CSG :: Volume #15

#1419: Heavenly Enchantress strength

Although Nubisi has not used Space Gate, but speed of governing spatial flight is still quick, the body and space melt, the whole body sends out dazzling golden rays of light such as the meteor to cut the expansive sky generally, by extremely quick speed quiet flies toward Three Saints Island. 努比斯虽然沒有使用空间之门,但御空飞行的速度依然很快,身子与空间相融,周身散发出耀眼的金色光芒如流星一般划破长空,以极快的速度悄无声息的向着三圣岛飞去。 When Nubisi was just close to Three Saints Island beyond hundred li (0.5 km), Jian Chen and Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress two people on Three Saints Island then detected his arrival, the vision looks to the distant place. 努比斯刚接近三圣岛百里之外时,在三圣岛上的剑尘琴圣天魔女两人便发觉了他的到來,目光纷纷看向远方。 The Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress vision is indifferent, unemotional, only the surprise flashes to pass. 琴圣天魔女目光冷漠,面无表情,仅有一丝诧异一闪而逝。 But the corners of the mouth of Jian Chen show the light smile, looked to sit cross-legged to sit in own front wholly-absorbed cultivation Xiao Bao, set out to move toward outside the hole. 剑尘的嘴角则露出淡淡的笑容,看了看盘膝坐在自己面前专心修炼的小宝,起身走向洞外。 By Nubisi speed, hundred li (0.5 km) from pass in an instant, soon then has golden rays of light to appear in the horizon end together, to be about inconceivable speed to be close toward here, finally arrives directly on Three Saints Island, revealed golden clothes, leaves leeway Nubisi of elegant golden long hair. 努比斯速度,百里距离转眼即逝,很快便有一道金色的光芒在天际尽头出现,以快得不可思议速度向着这里接近,最终直接降临在三圣岛上,露出了一身金衣,留有一头飘逸的金色长发的努比斯 But also at this time, Jian Chen also one step took, this step he spanned several hundred meters distance to appear in front of Nubisi directly, sized up under Nubisi earnestly, said ; Your aura was more powerful than much before, this time the tour of Beast God Continent, harvests well.” 而也在这时,剑尘也一步迈出,这一步他直接跨越了数百米的距离出现在努比斯面前,认认真真的打量了下努比斯,说道;“你的气息比之前强大了不少,此番兽神大陆之行,收获不错吧。” Nubisi smiles, proudly said: That is natural, my great Nubisi goes into action personally, matter that could not have completed, the tour of this Beast God Continent, the significance indeed is to me great, after swallowing the source essence of that old snake, I felt that my great Nubisi bloodlines was also purer, although has not had the obvious transformation, but the distance next transformation was nearer one step.” 努比斯嘿嘿一笑,傲然道:“那是当然,我伟大的努比斯亲自出马,沒有办不成的事,这一次兽神大陆之行,对我來说意义的确非常重大,吞噬了那条老蛇的本源精气之后,我感觉我伟大的努比斯血脉也更纯了,虽然还沒有产生明显的蜕变,但距离下一次蜕变更近了一步。” The words just said, Nubisi as if realized anything, looked that brings to wipe immediately strangely to the Jian Chen vision, said: Jian Chen, actually this Three Saints Island has what worth to make you accept as a memento, made you stay unexpectedly such a long time on this tattered island, is it possible that you really must have a liking for that seductress, right, how not to see that seductress.” About Nubisi looked, has not discovered the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress trail, but his body shakes at once, on the face reveals look of shock, calls out in alarm said: I discovered anything, age ten -year-old children, actually have the Saint King strength, this... this is.” The words have not said that Nubisi then changes into together the remnant shadow rapid grazes to go toward the Shangguan Aojian closing up cavern. 话刚说完,努比斯似乎意识到了什么,看向剑尘的目光中顿时带着一抹古怪,道:“剑尘,这三圣岛究竟有什么值得让你留念的,竟然让你在这个破烂的小岛上呆了这么长时间,莫非你是真得看上那个妖女了,对了,怎么不见那个妖女。”努比斯左右看了看,并沒有发现琴圣天魔女的踪迹,不过旋即他身躯一震,脸上露出震惊之色,惊呼道:“我发现了什么,一名年纪不过十來岁的小孩,竟然拥有圣王的实力,这…这是真得吗。”