CSG :: Volume #15

#1428: Ten thousand years of ice mortal form

In snow white, just like Ice Temple that in the cold ice carving becomes, wears Imperial Guardian Shui of armor such as the ice sculpture to sit cross-legged to sit on the thick ice generally, eye expansion that slowly suddenly, he shuts tightly, hesitant the moment, the arm wielded gently, space outside Ice Temple started to twist immediately, in space of this distortion, among Ice Temple rapidly became fuzzy, in an instant vanished does not see. 在一片雪白,宛如寒冰雕刻而成的冰神殿内,身穿铠甲的水侍卫如冰雕一般盘膝坐在冰床上,突然,他紧闭的眼睛缓缓的展开,犹豫了片刻,手臂轻轻一挥,冰神殿外的空间顿时开始扭曲了起來,在这扭曲的空间之中,其内的冰神殿迅速变得模糊,转眼间就消失不见。 Icefield as before, but stands erect has never moved in the there innumerable years Ice Temple to vanish does not see. 冰原如旧,只是屹立在那里无数年从未移动过的冰神殿已经消失不见。 this King has hidden Ice Temple in another piece of space, isolates with the outside world, hopes that the arrival of Jian Chen cannot alarm your highness.” In Ice Temple, Imperial Guardian Shui in a low voice twittering, that pair ice-cold and does not mix with slightly in the sentimental eye pupil, is faint reveals one, helpless color. 本王已经将冰神殿隐藏在另一片空间之中,与外界隔绝,希望剑尘的到來不会惊扰到殿下。”冰神殿内,水侍卫低声呢喃,那双冰冷而不夹杂丝毫感情的眼眸中,隐隐间露出一丝无奈之色。 Although because of the Mo Tianyun reason, this King cannot to make things difficult for Jian Chen, but your highness must ten thousand years of ice mortal form gift Jian Chen, this King unable to change the determination of your highness unexpectedly, but can actually prevent Jian Chen and your highness meets.” “虽然因为莫天云的原因,本王不能为难剑尘,但殿下竟然要将万年冰魄赠予剑尘,本王无法改变殿下的决心,但是却可以阻止剑尘殿下相见。” Meanwhile, in a secret room in Ice Temple, Changyang Mingyue in cultivation wakes up suddenly, in the vision reveals color of the doubt, muttered: Strange, why suddenly becomes disturbed.”, 与此同时,在冰神殿内一间密室中,修炼之中的长阳明月突然醒來,目光中露出一丝狐疑之色,喃喃道:“奇怪,为何突然间会变得心绪不宁。”、 Changyang Mingyue frowned to think deeply about the moment lightly, Mindless continued to cultivate, then set out to go out of the closing up secret room, arrived around Imperial Guardian Shui directly, said: Imperial Guardian Shui, this several years passed, why my Fourth Brother has not come, is it possible that my Fourth Brother met troublesome.” 长阳明月轻皱眉头思索了片刻,也无心继续修炼,便起身走出了闭关的密室,径直來到水侍卫跟前,说道:“水侍卫,这都几年时间过去了,为何我四弟还沒有來,莫非我四弟遇到了麻烦。” Imperial Guardian Shui opened the eye slowly, tone quite respectful saying: your highness, your Fourth Brother all well, at present he is busy with resisting the Abandoned Saint World matter, therefore has not come.” Said here, Imperial Guardian Shui was worried that Changyang Mingyue gave birth wants to go to Tian Yuan Continent to help the Jian Chen thought that then added again: Now the Fourth Brother has with the strength that Origin Realm fights, the invasion of Abandoned Saint World has not threatened him.” 水侍卫缓缓的睁开了眼睛,语气颇为恭敬的说道:“殿下,你四弟一切安好,目前他忙于抵挡圣弃界的事情,因此沒有前來。”说道这里,水侍卫担心长阳明月又生出想要前往天元大陆帮助剑尘的念头,便再次补充道:“如今你四弟已拥有与源境一战的实力,圣弃界的入侵还威胁不到他。” In order to let Changyang Mingyue believes that the own words, Imperial Guardian Shui waves, condenses at the same time ice mirror by the technique of divine ability before the body, inside shows Jian Chen to grasp Zi Ying Sword to break in one that in Abandoned Saint World one crowd of Saint Emperor slaughters. 为了让长阳明月更加相信自己的话,水侍卫更是一挥手,以神通之术在身前凝聚出一面冰镜,里面放映着正是剑尘手持紫郢剑冲入圣弃界一群圣帝中大开杀戒的一幕。 