CSG :: Volume #15

#1424: Beast God inherits ( 4 )

At this moment, in the Jian Chen brain remembered Holy Spirit King unrestrainedly, if kills the glow to compare with Holy Spirit King and this, the result that obtains also makes Jian Chen be startled, that is Holy Spirit King does not have the strength of slight resistance, finally by this fearful killing glow by the cleanness of easily accomplished potential destruction. 这一刻,剑尘脑中情不自禁的想起了圣灵王,如果拿圣灵王和这道杀芒做比较,那得出的结果也让剑尘大吃一惊,那就是圣灵王毫无丝毫抵抗之力,最终被这一道可怕的杀芒以摧枯拉朽之势毁灭的干干净净。 Hundred Clans War God Arukins once said that Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger has exceeded restraint of limit, with world same longevity, this is the symbol of God Realm, this is the God Realm strength.” In the Jian Chen heart self-examines, the this fearful killing glow, making his mind vibrate greatly. 百族战神阿瑞金斯曾说天翼神虎已经超越了大限的束缚,与天地同寿,这是神境界的标志,难道这就是神境界的实力吗。”剑尘心中自问,这一道可怕的杀芒,让他心神大为震动。 Now, he believes finally those words that in the antiquity ancient book recorded really did not have the least bit to be exaggerating, once were not Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger activates Transmission Formation, even if his strength achieved most peak, should still end up the body and soul completely eliminated fate. 现在,他才终于相信了上古典籍中记载的那句话果然沒有半点夸大,一旦不是天翼神虎而激活传送阵,那即便他的实力达到了绝巅,也会落得形神俱灭的下场。 This most peak, does not refer to the Saint Emperor peak, but included Origin Realm. 这个绝巅,并不是指圣帝巅峰,而是包括了源境界 Peng Clan Saint Emperor and Nubisi two people are also complexion big change, they naturally also induce to the fearfulness of this peerless killing formation, is divulges merely is aura, is startled they to be fearful and apprehensive, if they directly face...... 鹏族圣帝努比斯二人也是脸色大变,他们自然也感应到这股绝世杀阵的可怕,仅仅是泄露出是一丝气息,就惊得他们心惊胆战,若是他们直接面对…… This final result, they do not dare to imagine. 这最终的结果,他们已经不敢想象了。 But Rum Guinness cannot withstand, the body staggers withdrew dozens steps, complexion becomes pale incomparable, was full of the panic-stricken color. 朗姆吉尼斯更是不堪,身体踉跄的退后了数十步,脸色变得苍白无比,充满了惊恐之色。 Murdering Principle, this Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger comprehended the so profound situation Murdering Principle unexpectedly, he was not the this World's person, actually he was , was coming from......” at the same time, Purple-Azure Sword Spirits in a low voice twittering, complexion was also dignified. 杀伐之道,这天翼神虎竟然将杀伐之道领悟到如此高深的地步了,他不是这一界的人,他究竟是谁,难道是來自……”同一时间,紫青剑灵也低声呢喃,脸色凝重。 The fearful killing glow drops from the clouds, has only swept in Transmission Formation chart range, resembles to want in destruction all, when this kills the glow to fall when the small white tiger body, actually passes through from its body, has not created to small white tiger injures slightly, finally, this kills the glow to contact the Beast God Temple 98th-layer ground to vanish does not see , without the mark may seek. 可怕的杀芒从天而降,仅在传送阵图这片范围内扫过,似要毁灭里面的一切,不过当这股杀芒落在小白虎身上时,却从它的身体中穿过,沒有对小白虎造成丝毫伤害,最终,这股杀芒接触到兽神殿第九十八层的地面消失不见,无迹可寻。 Meanwhile, Transmission Formation also fermented to finish, delivered small white tiger to here, crack several, in the ground this giant Transmission Formation chart directly was then stave. 与此同时,传送阵也酝酿完毕,将小白虎送离了这里,而后“咔嚓”几声,地面上这巨大的传送阵图直接破碎了。 After leaving Beast God Temple 98th-layer, small white tiger discovered that own appears in starry skies unexpectedly, looking into the distance, performing is trillion stars is swaying the radiant star light, in broad void, the giant meteorites have often delimited by quick inconceivable speed, or vanishes in the universe void end, destruction of hit on Great Star. 