CSG :: Volume #15

#1426: Difficult to escape dies

Listened to this saying, from Beast God Temple more than 30 8th-Rank Magic Beast raise one's head look at the day, looked that was full of the respect to the Peng Clan Saint Emperor vision, this is regarding 9th-Rank powerhouse respect/honorable. 听了这话,从兽神殿中出來的三十余名八阶魔兽纷纷抬头望天,看向鹏族圣帝的目光中充满了敬意,这是对于九阶强者尊敬 However when they hear great Beast God Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger to enter Beast God Temple 99th-layer, and already when starting to accept the inheritance, on faces reveals the exciting color. 不过当他们听到伟大的兽神天翼神虎已经进入兽神殿第九十九层,并且已经在开始接受传承时,一个个脸上都流露出激动之色。 Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger is the Spiritual God in Magic Beast clan mind, in the past left behind the invincible power and influence, is only this power and influence already over time by wireless reduction, causes now in Beast Clan, already few people Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger, when turn into god regarded spirit, even two Great Emperor kings produced to Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger seized the heart of shed. 上古神兽天翼神虎本是魔兽一族心目中的神灵,当年留下了不可战胜的威势,只是这股威势已经随着时间的流逝被无线的削减,导致如今在兽族之中,已经很少有人将天翼神虎成神灵來看待了,甚至还有两大帝王对天翼神虎产生了夺舍之心。 Now, this side world is under the threat of Abandoned Saint World, Abandoned Saint World is powerful all of them to experience with own eyes, without Origin Realm powerhouse is irresistible, Hundred Clans War God has returned, Human Race has Jian Chen, Sea Region has Sea God, at present in the four big races of this stretch of the world, three clans have Origin Realm powerhouse to assume personal command, only has Beast Clan not to have, this causes originally forcing Hundred Clans and Human Race Beast Clan, turned into a weakest side from a powerful race all of a sudden. 只是如今,这方世界面临着圣弃界的威胁,圣弃界的强大他们所有人都已经亲眼见识过,沒有源境界强者根本就不可抵挡,百族战神已经回归,人族剑尘,海域海神,眼下这片天地的四大种族中,其中三族都有源境界强者坐镇,唯有兽族沒有,这就使得原本力压百族人族兽族,一下子从一个强大的种族变成最弱的一方了。 Therefore in this crucial time, the return of Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger, naturally makes Beast Clan everyone feel exceptionally excited. 因此在这关键的时刻,天翼神虎的回归,自然让兽族所有人感到异常的激动。 The excitements of these people, the part is not because Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger is the Ancient Divine Beast status, merely because of existence of Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger, making their Beast Clan maintain the past position, only had some people still Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger, when turn into god paid homage to spirit. 这些人的激动,有一部分并非是因为天翼神虎上古神兽的身份,仅仅是因为天翼神虎的存在,令他们兽族保住了昔日的地位,仅有很少一些人依然将上古神兽天翼神虎成神灵來膜拜。 The Peng Clan Saint Emperor Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) sound resounds again: Now, this Emperor announces a serious matter, second our Beast God Continent three king, Tiger Emperor and king injured great Beast God Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger because of the past years, now has been afraid of punishment to flee, left Beast God Temple, from now, they will not be our Beast Clan people, now, this Emperor formally announces, issued a warrant for arrest Tiger Emperor Lang Kangli and king, once looked for their clue, fast reporting.” 鹏族圣帝苍穹的声音再次响起:“现在,本帝宣布一件重大的事情,我们兽神大陆三大王者之二,虎帝和王二人因当年加害伟大的兽神天翼神虎,如今已经畏罪潜逃,离开了兽神殿,从此以后,他们二人将不在是我们兽族的人,现在,本帝正式宣布,通缉虎帝狼康利斯和王,一旦寻找到他们二人的线索,速速上报。” These words that Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) spoke immediately caused a big stir, this Beast God Continent altogether is divided as three regions, the king, Tiger Emperor, a Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) respective control side, becomes the Beast God Continent overlord, is Beast God Continent most powerful existence, now Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) issues the warrant for arrest to another two big overlords unexpectedly directly, this feared everyone immediately. 