Sees the own Fourth brother's rush with irresistible force in one crowd of Saint Emperor, is difficult to meet the rival, on the face of long Yang Mingyue (bright moon) showed a happy smile unrestrainedly, muttered: „The Fourth Brother is never so expected that fierce.” 自己的四弟在一群圣帝中势如破竹的冲杀,难逢敌手,长杨明月的脸上情不自禁的露出了一丝开心的笑容,喃喃道:“沒想到四弟已经这么厉害了。” your highness, your Profound Ice Body also one year is then reachable, by that time, you can leave Ice Temple, where wants to go to go to where.” Imperial Guardian Shui said. 殿下,你的玄冰之体还有一年的时间便可达成,到那个时候,你就可以离开冰神殿了,想去哪里就去哪里。”水侍卫说道。 In the Changyang Mingyue eye reveals the color of anticipation, muttered: „A year, one year later I can go to Tian Yuan Continent to look for the Fourth Brother, the father, mother, Mingyue (bright moon) for a long time has not accompanied side you, does not know that you cross may be good.” 长阳明月眼中露出期待之色,喃喃道:“还有一年的时间了,一年之后我就可以去天元大陆寻找四弟了,爹,娘,明月这么长时间沒有陪伴在你们身边,不知你们过得可好。” In the following year, I must try hard to cultivate, lets Profound Ice Body big accomplishment as soon as possible, I cultivation now.” “接下來的一年时间中,我一定要努力修炼,尽早让玄冰之体大成,我现在就去修炼。” Imperial Guardian Shui gazes after Changyang Mingyue to depart, in the eye the rays of light twinkle is uncertain, in heart secretly thought: „A year later your highness Profound Ice Body big accomplishment, I then implant your highness within the body three ten thousand years of ice mortal forms completely, then, your highness not possible to send out ten thousand years of ice mortal form, Jian Chen, hopes that during this year time, do not come to disturb your highness.” 水侍卫目送着长阳明月离去,眼中光芒闪烁不定,心中暗道:“一年之后殿下玄冰之体大成,我便将三颗万年冰魄全部植入殿下体内,如此一來,殿下就不可能将万年冰魄送出了,剑尘,希望这一年的时间当中,你不要前來打搅殿下。” Oh... was a pity that I have complied with Mo Tianyun, cannot to make things difficult for Jian Chen......” “唉…可惜我答应过莫天云,不能为难剑尘……” Stands in front of this cold fog, Jian Chen has not rushed hardly, he had experienced the fearfulness of this cold fog initially with own eyes, even if his present strength increases, refined Purple Azure Dual Swords, but still has not grasped can rush to this barrier. 站在这一层寒雾面前,剑尘沒有硬闯,他当初就亲眼见识过这一层寒雾的可怕,即便他如今实力大增,更是炼制了紫青双剑,但依然沒有把握能闯过这一层屏障。 Stood waited for the moment in front of the cold fog, saw the cold fog still not to have any change, the brow of Jian Chen immediately a wrinkle, in the heart secretly thought: „When previous time I comes to here to see Second Sister, Second Sister said that the entire icefield is the Imperial Guardian Shui domain, he will step icefield Imperial Guardian Shui to know my arrival, and will deliver me, but I have not only stepped this side icefield now, will stand, in only had outside the separation of one wall cold fog with Ice Temple, that Imperial Guardian Shui will be impossible not to have the least bit to detect.” 站在寒雾面前等候了片刻,见寒雾依然沒有发生任何变化,剑尘的眉头顿时一皱,心中暗道:“上次我來这里见到二姐时,二姐说整个冰原都是水侍卫的领域,他一踏上冰原水侍卫就会知晓我的到來,并且会把我送过去,可如今我不仅早已踏上了这方冰原,更是站在了与冰神殿仅有一墙之隔的寒雾外面,那水侍卫不可能沒有半点察觉。” The vision is staring at present this cold fog that is blocking the own advance step, the Jian Chen vision gradually became cold, in heart secretly thought: At present this, can only show that Imperial Guardian Shui like not letting me goes, does not want to make me see Second Sister, snort/hum, today my Jian Chen has stood here, how could easily to draw back the meeting.” 