CSG :: Volume #15

#1418: Confident Nubisi

Looks these that on the own arm presents seems the snake scale, but actually with the snake scale the somewhat different strange textures, on the face of Nubisi shows a light smile immediately, the facial expression is somewhat excited, mutters: „The source essence of this old snake in Saint Sovereign 4-layer boundary old snake stronger is more abundant than that strength that I absorbed initially, I felt that my great Nubisi took effect astonishing big tonic to result in probably, can make my body have very obvious change unexpectedly, although my strength still stayed in the original situation, but I felt that my battle strength was stronger than before, this set of old snakes swallowed some same clan source essence before inevitably, this made his source essence be the so vigorous degree.” 看着自己手臂上出现的这些仿佛是蛇鳞,但却与蛇鳞又有些不一样的奇异纹理,努比斯的脸上顿时露出一丝淡淡的笑容,神情有些激动,喃喃道:“这条老蛇的本源精气比我当初吸收的那条实力在圣皇四重天境界的老蛇要强盛很多,我感觉我伟大的努比斯好像服下了一个效果惊人的大补药似得,竟然能让我的身体产生非常明显的变化,虽然我的实力依然停留在原來的地步,但我感觉我的战斗力比之前更强了,想必这套老蛇在之前必然吞噬了一些同族本源精气,这才使得他的本源精气达到如此浑厚的程度。” Nubisi pulls the sleeve robe, that skin assumes the pale golden arm to be covered up immediately under the sleeve robe, raise one's head watched this piece once to make him yearn the mainland that simultaneously incomparably dreaded, muttered: This Beast God Continent is really together the good place, here too suitable Beast Clan to survive, in Beast Clan that this mainland grows, absolutely compared with Tian Yuan Continent in many, what a pity regarding present me, did not have intensely formerly like that has attracted the attraction.” 努比斯挽下袖袍,那条皮肤呈淡金色的手臂顿时被遮掩在袖袍之下,抬头看了看这片曾经让他向往同时又无比忌惮的大陆,喃喃道:“这兽神大陆果然是一块好地方,这里太适合兽族生存了,在这块大陆成长起來的兽族,绝对要比天元大陆强上很多,可惜对于如今的我來说,已经沒有从前那般强烈的吸吸引力了。” This old snake, he occupied several thousand years in Beast God Continent, although not possible to be familiar with Beast God Continent each place, but by his strength, to develop the own informer to be found in the entire mainland is not the too difficult matter, once there is Silver Striped Golden Snake to appear on Beast God Continent, decided however unable to escape his informer, perhaps now Silver Striped Golden Snake of entire mainland, by this old snake disaster, my great Nubisi has not been needed to continue to stay here , Three Saints Island looked for Jian Chen.” “还有这条老蛇,他在兽神大陆盘踞了数千年之久,虽然不可能对兽神大陆的每一个地方了如指掌,但以他的实力,要想发展自己的眼线遍布整个大陆也不是太困难的事,一旦有金丝银线蛇出现在兽神大陆上,定然逃不了他的耳目,恐怕如今整个大陆的金丝银线蛇,都已经被这条老蛇祸害,我伟大的努比斯也沒必要继续留在这里,罢了,去三圣岛剑尘去。” The words just a saying ended, Nubisi then changes into golden long rainbow to go far away together air-splitting, he has not used Space Gate, but is the governing spatial flight, is appreciating scenery all the way, leisurely rushing Three Saints Island. 话刚一说完,努比斯便化为一道金色的长虹破空远去,他沒有使用空间之门,而是御空飞行,欣赏着一路上的风景,优哉游哉的赶往三圣岛 But when that eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast return to the respective ethnic group, really discovered that Nubisi has not harmed their clansmen, the poisonous fog that he spouts made their clansman faint in the past, not have the sorrow of life, this moment all confused the dizzy clansmen to jump for joy on the ground by the poisonous fog vividly, only then a small number of some strength mean clansmen have not fully regained the condition, complexion became pale like the paper. 而那八只八阶魔兽回到各自的族群中时,果然发现努比斯并沒有伤害他们的族人,他喷出的毒雾只是让他们的族人昏厥过去,并沒有性命之忧,此刻所有被毒雾迷晕的族人都已经生龙活虎在地上活蹦乱跳,只有少数一些实力低微的族人还沒有完全恢复状态,脸色变得苍白如纸。 However their tribe's surrounding cover jungle, is actually reduced to ashes under the Nubisi poisonous fog, only then some healthy millennium old trees, turn into withered old trees to stand erect in the original place, had lost life force / vitality. 不过他们部落周围的茂密丛林,却在努比斯的毒雾之下化为了灰烬,只有一些茁壮的千年古树,变成一个个干枯的老树屹立在原來的地方,已经失去了生机 Periphery 8th-Rank Magic Beast that however these eight escaped the birth day has completely disregarded the destroyed environment, saw own clansman is well, the mood incomparable excitements, in abundance in felt grateful Nubisi at heart secretly broad mind/bosom, at once immediately orders the clansman to start to collect the gold, finally used massive golden casting a golden statue to stand erect in the center of tribe. 