CSG :: Volume #15

#1425: Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor

His Primordial Spirit, rapid increasing, is conducting a significant transformation again, in sublimating, but in its Primordial Spirit, presented two light points, this was he understands life and death true meaning, obtained life and death source seed, on behalf of the death, another represented the life together. 他的元神,再次飞速的攀升,进行着一次重大的蜕变,在升华,而在它的元神中,更是出现了两道光点,这是他明白了生与死的真谛,取得的生与死的本源种子,其中一道代表死亡,另外一道代表生命。 The illusion is shattered, planet of under foot vanishes does not see, the universe starry sky is also stave, when he sees clearly the surrounding scenery, discovered that own has reappeared in Beast God Temple. 幻象破灭,脚下的星球消失不见,宇宙星空也尽数破碎,当他看清周围的景物时,发现自己已经重新出现在兽神殿内。 This is entirely different from 98th-layer that he was just, in this center, white tiger statue static standing erect of on the back grows a pair of wings there, a pair of god wing completely opens wide, seeming to block the sky, seems has to rip the prestige of day of crack place. 这一层与他刚刚所在的第九十八层大不相同,在这一层的正中央,一只背生双翼的白虎雕像静静的屹立在那里,一双神翼完全敞开,好似能遮天蔽日,又好似有撕天裂地之威。 But in the end of main hall, has a hundred meters stage, in the stage only then a throne places there, in addition, this Beast God Temple 99th-layer, did not have other thing again. 而在大殿的尽头,有着一座百米高台,高台上只有一个王座摆放在那里,除此之外,这兽神殿第九十九层,就再也沒有其他之物了。 „In the world second Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor, you arrived here finally, on this day, I have waited to be very long.” At this moment, the air/Qi full sound conveys in the small white tiger ear together, sees only in the side of small white tiger, the person who wears (Bai Yi) white clothes takeoffs three chi (0.33 m) suspended there, his whole body was covered by a gentle white light, cannot see clearly the facial features. “天地间第二只圣羽虎皇,你终于來到了这里,这一天,我已经等了很久了。”就在这时,一道中气十足的声音在小白虎耳边传來,只见在小白虎的身边,一名身穿白衣的人离地三尺悬浮在那里,他周身都被一层柔和的白光笼罩,根本就看不清面容。 Small white tiger sends out a low roar, the vision curious takes a look at the person who this cannot be seeing clearly the appearance at present, but from the opposite party, he actually feels extremely kind aura. 小白虎发出一声低吼,目光充满好奇的打量着眼前这看不清容貌的人,不过从对方身上,他却感受到一股极为亲切的气息 Good, I am that only Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger that among the antiquity years presented that but Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger was the name that others were classified as, our real status, were actually Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor, simultaneously was called White Tiger Emperor.” “不错,我就是上古年间出现的那只上古神兽天翼神虎,不过上古神兽天翼神虎是别人冠以的称呼,我们的真实身份,其实是圣羽虎皇,同时又被称之为白虎皇。” Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor, is lives by the world, this world lives, is the world the gracious gift, non- innate Spirit Body like that breeds from the world myriad things, Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor, is true sovereign, one of the world's most powerful bloodlines, ten million years presents one rarely, has potential that the heaven bestows, pursue Ancestral Dragon, in the future will could become existence that will endure to compare Supreme.” 