目光盯着眼前这一层阻挡着自己前进步伐的寒雾,剑尘的目光逐渐变得冷冽了起來,心中暗道:“眼下这一幕,只能说明水侍卫并不像让我进去,并不想让我见到二姐,哼,今日我剑尘已经站到了这里,岂能轻易退会。” Suddenly, the imposing manner of Jian Chen whole person suddenly changes, sends out to soaring sword intent, in this flash, he as if turned into a to stand erect Divine Sword in the world from an original average person, fearful sword intent seemed crushed void, in the stretch of the world that actually made the mobile cold air disintegrated, only has the present thick cold fog is not affected. 骤然间,剑尘整个人的气势猛然一变,散发出冲冲天剑意,在这一刹那,他仿佛从原來的一个普通人变成了一柄屹立在天地间的神剑,可怕的剑意好似粉碎了虚空,竟然令的这片天地间流动的寒气纷纷瓦解,唯有眼前的这一片浓浓的寒雾沒有受到影响。 The Jian Chen whole person was being wrapped by intense white glow, still could not see clearly his body, but in his under foot, when white glow and hard ice layer touched, the ice layer sent out unexpectedly clearly ka ka sound, split a piece of close crack. 剑尘整个人都被一股强烈的白芒包裹着,依然看不清他的身躯了,而在他的脚下,当白芒与坚硬的冰层相触的,冰层竟发出清脆的“咔咔”声,裂开了一片细密的裂缝。 In this group of white glow, has one purple, one azure two dazzling rays of light to jump to shoot, rushed void, changes into has thousand zhang (3.33 m) Divine Sword illusory shadow fully. 在这团白芒中,更有一紫一青两道耀眼的光芒迸射而出,冲上了虚空,化为足有千丈长的神剑虚影 The Jian Chen both eyes god glow explodes flashes, the hand pinches Sword Art, Purple Azure Dual Swords projects from him immediately like lightning, two swords revolved by the screw fast, bringing dazzling purple-azure two color rays of light to project in the front cold fog like lightning. 剑尘双目神芒爆闪,手捏剑诀,紫青双剑顿时从他背后闪电般射出,两把剑以螺旋飞快的旋转了起來,带着耀眼的紫青两色光芒闪电般射出前方的寒雾之中。 This strikes, Jian Chen has not retained, has acted full power, erupting is not weak in the Origin Realm power and influence, the Dual Swords place visited, space violent shivering, has the potential of breaking faintly, invisible sword qi fills the air to all around, the solid ice that in land made split thick cracks. 这一击,剑尘沒有保留,已然全力出手,爆发出丝毫不弱于源境界的威势,双剑所过之处,空间猛烈的颤抖,隐隐有破碎之势,无形的剑气弥漫向四周,令的大地上的坚冰都裂开了一条条粗大的裂缝。 This icefield is the Imperial Guardian Shui domain, space wants firm innumerable times compared with the outside world, might sufficiently destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth that Jian Chen this strikes, has to cut two halves Tian Yuan Continent the power and influence, however on this icefield, even here space does not cut unexpectedly broken. 这片冰原是水侍卫的领域,空间比外界要坚固无数倍,剑尘这一击的威力足以毁天灭地,拥有将天元大陆都斩成两半的威势,然而在这片冰原上,竟然连这里的空间都斩不破。 Purple Azure Dual Swords changes into long rainbow to inject in the mysterious ice mist together like lightning, the tranquil cold fog started to fluctuate immediately violently, sword qi that the cold air and Purple Azure Dual Swords of cold fog send out touches, immediately exudes „” sound intermittently. 紫青双剑化为一道长虹闪电般射入玄冰雾气之内,原本宁静的寒雾顿时开始猛烈的波动了起來,寒雾的寒气与紫青双剑散发出的剑气相触,顿时发出阵阵“嗤嗤”声。 Purple Azure Dual Swords then injects a cold fog dozens zhang (3.33 m) depth in an instant, left behind a stretch of spacious region in behind, however the cold fog toward the deep place, is fearful, after Purple Azure Dual Swords thorough hundred zhang (333 m), purple-azure rays of light that sends out was suppressed, rays of light that made immediately more comes is also gloomy. 紫青双剑刹那间便射入寒雾数十丈深,在后面留下了一片空旷的地带,然而寒雾越往深处,越是可怕,当紫青双剑深入百丈之后,散发出的紫青光芒顿时被压制,令的光芒越來也暗淡。 When Purple Azure Dual Swords thorough 120 zhang (3.33 m) range, purple-azure rays of light had been suppressed completely in Divine Sword, but in the Divine Sword surface, a rapid condense into light ice crystal. 紫青双剑深入一百二十丈的范围时,紫青光芒已经完全被压制在神剑内部,而在神剑的表面上,迅速凝结成一层薄薄的冰晶。
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