苍穹说的这番话顿时引起了一股不小的轰动,这块兽神大陆总共被划分为三个区域,王,虎帝,苍穹各自统御一方,成为兽神大陆的霸主,乃是兽神大陆最为强大的存在,现在苍穹竟然直接对另外两大霸主下了通缉令,这顿时惊住了所有人。 However actually no one dares to exude the question sound, at this time, king and the Tiger Emperor two big overlords did not see the form, this had explained some issues, moreover now Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger has started to accept the inheritance, in their all person hearts understood from now, the object who own must give loyalty to is not original three Supreme, but was great Beast God , Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger. 不过却沒有任何人敢发出质疑声,在这个时候,王和虎帝两大霸主不见身影,这就已经说明了一些问題,而且现在天翼神虎已经开始接受传承,他们所有人心中都明白从此以后,自己要效忠的对象已经不是原先的三位至尊了,而是伟大的兽神,,天翼神虎 Therefore, even if in these dozens 8th-Rank powerhouse has some are is the subordinate of Tiger Emperor and king, but in this special time, still remained silent. 因此,即便这几十名八阶强者中有一些是属于虎帝和王的麾下,但在这特殊的时刻,也都保持了沉默。 The Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) vision looks to Jian Chen, the dignity on face vanishes does not immediately see, having a smile to say to Jian Chen: Jian Chen Supreme, the inheritance of Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger does not know how long wants to complete, these days, might as well keep in Beast God Temple for the time being, makes obsolete completely perform the duties of a host.” 苍穹目光看向剑尘,脸上的威严顿时消失不见,带着一丝微笑对着剑尘说道:“剑尘至尊,上古神兽天翼神虎的传承也不知要多久才会完成,这些日子,不如就暂且留在兽神殿中吧,也让老朽尽尽地主之谊。” Jian Chen hesitated the meeting, turned down detaining of Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), the inheritance of small white tiger he does not know how long can complete, if several days , if the year and even longer, he radically, because he also has a lot now, moreover small white tiger in Beast God Temple 99th-layer, no one can threaten his safety. 剑尘沉吟了会,婉拒了苍穹的挽留,小白虎的传承他也不知道多久能完成,若是几天还罢了,若是要数年甚至更长时间,他根本等不起,因为如今他还有很多事情,而且小白虎在兽神殿第九十九层,也无人能威胁到他的安全。 Then, Jian Chen returns to Beast God Temple under the leadership of Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) again, went to king and the Tiger Emperor two people of institutes to be at the layer that to walk, sought their treasure house, own in the treasure house could have a liking for the thing of eye to move out. 接下來,剑尘苍穹的带领下再次回到兽神殿,去王和虎帝二人所在的层数走了一圈,寻到了他们的宝库,将宝库里自己看得上眼的东西全部都搬走。 In these two big Beast Clan Saint Emperor treasure houses, Jian Chen sought massive high-level Magic Core, by Ruler Armament that they collected, King Armament, even in these two big 9th-Rank Magic Beast treasure houses, Jian Chen also found complete Saint Rank battle skill stone wall as well as three Emperor Armament. 在这两大兽族圣帝的宝库中,剑尘寻到了大量的高阶魔核,还有一些被他们收藏的王者之兵,皇道神兵,甚至在这两大九阶魔兽的宝库内,剑尘还找到了一副完整的圣阶战技石壁以及三柄帝王神器 On Saint Rank battle skill stone wall as well as three Emperor Armament, residual has thick years aura, does not know that was many ten thousand years ago things, this two kinds thing regarding Human Race was supreme treasure, but regarding Beast Clan, except for being used to collect, did not have the big use. 圣阶战技石壁以及三柄帝王神器上,都残留有浓厚的岁月气息,已经不知道是多少万年之前的东西了,这两样东西对于人族來说是至宝,但对于兽族來说,除了用來收藏,就沒有多大的用处了。 However disappoints Jian Chen, in these two big Saint Emperor treasure houses, had not found to attract the own thing. 不过让剑尘失望的,在这两大圣帝的宝库内,并沒有找到能够吸引自己的东西。 Jian Chen and Nubisi two people left Beast God Temple together, but Rum Guinness remained, insisted that must wait for the own child to come out. 剑尘努比斯二人一同离开了兽神殿,不过朗姆吉尼斯留了下來,坚持要等着自己的孩子出來。 Beast God Continent, Jian Chen foot treads Zi Ying Sword, slowed down speed and Nubisi two people flies shoulder to shoulder, in his eye has the cold light twinkle, almost flies every distance, will then stop to cover all around by Spiritual Consciousness, resembles is searching for anything. 兽神大陆,剑尘脚踏紫郢剑,放慢了速度努比斯两人并肩飞行,他眼中有寒光闪烁,几乎每飞一段距离,便会停下來以神识笼罩四周,似在搜寻着什么。 