CSG :: Volume #15

#1429: Ten thousand years of ice mortal form ( 2 )

When penetrates five zhang (3.33 m) again, the cold fog has lifted sends out that fearful cold air to increase immediately doubled and re-doubled, even if under achieving Immortal Rank grade Purple Azure Dual Swords is unable to withstand, the solid ice that on two Divine Sword congeals starts thickening fast, then froze two to float the spatial icicle Purple Azure Dual Swords suddenly, purple-azure two color rays of light is constrained completely, even inside sword body looked to disappear. 再次深入五丈时,寒雾散发出那可怕的寒气顿时成倍攀升,即便是达到下品仙器品级的紫青双剑都无法承受,两把神剑上凝结的坚冰开始飞快的加厚,瞬息间便将紫青双剑冻结成了两根浮空的冰棍,紫青两色光芒完全被压抑了下去,甚至连里面的剑体都看不见了。 This is not the common ice, firm fearfulness, even Purple Azure Dual Swords were suppressed, is unable to get the winning side. 这并非寻常的冰,坚固的可怕,即便是紫青双剑都被压制了下去,无法占据上风。 Stands outside the cold fog, Jian Chen expression is dignified, he felt that the relation of own to Purple Azure Dual Swords weakened fast, has not been hesitating immediately, immediately the hand pinches Sword Art, recalls Purple Azure Dual Swords. 站在寒雾外,剑尘神色凝重,他感觉到自己紫青双剑的联系正在飞快的减弱,当即沒有丝毫迟疑,立即手捏剑诀,将紫青双剑召回。 When Purple Azure Dual Swords flies from the cold fog deep place, congealed cold ice on two sword to reach half meter diameter thick, lost Divine Sword proper speed, sluggish flew from the cold fog. 紫青双剑从寒雾深处重新飞回來时,凝结在两把剑上的寒冰已经厚达半米直径了,失去了神剑应有的速度,慢吞吞的从寒雾中飞了出來。 After it is separated from the cold fog, that is started to heal slowly by passage that Purple Azure Dual Swords opens, was filled the cold fog that comes to fill the air by all around. 当它脱离寒雾之后,那条被紫青双剑开辟出來的通道开始缓缓的愈合,被四周充填而來的寒雾所弥漫。 Jian Chen unemotional looks at present these two are half meter thick icicle, powerful sword qi starts to condense to come from the world, in an instant then condenses on his right hand, sends out the incomparably dazzling white light, then ruthlessly toward changes into two icicles Purple Azure Dual Swords to pat at present. 剑尘面无表情的看着眼前这两根厚达半米的“冰棍”,强大的剑气开始从天地间凝聚而來,刹那间便凝聚在他右手上,散发出无比耀眼的白光,然后狠狠的向着眼前化为两根冰棍的紫青双剑拍去。 This racket, made the solid ice split a tiny slit unexpectedly, and palm and solid ice of Jian Chen contacted, fearful cold air invaded his palm, fast spread to go toward the writing skill, the cold current place visited, the arm of Jian Chen had hoar frost immediately, not only entire arm frozen stiff, the blood stopped flowing. 这一拍,竟然只是让坚冰裂开了一丝细小的缝隙,并且剑尘的手掌与坚冰接触,更有一股可怕的寒气侵入他的手掌,飞快的向着手笔蔓延而去,寒流所过之处,剑尘的手臂顿时起了一层白霜,不仅整条手臂都被冻僵,就连血液都停止了流动。 In the Jian Chen eye the fine glow flashes, Chaos Core in Dantian the turnover has massive Chaos Force to rush to his right arm immediately all, so, prevented the cold air in right arm from continue fill the air, at once Chaos Force flows in the right hand arm, reduced and solved the fearful cold air of stay in arm, gradually made the arm restore to have. 剑尘眼中精芒一闪,丹田中的混沌内丹顿时吞吐出大量的混沌之力尽数涌向他的右臂,如此,才阻止了右臂内的寒气继续弥漫,旋即混沌之力在右手臂内流动,化解了逗留在手臂内的这股可怕寒气,逐渐让手臂恢复了自有。 Has not thought that this cold air is so unexpectedly fearful.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, this also merely a cold current that transmits from Purple Azure Dual Swords, if the thorough front that matter cold fog, receives the direct attack of cold fog, perhaps he could not insist that several time of breath, will then be frozen to turn into ice sculpture. “沒想到这股寒气竟然如此可怕。”