CSG :: Volume #15

#1427: Again near North Pole

This vast sound falls into the Li Fengxing ear, just like together the startling thunderclap in the brain loudly crack, not only shakes his both ears deaf, that Primordial Spirit cannot bear rocks. 这道浩大的声音落入厉风行耳中,就犹如一道惊雷在脑中轰然炸响,不仅震得他的双耳失聪,就连元神都忍不住的一阵晃动。 Broken wooden house has broken, changes into stretch of ruins to bury Li Fengxing in inside, but Li Fengxing is similar not to think, sits cross-legged to sit there as before, in the vision reveals the short delay. 残破的木屋已经破碎,化为一片废墟将厉风行掩埋在里面,而厉风行仿佛好无所觉,依旧盘膝坐在那里,目光中露出短暂的呆滞。 But at once, the vision of his delay glowed the appearance, in the vision revealed the panic-stricken color immediately, this sound , he although heard not many, but actually could not forget forever, because these days in his brain, he also recalled that more than once initially the master of this sound once said when Sea Region those words that but now, the master of this sound has become Human Race Supreme. 但旋即,他那呆滞的目光就重新焕发了神采,目光中顿时露出惊恐之色,这道声音,他虽然听得不多,但是却永远也忘不了,因为这些日子在他脑中,他也不止一次的回想起当初这道声音的主人在海域时曾说下的那句话,而如今,这道声音的主人已经成为了人族至尊了。 Body wordy of Li Fengxing, complexion instantaneously becomes pale, at this moment, his entire mind was occupied by the huge fear, not slightly hesitant, immediately ran out of the wooden house ruins to fly the upper air, wanted recklessly fled from here. 厉风行的身体一个啰嗦,脸色瞬间变得苍白,这一刻,他整个心灵都被巨大的恐惧所占据,沒有丝毫犹豫,立即冲出了木屋废墟飞上了高空,想要不顾一切的逃离这里。 However in Li Fengxing just lifted off, the horizon end suddenly appears wipes the purple glow, is close toward him by quick inconceivable speed, this purple glow previous quarter also in a remote world place, however next then arrives at the Li Fengxing front instantaneously, immediately, to Li Fengxing, blots out the sky to come to pressure beyond description powerful, such as big mountain-like must press on his body, making his chest depressed, scant of breath. 然而就在厉风行刚刚升空时,天际尽头突然出现一抹紫芒,以快的不可思议速度向着他接近,这一道紫芒前一刻还在遥远的天地一线之处,然而下一个瞬间便來到厉风行的面前,顿时,一股对厉风行來说,强大到难以形容的威压铺天盖地而來,如一座大山似得压在他的身上,让他胸口沉闷,呼吸困难。 Sees only Jian Chen of white robe to cross the hands behind the back to stand, foot treads Zi Ying Sword suspended in front of Li Fengxing, vision cold is staring at him, Sen Ran (dense) killing intent does not conceal sends out from him. 只见一身白袍的剑尘负手而立,脚踏紫郢剑悬浮厉风行面前,目光冷冽的盯着他,森然杀意毫不掩饰的从他身上散发而出。 Is seeing Jian Chen form that flash, the Li Fengxing body immediately in fierce shivering, was frightened the courage to crack, was full of the fear. 在看见剑尘的身影那一瞬间,厉风行的身躯顿时在剧烈的颤抖,被吓得肝胆欲裂,充满了恐惧。 Jian Chen to... to... Supreme, you... you... you is also Human Race first powerhouse, why so the status cannot pass with my unimportant person.” The Li Fengxing trembling sound said, in the heart is also hates simultaneously secretly, he thinks that own hid to have no more worries, by Jian Chen now solemn Human Race Supreme lofty status, perhaps his unimportant person forgetting, what may make him not think, although Jian Chen becomes Human Race Supreme, but still had not forgotten that his unimportant person, what made his unbelievable was Human Race Supreme also runs up to Beast God Continent to seek him personally. 