CSG :: Volume #15

#1420: Arrives at Beast God Temple

Since shames me, that must pay the price, I do not harm his life, but will not easily forgive him.” Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress cold voice said that if white/in vain the racket of jade palm of suet on Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry, ancient zither has an incomparably powerful fluctuation of energy to shoot at Jian Chen immediately like lightning. “既然羞辱我,那就必须要付出代价,我不伤他性命,但也绝不会就这么轻易饶恕他。”琴圣天魔女冷声说道,白若羊脂的玉掌在天魔鸣音琴上一拍,古琴顿时带着一股无比强大的能量波动闪电般射向剑尘 When ancient zither flies horizontally, crushed void, ancient zither that made in process of flight, behind had a jet black space crack, like one black long-line hung there horizontally, but the intensity that this struck, achieved Saint Emperor unexpectedly, and also far exceeded common Saint Emperor. 古琴横飞出去时,击碎了虚空,令的古琴在飞行的过程中,后面出现了一条漆黑的空间裂缝,如同一根黑色的长线横挂在那里,而这一击的强度,竟然也达到了圣帝,并且还远远超出寻常圣帝 What although Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress excels is the say/way of zither's music, defend with the temperament, but her great strength not only establishes in the temperament, similarly, even if discards the temperament that she excels , the strength is still the extreme terrifying. 虽然琴圣天魔女擅长的是琴音之道,以音律御敌,但她的强大不仅仅是建立在音律上,同样的,即便是舍弃她所擅长的音律,实力也是极为的恐怖。 Jian Chen complexion is dignified, zither's music Heavenly Enchantress the strikes to make him not dare to look down upon, although his present battle strength may fight with the Origin Receiving Realm Supreme character, but this is with the aid of battle strength that Purple Azure Dual Swords has, if discards Purple Azure Dual Swords, his strength will fall short greatly, Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry that but hits facing the front surface, Jian Chen cannot use Purple Azure Dual Swords obviously. 剑尘面色凝重,琴音天魔女的这一击令他也不敢小视,虽说他如今的战力可与纳源境界至尊人物争锋,但这是借助紫青双剑才拥有的战力,若是舍弃紫青双剑,他的实力将会大打折扣,不过面对迎面撞來的天魔鸣音琴,剑尘显然不能动用紫青双剑 In the Jian Chen eye the god glow twinkle, Chaos Force revolves in within the body, simultaneously around his body, a dazzling white light condenses to come, to send out sword qi that in the world soars to the heavens, forms a white light cover to cover Jian Chen, without drawing support from Purple Azure Dual Swords resists Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress strikes, Jian Chen has used the Sword Dao boundary comprehension sword glow to protect the body. 剑尘眼中神芒闪烁,混沌之力体内运转,同时在他的身体周围,一层刺目的白光自天地间凝聚而來,散发出冲天的剑气,形成一个白色的光罩将剑尘笼罩在内,在不借助紫青双剑的情况下抵挡琴圣天魔女的一击,剑尘已经动用剑道境界领悟的剑芒护体。 When Jian Chen just prepared to finish, Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry also has the vast and boundless energy approached him, sees only Jian Chen right hand turns into a palm to rumble suddenly, shells with Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry together. 剑尘刚准备完毕时,天魔鸣音琴也带着浩瀚而磅礴的能量临近了他,只见剑尘右手成掌骤然轰出,与天魔鸣音琴轰击在一起。 Bumps.” “碰。” Both bump into, immediately erupts depressed sound, even their two people to good of very respective energy management, lets energy not many proliferation, thus ruins Three Saints Mountain, but on the rock cuns (2.5 cm) crack in ground, entire Three Saints Mountain is still slight trembles. 两者相撞,顿时爆发出一股沉闷的响声,即便他们两人都对各自的能量控制的很好,让能量沒有过多的扩散而出,从而毁掉三圣山,但依然上地面的山石寸寸龟裂,整座三圣山都轻微一颤。 Firm of Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry made one be shocked, Jian Chen felt that own this palm as if hit in an incomparably firm fine iron, his entire right arm that the strength of intense counter- shaking made somewhat tingled with numbness, but his body also under this violent impulse, start was hard the self-made retreat backward. 天魔鸣音琴的坚固令人感到震惊,剑尘感觉自己这一掌就仿佛是打在了一个无比坚固的精铁上,强烈的反震之力令的他的整条右臂都有些发麻,而他的身子也在这股猛烈的冲击力之下,开始难以自制的向后退去。 