CSG :: Volume #15

#1432: Chaos 5-layer ( 2 )

Hopes that this Black and Yellow Beast energy crystal, can help me successfully step into Chaos Body 5-layer.” The vision gazes in the hand this energy crystal, Jian Chen is muttering, this Black and Yellow Beast energy crystal, initially Jian Chen in one of the two 10th-Rank Black and Yellow Beast energy crystals in Black and Yellow Small Heaven obtaining. “希望这一颗玄黄兽的能量晶体,能助我成功踏入混沌之体五层。”目光注视着手中这颗能量晶体,剑尘喃喃自语道,这一颗玄黄兽的能量晶体,正是当初剑尘玄黄小天界内获得的两颗十阶玄黄兽的能量晶体之一。 Initially my strength was insufficient, lacks to the Origin Realm cognition, therefore is hard to differentiate the 9th-Rank above energy crystal, now looks, this Black and Yellow Beast energy crystal where is 10th-Rank, at least is 11th-Rank, even is 12th-Rank, moreover this energy crystal is in two that I harvested initially, perhaps energy slightly weak, as for another Black and Yellow Beast energy crystal, has achieved the 13th-Rank quality.” The Jian Chen thumb rubs in the hand gently this Black and Yellow Beast energy crystal, the vision was getting more and more bright, filled with the anticipation. “当初我实力不够,缺少对源境界的认知,因此难以区分九阶以上的能量晶体以及,现在一看,这颗玄黄兽的能量晶体哪里是十阶,起码是十一阶,甚至是十二阶,而且这一颗能量晶体还是我当初收获的两颗之中,能量稍弱的一颗,至于另外一颗玄黄兽的能量晶体,恐怕已经达到十三阶的品质了。”剑尘拇指轻轻摩擦手中这颗玄黄兽的能量晶体,目光越來越明亮,充满了期待。 Without ten thousand years of ice mortal form, Jian Chen is absolutely not the selective absorption these two most high-level Black and Yellow Beast energy crystals, because he has not grasped only depends on these two most high-level Black and Yellow Beast energy crystals to make own Chaos Body break through, although these two Black and Yellow Beast energy crystal very high-level, but this is equivalent to Magic Core general existence after all, is far less than Purple Cloud Immortal Peach of ten thousand years of ice mortal form as well as high quality to the cultivator profit, even if absorbs completely two, Jian Chen has not grasped can break through smoothly. 若非沒有万年冰魄,剑尘是绝对不会选择吸收这两颗最高阶玄黄兽的能量晶体,因为他沒有把握仅靠这两颗最高阶玄黄兽能量晶体就能让自己混沌之体进行突破,虽说这两颗玄黄兽的能量晶体非常高级,但这毕竟是相当于魔核一般的存在,对修炼者的益处远不如万年冰魄以及高品质的紫云仙桃,即便是把两颗完全吸收掉,剑尘也沒有把握能顺利突破。 However now his Chaos Core after absorbing ten thousand years of ice mortal form, has reached the 4-layer peak, this without doubt is the best breakthrough turning point. 然而现在他的混沌内丹在吸收了万年冰魄之后,已经达到了第四层的巅峰,这无疑是最好的突破契机。 Jian Chen takes a deep breath, makes own tranquil slowly, then immediately is calm, starts to refine in the hand full power this energy crystal, plan breakthrough in one vigorous effort to 5-layer. 剑尘深吸一口气,缓缓使自己平静下來,然后立即凝神静气,开始全力炼化手中这颗能量晶体,打算一鼓作气的突破到第五层 Chaos Body 5-layer, significance very big to Jian Chen, not only can make his strength increase, and had to refine the qualifications of Yin-Yang Saint Stone. 混沌之体五层,对剑尘來说意义非常之大,不仅可以让他实力大增,并且也拥有去炼化阴阳圣石的资格了。 Seven days later, Jian Chen Chaos Core in his hopeful mood, as finally a loud sound sound disrupts, changed into one group of incomparable terrifying Chaos Force to flood his entire body, but the body of Jian Chen also in this moment, inflated suddenly, turned into a young giant, seemed balloon that blew the air/Qi resulted. 七天之后,剑尘混沌内丹在他充满期待的心情中,终于随着一声巨响声碎裂,化为了一团无比恐怖的混沌之力充斥他整个身体,而剑尘的身体也在这一刻,突然膨胀了起來,变成了一个小巨人,仿佛是一个吹了气的气球似得。 Each breakthrough of Chaos Body, will experience broken pill a time, each broken pill is a huge pain. 混沌之体的每一次突破,都会经历一次碎丹,每一次碎丹都是一种巨大的痛苦。 