Jian Chen, you are looking for anything.” Nubisi curious asking. 剑尘,你在找什么。”努比斯好奇的问道。 Initially in Sea Region, killed in Turtle Clan Great Elder several people, a person escaped, this person called Li Fengxing, was the Beast God Continent person.” Jian Chen said, this he comes the Beast God Continent goal to have two time ; first, to let small white tiger enters Beast God Temple, accepts the inheritance of Beast God, second, naturally seeks for initially Li Fengxing that ran away from Sea Region. “当初在海域,杀死龟族大长老的几人中,还有一人逃了出去,此人叫厉风行,乃是兽神大陆的人。”剑尘说道,这一次他來兽神大陆的目的有两个,其一是让小白虎进入兽神殿,接受兽神的传承,第二个,自然是寻找当初从海域逃走的厉风行 Killed the Turtle Clan Great Elder personal enemy regarding this in the past, Jian Chen had not forgotten, did to once Beast God Continent to him, is going in that is unable to visit, until the present, he has fearless steps into this strange land in the Beast God Continent three big Saint Emperor strengths. 对于这个当年杀死龟族大长老的仇人,剑尘是一直都沒有忘记,奈何曾经的兽神大陆对他來说,是一个无法踏足的进去,直到如今,他才拥有无惧于兽神大陆三大圣帝的实力踏入这块陌生的大地。 Jian Chen Spiritual Consciousness covers the range in the flash to proliferate, but is more than 200,000 kilometers range, and this covers the range is not her peak, any under his Spiritual Consciousness that covers, even if ants hundreds of thousands kilometers away cannot escape from his sensation, even can also permeate in the bottom, thing that the investigation land deep place hidden. 剑尘神识笼罩范围可以在一瞬间扩散至而是二十几万公里范围,并且这个笼罩范围还不是她的极致,凡是在他的神识笼罩之下,即便是十几万公里之外的一只蝼蚁都逃不出他的感知,甚至还能渗入地底之中,探查大地深处隐藏的东西。 Although Beast God Continent is big, but Jian Chen , if determined to find a person, is not a difficult matter, but must spend some time and energy. 兽神大陆虽大,但剑尘若是下定决心要找一个人,也并不是一件困难的事,只是要多花费一些时间和精力罢了。 In an instant, Jian Chen has sought for three days of time in Beast God Continent, in these three days, he starts the rug search to Beast God Continent, has almost searched half Beast God Continent, although had not found the Li Fengxing trail, but Jian Chen is the least bit is not anxious. 转眼间,剑尘已经在兽神大陆寻找三天时间了,这三天的时间内,他对兽神大陆展开地毯式搜索,几乎已经搜索半个兽神大陆了,虽然还沒有找到厉风行的踪迹,但剑尘却是半点不急。 Several days, I can search for the Beast God Continent land again every inchs, so long as Li Fengxing on Beast God Continent, he could not have escaped from my search absolutely, if not, I go to Tian Yuan Continent, goes to Hundred Clans to look, if could not find, then Primordial Spirit steps into Origin Realm on and other, search the whole world.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, regarding Li Fengxing, he certainly not forgives like Tiger Emperor and king, king and Tiger Emperor in a Abandoned Saint World war, even without the merit still has the efforts, therefore he and king as well as Tiger Emperor hostility write off, but this is his Jian Chen does not kill their two people merely, they regardless did not say with Jian Chen hostility, is also the personal enemy of small white tiger. “再有数天,我就能把兽神大陆每一寸土地搜一个遍,只要厉风行还在兽神大陆上,他就绝对逃不出我的搜寻,若是不在,我就去天元大陆,去百族找,如果还是找不到,那就等我的元神踏入源境界,搜寻整个世界。”剑尘心中暗道,对于厉风行,他绝不会像虎帝和王那样饶恕,王和虎帝圣弃界一战中,即便沒有功劳也有苦劳,因此他和王以及虎帝二人的恩怨一笔勾销,但这仅仅是他剑尘不杀他们二人而已,他们二人抛开和剑尘恩怨不说,同时也是小白虎的仇人。 Jian Chen and Nubisi two people passed over gently and swiftly Spiritual Consciousness has searched for the place, arrives at a new region, powerful Spiritual Consciousness sending out as always, covers a surrounding area more than 200,000 li (0.5 km) range. 剑尘努比斯两人掠过神识搜寻过的地方,來到一片新的区域,强大的神识一如既往的散发而出,将方圆二十几万里范围笼罩在内。 However after a breath, the eye that Jian Chen that shuts tightly opens suddenly, immediately severe light flashes before, foot treads Zi Ying Sword to change into long rainbow to go far away together instantaneously, but Nubisi tight following behind Jian Chen. 然而一个呼吸之后,剑尘那紧闭的眼睛骤然睁开,顿时有一股厉芒闪现,脚踏紫郢剑化为一道长虹瞬间远去,而努比斯则紧紧的跟在剑尘后面。 