CSG :: Volume #15

#1423: Beast God inherits ( 3 )

This Transmission Formation is very huge formation chart, the diameter is 50 meters fully, was portrayed in the ground, mysterious incomparable, although be at static condition, but if carefully looks, actually as if rotation of keeping, extremely investment, will feel that from at present this Transmission Formation, suddenly passes on a suction to pull your soul, resembling to be inhaled in Transmission Formation. 这个传送阵是一个十分庞大的阵图,直径足有五十米,被刻画在地面上,玄奥无比,虽然是处于静止状态,但若是仔细看去,却又仿佛在不停的转动,太过投入,甚至会感觉从眼前这座传送阵内,突然传出來一股吸力拉扯着你的灵魂,似要被吸入传送阵之内。 Jian Chen stared at this Transmission Formation to size up the moment, expression gradually became must dignified, Transmission Formation he had to see, even in his body one Transmission Formation chart that found from the Hell Sect temple, all Transmission Formation that but he saw, were far from the profound mystery in Beast God Temple. 剑尘盯着这个传送阵打量了片刻,神色渐渐的变得凝重了起來,传送阵他不是沒有见过,甚至在他的身上就有一张从地狱门的神殿内找到的传送阵图,但他所见的所有传送阵,都远远沒有兽神殿中的这个玄奥。 At present this Transmission Formation, investment that extremely even if Jian Chen watches, will have a having a dizzy spell feeling, this makes him feel unusual being startled. 眼前这个传送阵,即便是剑尘观看的太过投入,都会产生一种头晕目眩的感觉,这让他感到非常的吃惊。 After all, his present Primordial Spirit was not the past may compare, peeps at the mystery of this Transmission Formation chart not to have the qualifications unexpectedly continually at present, this can only explain at present this Transmission Formation too high-level. 毕竟,他现在的元神之强绝非从前可比的,竟连窥视眼前这个传送阵图的奥秘都沒有资格,这只能说明眼前这个传送阵高级了。 It seems like this space Transmission Formation to lead to 99th-layer, existence about this Transmission Formation, I also in some ancient ancient books that in inherited from the antiquity has seen, today sees for the first time with own eyes.” A Peng Emperor Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) face curious is sizing up at present this Transmission Formation, voices opinions. “看來这个就是通向第九十九层空间传送阵了,关于这个传送阵的存在,我也只是在从上古传承下來的一些古老典籍中看到过,今日还是第一次亲眼见到。”鹏帝苍穹一脸好奇的打量着眼前这个传送阵,发出一阵感叹。 In ancient book records, in this space Transmission Formation implied peerless killing formation, met the sure-kill any to try to destroy this Transmission Formation, as well as activated this Transmission Formation powerhouse, regardless of the strength were powerful, even if achieved most peak of this world, still collapsed at the first blow in front of this killing formation, in an instant body and soul completely eliminated, Transmission Formation, once started, that peerless killing formation will also erupt, only had Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger to be able in this peerless killing formation to survive.” Peng Clan Saint Emperor continues saying that looked also brings at present surprisedly to this Transmission Formation vision. “典籍中记载,这个空间传送阵中暗含一座绝世杀阵,会绝杀任何试图破坏这个传送阵,以及激活这个传送阵强者,无论实力有多么强大,即便是达到这个世界的绝巅,在这个杀阵面前也是不堪一击,刹那间形神俱灭,传送阵一旦启动,那绝世杀阵也将爆发,唯有天翼神虎才能在这座绝世杀阵中存活。”鹏族圣帝继续说道,看向眼前这座传送阵的目光中也带着一点惊疑。 If Origin Realm powerhouse steps into.” Jian Chen asked. “那若是源境界强者踏入其中呢。”剑尘问道。 hearing that, a Peng Clan Saint Emperor brow wrinkle, thought deeply about the moment slightly, said: In ancient book records most peak of this world to collapse at the first blow in front of this killing formation, does not know that actually most peak of this world is Saint Emperor or Origin Realm, if also includes Origin Realm, that has the destruction Yuan boundary terrifying might mostly.” 