The muscle of Jian Chen face is twitching, the forehead covered entirely the cold sweat in an instant, complexion is a paleness, although he had experienced like this broken pill before several times, but that as if whole body must be torn the general severe pain still is still hard to endure patiently. 剑尘面部的肌肉在抽动,额头刹那间布满了冷汗,脸色已是一片苍白,尽管他之前已经经历过几次这样的碎丹,但那种仿佛浑身都要被撕裂一般的剧痛至今仍然难以忍耐。 But after withstanding severe pain, trades is actually the huge rise of strength, this also makes Jian Chen be glad to accept. 但在承受了剧烈的痛楚之后,换來的却是实力的巨大提升,这也让剑尘乐于接受。 Boundless Chaos Force gallops in Jian Chen within the body, starts the slow compression, every seconds, Jian Chen within the body Chaos Force is reducing almost every minute, is conducting the process of compression, Jian Chen Chaos Force that made from 4-layer, started slowly toward the 5-layer transformation. 磅礴的混沌之力剑尘体内奔腾,开始缓慢的压缩,几乎每一分每一秒,剑尘体内混沌之力都在缩小,正在进行压缩的过程,令的剑尘混沌之力从第四层,开始慢慢的向着第五层转变。 Meanwhile, Jian Chen flesh body also received enhancement quenching after of Chaos Force, flesh body was also strengthening in by visible speed, became powerful. 与此同时,剑尘肉身也受到了增强之后的混沌之力的淬炼,肉身也在以肉眼可见的速度强化着,变得更加的强大。 This process continued several days of time, several days later, Jian Chen stepped into Chaos Body 5-layer finally perfectly, flesh body or within the body Chaos Force, obtained a qualitative leap, his Dantian Chaos Core, reduces to the soybean size again. 这一过程足足持续了数天时间,数天之后,剑尘终于完美的踏入了混沌之体五层,无论是肉身还是体内混沌之力,都得到了一个质的飞跃,他丹田混沌内丹,再次缩小至黄豆大小。 Jian Chen opened the eye slowly, feels that in Chaos Core contains compared with former stronger big Chaos Force, reveals a smile talent that on the face can not help, filled joyfully, but in its hand, that Black and Yellow Beast energy crystal had not been absorbed completely, merely with 1/3 energies. 剑尘缓缓的睁开了眼睛,感受着混沌内丹中蕴含的一股股比之前要强大许多的混沌之力,脸上情不自禁的露出一丝微笑才,充满了喜悦,而在它手中,那颗玄黄兽的能量晶体还未完全被吸收,仅仅用去了三分之一的能量。 My present Chaos Core was too small, Chaos Force that inside contains is limited, although the Chaos Force consumption is very slow, but the next invasion of Abandoned Saint World because of should not be far, when the time comes will definitely experience one more intense, more difficult war.” Jian Chen hesitates, the choice has not gone out immediately, but continues to choose to refine the energy crystal in hand. “我现在的混沌内丹太小了,里面蕴含的混沌之力有限,虽说混沌之力消耗很慢,但圣弃界的下一次入侵因该不远了,到时候必然会经历一场更为激烈,更为艰难的战争。”剑尘沉吟,并未选择立即出关,而是继续选择炼化手中的这颗能量晶体。 So passed the time of several days, the energy crystal that in the Jian Chen hand only remained vanished finally does not see, after his Chaos Body stepped into 5-layer, when cultivation the energy of needing was 4-layer several times even is more than ten times, when this remaining 2/3 energy crystals refine completely, took to his Chaos Force is quite limited, made his Chaos Core grow half soybean size merely. 如此又过去了数日的时间,剑尘手中仅剩的能量晶体终于消失不见,不过他的混沌之体踏入第五层之后,修炼时所需的能量是第四层的数倍甚至是十余倍,因此这剩下的三分之二的能量晶体完全炼化时,带给他的混沌之力极为有限,仅仅让他的混沌内丹增长了半个黄豆大小。 Oh, Chaos Force will be in the future, the energy of needs is huge, when my Chaos Body situated in 4-layer, a ten thousand years of ice mortal form can make my Chaos Body achieve 4-layer big accomplishment, perhaps now my Chaos Body 5-layer, gives me again ten ten thousand years of ice mortal forms, being hard makes my Chaos Body achieve 5-layer big accomplishment, if my Chaos Body achieves 6-layer, 100 ten thousand years of ice mortal forms insufficient......” in the Jian Chen heart sighed secretly, Chaos Body was very indeed powerful, but in this powerful back, actually whether there is feeling sad completely. “唉,混沌之力越是往后,所需的能量越是庞大,我的混沌之体处于第四层时,一颗万年冰魄就能让我的混沌之体达到第四层大成,如今我混沌之体五层,恐怕再给我十颗万年冰魄,都难以让我的混沌之体达到第五层大成,若是我的混沌之体达到第六层,一百颗万年冰魄都不够……”剑尘心中暗叹,混沌之体的确很强大,但在这强大的背后,却有无尽的心酸。 