CSG :: Volume #15

#1417: Regains 8th-Rank

Is impossible, this is impossible, after the strength achieves 8th-Rank, the 9-layer boundary went forward one step is very difficult every time, as for 9th-Rank, will step into the single layer boundary every time compared with on 8th-Rank wanting difficult several times, since you to become Emperor, absolutely were just impossible to break through 9th-Rank 1-layer in such a short time, achieved higher 9-layer boundary.” golden clothes old man absent-minded, although in the heart is passing desperately, but also is also very difficult to believe that Nubisi just stepped into 9th-Rank, such rapidness that the strength can rise dramatically. “不可能,这不可能,实力达到八阶后,九重境界每前进一步就很艰难了,至于九阶,每踏入一重境界都会比八阶要难上数倍,你既然刚刚成帝,绝对不可能在如此短的时间内突破九阶一重天,达到更高的九重境界。”金衣老者一阵失神,尽管心中透着绝望,但同样也很难相信努比斯刚刚踏入九阶,实力就会飙升的如此之快。 Looks at the golden clothes old man so scared appearance, Nubisi smiles happily, in the heart felt incomparable to the heart's content, he many years ago has known Beast God Continent has powerful Silver Striped Golden Snake, therefore has hidden in the Tian Yuan Continent Horizontal Mountain Range surrounding, without joining Gilligan clan of Horizontal Mountain Range deep place, the main goal is to avoid the threat from Beast God Continent. 看着金衣老者这般失魂落魄的样子,努比斯笑得更开心了,心中感到无比的畅怀,他早在多年前就已经知道兽神大陆有一条实力非常强大的金丝银线蛇,故此一直躲藏在天元大陆纵横山脉外围,沒有加入纵横山脉深处的金利坚家族,最主要的目的就是为了躲避來自兽神大陆的威胁。 Because of initially, his strength only had 7th-Rank, to Beast God Continent the has never seen the old snake has inborn fear and fear, in the heart was worried very this old snake will submerge Tian Yuan Continent to cope with him secretly, therefore he will dive the place of choice cultivating in the Horizontal Mountain Range surrounding, here was recent from Mercenary City, if that old snake really must arrive at Tian Yuan Continent, he can also escape to Mercenary City. 因为当初,他的实力只有七阶,对兽神大陆的这条从未见过的老蛇有着一种天生的畏惧以及恐惧,心中十分担心这条老蛇会偷偷的潜入天元大陆來对付他,因此他将潜修之地选择在纵横山脉外围,这里距离佣兵之城最近,若是那条老蛇真得來到了天元大陆,那他也可以逃向佣兵之城 It can be said that at that time, the Beast God Continent old snake seems invisible great mountain-like must press in the Nubisi heart, gave him psychologically the belt/bring to create the tremendous pressure, usually went out to be cautious continually, own will be the Silver Striped Golden Snake news will for fear that spread, is known by more people. 可以说,在那个时候,兽神大陆的老蛇就仿佛是一座无形的巨山似得压在努比斯心中,给他心理上带带來了巨大的压力,平时连外出都得小心翼翼,生怕自己金丝银线蛇的消息会传扬出去,被更多的人知道。 Afterward, Beast God Continent that old snake submerged Tian Yuan Continent, was killed by Mercenary City Great Elder Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword), the corpse gave Nubisi. 后來,兽神大陆的那条老蛇潜入天元大陆,被佣兵之城大长老天剑所杀,尸首送给了努比斯 Nubisi after swallowing the source essence of that old snake, inherited some small memories of that old snake, and from this memory knew that Beast God Continent unexpectedly also stronger old snakes, but dies that old snake in Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) hand, was being controlled the life and death by another stronger old man. 努比斯在吞噬了那条老蛇的本源精气之后,也继承了那条老蛇的小部分记忆,并且从这部记忆中得知兽神大陆竟然还有一条实力更强的老蛇,而死在天剑手中的那条老蛇,则是被另一条实力更强的老者掌控着生死。 When Nubisi after learning of this news, the heart sank the valley, but in heart regarding this stronger old snake, was dreading even more, fear, but Beast God Continent, was divided the forbidden area that may not step into lifelong by him again. 努比斯在得知了这一消息之后,心都沉到了谷底,而心中对于这条实力更强的老蛇,也是愈加的忌惮,更加的恐惧,而兽神大陆,也再次被他划分了终身都不可踏入的禁区。 But now, looks that initially made own frightened, psychologically created that old snake of very strong pressure on own, does not have the strength to hit back in the own hand, in the Nubisi heart has a not being able to say pleasant sensation immediately. 而如今,看着当初让自己恐惧,给自己心理上造成了很强压力的那条老蛇,在自己手中却毫无还手之力,努比斯心中顿时有一股说不出的快感。 At this moment, he wishes one could to face upward simply the long and loud cry. 这一刻,他简直恨不得仰天长啸。 