剑尘至…至…至尊,你…你…你好歹也是人族第一强者,如此身份何必跟我一位小人物过不去。”厉风行颤声道,同时心中也是暗恨不已,他本以为自己躲起來一切就高枕无忧了,以剑尘如今堂堂人族至尊的崇高身份,或许早就把他这个小人物给忘记了,可让他万万沒有想到的是,剑尘虽然成为了人族至尊,但依然沒有忘记他这个小人物,更让他难以置信的是人族至尊还亲自跑到兽神大陆來寻他。 Turtle Clan Great Elder dies of your hands, anyone who participates in has besieged Turtle Clan Great Elder, anyone, my Jian Chen will not let off, even if he escapes the ends of the earth, Li Fengxing, since you killed Turtle Clan Great Elder at that moment, you because of should have today's consciousness.” Jian Chen cold voice said. 龟族大长老是死于你们之手,凡是参与过围攻龟族大长老的人,无论是谁,我剑尘都绝不会放过,即便他逃到天涯海角,厉风行,从你杀死了龟族大长老那一刻起,你就因该有今日的觉悟。”剑尘冷声说道。 „... Jian Chen Supreme, that cannot blame me, I am ordered to handle affairs Li Fengxing quickly saying that at this moment facing Jian Chen, he has one type just like facing the god of death general feeling. “不…不…剑尘至尊,那并不能怪我,我是奉命行事”厉风行急忙说道,此刻面对剑尘,他有一种犹如面对死神一般的感觉。 In front of Jian Chen, he completely gave up the thought of escaping, because he knows that escapes does not help matters, he is unable to escape from chasing down of Supreme. 剑尘面前,他完全放弃了逃跑的念头,因为他知道逃跑也是无济于事,他根本就无法逃出一名至尊的追杀。 However Jian Chen iron core must kill him, initially struck to kill Turtle Clan Great Elder several people, except for this Li Fengxing, several other people have been put to death at present all. 然而剑尘已经铁了心要杀他,当初击杀龟族大长老的几人,除了眼前这厉风行,其余的几人已经尽数被诛杀。 Sees only intense white glow to send out soaring to the heavens sword qi to flash to pass, Li Fengxing had been cut the head by Jian Chen by sword qi, pure sword qi penetrate in his brain from the wound, extinguished his Primordial Spirit. 只见一道强烈的白芒散发出冲天剑气一闪而逝,厉风行已经被剑尘以一道剑气斩下了头颅,更有一股精纯的剑气从伤口突入他的脑中,灭了他的元神 A strength is equivalent to Saint Sovereign 8th-Rank Magic Beast, this easily was cut to kill by Jian Chen. 一名实力相当于圣皇八阶魔兽,就这样轻易的被剑尘斩杀。 Until this time, Nubisi changed into golden rays of light to dare to come from the distant place together, looked is losing the head Li Fengxing that fell down from the upper air to be silent, in his brain, seemed to be remembered initially own and Jian Chen two people in Sea Region, encountered Li Fengxing several people of chasing down one. 直到这时,努比斯才化为一道金色的光芒从远处敢來,望着失去了头颅正从高空中掉下去的厉风行沉默不语,在他的脑中,似有想起了当初自己剑尘二人在海域,遭遇厉风行几人追杀的一幕。 At that time, if not the Turtle Clan Building Great Elder fate rescues, he and Jian Chen two people is perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate. 在那个时候,若非龟族大长老命相救,他和剑尘两人恐怕已经凶多吉少了。 Goes to Sea Region.” Jian Chen is raising the head of Li Fengxing, unemotional saying. “去海域。”剑尘提着厉风行的头颅,面无表情的说道。 Nubisi nod of silently, tore space to build Space Gate to Sea Region immediately, departed with the Jian Chen two people together. 努比斯默默的点了点头,当即撕裂空间搭建了一道通往海域空间之门,和剑尘二人一同离去。 