不过这八只逃出生天的八阶魔兽已经完全无视周围被破坏的环境,见自己的族人一个个都平安无事,一个个心情都无比的激动,纷纷在心里暗暗感激努比斯的“广阔胸怀”,旋即立即命令族人开始收集黄金,最终用了大量的黄金铸造了一座金色的雕像屹立在部落的中心处。 This statue naturally is Nubisi, has high of hundred zhang (333 m) fully, in these eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast kiss to the portray, Nubisi lifelikeness of charm portray. 这雕像自然是努比斯,足有百丈之高,在这八只八阶魔兽亲至刻画下,将努比斯的神韵刻画的栩栩如生。 Three Saints Island, in an instant, Jian Chen has stopped over here for a half month, these period of time, he over half time keeps the Xiao Bao side, guide the Xiao Bao cultivation, while teach various Xiao Bao aspect knowledge, and skill of fight wait/etc, almost uses to hand down all that own grasps. 三圣岛,转眼间,剑尘已经在这里逗留半个多月时间了,这段时间,他超过半数的时间都留在小宝的身边,一边指导小宝修炼,一边传授小宝各方面知识,以及战斗方面的技巧等等,几乎将自己所掌握的一切都倾尽相传。 Although Xiao Bao is young, but is very sensible, he as if knows that Jian Chen will soon after leave, therefore in heart treasuring and Jian Chen very in together these period of time, anything that every Jian Chen teaches, he will record in the heart sincerely, goes to the earnest learn/study, in cultivation also very assiduous, because there is a huge quantity cultivation commodity, and Chaos Body initial-stage does not need to comprehend the world rule, therefore the cultivation of Xiao Bao is ten thousand li in a day, has achieved the Saint King 5-layer strength. 小宝虽然年纪不大,但是却很懂事,他似乎知道剑尘不久之后就会离开,因此心中十分的珍惜和剑尘在一起的这段时间,凡是剑尘所传授的任何东西,他都会谨记于心,去认认真真的学习,在修炼方面也是非常的刻苦,由于有海量的修炼物资,并且混沌之体前期也不需要领悟天地规则,因此小宝的修炼可谓是一日千里,已经达到圣王五重天的实力了。 Innate Chaos Body the division and Acquired Chaos Body boundary are entirely different, Innate Chaos Body is divided into four big boundaries, respectively is small accomplishment, middle accomplishment, big accomplishment, great perfection, not like Acquired Chaos Body that Jian Chen cultivates, altogether must experience 18 broken pill, each broken pill, the strength will then promote several boundaries one time, if not break to pieces pill, will then not have the slight promotion, therefore the Xiao Bao strength increases a point every time, will have the most obvious feeling. 先天混沌之体的境界之分与后天混沌之体大不相同,先天混沌之体分为四大境界,分别为小成,中成,大成,大圆满,不像剑尘所修炼的后天混沌之体,总共要经历十八次碎丹,每一次碎丹,实力便会一次性提升好几个境界,若不碎丹,便不会有丝毫提升,因此小宝的实力每提升一点,都会有最明显的感觉。 During this period, Jian Chen and Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress also often slightly discussed the moment, although topic regarding Xiao Bao, but relations between he and Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress also obtained some moderate, although Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress was still icy to Jian Chen, but does not have the indifference of aloofing at least. 在这期间,剑尘琴圣天魔女也不时小谈片刻,尽管话題都是围绕着小宝,但他和琴圣天魔女之间的关系也得到了一些缓和,虽然琴圣天魔女依然对剑尘是冷冰冰的,但最起码已经沒有了拒人于千里之外的冷漠。 Jian Chen gives Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach as well as Grasping Principles Tea Tree is also taken by her, he can the obvious feeling Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress become compares was more powerful before, what but because Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress walks is a different road, therefore without comparing notes, Jian Chen does not know that actually the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress strength went to the what kind situation. 剑尘送给琴圣天魔女仙级五品紫云仙桃以及悟道茶树也被她服用,他能明显的感觉到琴圣天魔女已经变得比之前更加强大了,但由于琴圣天魔女走的是一条不同的路,因此在沒有切磋的情况下,剑尘也不知道琴圣天魔女的实力究竟达到了何种地步。 In addition, Xiao Qian, Xiao Yue, the Qin Qin three people are not bystanders, naturally also obtained the help of Jian Chen, grants them Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach as well as Grasping Principles Tea Tree, making their three people of strengths increase, although has not brought in seven color auspicious cloud, but including Qin Qin, three people became Saint Sovereign completely, and had to tear space to build the Space Gate ability. 