沉声道,水侍卫虽然强大,但是她却不怕。 your highness forgives, the subordinate surrounds them , because on them has does not belong to this World's Saint Item.” Imperial Guardian Shui respectful voice said. 殿下恕罪,属下困住他们,是因为他们身上带有不属于这一界的圣器。”水侍卫恭声说道。 Second Sister, since Senior Rui Jin they have gotten out of trouble, this matter considers as finished.” Sees Changyang Mingyue not to calm down, Jian Chen hurries to advise, Imperial Guardian Shui after all is Supreme powerhouse, has the own dignity, he does not hope that Second Sister compels too tightly Imperial Guardian Shui, thus has some unpredictable matter. 二姐,既然瑞金前辈他们已经脱困,这件事情还是算了吧。”见长阳明月还未消气,剑尘赶紧劝阻,水侍卫毕竟是一位至尊强者,拥有自己的尊严,他不希望二姐水侍卫逼得太紧,从而发生一些不可预料的事。 Changyang Mingyue cold snort, said: Since the brothers said that your highness did not haggle over that matter, but Imperial Guardian Shui, the same matter I did not hope in the visible next time.” 长阳明月冷哼一声,道:“既然四弟都这么说,那本殿下就不计较那件事情了,不过水侍卫,同样的事情我不希望在看见下一次。” Subordinate understands.” Imperial Guardian Shui is still very respectful, solemn God King powerhouse by strength also Origin Realm Changyang Mingyue so loudly complained, she actually not slightly discontented, as if should so. “属下明白。”水侍卫依然很恭敬,堂堂神王强者被实力还不到源境界长阳明月这般喝诉,她却沒有丝毫不满,仿佛理应如此。 Because Changyang Mingyue is Snow God is reincarnated, just like Ice God, is her master. 因为长阳明月雪神转世,同冰神一样,都是她的主人。 Changyang Mingyue and Jian Chen left here, two people optional strolling is chatting some daily family activities in big Ice Temple. 长阳明月剑尘离开了这里,两人随意的漫步在偌大的冰神殿中聊着一些家常。 „A year, Big Sister Profound Ice Body was mature, by that time Big Sister can leave here, the Fourth Brother you do not worry, next Abandoned Saint World invades, Big Sister and you fight side-by-side, you may do not look down on Big Sister, although Big Sister my present strength is inferior to you, only then Saint Emperor boundary, but once Big Sister Profound Ice Body is mature, then steps into Origin Realm immediately, in the additional over ten thousand years of ice mortal form, the strength will be only stronger, perhaps the Fourth Brother you were not the Big Sister opponent.” Changyang Mingyue grinning saying, then the hand turns, in the palm presents a fist size immediately the ice crystal. “还有一年的时间,姐姐玄冰之体就成熟了,到那个时候姐姐就可以离开这里了,四弟你别担心,下一次圣弃界入侵,姐姐和你并肩作战,你可千万不要小瞧姐姐哦,虽然姐姐我现在实力不如你,只有圣帝境界,可一旦姐姐玄冰之体成熟,便立即踏入源境,在加上万年冰魄,实力只会更强,说不定四弟你都不是姐姐的对手了。”长阳明月笑嘻嘻的说道,然后手一翻,掌中立即出现一个拳头大小的冰晶。 Fourth Brother, this is ten thousand years of ice mortal form, these ten thousand years of ice mortal form Big Sister this had three, Imperial Guardian Shui said that these three ten thousand years of ice mortal form each consumed for 1 million years to condense, very precious, this Big Sister gave to you, considered Second Sister to your gift.” Changyang Mingyue hands in front of ten thousand years of ice mortal form Jian Chen. “四弟,这就是万年冰魄,这万年冰魄姐姐这有三颗,水侍卫说这三颗万年冰魄每一颗都耗费了百万年时间才凝聚出來的,非常的珍贵,这一颗姐姐送给你,就当是二姐给你的礼物吧。”长阳明月将万年冰魄递到剑尘面前。 The Jian Chen vision congealed, stares at ten thousand years of ice mortal form to size up the meeting, on the face gradually revealed startled accommodated, because he felt energy that these ten thousand years of ice mortal form embodiments contained, was unexpectedly more terrorist than Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach, even was Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach several times, dozens times. 剑尘目光一凝,盯着万年冰魄打量了会,脸上逐渐的露出了惊容,因为他感觉这万年冰魄内蕴含的能量,竟然比仙级五品紫云仙桃还要恐怖,甚至是仙级五品紫云仙桃的数倍,数十倍之多。 Moreover, the energies in these ten thousand years of ice mortal forms are also very temperate, such as Purple Cloud Immortal Peach is ordinary, but absorbs with ease. 而且,这万年冰魄内的能量同样很温和,如紫云仙桃一般,可让人轻松吸收。 Second Sister, this is you are used to enhance the strength to use, I cannot receive.” Jian Chen rejects immediately, he knows that these ten thousand years of ice mortal forms the precious degree absolutely win compared with Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach, but is so, his more cannot receive, these three ten thousand years of ice mortal forms, are on Second Sister the most precious thing, is she is used to enhance the own strength to use, each few, that will represent the strength that she will enhance in the future on the weak several points, but will review his own, similar heavenly material treasure on him will have many, although was far less than that ten thousand years of ice mortal form will be precious, but will win in the quantity are many. 二姐,这是你用來提升实力用的,我不能收。”剑尘当即拒绝,他知道这万年冰魄的珍贵程度绝对要比仙级五品紫云仙桃更胜,但越是如此,他就越不能收,这三颗万年冰魄,是二姐身上最珍贵的东西,是她用來提升自己的实力所用,每少一颗,那代表她将來提升的实力将会弱上几分,而反观他自己,类似的天材地宝他身上还有不少,虽然远不如万年冰魄珍贵,但胜在量多。 Long Yang Ming and a brow wrinkle, the elegant face sinks immediately, reveals the discontented color, teaches the Junior tone to say with the elder: Fourth Brother, this is Second Sister gives your gift, you receive must receive, does not receive must receive, otherwise, that was you looks down upon my Second Sister.” 长杨明与眉头一皱,俏脸当即一沉,露出不满之色,用长辈教训晚辈的语气说道:“四弟,这是二姐送给你的礼物,你收也得收,不收也得收,否则的话,那就是你瞧不起我这个二姐了。” Second Sister, this......” to make things difficult for of Jian Chen face, he hopes that these three ten thousand years of ice mortal forms use on Second Sister completely, so can also make the Second Sister strength stronger. 二姐,这……”剑尘一脸的为难,他希望这三颗万年冰魄全部用在二姐身上,如此也可以让二姐的实力更强。 Takes away, the gift that Second Sister gives you must accept, moreover Second Sister must defend you to absorb ten thousand years of ice mortal form completely, does not permit the belt/bring to outside.” Changyang Mingyue unquestionable saying, does not permit to make Jian Chen go out ten thousand years of ice mortal form belt/bring, is feared that will be snatched by Imperial Guardian Shui. “拿去,二姐送的礼物你必须收下,而且二姐还要守着你把万年冰魄完全吸收,不准带到外面去。”长阳明月不容置疑的说道,不准让剑尘把万年冰魄带出去,也是怕会被水侍卫抢回來。
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