圣羽虎皇,是由天地所生,此天地所生,是天地所恩赐,非先天灵体那般,是从天地万物中孕育而出,圣羽虎皇,是真正的皇者,天地间最为强大的血脉之一,千万年都难得出现一只,拥有苍天所赐的潜力,直追祖龙,将來有望成为堪比太尊的存在。” I, am these for 8 million years, birth first Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor, my hometown, not here, but in a very remote place, I loves my hometown very much, but actually has to leave the place that made me fondly remember finally......” “我,是这八百万年來,诞生的第一只圣羽虎皇,我的家乡,并不在这里,而是在一处非常遥远的地方,我很爱我的家乡,但最终却不得不离开令我怀念的地方……” „In the past, I arrived at this world, a sensibility, the god melted the world, with the world Grand Dao resonance, peeped Grand Dao Source initially, forecast hundreds of thousands of over a million years later, here will be born second Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor, then this left behind the inheritance again, helped descendant helping hand.” “当年,我來到这个世界时,一次感悟,神融天地,与天地大道共鸣,初窥大道本源,预测数十万上百万年之后,在这里将会诞生第二只圣羽虎皇,便再此留下传承,助后人一臂之力。” Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor, is the sovereign of white tiger deserves, ten million years were once rare, then present second now in just 1000000 years, subverted the eternity, before symbolizing is coming to naught , the vast prosperous times soon to arrive.” 圣羽虎皇,乃是当之无愧的白虎之皇,曾经千万年难得一见,如今在短短1000000年的时间内便出现第二只,颠覆了千古,象征着一场空前浩大的盛世即将到來。” Wears (Bai Yi) white clothes, the whole body sends out holy white rays of light, before the person who cannot see clearly the facial features arrives at the small white tiger body gradually, gently is touching the head of small white tiger , to continue saying: This is Primordial Spirit clone that I left behind in the past, has existed since the antiquity, how long could not have supported, will soon dissipate, the world's second Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor, you sense Murdering Principle in this well, only truly has steps into crossing the threshold of Murdering Grand Dao, you may leave here, in the future, we will meet again.” 身穿白衣,周身散发出圣洁的白色光芒,根本就看不清面容的人缓步走到小白虎身前,轻轻的抚摸着小白虎的脑袋,继续说道:“这是我当年留下的一股元神分身,从上古一直存在至今,已经支撑不了多久,即将消散,天地间第二只圣羽虎皇,你在此好好感悟杀伐之道,唯有真正踏入杀伐大道的入门,你才可离开这里,将來,我们会再次见面的。” Small white tiger looks at the person who this cannot be seeing clearly the facial features at present, sends out a low roar, in the vision reveals the color of resolution. 小白虎望着眼前这看不清面容的人,发出一声低吼,目光中露出坚定之色。 This stretch of the world had been sealed, can prevent anybody to step into Origin Realm, but actually cannot seal up Spirit Body that the world lives, similarly cannot seal up Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor powerful bloodlines, therefore you step into Origin Realm, will not encounter any hindrance, in the future when waits for you to have the enough strong strength, with your partner goes to Upper Realm, about there information, you can know from your friend mouth......” “这片天地已经被封,可以阻止任何人踏入源境,但却封不住天地所生的灵体,同样也封不住圣羽虎皇的强大血脉,因此你踏入源境,不会遇到任何的阻碍,将來等你拥有足够强大的实力时,就和你的那位伙伴一起前往上界吧,关于那里的信息,你可以从你那位朋友口中得知……” „In the world second Sacred Feather Tiger Emperor, well growth, although we have powerful bloodlines, pursues Ancestral Dragon, in the future will endure to compare Supreme, but we will actually be born in prosperous times, in the future will certainly powerhouse stand in great numbers, we will need together hand in hand, will return our families/home......” “天地间第二只圣羽虎皇,好好成长吧,虽然我们拥有强大的血脉,直追祖龙,将來堪比太尊,但我们却诞生在一个盛世,未來必将强者林立,我们需要一同携手,杀回我们的家……” I will soon dissipate, step the throne, accepts the inheritance......” “我即将消散,踏上宝座,接受传承……” With the last few words, wears the person entire body of (Bai Yi) white clothes also to change to light rain to dissipate, in an instant, Beast God Temple 99th-layer became silent. 随着最后一句话,身穿白衣的人整个身体也化作一片光雨消散,转眼间,兽神殿第九十九层变得寂静了起來。 Small white tiger looks at the (Bai Yi) white clothes person to vanish position that to be lost in thought that for a long time later, his vision falls on front that throne finally, then walked slowly. 小白虎怔怔的望着白衣人消失的位置一阵出神,许久之后,他的目光才终于落在前方那个宝座上,然后缓缓的走了过去。 