Pitifully, the old man spent one of the big price training to poison greatly in Tian Yuan Continent, otherwise, old man perhaps already to become Emperor.” The golden clothes old man muttered said that being unwilling of whole face. “可惜,老夫花费大代价培养的一个大药死在了天元大陆,不然的话,老夫或许已经成帝。”金衣老者喃喃说道,满脸的不甘。 At this time, previously pursued Nubisi that eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast to restrain own aura, started quiet withdrawing, wanted to seize the chance to flee from here, their eight people were frightened not clear, complexion was pale, does not have blood-color, entire body in slight shivering, in innermost feelings intense fear filling up. 这时,先前追击努比斯的那八只八阶魔兽一个个都收敛了自己气息,开始悄无声息的退后,想要趁机逃离这里,他们八人一个个都被吓得不清,脸色苍白,毫无一丝血色,整个身躯都在轻微的颤抖,内心中强烈的恐惧给填满了。 Even some people the regret intestines are blue, criticizes Nubisi in the heart, solemn 9th-Rank top powerhouse, camouflages 7th-Rank Magic Beast to play tricks on them unexpectedly, finally made that their eight people pursued 9th-Rank Magic Beast to run bold most Beast God Continent, if we had known Nubisi was 9th-Rank, even if gave them 100 courage they not to dare to pursue. 甚至有些人已经悔的肠子都青了,一个个在心中暗骂努比斯,堂堂九阶至强者,竟然伪装成一只七阶魔兽來戏弄他们,结果弄得他们八人胆大包天的追着一只九阶魔兽跑了大半个兽神大陆,若是早知道努比斯九阶,哪怕给他们一百个胆子他们也不敢追來。 The Nubisi vision concentrates, the corners of the mouth reveal the color of teasing, turning the head slowly looked wants to sneak off eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast that to that said: Little fellows, my great Nubisi was pursued by you were so long, how such not making a sound must sneak off.” 努比斯目光一凝,嘴角露出一丝戏谑之色,慢慢的转过头哦看向那想要开溜的八只八阶魔兽,道:“小家伙们,我伟大的努比斯被你们追了这么久,怎么就这么不声不响的要开溜啊。” Hears Nubisi these words, that eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast bodies are fierce immediately tremble, was frightened the heart quickly to collapse, complexion become to make things difficult for to look extremely, is passing several points of desperate color. 听到努比斯这句话,那八只八阶魔兽身躯顿时剧烈一颤,被吓得心脏都快崩出來了,一个个脸色变得极为难看,透着几分绝望之色。 The Nubisi finger, a silver silk thread projects from referring, ties up completely in that eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast together, Ha Ha said with a smile ; Several little fellows, after my great Nubisi tidies up this old snake, in teaches you.” 努比斯手指一点,一根银色的丝线从指间射出,将那八只八阶魔兽全部捆绑在一起,哈哈笑道;“几个小家伙,等我伟大的努比斯收拾完这条老蛇之后,在來教训教训你们。” Then, the golden clothes old man is killed by cutting that Nubisi is relentless, swallowed the source essence of golden clothes old man by secret skill at the scene. 接下來,金衣老者被努比斯毫不留情的斩杀,当场以秘法吞噬了金衣老者的本源精气。 This is the second Silver Striped Golden Snake source essence that Nubisi swallows, when swallowing first, his strength only then the Saint King boundary, the opposite party has actually achieved the Saint Sovereign 4-layer boundary, must be higher than Nubisi are too too more, therefore Nubisi swallows the first Silver Striped Golden Snake source essence, the time of consumption is long, made his strength have the qualitative leap. 这是努比斯吞噬的第二条金丝银线蛇本源精气,在吞噬第一条时,他的实力只有圣王境界,对方却已经达到圣皇四重天境界,比努比斯都还要高出太多太多,因此努比斯吞噬第一条金丝银线蛇本源精气,耗费的时间非常长,同时也让他的实力有了质的飞跃。 But now the Nubisi strength has achieved Saint Emperor, swallows this strength only to have the old snake of Saint Sovereign great perfection strength, naturally cannot bring the rise in strength to him, but made his source essence expand many, acquired advantage incomparable huge. 而现在努比斯的实力已经达到圣帝,吞噬这条实力仅有圣皇大圆满实力的老蛇,自然不会给他带來实力上的提升,不过却让他自身的本源精气壮大了不少,获得的好处的无比巨大。 After the source essence of old snake swallows, the Nubisi entire body is glittering light golden rays of light, although his strength also stays in the original boundary, aura that but sends out from him, was faint is more powerful. 将老蛇的本源精气吞噬一空之后,努比斯整个身躯都闪烁着淡淡的金色光芒,他的实力虽然还停留在原來的境界,但从他身上散发出的气息,隐隐间更加强大了。 Afterward, the Nubisi vision looks to that eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast, hehe said with a smile: Now should be one's turn you, you chased down my great Nubisi is so long, how my great Nubisi because of should handle you.” 