闻言,鹏族圣帝眉头微微一皱,思索了片刻,道:“典籍中记载这个世界的绝巅在这个杀阵面前都不堪一击,就是不知这个世界的绝巅究竟是圣帝还是源境界,如果也包括源境界的话,那多半拥有毁灭元境界的恐怖威力。” Listened to this saying, smiling of Nubisi shows neither approval nor disapproval, said: These information that in antiquity ancient book recorded who were spread, this killing formation boasts fiercely, even Origin Realm Supreme can extinguish unexpectedly kills.” 听了这话,努比斯不置可否的笑了笑,道:“上古典籍中记载的这些信息是谁流传下來的,竟然将这座杀阵夸得这么厉害,连源境界至尊都能灭杀。” Naturally is Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger.” Peng Clan Saint Emperor said. “自然是上古神兽天翼神虎。”鹏族圣帝说道。 hearing that, Nubisi expression is startled, complexion became serious several points immediately. 闻言,努比斯神色一怔,脸色顿时变得郑重了几分。 This Transmission Formation only has Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger bloodlines to activate, Jian Chen, you make Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger come out, following matter, all only then by his own, we could not help it.” Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) said, in Beast Clan three Saint Emperor, he is only one Saint Emperor that supports little white. “这传送阵唯有上古神兽天翼神虎血脉才可以激活,剑尘,你还是让天翼神虎出來吧,接下來的事,一切都只有靠他自己,我们谁都帮不了它。”苍穹说道,兽族三位圣帝中,他是唯一一位拥护小白的圣帝 Small white tiger had sobered from the cultivation several days ago, and obtained ding of Jian Chen was can bring it to go to Beast God Temple to obtain the inheritance of Ancient Divine Beast, therefore this several days has stayed in Saint Item space awaits the Jian Chen news. 小白虎早已在数日前就从修炼中清醒了过來,并且得到了剑尘的叮属会带它前往兽神殿获得上古神兽的传承,因此这几日一直都呆在圣器空间内等候剑尘的消息。 Jian Chen informed Item Spirit to put little white immediately, has previously made little white stay in Saint Item space, Jian Chen also to prevent this Beast God Temple 99-layer had the subsequent hand who the king arranged. 剑尘立即通知器灵将小白放了出來,先前一直让小白呆在圣器空间中,剑尘也是为了防止这兽神殿九十九层有王布置下來的后手。 golden glow flashes, the form of small white tiger has appeared in Beast God Temple 98th-layer, it can control the size of body freely, at this moment turned into height only one meter small tigers, all over the body hair snow white, is sending out a dim white unusual brightness, on each hair on it, can the clear feeling contain a powerful fluctuation of energy, as if on it casual hair, can turn into the sharp weapon that offends somebody at will. 金芒一闪之间,小白虎的身影已经出现在兽神殿第九十八层中,它可以自由的控制身体的大小,此刻只是变成了一只身长仅有一米的小老虎,通体毛发雪白,散发着一层朦朦胧胧的白色宝光,在它身上的每一根毛发上,都能清晰的感觉到蕴含着一股强大的能量波动,仿佛它身上随随便便的一根毛发,都能随意变成伤人的利器。 Especially its back, two drawing in god wing tight posts on back, on has the plain texture, is seemingly common, but seems the hidden to have world Grand Dao like that profound mysterious. 特别是它的背部,两只收拢的神翼紧紧的贴在背脊上,上有古朴的纹理,看似寻常,但又好似隐藏有天地大道那般的高深玄奥。 This time, closed up many years of Rum Guinness also to appear in Saint Item space, in this several years time, the Rum Guinness strength also happened overturned the heavens the duplicate change, once she was only 7th-Rank Magic Beast, however now, has actually become 8th-Rank powerhouse, and has achieved 7-layer. 这一次,在圣器空间内闭关多年的朗姆吉尼斯也出现了,在这数年的时间中,朗姆吉尼斯的实力也发生了翻天地覆的变化,曾经她只是一只七阶魔兽,然而现在,却已经成为了一名八阶强者,并且已经达到七重天了。 The Rum Guinness strength will be increased to this situation in such a short time, naturally was Grasping Principles Tea Tree and Purple Cloud Immortal Peach merit. 朗姆吉尼斯的实力会在如此短的时间内提升到这种地步,自然是悟道茶树以及紫云仙桃的功劳了。 Peng Clan Saint Emperor Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) naturally recognizes mother of Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger, friendly is nodding to Rum Guinness, did not have to pay attention to her again, but condensed the vision on Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger. 