Before Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry , the momentum of flushing stops suddenly, kept off by Jian Chen, but it has not actually flown back to the hand of Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, but flies high stay still of suspended in the midair. 天魔鸣音琴前冲的势头戛然而止,被剑尘挡了下來,不过它却并未飞回琴圣天魔女的手中,而是凌空悬浮在半空中静止不动。 At this moment, Jian Chen felt that fragrant wind greets the nostrils to come, to see only Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress to change into the purple glow to appear in front of Nubisi together like lightning, a light palm hits on the chest of Nubisi. 就在这时,剑尘感觉一股香风扑鼻而來,只见琴圣天魔女化为一道紫芒闪电般出现在努比斯面前,轻飘飘的一掌打在努比斯的胸膛上。 Her true goal to teach Nubisi, but launches the attack by Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry to Jian Chen, to divert Jian Chen. 她的真正目的只是为了教训努比斯,而以天魔鸣音琴剑尘发动攻击,也只是为了牵制住剑尘而已。 Nubisi Primordial Spirit came under the influence of zither's music not to restore, standing of whole person blankly there, a brain confusion, therefore facing Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress this palm, is unable to resist. 努比斯元神受到了琴音的影响还未恢复过來,整个人呆呆的站在那里,脑子一片混乱,因此面对琴圣天魔女这一掌,根本就无法抵挡。 His body under a Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress this light palm, directly hit flew by far, flew several hundred meters Yuan distance to fall on the ground, then followed the cliff to roll, distressed. 他的身体在琴圣天魔女这轻飘飘的一掌之下,直接被打的远远的飞了出去,飞了数百米元的距离才掉在地上,然后一路顺着悬崖滚了下去,狼狈之极。 Looks that follows Nubisi that under the mountain rolls, Jian Chen sighs lightly, quite helpless, whom this Nubisi offends is not good, offends is unable to see the strength own now accurately Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, this asks for trouble simply. 看着一路顺着山下滚去的努比斯,剑尘轻叹了口气,颇为的无奈,这努比斯得罪谁不好,偏偏去得罪如今连自己都无法准确看出实力的琴圣天魔女,这简直是自讨苦吃。 Jian Chen has not helped Nubisi, to golden clothes him, was cracking-up the rock all the way, the steamroll the weed is rolling toward the foot, by the body of his 9th-Rank Magic Beast, this degree of collision cannot constitute the too big injury to him, but the image was really distressed, harmed his Saint Emperor status. 剑尘沒有去帮助努比斯,任由着一身金衣的他,一路上撞碎了山石,碾压着杂草向着山脚滚去,以他九阶魔兽之躯,这种程度的碰撞根本就不会对他构成太大的伤害,只是形象实在是太狼狈了点,有损他圣帝的身份。 The strength that however Heavenly Enchantress shows makes Jian Chen be startled, moreover he believes that this is also not her complete strength. 不过天魔女展现出的实力却让剑尘大吃一惊,而且他相信这还并非她的全部实力。 The Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress calm face holds day demon crying sound to depart, leaves behind Jian Chen helpless standing there. 琴圣天魔女沉着脸抱着天魔鸣音器离去,留下剑尘无奈的站在那里。 Three Saints Mountain at the foot of the mountain, Nubisi had sobered, his injury is not serious, but his confidence is actually subject to the attack, dejected standing there, the eyeground deep place has reappeared the deep fear. 三圣山的山脚下,努比斯已经清醒了过來,他的伤势并不严重,但他的信心却倍受打击,垂头丧气的站在那里,眼底深处已经重新出现了深深的恐惧。 Especially when looks at before the summit assumes a straight line to spread to body these obviously the steamroll by the weed that crosses, the heart that his even/including thinks dies simply had. 特别是看着从山顶上呈一条直线一直蔓延到身前的这些明显被碾压过的杂草时,他简直是连想死的心都有了。 seductress, seductress, fearful seductress.” Nubisi does not dare to stop over on Three Saints Island, just one sober, has not stopped, immediately fled Three Saints Island, simultaneously to Jian Chen saying with sound transmission: Brothers, I first walk one step, I beyond ten thousand li (0.5 km) you.” 妖女,妖女,可怕的妖女。”努比斯再也不敢逗留在三圣岛上了,刚一清醒,就沒有多做停留,立即逃离了三圣岛,同时对剑尘传音道:“兄弟,我先走一步,我在万里之外等你。” Looks Nubisi that flees to the wilderness, shaking the head of Jian Chen forced smile, then turns back the cave is Xiao Bao Custodian. 