Just jumped onto the throne, entire Beast God Temple was violent shakes, in this moment, contained the fearful strength in abundance rebellion in Beast God Temple, from collected in all directions, finally rushed to mysterious 99th-layer completely. 刚跃上宝座,整个兽神殿就是猛烈一震,在这一刻,蕴含在兽神殿内的可怕力量纷纷暴动了起來,从四面八方汇集,最终全部涌向神秘的第九十九层 But the body of small white tiger shakes violently, immediately closes the eye to lie on the throne, fell into during the cultivation of deep level, converges the 99th-layer powerful energy from entire Beast God Temple, pours into the throne completely, the transformation that energy that this brings overbearing fearful murderous aura after throne, started becomes docile, was absorbed, the strength of small white tiger made by small white tiger in this moment, starting to be about inconceivable speed to promote. 而小白虎的身躯猛烈一震,立即闭上眼睛趴在宝座上,陷入了深层次的修炼之中,从整个兽神殿汇入第九十九层绝强能量,全部都注入宝座之中,这股带着霸道的可怕杀气的能量经过宝座的转换,开始变得温顺了起來,然后被小白虎吸收,令的小白虎的实力在这一刻,开始以快得不可思议速度提升着。 Meanwhile, the consciousness of small white tiger also fell into another stretch of the world, here, he starts Murdering Principle that senses previous generation Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger to leave behind, in his Primordial Spirit, is symbolizing the life and death two source luminous spots is also glittering, with the sensibility of small white tiger to Murdering Principle, but slow is expanding. 与此同时,小白虎的意识也陷入了另一片天地之中,在这里,他开始感悟上一代天翼神虎留下的杀伐之道,在他的元神之中,象征着生与死的两道本源光点也在闪烁,随着小白虎对杀伐之道的感悟,而缓慢的壮大着。 The vibration of Beast God Temple awakened in all Beast Clan powerhouse that this inside cultivates, at once the Beast God Temple energy surges crazily, formed a fearful oppression strength unexpectedly, even if 8th-Rank Magic Beast is unbearable, even is lets in be seriously injured with a Abandoned Saint World war, completely healed 8th-Rank Magic Beast has not spouted the blood, injury was more serious. 兽神殿的震动惊醒了在这里面修炼的所有兽族强者,旋即兽神殿的能量疯狂涌动,竟形成了一股可怕的压迫力,即便是八阶魔兽都难以承受,甚至是让一些在与圣弃界一战中身受重伤,还未痊愈八阶魔兽都喷出鲜血,身上的伤势更加严重了。 What happened, how Beast God Temple will form the so fearful pressure......” “发生了什么事,兽神殿怎么会形成如此可怕的威压……” „The most powerful energy in temple was not steady, appeared exceptionally, this temple had the mutation......” “神殿中的至强能量不稳,出现了异常,这神殿发生了异变……” „It is not good, the pressure constantly is strengthened, this way, I will be damaged in the face of this pressure sooner or later, must leave here immediately......” “不好,威压正在不断的增强,照这样下去,我迟早会在这股威压面前受创,必须要马上离开这里……” At this moment, but also in these high-level Magic Beast completely complexion big change that in Beast God Temple cultivates, brings a face with amazement and vacant color flew from Beast God Temple, suspended outside surprised uncertain stares at this tall Chongru to say the huge temple that at present. 这一刻,还在兽神殿中修炼的那些高阶魔兽全部脸色大变,带着一脸的骇然和茫然之色飞离了兽神殿,一个个悬浮在外面惊疑不定的盯着眼前这高冲如云的庞大神殿。 Is patient, our Beast Clan great Beast God Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger has returned, and has entered Beast God Temple mysterious 99th-layer to accept the inheritance, the unusuality of Beast God Temple, because of should be therefore.” “诸位稍安勿躁,我们兽族伟大的兽神天翼神虎已经回归,并已经进入兽神殿神秘的第九十九层接受传承,兽神殿的异常,因该是因此而起。” Together old, but actually the air/Qi full sound conveys from the upper air, saw only Peng Clan Saint Emperor Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), Jian Chen, Rum Guinness as well as Nubisi several people also left Beast God Temple 98th-layer, is flying high suspended to overlook under the upper air. 一道苍老,但却中气十足的声音从高空中传來,只见鹏族圣帝苍穹,剑尘,朗姆吉尼斯以及努比斯几人也离开了兽神殿第九十八层,正凌空悬浮在高空俯视下方。
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