离开了兽神殿第九十八层之后,小白虎发现自己竟出现在一片星空之中,放眼望去,尽是亿万星辰挥洒着璀璨的星光,广阔的虚空中,不时有一颗颗巨大的陨石以快的不可思议速度划过,或是消失在宇宙虚空尽头,或是撞击在一颗颗大星毁灭 Murdering, the Ruler life, dominates above all living things, foot treads all living things destiny, but line......” 杀伐,主宰生命,凌驾于众生之上,脚踏众生命运而行……” At this moment, a vast sound resounds in the nihility, such as mighty bell greatly -like continuous reverberation near the small white tiger ear. 就在这时,一阵浩大的声音在虚无中响起,如洪钟大吕般在小白虎耳边连绵回荡。 Must become aware Murdering Grand Dao, must first sense life source, the negative pole lives Yang, the anode lives Yin, when things reach their extreme they turn back, Murdering Principle is dead, life source is to live, if the life and death is unitary, will certainly Yin-Yang clash, only died to balance since birth, forms true Grand Dao only then.” “要悟杀伐大道,先要感悟生命本源,正所谓阴极生阳,阳极生阴,物极必反,杀伐之道为死,生命本源为生,生死若单一,必将阴阳相冲,唯有生死平衡,方可形成真正大道。” Suddenly, small white tiger at present the line of sight changes, in his front, presented huge planet, a planet wilderness, everywhere a deathly stillness, without least bit life aura. 忽然间,小白虎眼前视线一变,在他的面前,出现了一颗庞大的星球,星球一片荒漠,到处一片死寂,沒有半点生命气息 Here, he as if experienced the endless long years, as if suddenly, does not only know how long has made concrete, this huge planet in innumerable Yin-Yang, experienced some strange fluctuations alternately gradually, these fluctuate come from these rocks on planet completely, or is born in some natural climates, ultimately formed grotesque lives completely, some by the rock, some condense from the rainwater, there are some lives is produces from the wind. 在这里,他仿佛经历了无尽漫长的岁月,又仿佛只在眨眼间,根本就不知道具体过了多久,这颗巨大的星球在无数个阴阳交替之下,渐渐的出现了一些奇异的波动,这些波动全部源自于星球上的那些山石,亦或是诞生于一些自然气候之中,最终全部都形成了一个个奇形怪状的生命,有的是由山石所化,有的是自雨水凝聚,也有一些生命是从风中产生。 From now, this dead star, had the first batch of lives. 从此以后,这颗死星,拥有了第一批生命。 Afterward passed does not know that how long years, on this planet, presented the green plant gradually, in the innumerable livelihoods, some vegetation became a ghost alternately, formed another batch of strange lives, in the past long years, these by the rock, the vegetation, the life that the wind and rain formed start the unceasing trend evolution path, after consuming the endless long years, formed many powerful life races, originally deathly stillness heavy planet, filled vigorous life force / vitality. 随后又过去了不知道多么漫长的岁月,在这颗星球上,渐渐的出现了绿色的植物,在无数个日月交替之下,一些草木成精,形成了又一批奇怪的生命,在过去漫长的岁月,这些由山石,草木,风雨形成的生命开始不断的走向进化道路,耗费了无尽漫长的岁月之后,形成了诸多强大的生命种族,原本一颗死寂沉沉的星球,也充满了勃勃生机 But in these life races, small white tiger discovered impressively it incomparably familiar Beast Clan as well as Beast Clan, suddenly, this may planet life force / vitality achieve prosperously. 而在这些生命种族中,小白虎赫然发现了它无比熟悉的兽族以及兽族,一时间,这可星球生机达到了鼎盛。 However at this moment, one extinguishes the world catastrophe to arrive, fearful hot rain fly from beyond the heavens, this flaws that planet that fills vigorous life force / vitality hits, entire planet suffered the huge heavy losses, the ground mountain peak arranged in order, the tsunami chatted, the magma erupted, exterminated all lives on planet. 然而就在这时,一场灭世浩劫降临,一片可怕的火雨从天外飞來,将这颗充满勃勃生机星球打的千疮百孔,整个星球遭受了巨大的重创,地面山峰地列,海啸聊天,岩浆喷发,灭绝了星球上的一切生命。 In an instant, this planet that fills vigorous life force / vitality, reduces again is a deathly stillness heavy death star, without least bit life aura. 转眼间,这颗充满勃勃生机星球,就再次沦落为一颗死寂沉沉的死星,沒有半点生命气息 After that this planet starts quietly, however after the endless years, was born again a number of new lives , on planet also started the growth period gradually the plant, slowly stepped onto the past prosperity. 此后,这颗星球开始沉寂,然而在无尽岁月之后,再次诞生了一批新的生命,渐渐的,星球上也重新开始成长期了植物,慢慢的走上昔日的鼎盛。 