话未说完,努比斯便化为一道残影飞速的向着上官傲剑的闭关洞穴飞掠而去。 In the place that although Shangguan Aojian closes up have several far from here, the mountain road winds on the way, the naked eye cannot look at that place, but Nubisi after all is Saint Emperor, on entire Three Saints Island, basic can hide the truth from him on no matter, only if the strength strong are too many in him, lets his sensation. 虽然上官傲剑闭关的地方距离这里有数里之远,途中山路蜿蜒,肉眼根本就望不到那处地方,但努比斯毕竟是圣帝,整座三圣岛上,根本就沒有任何事能瞒得了他,除非实力强于他太多,让他感知不到。 Sees Nubisi directly soars Shangguan Aojian closes up points out to go, Jian Chen wants to stop, but actually hesitated, because he thinks that the antiquity Aojian status was impossible to be hidden, finally has not blocked Nubisi, but is tagging along after Nubisi behind with the past. 努比斯直奔上官傲剑的闭关指出而去,剑尘想要阻拦,但却迟疑了一下,因为他想到上古傲剑的身份不可能一直这么被隐藏下去,最终才沒有拦住努比斯,而是尾随着努比斯身后跟了过去。 Nubisi speed is quick, suddenly arrives at outside the cavern that Shangguan Aojian closed up, just about when goes, however actually some people of speed also want on quick many compared with him, sees only the purple form to flash to pass together, wears the purple long skirt, embraces Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress then suddenly to appear in cave mouth, blocked the Nubisi way. 努比斯速度很快,眨眼间就來到了上官傲剑闭关的洞穴之外,刚要进去时,然而却有人速度比他还要快上许多,只见一道紫色的身影一闪而逝,身着紫色长裙,怀抱天魔鸣音琴琴圣天魔女便突然出现在洞口,挡住了努比斯的去路。 Immediately leaves here.” Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress turns away from Nubisi, the indifferent opens the mouth, her devil stature seems like very delicate, but stands there, actually to the feeling that the person one type is unable to exceed, at this moment, her body as if becomes isolates the day wall of the whole world at the same time, the hole is divided into two stretches of the world with the hole outside. “立刻离开这里。”琴圣天魔女背对努比斯,冷漠的开口,她那魔鬼般的身材看似很纤弱,但是站在那里,却给人一种无法超越的感觉,这一刻,她的身子仿佛成为了一面隔绝整个世界的天墙,将洞内与洞外划分为两片天地。 In the Nubisi eye the fine glow flashes, although he felt that Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress and compared initially, seems somewhat different, but he cannot see the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress strength, but according to his heart in thinks, even if the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress strength has the promotion, but still limited of very improvement, basic on threat own, therefore has not cared, but is casual saying: seductress, it seems like these years your strength was also increased much, my great Nubisi one does not pay attention, made you rush to my front to go unexpectedly, but seductress, once I was dreaded to you very much, but now, you in my great Nubisi eye, already small and weakly like ants, knowing the limitation hurried to make way, be not keeping off the road, making me have a look at inside that little fellow.” 努比斯眼中精芒一闪,虽然他感觉到琴圣天魔女和当初比起來,似乎已经有些不同了,但他根本就看不出琴圣天魔女的实力,不过按照他心中所想,琴圣天魔女的实力即便有提升,但也提升的很有限,根本就威胁不到自己,因此并未放在心上,而是大大咧咧的说道:“妖女,看來这些年你的实力也提升了不少,我伟大的努比斯一不留神,竟然让你跑到我的前面去了,不过妖女,曾经我是对你很是忌惮,但如今,你在我伟大的努比斯眼中,已经弱小如蝼蚁,识相的赶紧让开,别挡着路,让我去看看里面的那个小家伙。” Nubisi seductress name Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, made the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress vision immediately even more indifferent, was faint severe light to glitter, cold voice that did not return said: Three Saints Island does not welcome you, immediately leaves Three Saints Island, otherwise......” 