此外,小倩,小月,琴沁三人并非外人,自然也得到了剑尘的帮助,纷纷赠与他们仙级五品紫云仙桃以及悟道茶树,令她们三人实力大增,虽然沒有引來七彩祥云,但包括琴沁在内,三人全部都成为圣皇了,并且拥有撕裂空间搭建空间之门的能力。 Mentioned reasonably, was insufficient to become king/emperor by the Qin Qin strength, but she absorbed the vitality in Purple Cloud Immortal Peach actually also to want on many several points compared with the Xiao Qian Xiao Yue two people, finally stepped into the Saint Sovereign boundary. 按理说來,以琴沁的实力根本就不足以成皇,但她吸纳紫云仙桃内的元气竟然比小倩小月二人还要多上几分,最终才踏入了圣皇境界。 Shortly after strength breakthrough, Qin Qin then on the grounds of missing hometown and Jian Chen and Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress said goodbye, left Three Saints Island, but Xiao Qian and Xiao Yue two people also on the grounds of seeing Little Junior Sister family member, departed with Qin Qin together, finally on Three Saints Mountain, was only left over Jian Chen, Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress and Shangguan Aojian this family of three stays here, let originally population many Three Saints Mountain, immediately became chillier. 实力突破不久,琴沁便以思念家乡为由与剑尘琴圣天魔女告别,离开了三圣岛,而小倩小月两人也以看望小师妹家人为由,和琴沁一同离去,最终三圣山上,就只剩下剑尘,琴圣天魔女上官傲剑这一家三口留在这里,让原本人数就不多的三圣山,顿时变得更加清冷了。 On this day, the sky sunlight is beautiful, marine uneventful, sees only golden long rainbow to come from the remote horizon end together air-splitting, to be about inconceivable speed to shoot at Three Saints Island directly. 这一天,天空阳光明媚,海上风平浪静,只见一道金色的长虹从遥远的天际尽头破空而來,以快得不可思议速度径直射向三圣岛 My great Nubisi as Beast Clan, Primordial Spirit on is inferior on innate in Human Race, even if my great Nubisi as Antiquity Variation Beast, but is unable to change this fact, therefore excelled at seductress of say/way of Primordial Spirit attack by that initially to to subdue|grams stubbornly, but now my great Nubisi strength today we are no longer as we have been, is not initially that small 7th-Rank, these must bully time well that seductress, with the shame of report past years.” Speed run of Nubisi in the sea, on the face reveals one to smile evilly. “我伟大的努比斯身为兽族,元神在先天上就逊色于人族,即便我伟大的努比斯身为上古异兽,但也无法改变这一事实,因此当初被那擅长元神攻击之道的妖女给克的死死的,不过如今我伟大的努比斯实力已经今非昔比了,再也不是当初那小小的七阶,这一次一定要好好地欺负一下那个妖女,以报当年之耻。”努比斯在大海上快速飞行,脸上露出一丝邪笑。 Initially my great Nubisi strength only had 7th-Rank, but that seductress similarly also only then the Saint King strength, I have become 9th-Rank now, is equivalent to Tian Yuan Continent Saint Emperor top powerhouse, that seductress strength promotes speed absolutely not to have my great Nubisi to be quick, perhaps now also stays in the past boundary, the say/way of her zither's music cannot constitute to threaten to me, does not know, when she experiences to my great Nubisi shows the Saint Emperor strength, actually to turn into what expression, extremely will be certainly shocking, Ha Ha Ha Ha...” Thinks of here, Nubisi hearty laughter, in his life, has only had the psychology of fear to two people, its one, is the Beast God Continent old snake, second, naturally is Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress. “当初我伟大的努比斯实力只有七阶,而那个妖女同样也只有圣王的实力,如今我已经成为九阶,相当于天元大陆圣帝至强者,那个妖女的实力提升速度绝对沒有我伟大的努比斯快,或许现在还停留在当年的境界呢,她的琴音之道已经对我构不成威胁了,不知当她见识到我伟大的努比斯展现出圣帝的实力时,究竟会变成什么样的表情,一定会非常震惊吧,哈哈哈哈哈…”想到这里,努比斯不由的放声大笑,在他这一生中,只对两个人产生过畏惧的心理,其一,就是兽神大陆的老蛇,第二个,自然就是琴圣天魔女 Initially when he and Jian Chen arrived at Three Saints Island for the first time, once was frightened outside the far escaping thousand li (500 km) by Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, does not dare to visit Three Saints Island, because Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress zither's music was too fearful, making Nubisi feel the body of own, even was the soul nearly must be controlled by zither's music, this made in his heart produce the color to Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress one deep fear. 当初他和剑尘第一次來到三圣岛时,曾被琴圣天魔女吓得远遁千里之外,再也不敢踏足三圣岛了,因为琴圣天魔女琴音太可怕了,让努比斯感觉自己的身体,甚至是灵魂都险些要被琴音所控,这使得他心中对琴圣天魔女产色了一种深深的恐惧。 However now, with the rise of strength, this fear has extinguished in invisible. 不过如今,随着实力的提升,这种恐惧已经消弭于无形了。
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