When this planet again becomes powerful, on this day, a giant beyond the heavens meteorite flies, hit ruthlessly on this planet, being split up of this planet hit, the fearful energy impact exterminated all lives on this planet immediately. 正当这颗星球再次变得强盛起來时,这一日,一颗巨大的天外陨石飞來,狠狠的撞击在这颗星球上,顿时将这颗星球撞击的四分五裂,可怕的能量冲击灭绝了这颗星球上的所有生命。 Great Star, was divided into several small star static floats henceforth during the universe is void. 一颗大星,从此被分为了数颗小星静静的漂浮在宇宙虚空之中。 However after endless years, these several small on-board also presented another batch of new lives gradually, but finally, times moved toward destruction, has at the disaster, there is from the issues of these lives, just like experiencing Samsara times, is performing stories. 然而无尽岁月之后,这数颗小星上也渐渐的出现了另一批新的生命,可最终,都一次次的走向了毁灭,有來自于天灾,也有來自于这些生命的自身问題,宛如在经历一次次轮回,上演着一幕幕的故事。 Small white tiger static looks at this, in the vision is passing at a loss, puzzled, during this universe is void, the time as if crosses the rapidness, then can pass by an instant the endless long years, such, performances, take turn in the life and death, does not know how long, in the eye of small white tiger does not have at first vacant, but is gradually becomes bright, is passing the fine glow, is indistinct, what he as if understood, what understood. 小白虎静静的看着这一幕,目光中透着茫然,不解,然而在这宇宙虚空之中,时间仿佛过得非常之快,一转眼便会过去无尽漫长的岁月,这样的一幕,也一次次的上演,在生死之间交替,也不知道过去了多久,小白虎的眼中已经沒有了最初的茫然,而是渐渐的变得明亮,透着精芒,隐约间,他似乎明白了什么,理解了些什么。 Fresh end, even if death, death, even if fresh start, fresh, once reaches the peak, evolves to the utmost, then meets when things reach their extreme they turn back, similarly, death, once achieves peak, can still have the hope of this present life, the life and death, are similar to Yin and Yang, exists, is mutually well distributed, inalienable.” Small white tiger clear understands this truth, at this moment, he felt own Primordial Spirit in the rapid growth, is having a transformation of quality. “生的尽头,即使死,死,即使生的开始,生,一旦达到巅峰,演化到极尽,便会物极必反,同样的,死,一旦达到极致,也会出现生的希望,生与死,就如同阴与阳,同时存在,相互调和,不可分割。”小白虎真切的明白了这个道理,这一刻,他感觉自己元神在飞速的增长,在产生一种质的蜕变。 Understood the life and death, must sense the life and death the true meaning, obtains life and death source.” If the mighty bell Lu's voice conveys greatly again, shaking the entire universe void is one shivers. “明白了生死,就要感悟生死的真谛,取得生死本源。”如洪钟大吕的声音再次传來,震得整个宇宙虚空都是一阵颤抖。 Small white tiger feels a dizziness, when he sobers, discovers own already , on planet that fills vigorous life force / vitality, and changed to an herbal medicine to grow in the wooded mountains. 小白虎感觉一阵天旋地转,当他清醒过來时,发现自己已经在一颗充满勃勃生机星球上,并化作了一颗草药在山林间成长。 Soon, he was picked by a medicine agriculture, became one bowl of decoction to treat and cure a critically-ill person by the suffering, finished his life, rescued another person. 不久之后,他被一个药农采走,被煎熬成了一碗汤药救治一名生命垂危的人,结束了他这一生,救好了另外一人。 Then, small white tiger changes into the person, changes into the birds, changes into various plants between wooded mountains, experiences the life and death, sense the life and death true meaning, obtains life and death source. 接下來,小白虎化为人,化为鸟兽,化为山林间的各种植物,一次次的经历着生与死,感悟生与死的真谛,取得生死本源 Each life and death, seems Samsara time, each life and death, one time are accumulated , small white tiger understands gradually are getting more and more, regarding the understanding of life and death, is more and more profound. 每一次生死,就好似一次轮回,每一次生与死,都是一次积淀,渐渐地,小白虎明白了越來越多,对于生与死的理解,也是越來越深刻。 Finally in does not know that experienced many life and death, does not know after experiencing many Samsara, he understands the true meaning of life and death, took life and death source. 终于在不知道经历了多少次生与死,不知道经历了多少次轮回之后,他明白了生与死的真谛,取到了生死本源
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