努比斯一口一个妖女的称呼琴圣天魔女,顿时让琴圣天魔女的目光变得愈加冷漠了起來,隐隐间更有一层厉芒在闪烁,头也不回的冷声道:“三圣岛不欢迎你,马上离开三圣岛,否则的话……” Did not wait for Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress to say the words, Nubisi interrupted her words, hehe said with a smile: Otherwise what kind of, is to brutally to act to me, come comes, my great Nubisi then, why I must have a look at you to be able entirely but actually.” 不等琴圣天魔女把话说完,努比斯就打断了她的话,嘿嘿笑道:“否则的话怎样,是不是要对我出手无情啊,來啊來啊,我伟大的努比斯统统接着,我倒要看看你能奈为何。” Jian Chen had arrived here, is standing in the distant place waits and sees, he has not gone forward to intervene, but looks at Nubisi by the vision of sympathy, now Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress has taken Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach, her strength is actually strong to what situation, even Jian Chen is not clear, what is certain, present Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, is not Nubisi can contend. 剑尘已经來到了这里,正站在远处观望,他沒有上前去干预,只是以同情的目光看着努比斯,如今琴圣天魔女已经服下了仙级五品紫云仙桃,她的实力究竟强到什么地步,即便是剑尘都不清楚,不过可以肯定的是,如今的琴圣天魔女之强,绝非努比斯所能抗衡的。 Jian Chen, you admire to this seductress for a long time, but you could rest assured that this matter your brothers I will help your, my seizes this seductress, is your bed good person.” Nubisi casual saying, has not noticed in the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress vision to reappear quite the same as light murderous intention. 剑尘,你是不是对这妖女心仪已久啊,不过你放心,这件事情你兄弟我会帮你的,我这就将这妖女擒下,作你的床上佳人。”努比斯大大咧咧的说道,浑然沒有注意到琴圣天魔女的目光中已经浮现出淡淡的杀机 The Nubisi following those words, almost touch Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress reverse scale. 努比斯后面那句话,几乎是触及到琴圣天魔女逆鳞 Ding.” “叮。” Almost in Nubisi finishes speaking, Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress had fluctuated the string, although only makes a sound, but this zither's music falls into the ear of Nubisi, just like the startled day thunderclap generally loudly crack, making his body tremble fiercely, Primordial Spirit shivers. 几乎在努比斯话音刚落时,琴圣天魔女就已经波动了琴弦,虽然只发出一音,但这一道琴音落入努比斯的耳中,就犹如惊天霹雳一般轰然炸响,让他身躯剧烈一颤,元神颤抖。 Nubisi complexion big change, a face does not dare to believe is staring at Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, the whole face is inconceivable expression, now he is Saint Emperor, although Primordial Spirit is unable compared with Human Race Saint Emperor, but stronger when 7th-Rank greatly were too without a doubt more than him, however he shocking discovery own that expanded many Primordial Spirit at this moment, still somewhat is actually hard to resist the Primordial Spirit attack of Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress. 努比斯脸色大变,一脸不敢置信的盯着琴圣天魔女,满脸都是不可思议神色,如今他已经是圣帝,虽然元神无法和人族圣帝相比,但毫无疑问比他在七阶要强大太多了,然而此刻他才震惊的发现自己那壮大了很多的元神,却依然有些难以抵挡琴圣天魔女元神攻击。 I seized you, I thought how you also play.” In the Nubisi heart makes a determined effort, the finger, a golden silk thread projects like lightning, forms a big net to cover toward Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress. “等我擒下你,我看你还如何弹奏。”努比斯心中发狠,手指一点,一根金色的丝线闪电般射出,形成一张大网朝着琴圣天魔女笼罩。 If the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress surface the cold frost, that pair seems can bewitch to seize in the eye pupil of mortal form to flash through the faint trace quiet glow, made one be afraid unexpectedly, she only handled gently by one caresses the string, sent out ding ding~ thump thump the sound, the sound listens to be wonderful, but also seemed like from time to time sad in the battle drum, unpredictable, as each tonality was played, produced naked eye obvious sound wave to proliferate layer upon layer to all around. 