Jian Chen and Nubisi two people was just close to Sea Region protection barrier, protects barrier to split together the gateway, at once they directly soar Turtle Clan to go. 剑尘努比斯两人刚接近海域的守护结界,守护结界就裂开一道门户,旋即他们二人直奔龟族而去。 In the back side of the mountain restricted area of Turtle Clan tribe, Jian Chen and Nubisi two people have not alarmed anybody, is raising the head quiet arrival of Li Fengxing, holds a memorial service for the Turtle Clan Great Elder soul in heaven by the head of Li Fengxing. 龟族部落的后山禁地中,剑尘努比斯二人沒有惊动任何人,提着厉风行的头颅悄无声息的到來,以厉风行的头颅來祭奠龟族大长老的在天之灵。 Jian Chen stopped over on the 3rd in front of the Turtle Clan Great Elder grave, after three days, he and Nubisi departs quietly, big Turtle Clan, now is Expert like clouds, several Saint Sovereign assume personal command, but has no one person to discover Jian Chen and Nubisi their arrival. 剑尘龟族大长老的墓前逗留了三日,三日后,他和努比斯二人悄然离去,偌大的龟族,如今已经是高手如云,更有数名圣皇坐镇,但是却沒有任何一人发现剑尘努比斯他们二人的到來。 In deep blue tranquil sea, Jian Chen and Nubisi two people of suspended look into the distant world in the kilometer upper air, Jian Chen says: Nubisi, I must go to North Pole Ice Temple, there has incomparably powerful mysterious powerhouse, in front of that powerhouse, even I am unable to control the own life and death, therefore this time, you do not need to go along with me.” 在一片蔚蓝的宁静大海上,剑尘努比斯二人悬浮在千米高空眺望远方天地,剑尘开口说道:“努比斯,我要去一趟北极冰神殿,那里有一位无比强大的神秘强者,在那名强者面前,即便是我都无法掌控自己的生死,因此这一次,你不必随我前往。” In Nubisi heart one startled, expression became dignified, sinking sound said: About North Pole Ice Temple, in my inheritance memory also some shallow records, it is said that is a mysterious influence, does not know that had many years, even if Ten Great Guardian Clans is not willing to offend, has not thought that there hid unexpectedly has Origin Realm powerhouse.” 努比斯心中一惊,神色变得凝重了起來,沉声道:“关于北极冰神殿,我的传承记忆中也有一些粗浅的记载,据说那是一个神秘的势力,已经不知道存在多少年了,即便是十大守护家族都不愿得罪,沒想到那里竟然隐藏有一位源境界强者。” Nubisi has turned the head to look to Jian Chen, said ; Perhaps Jian Chen, the trip I could not help you, I went to Tian Yuan Continent wait/etc. you.” 努比斯转过头看向剑尘,道;“剑尘,此行我恐怕帮不了你了,我去天元大陆等你。” Jian Chen and Nubisi two people separate, a person goes to Tian Yuan Continent, another person of one person alone steps into North Pole that snow white icefield. 剑尘努比斯二人分开,一人前往天元大陆,另一人则孤身踏入北极那片雪白的冰原。 When the Jian Chen both feet treads again on the cold North Pole icefield, in the heart had a sigh unavoidably, this is the second time that he stepped into on the North Pole icefield, the first time, he needs Rui Jin, Hong Lian and Hei Yu three people helps one another, but this time, he is actually all alone. 剑尘的双脚再次踏在寒冷的北极冰原上时,心中难免生出了一阵感叹,这是他第二次踏入北极冰原上,第一次,他必须要瑞金,红莲黑鱼三人相助,而这一次,他却是孤身一人。 However although is all alone, but the threat of this icefield, regarding Jian Chen, already weakened, even can say that except for finally that outside that mysterious ice mist that camouflaged Ice Temple, cannot threaten his thing. 不过虽然是孤身一人,但这片冰原的威胁,对于剑尘來说,已经减弱了许多,甚至可以说除了最后那一层遮蔽了冰神殿的那一层玄冰雾气外,已经沒有能威胁到他的东西了。 