I now, am true Saint Emperor top powerhouse, does not depend upon Sword Dao, does not depend upon Purple Azure Dual Swords then to have the Saint Emperor strength, if utilizes my comprehension to the Sword Dao, in Saint Emperor because of this/should no one is my opponent, in addition Purple Azure Dual Swords Jian Chen reveals the color of hesitation, after the moment, said slowly: Because of this/should can with Holy Spirit King that say that clone fought, Holy Spirit King Sword Dao is higher than I......” “不过我现在,已是一名真正的圣帝至强者了,不依靠剑道,不依靠紫青双剑便拥有圣帝的实力,如果运用我对剑道的领悟,圣帝中因该无人是我对手,加上紫青双剑的话”剑尘露出沉吟之色,片刻后,才缓缓说道:“因该可以与圣灵王的那道分身一战了,不过圣灵王剑道要高于我……” Holy Spirit King......” thinks of Holy Spirit King, in the Jian Chen heart felt that very tremendous pressure, the Holy Spirit King strength was too strong, is comes out merely together clone, needs him and Little Spirit as well as Sea God can cope jointly, if true body/this senior approaches, even if using Tian Yuan Continent all strengths unable to resist. 圣灵王……”一想到圣灵王,剑尘心中就感到很大的压力,圣灵王的实力太强了,仅仅是出來一道分身,就需要他和小灵以及海神联手才能对付,若是本尊來临,即便是倾尽天元大陆的所有力量都无法抵挡。 Although Tian Yuan Continent at present and many Yang Lie as well as Guihai Yidao such Origin Realm Supreme, moreover eight people had not realized, but they from Origin Realm have dropped to the Saint Emperor boundary after all, even if there is helping of Saint Item, still can only be Origin Receiving Realm Supreme, is too big with the Holy Spirit King true body/this senior power gap, will lie in the fight of Holy Spirit King will not bring the big help. 虽说天元大陆目前又多了阳烈以及归海一刀这样的源境界至尊,另外还有八人尚未醒觉,但她们毕竟已经从源境界跌落至圣帝境界,即便是有圣器之助,也只能算是纳源境界至尊,与圣灵王本尊的实力差距太大,在于圣灵王的战斗中并不会带來多大的帮助。 Only if they restore the peak strength, steps into Origin Realm. 除非他们恢复巅峰实力,重新踏入源境界 Even if Guihai Yidao they step into Origin Realm, but Abandoned Saint World besides Holy Spirit King, also has Origin Realm powerhouse, and quantity much are only more than it Tian Yuan Continent. 而且即便归海一刀他们重新踏入源境,但圣弃界除了圣灵王之外,同样还有源境界强者,并且数量比之天元大陆只多不少。 I have been able to absorb Yin-Yang Saint Stone Yin-Yang Qi now, but also needs the help of Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, oh......” thinks of Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, Jian Chen has a headache also reluctantly, shakes the head gently, then opens the front door that secret room that shuts tightly. “我现在已经可以吸收阴阳圣石阴阳二气了,不过还必须要琴圣天魔女的帮助,唉……”一想到琴圣天魔女,剑尘是既头疼也无奈,轻轻摇了摇头,便打开密室那紧闭的大门。 As the front door of secret room opens, Jian Chen saw to sit cross-legged to sit Second Sister Changyang Mingyue outside front door, expression obviously gawked. 随着密室的大门打开,剑尘一眼就看见盘膝坐在大门外的二姐长阳明月,神色明显愣了一下。 Changyang Mingyue also resembles a sleep/felt, stood from the ground, looks to stand in front Jian Chen, on the face reveals wipes the surprised color, said: Fourth Brother, you absorbed ten thousand years of ice mortal form quickly completely, you should not be will place in Space Ring to hide.” At this point, Changyang Mingyue complexion became serious suddenly, sincere say/way: Fourth Brother, you must listen to the Second Sister words, ten thousand years of ice mortal form you must give me to absorb here completely, otherwise, Second Sister will not make you leave here.” 长阳明月也似有所觉,从地上站了起來,看着站在面前的剑尘,脸上露出一抹惊讶之色,道:“四弟,你这么快就把万年冰魄完全吸收了,你该不会是放在空间戒指里藏起來了吧。”说到这里,长阳明月脸色突然变得严肃了起來,正色道:“四弟,你要听二姐的话,万年冰魄你必须在这里给我完全吸收,不然的话,二姐是不会让你离开这里的。”
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