看着落荒而逃的努比斯,剑尘苦笑的摇了摇头,然后重新走回山洞为小宝护法 Then, Jian Chen stopped over several days in Three Saints Mountain, after Xiao Bao has completely mastered the knowledge of own instruction, Jian Chen knows that own was the time leaves. 接下來,剑尘又在三圣山逗留了数日,待小宝自己传授的知识已经完全掌握之后,剑尘知道自己是时候离开了。 Next day, Jian Chen then and Xiao Bao as well as Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress said goodbye, left behind a number of heavenly material treasure to cultivate to need for Xiao Bao again, then left Three Saints Island resolutely, flew to the boundless sea. 次日,剑尘便和小宝以及琴圣天魔女告别,再次留下一批天材地宝小宝修炼所需,便毅然离开了三圣岛,飞向茫茫大海。 But Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach, Jian Chen also left behind ten fully to their mother and child, together with also has same number of Grasping Principles Tea Tree leaves, enough their 500 years of institute needed. 仙级五品紫云仙桃,剑尘也整整留下了十颗给他们母子俩,连同还有同样数量的悟道茶树叶,足够他们五百年所需了。 Father, you must come back to see Xiao Bao earlier, Xiao Bao is waiting for you here.” Xiao Bao stands on Three Saints Mountain waves to shout toward Jian Chen. “爹爹,你一定要早点回來看望小宝,小宝在这里等着你。”小宝站在三圣山上朝着剑尘挥手大喊。 He has not obtained the reply of father, his father has disappeared in the horizon end, lost the trail. 他沒有得到爹爹的回复,他爹爹已经消失在天际尽头了,失去了踪迹。 Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress also looks at the direction that Jian Chen is vanishing to be lost in thought that expression is complex, does not know that is thinking anything. 琴圣天魔女也望着剑尘消失的方向怔怔出神,神色复杂,也不知在想些什么。 Beyond ten thousand li (0.5 km), Jian Chen again and Nubisi convergence, although had passed several days, but Nubisi seems somewhat still dispirited, obviously has not restored from the attack before several days. 万里之外,剑尘重新和努比斯汇合,虽然已经过去了数日,但努比斯看起來依然有些颓废,显然还沒有从几日前的打击中恢复过來。 Jian Chen, my great Nubisi pledged, from now on will not go to Three Saints Island, does not want to see that seductress.” Nubisi just saw Jian Chen, hates the sound saying that before several days , that experiences, remember with eternal gratitude to Nubisi absolutely, is unable to forget lifelong, initially he went to Three Saints Island from Beast God Continent, it may be said that is the heroic spirit soars to the heavens, is confident, but finally is actually horrible to look. 剑尘,我伟大的努比斯发誓,今后再也不去三圣岛了,再也不想看见那个妖女了。”努比斯刚一见到剑尘,就恨声说道,数日前经历的一幕幕,对努比斯來说绝对是刻骨铭心,终身都无法忘记,当初他从兽神大陆前往三圣岛,可谓是豪气冲天,信心满满,可结果却是惨不忍睹。 Listened to this saying, Jian Chen expression to stare, at once then cannot help laughing, said: I must go to Beast God Continent, you follow.” 听了这话,剑尘神色为之一愣,旋即便哑然失笑,说道:“我要去一趟兽神大陆,你跟着去吗。” Nubisi expression is startled, immediately came the interest, said: Beast God Continent, is it possible that is Beast God Temple, you must make young Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger enter Beast God Temple to accept the inheritance.” 努比斯神色一怔,顿时來了兴趣,道:“兽神大陆,莫非是兽神殿,你要让年幼的天翼神虎进入兽神殿接受传承。” Good.” Jian Chen affirmative replying, serene. “不错。”剑尘肯定的答道,风轻云淡 Hehe, my great Nubisi has not seen the Beast God Temple long anything appearance, happen to this time follows you to go together, even if when the time comes encounters besieging of three 9th-Rank Magic Beast, my great Nubisi does not fear.” Nubisi Ha Ha said with a smile. “嘿嘿,我伟大的努比斯还沒见过兽神殿长什么样子了,正好这次跟着你一起去,到时候即便是遭遇三只九阶魔兽的围攻,我伟大的努比斯也不惧了。”努比斯哈哈笑道。 The tour of Beast God Temple, the time naturally the quicker the better, Jian Chen will certainly not hold the mentality of enjoying the beauties of nature to fly like Nubisi, then, Jian Chen makes Nubisi build Space Gate the central area to lead to Beast God Temple, the two people figure steps into Space Gate to vanish directly does not see. 兽神殿之行,时间自然是越快越好,剑尘当然不会像努比斯那样抱着游山玩水的心态一路飞过去,接下來,剑尘努比斯搭建一个空间之门直接通向兽神殿的中心区域,两人的身形踏入空间之门内消失不见。
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