Rui Jin, Hei Yu and Hong Lian three Senior because initially I was trapped, changed into the ice sculpture to be sealed nearby Ice Temple, today I go, in any event must save them to come out, lets their to become Emperor.” 瑞金,黑鱼红莲三位前辈当初因我受困,化为冰雕被封在冰神殿跟前,今日我前去,无论如何都要救他们出來,让他们三人成帝。” Second Sister, initial one year has about gone far beyond, but I am encumbered because of the trivial matters, involuntary, is unable to keep an appointment as scheduled, does not know whether Second Sister is angry......” Jian Chen not to have sword-controlling flight, but is double foot treads on the icefield turns toward the deep place to lead the way step by step, although walks on foot, but his speed actually rapidness, every step takes, behind will leave behind together the light remnant shadow, but his true body/this senior has appeared beyond several kilometers, just like flickers to move general. “还有二姐,当初的一年之约已经远远超过,可我因琐事缠身,身不由己,根本就无法如期赴约,不知二姐是否生气……”剑尘沒有御剑飞行,而是双脚踏在冰原上向着深处一步一步前行,虽说是徒步行走,但他的速度却非常之快,每一步迈出,身后都会留下一道淡淡的残影,而他本尊却已经出现在数公里之外,犹如瞬移一般。 In this period, Jian Chen also more than once met a cold current to sweep, this cold floating ice was cold, sufficiently in flash Saint Sovereign powerhouse frozen to turn into ice sculpture, but now, Jian Chen directs merely, projected sword qi to scatter these cold currents. 期间,剑尘也不止一次的遇见一波波寒流扫过,这股寒流冰寒无比,足以在一瞬间将圣皇强者成冰雕,但如今,剑尘仅仅一指点出,射出一道剑气就将这些寒流打散。 Quick, Jian Chen saw that again does not know several Saint Emperor as well as ice sculpture of 9th-Rank that Magic Beast what age keeps, in these ice sculpture not far away, can clear seeing have several groups of ice dregs opposite party there, when that several piles of ice dregs are Jian Chen comes for the first time, tries to rescue these to be frozen to turn into ice sculpture, when had lost life aura Saint Emperor stays behind. 很快,剑尘就再次见到不知什么年代留下來的几尊圣帝以及九阶魔兽的冰雕,在这些冰雕不远处,可以清晰的看见有几堆冰渣对方在那里,那几堆冰渣都是剑尘第一次來时,试图解救这些被冻成冰雕,已经失去了生命气息圣帝时留下的。 This time, the Jian Chen vision is light sweeps these ice sculptures, the footsteps has not stayed , to continue stand forth, during several twinkles has then vanished does not see, around his body, the light white glow twinkle, sends out sword qi that soars to the heavens, this is sword glow protects the body, the cold current just touched this sword glow, in an instant then smashing. 这一次,剑尘目光只是淡淡一扫这些冰雕,脚步沒有丝毫停留,继续向前走去,几个闪烁间便已经消失不见,在他的身体周围,有一层淡淡的白芒闪烁,散发出冲天的剑气,这是剑芒护体,外界的寒流刚一触碰到这层剑芒,刹那间便粉碎。 Is thorough, is the ice is colder, now Jian Chen must make some protection methods. 越是深入,越是冰寒,如今剑尘都要做出一些防护手段了。 After leading the way again several thousand kilometers, the Jian Chen vision saw front that piece finally as if with the world connected white fog, this white fog completely comprised of the terrifying mysterious ice cold air, very fearful, initially Hong Lian did utmost is unable to penetrate, nearly by freezing vulture. 再次前行了数千公里后,剑尘的目光终于看见了前方那一片仿佛与天地相连的白雾,这层白雾完全由恐怖的玄冰寒气组成,非常的可怕,当初红莲竭尽全力都无法深入,险些被冻成了冰雕。
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