琴圣天魔女面若寒霜,那双好似能勾魂夺魄的眼眸中闪过丝丝幽芒,竟令人不寒而栗,她仅以一只手轻抚琴弦,发出叮叮咚咚的响声,声音听似美妙,但时而又好似如同在战鼓般沉闷,变幻莫测,随着每一个音调被弹奏而出,都产生了一层层肉眼可见的音波扩散向四周。 Nubisi just touched this layer upon layer sound wave by the big net that the golden silk thread formed, then encountered the giant resistance, opened unable to cover in the midair unexpectedly, and was also flushed unceasing backing up of level by this sound wave layer upon layer. 努比斯以金色丝线形成的大网刚一触及到这一层层音波,便受到了巨大的阻力,竟然张在半空中怎么也无法笼罩下來,并且还被这一层层音波冲级的不断的倒退。 Sees this, Nubisi expression in great surprise, such result wants to differ far more than hundred thousand eight thousand li (500 km) with his heart, he has not thought Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress in does not drop the wind with the own upfront resistance in unexpectedly. 见到这一幕,努比斯神色大惊,这样的结果与他心中所想相差何止十万八千里,他怎么也沒有想到琴圣天魔女在与自己正面对抗中竟然丝毫不落下风。 However does not wait for Nubisi to have the response time, Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress plays the zither sound hand signal changes, simultaneously draws seven strings, exuding seven listens to be wonderful, but is actually similar to battle drum sound general depressed zither's music, each zither's music remembers, may see sound wave along with a naked eye, shook void was producing the faint trace ripples. 然而不等努比斯有反应的时间,琴圣天魔女弹奏琴曲的手势一变,同时拉动七根琴弦,发出七声听似美妙,但却如同战鼓声一般沉闷的琴音,每一道琴音想起,都伴随着一股肉眼可见到音波,震荡着虚空都产生了丝丝涟漪。 But these seven zither's music fall into the ear of Nubisi, makes his body shake greatly, complexion instantaneously became pale. 而这七道琴音落入努比斯的耳中,却让他身躯巨震,脸色瞬间变得苍白了起來。 These seven zither's music, like day thunder-like in the Nubisi brain crack, when the fourth sound in the Nubisi brain crack, his body uncontrolled staggering retreat. 这七道琴音,都如同天雷般努比斯脑中炸响,当第四音在努比斯脑中炸响时,他的身躯不受控制的踉跄后退。 The fifth sound, making Nubisi exude one to remain silent, has been damaged, the footsteps stagger withdrew dozens meters away. 第五音,让努比斯发出一声闷声,已经受创,脚步踉跄的退后了数十米远。 The sixth sound, making the corners of the mouth of Nubisi overflow the blood, retarding that the footsteps staggered to several hundred meters beyond. 第六音,让努比斯的嘴角溢出了鲜血,脚步踉跄的推后到数百米之外。 The seventh sound, making the Nubisi opens the mouth spout a blood, the body shivers, the consciousness is fuzzy, has somewhat stood is not steady. 第七音,让努比斯张口喷出一口鲜血,身子颤抖,意识模糊,已经有些站立不稳了。 Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress vision ice-cold, Nubisi offends her reverse scale, she does not plan such easily bountiful Su obviously she, her finger has placed eighth with the string, must fluctuate. 琴圣天魔女目光冰冷,努比斯触犯她的逆鳞,她显然不打算就这么轻易饶苏她,她的一根手指已经放在第八跟琴弦上了,就要波动。 Jian Chen complexion changes, although he knows that Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress is very fierce, but has not thought that unexpectedly fierce to so situation, Nubisi so defeats unexpectedly thoroughly by the Saint Emperor strength, this point not as he expected, sees Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress not to plan to let off Nubisi greatly at this moment, immediately shouted in a low voice: Stop, do not injure Nubisi.” 剑尘面色一变,虽然他知道琴圣天魔女很厉害,但万万沒有想到竟然厉害到这般地步了,努比斯圣帝的实力竟然败得如此彻底,这一点大大出乎他意料,此刻见琴圣天魔女还不打算放过努比斯,立即一声低喝:“住手,不要伤了努比斯。” At once, the Jian Chen figure flashes arrives in front of Nubisi, holds body that he is soon pouring. 旋即,剑尘身形一闪來到努比斯面前,扶着他快要倒下去的身子。
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