剑尘心中暗道,这还仅仅是从紫青双剑上传递出來的一股寒流,若是深入前方那层寒雾,受到寒雾的直接侵袭,他恐怕根本就坚持不了几个呼吸的时间,便会被冻成冰雕 Looks that at present has turned into two icicles Purple Azure Dual Swords, Jian Chen has not begun to try to break this solid ice again, after more than ten breath, ka ka sound transmitted from the icicle, sees only two icicles to split the dense and numerous cracks suddenly, if finally a spider web filled the entire icicle generally, was faint to have purple-azure two color rays of light to jump to shoot from. 看着眼前已经变成两根冰柱的紫青双剑,剑尘沒有再次动手试图打破这一层坚冰,在十几个呼吸之后,一阵“咔咔”声从冰柱上传來,只见两根冰柱突然之间裂开了密密麻麻的裂缝,最后如一层蜘蛛网一般弥漫整个冰柱,隐隐间更有紫青两色光芒从其内迸射而出。 Bumps.” Finally, with an explosive, the icicle blasted open loudly, revealed two immortal swords that sent out the intense purple glow and azure glow, without cold fog inside cold air supplemented, the icicle could not surround Purple Azure Dual Swords. “碰。”终于,随着一声爆响,冰柱轰然炸裂,露出了散发出强烈紫芒和青芒的两把仙剑,沒有寒雾里面的寒气补充,冰柱根本就困不住紫青双剑 „The intention of Imperial Guardian Shui is very obvious, the cold fog does not open, how I should pass.” The Jian Chen brow big wrinkle, he knows by the own current strength, but also cannot do to at present this cold fog, perhaps this cold fog, Highest Origin Realm powerhouse not necessarily can step into. 水侍卫的用意已经很明显了,寒雾不开,我该如何过去。”剑尘眉头大皱,他知道以自己目前的实力,还奈何不了眼前这一层寒雾,这一层寒雾,恐怕本源境界强者都不一定能踏入。 In Ice Temple, Changyang Mingyue returned own to close up the cultivation in that secret room, how however she could not calm the mind to cultivate at this moment, sat cross-legged to sit on together cold piercing ten thousand years of mysterious ice, a hand is supporting the chin, in the vision revealed the color of doubt, muttered: Strange, why I become somewhat restless suddenly, is unable to calm the mind.” 冰神殿内,长阳明月重新回到了自己闭关修炼的那间密室之中,然而此刻她是怎么都静不下心去修炼,盘膝坐在一块寒冷刺骨的万年玄冰上,一只手撑着下巴,目光中露出狐疑之色,喃喃道:“奇怪,为何我突然间变得有些心神不宁,怎么也无法静下心去。” Is frowning to think deeply about the moment, Changyang Mingyue talked to oneself in a soft voice: Definitely has anything to happen, moreover this matter also relates to me, happen to I from Imperial Guardian Shui there learned the mysterious ice mirror technique, can see anything of any place few days ago, although I, because the strength limits, has not practiced the profound boundary the mysterious ice mirror technique, is unable such as Imperial Guardian Shui to see all on Tian Yuan Continent, but the range does not want over ten thousand li (0.5 km), actually.” 皱着眉头思索了片刻,长阳明月轻声自语道:“肯定有什么事情发生,而且这件事情还关系到我,正好我前些日子从水侍卫那里学会了玄冰镜像术,可以看到任何地方的任何事情,虽然我因为自身实力所限,还沒有将玄冰镜像术修炼到高深境界,无法如水侍卫看到天元大陆上的一切,但范围只要不超过万里,却还是可以的。” Thinks does, Changyang Mingyue displays the secretary immediately, such as Imperial Guardian Shui condenses at the same time mirror suspended comprised of mysterious ice like that baseless in the midair, mirror surface snow white, is indistinct can see some sceneries in fuzzy flashing before. 想到就做,长阳明月当即施展秘书,如水侍卫那般凭空凝聚出一面由玄冰组成的镜子悬浮在半空中,镜面一片雪白,隐约间可以看见有一些景物在里面模模糊糊的闪现。 Changyang Mingyue uses the mysterious ice mirror technique for the first time, just started to control is unstable, cost enough several time of breath, the scenery in mirror surface finally became clear, what saw only appears in inside was a snow white glacier world, was North Pole that icefield, from inside can the corner/horn of clear visible North Pole icefield. 长阳明月第一次施展玄冰镜像术,刚开始操控还不稳定,耗费了足足十几个呼吸的时间,镜面内的景物才终于变得清晰了起來,只见出现在里面的是一片雪白的冰川世界,正是北极那一片冰原,从里面能清晰的看见北极冰原的一角。 Although only then an corner/horn, but the range is actually close to ten thousand li (0.5 km). 虽说只有一角,但范围却接近万里。 Although Ice Temple was hidden by the technique of divine ability by Imperial Guardian Shui, still vanishes on the icefield, as if entered another piece of space, but actually could not prevent peeping at mysterious ice mirror technique. 