鹏族圣帝苍穹自然认得天翼神虎之母,友好的对着朗姆吉尼斯点了点头,就沒有再去关注她了,而是将目光凝聚在天翼神虎身上。 Our Beast Clan, so long as the strength achieves 7th-Rank to turn into the human form, even some unique races do not need to achieve 7th-Rank, can transform the manner, never expected that Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger the strength has achieved 8th-Rank now, is actually also maintaining the carcasses, in the ancient book records, Beast God Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger of antiquity period has also maintained the carcasses to appear before the world, is it possible that Ancient Divine Beast its person is unable to transform the manner finally.” Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) muttered, in the vision has doubts and puzzled color. “我们兽族,只要实力达到七阶便可化成人形,甚至一些独特的种族无需达到七阶,便可幻化为人,沒想到上古神兽天翼神虎如今实力已经达到八阶,却还保持着兽体,典籍中记载,上古时期的兽神天翼神虎也是一直都保持着兽体出现在世人面前,莫非上古神兽终其一人都无法幻化为人吗。”苍穹喃喃自语,目光中带着一丝疑惑和不解之色。 Small white tiger looks at front Transmission Formation, taking advantage of looks at the vision to Jian Chen and Rum Guinness, was full of the dependence and kind color, has not stepped into the Transmission Formation chart immediately. 小白虎望了望前方的传送阵,借着又将目光看向剑尘朗姆吉尼斯,充满了依赖和亲切之色,沒有立即踏入传送阵图。 Jian Chen routine touched small white tiger that furry small tiger head, the vision became gentle, said in a soft voice: little white, that is your good fortune, following road, only then walked by your own, we cannot provide to you help, go, to accept slightly to be the inheritance of your Ancient Divine Beast, you also had the vengefulness for father's murder, this enmity, needed your own to go to the report.” 剑尘习惯性的摸了摸小白虎那毛茸茸的小虎头,目光变得柔和了起來,轻声道:“小白,那是属于你的造化,接下來的路,只有靠你自己走下去了,我们不能给你提供丝毫帮助,去吧,去接受属于你上古神兽的传承吧,你还有杀父之仇,这个仇,需要你自己去报。” Child, your father looks at you in the space, you cannot certainly disappoint your father, must obtain the great Beast God inheritance.” Rum Guinness both eyes with tears, agitated saying. “孩子,你的父亲在天上看着你,你一定不能让你父亲失望,一定要获得伟大的兽神传承。”朗姆吉尼斯双目含泪,语气激动的说道。 Looks at the tears in Rum Guinness eye, the vision of small white tiger became strengthened immediately, exuded a low and deep roaring sound, turned around to walk into front Transmission Formation. 看着朗姆吉尼斯眼中的泪花,小白虎的目光顿时变得坚定了起來,发出一声低沉的咆哮声,转身就走入前方的传送阵 Transmission Formation was activated by a drop of blood by small white tiger, immediately makes Transmission Formation rays of light rise sharply, sends out dazzling white rays of light, submerges the small white tiger entire body. 传送阵被小白虎以一滴鲜血激活,顿时让传送阵光芒大涨,散发出耀眼的白色光芒,将小白虎整个身躯淹沒。 Meanwhile, hidden peerless killing formation in Transmission Formation also appears, Transmission Formation is at isolates the side space and outside world that at once extremely fearful killing glow drops from the clouds, covers the piece of space that Transmission Formation is. 与此同时,隐藏在传送阵中的绝世杀阵也浮现而出,将传送阵所在的这方空间与外界隔绝,旋即一股极其可怕的杀芒从天而降,将传送阵所在的这片空间笼罩。 When this fearful killing glow appears, Jian Chen complexion suddenly big change, this kills the glow, takes to him unexpectedly one type just like the judgment day general feeling, at this moment, in his heart even had an misconception, this kills the glow, once outside rushing, sufficiently destruction this side world, even can divide into two trim universe void, seems the whole world, even here entire universe is void, in this kills in front of the glow, will collapse at the first blow. 当这股可怕的杀芒出现时,剑尘脸色骤然大变,这股杀芒,竟然带给他一种宛如世界末日一般的感觉,这一刻,他心中甚至产生了一种错觉,这股杀芒一旦冲到外面去,将足以毁灭这方天地,甚至能将整片宇宙虚空都一分为二,好似整个世界,甚至这里的整个宇宙虚空,在这道杀芒面前,都将不堪一击。
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