In a world vitality very abundant virgin forest, crude small wooden house is building alone in a big blue stone, exudes the sound that creaks in the gentle breeze, resembles a 60-year-old person, in the wind could not insist that soon disintegrated. 在一处天地元气十分充沛的原始森林中,一个简陋的小木屋正孤零零的搭建在一块大青石上,在轻柔的微风中发出嘎吱嘎吱的响声,似一个花甲老人,在风中坚持不住快要瓦解了。 In wooden house, poor incomparable, without furniture in the ordinary families, entire wooden house is empty, besides one upper body, the tall and powerfully built middle-aged man is only sitting cross-legged to sit there, did not have other thing again. 木屋内,寒酸无比,沒有寻常人家中的桌椅,整个木屋空空荡荡,除了一名光着上身,身材魁梧的中年男子盘膝坐在那里外,就再也沒有其他之物了。 Middle-aged man both eyes shut, has a vast and huge energy from his body faintly divulges, obviously during the cultivation, soon , the middle-aged man within the body that extremely active energy started slowly becomes must tranquil, slightly close both eyes also opened slowly. 中年男子双目微闭,从他的身上隐隐有一股浩瀚而庞大的能量宣泄而出,明显是在修炼之中,不久之后,中年男子体内那极为活跃的能量开始缓缓的变得平静了下來,微闭的双目也是缓缓睁开。 „After Abandoned Saint World fights, the Beast God Continent vitality damages severely, falls/dies many powerhouse, Beast God Temple also emptied most probably, cultivated in Beast God Temple it is said that will make the get twice the result with half the effort progress, by my Li Fengxing strength, if in the past, perhaps were difficult the qualifications to occupy Beast God Temple, became a lord, but different...... middle-aged man twittering says now, the vision revealed the bright color, filled yearned with urgently. 圣弃界一战之后,兽神大陆元气大伤,陨落的许多强者,兽神殿也空了大半,据说在兽神殿内修炼,将会取得事半功倍的效果,以我厉风行的实力,若是在从前,恐怕难有资格占据兽神殿,成为一层之主,不过如今却不一样了……”中年男子呢喃说道,目光露出明亮之色,充满了向往和迫切。 However at once, the middle-aged man seemed thought of anything, complexion became to make things difficult for to look in an instant extremely, pair of fist tight getting hold, was faint can see the extreme fear from his vision, the sinking sound said: „A Abandoned Saint World war, I, although has not participated, but actually has heard much, Tian Yuan Continent Human Race presented Supreme that exceeds Saint Emperor, I in the past once and Human Race Supreme contracted enmity in Sea Region, if he found me, I was difficult to escape die......” 不过旋即,中年男子好似想到了什么,脸色转眼间变得极为难看,一双拳头紧紧的握紧,隐隐间从他的目光中能看见极度的恐惧,沉声道:“圣弃界一战,我虽然沒有参与,但却听说过不少,天元大陆人族出现了一位超越圣帝至尊,我当年在海域曾和人族至尊结怨,他若是找到了我,那我难逃一死……” It is said Human Race Supreme and Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger relates significantly, if he escorts Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger to go to Beast God Temple, I decide however am difficult to escape his informer , this Beast God Temple, my Li Fengxing cannot go......” “据说人族至尊上古神兽天翼神虎关系匪浅,他若是护送天翼神虎前往兽神殿,那我定然难逃他的耳目,如此说來,这兽神殿,我厉风行还是不能去……” „, Entering Beast God Temple cultivates the seduction is very indeed big, but in has not assigned greatly importantly, this Beast God Temple I do not go, is the calm and steady cultivation here, this Human Race Supreme is busy with the Abandoned Saint World matter, decides however cannot attend to me, and here is also far from Beast God Temple enough......” “罢了,入兽神殿修炼到诱惑的确很大,但在大也沒有命重要,这兽神殿我就不去,还是安安稳稳的在这里修炼吧,这人族至尊忙于圣弃界的事情,定然顾不上我,并且这里距离兽神殿也足够远……” Li Fengxing weak loosened the fist, the vision reveals to Beast God Temple disappearance of yearning also opinion, thinks own and Human Race Supreme contracts enmity, he felt that own such as near the end, making him fearful and apprehensive. 厉风行无力的松开了拳头,目光流露出对兽神殿的向往也主见的消失,一想到自己人族至尊结怨,他就感觉自己如临末日,令他心惊胆战。 Li Fengxing, you think that you escape Beast God Continent, I could not find you, today you are difficult to escape die.” At this moment, a vast sound conveys from the upper air, shakes the hills to shiver, vegetation smashing, but the worn-out small wooden house that Li Fengxing is, under this huge sound wave torn to pieces. 厉风行,你以为你逃到兽神大陆,我就找不到你了吗,今日你难逃一死。”就在这时,一阵浩大的声音从高空中传來,震得群山颤抖,草木粉碎,而厉风行所在的这间破旧小木屋,更是在这庞大的音波下支离破碎。
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