冰神殿虽然被水侍卫神通之术隐藏了起來,依然在冰原上消失,仿佛进入了另一片空间,但却阻止不了玄冰镜像术的窥视。 mysterious ice mirror technique very mysterious, through this by the mysterious ice condense into mirror, not only can a clear visible about ten thousand li (0.5 km) range, and in all aura to this piece of range will have the clear induction. 玄冰镜像术十分的神奇,通过这面由玄冰凝结成的镜子,不仅能清晰的看见将近万里范围,并且对这一片范围内的所有气息都会有清晰的感应。 Almost the mysterious ice mirror technique just a formation, Changyang Mingyue then felt one to make she incomparably familiar aura through it, immediately forgets with rapt attention, this looked, immediately makes her expression one dull, at once on the face reveals the color of pleasant surprise, is hard the automatic control emanation screams: Fourth Brother, the Fourth Brother, I saw the Fourth Brother... Imperial Guardian Shui, you......” next quarter, Changyang Mingyue then discovered that Jian Chen was prevented outside that cold fog, on that snow white elegant face appeared immediately the angry look, the figure flashes, then has vanished does not see, anger to rushed to Imperial Guardian Shui whereabouts. 几乎玄冰镜像术刚一形成,长阳明月便通过其感受到了一股令她无比熟悉的气息,当即凝神忘去,这一看,顿时让她神色一呆,旋即脸上露出惊喜之色,难以自控的发出惊呼声:“四弟,四弟,我看见四弟了…水侍卫,你……”下一刻,长阳明月便发现剑尘被阻挡在那一层寒雾外,那张雪白的俏脸上顿时浮现出怒色,身形一闪之间,便已经消失不见,怒火冲冲的奔向水侍卫所在之处。 At the same time, sits cross-legged to sit Imperial Guardian Shui on thick ice exudes one to sigh lightly. 同一时间,盘膝坐在冰床上的水侍卫发出一声轻叹。 While Imperial Guardian Shui exudes the sighing sound, in front of Jian Chen that fearful cold fog surged immediately crazily, under the gaze of Jian Chen flashing eyes, the cold fog starts fast to the two sides spreads, suddenly, one diameter three meters, directly then form to lead to inside passage quietly. 就在水侍卫发出叹气声的同时,剑尘面前的那一片可怕的寒雾顿时疯狂的涌动了起來,在剑尘目光炯炯的注视下,寒雾开始飞快的向两边扩散,眨眼间,一个直径三米,直接通向里面的通道便悄然间形成。 Comes.” The ear of Jian Chen broadcast Imperial Guardian Shui that indifferent sound, he hesitated the meeting, then carried the Purple Azure Dual Swords stride to walk. “进來吧。”剑尘的耳边传來了水侍卫那冷漠的声音,他沉吟了会,然后便背着紫青双剑大步走了进去。 When Jian Chen across cold fog, is reappeared by Ice Temple that Imperial Guardian Shui hidden goes to the original position, seems carved the fine temple that becomes as if to melt with this world by the ice crystal for a body, invisible in sends out an ancient and desolate pressure. 剑尘穿过寒雾时,被水侍卫隐去的冰神殿已经重新出现在原來的位置,仿佛由冰晶雕琢而成的精美神殿仿佛与这片世界融为了一体,无形之中散发出一股古老而苍凉的威压。 Jian Chen as far as eyes can reach, the vision concentrates immediately, because of him in Rui Jin their three people by the frozen position, had not been discovered changed into the ice sculpture Rui Jin their several people, the vision inspected everywhere, unexpectedly has not discovered Rui Jin on this icefield their trace. 剑尘一眼望去,目光顿时一凝,因为他在瑞金他们三人被冰封的位置,并沒有发现化为冰雕的瑞金他们几人,目光四处巡视了下,竟然在这片冰原上都沒有发现瑞金他们三人的痕迹。 Senior Rui Jin they, is it possible that were shifted by Imperial Guardian Shui to other places.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, these comes time ; first, to see Second Sister Changyang Mingyue, its two, are rescues Rui Jin their three people. 瑞金前辈他们,莫非是被水侍卫转移到其他地方去了。”剑尘心中暗道,这一次前來,其一是看望二姐长阳明月,其二,是解救瑞金他们三人。 Fourth Brother.” At this moment, the pleasantly surprised sound conveys from the distant place together, (Bai Yi) white clothes Changyang Mingyue is standing in the Ice Temple front door place looks at Jian Chen, on the face was being full of the happy expression, has the thick concern. “四弟。”就在这时,一道充满惊喜的声音从远处传來,一身白衣长阳明月正站在冰神殿大门处望着剑尘,脸上充满了喜色,更是带着浓浓的关怀。
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