随后,努比斯的目光又望向那八只八阶魔兽,嘿嘿笑道:“现在该轮到你们了,你们追杀了我伟大的努比斯这么久,我伟大的努比斯因该如何处置你们呢。” In eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast hearts one tight, some people knelt immediately void, kowtows to beg for mercy. 八只八阶魔兽心中一紧,一些人立即虚空跪了下來,不停的磕头求饶。 On the Nubisi face is hanging a strange smile, around was stranded by a silver silk thread in together eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast walked several, thought deeply about the meeting, said: „, Although my great Nubisi was chased down half Beast God Continent by you, perhaps but if this, is unable to draw out this old snake to come out, now I have swallowed source of that old snake smoothly, the goal had achieved, the mood large size, forgave you, but the capital crime may exempt, the suffering is difficult to escape, this suffering, will be you must take my great Nubisi as to revere from now on, does not know that you may have the opinion.” 努比斯脸上挂着一丝古怪的笑容,绕着被一根银色丝线困在一起的八只八阶魔兽走了几圈,思索了会,道:“罢了,虽然我伟大的努比斯被你们追杀了半个兽神大陆,但如果不这样,恐怕也无法引出这条老蛇出來,如今我已经顺利吞噬了那条老蛇的本源,目的已经达成,心情大号,就饶了你们吧,不过死罪可免,活罪难逃,这活罪嘛,就是今后你们要以我伟大的努比斯为尊,不知你们可有意见。” Eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast such as the Mongolian pardon, looks the great happiness, busy non- place said loudly: Are many some great Nubisi Kain, from now henceforth, I and others am willing to obey dispatching of great Nubisi.” They eight people of facial expressions are excited, in the Nubisi mouth said the suffering, in their eyes where is what crime, but lets many big tribe's long-awaited gracious gifts. 八只八阶魔兽如蒙大赦,面露大喜,忙不地的大声道:“多些伟大的努比斯凯恩,从今以后,我等愿听从伟大的努比斯的调遣。”他们八人的神情非常激动,努比斯口中所说都活罪,在他们眼中哪里是什么罪行,而是让许多大部落梦寐以求的恩赐。 Beast God Continent brutal by far Tian Yuan Continent, even if there is big influence that 8th-Rank Magic Beast assumes, still often has the war, the extermination of the clan is the routine matter, although has the Beast God Temple three big top powerhouse reins above them, but three top powerhouse will not intervene the war of following person, because in the area of three top powerhouse respective reins, has the every large or small influence innumerable, even if were destroyed completely a large-scale influence, is still hard to cause three top powerhouse excessively pays attention. 兽神大陆的残酷远胜天元大陆,即便是拥有八阶魔兽坐镇的大势力,也时常有战争,灭族都是常事,虽然在他们之上有兽神殿三大至强者统御,但三位至强者根本就不会干预下面人的战争,因为三位至强者各自统御的疆域中,拥有大大小小的势力无数,即便被灭掉一个大型势力,也难以引起三位至强者的过多关注。 Nubisi was but different, according to their understanding, Nubisi just stepped into 9th-Rank, but has strongly in the common 9th-Rank strength, exactly under expert no influence, their eight people, if pledges allegiance, that will become under the Nubisi first batch of influences, will naturally be thought highly of especially, position not same echo. 可是努比斯就不一样了,根据他们的了解,努比斯是刚刚踏入九阶,但却拥有强于寻常九阶的实力,恰好手底下沒有任何势力,他们八人若是归顺,那将会成为努比斯手底下的第一批势力,自然会受到格外的器重,身份地位非同反响。 On the Nubisi face shows a satisfactory smile, waves, said: You walk, in these clansmen as for your tribe, they do not have the sorrow of life, my great Nubisi made them faint, now because of this/should had waked, right, after going back, do not forget to raise up my great Nubisi statue in the respective tribe, the statue must use the gold, only then this matched on my great Nubisi this noble status.” 努比斯脸上露出一丝满意的笑容,挥了挥手,道:“你们走吧,至于你们部落里的那些族人,他们也都沒有性命之忧,我伟大的努比斯只是让他们晕厥了过去而已,现在因该已经醒过來了,对了,回去之后,别忘了在各自的部落中竖起我伟大的努比斯的雕像,雕像要全部采用黄金,只有这样才配的上我伟大的努比斯这高贵的身份。” The nods of eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast busy non- places should be, cautious raise one's head looked at Nubisi, the Nubisi look secret in brain. 八只八阶魔兽忙不地的点头应是,一个个都小心翼翼的抬头看了眼努比斯,将努比斯的相貌暗暗记在脑中。 After eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast walk, Nubisi pulled own that spacious sleeve robe, immediately revealed the arm of golden skin, saw only on the arm, faintly golden rays of light under the skin the circulation, a strange texture proliferated the entire arm. 当八只八阶魔兽走后,努比斯挽起了自己那宽大的袖袍,顿时露出了金色皮肤的手臂,只见在手臂上,隐隐有一层金色的光芒在皮肤之下了流转,一股奇异纹理更是遍布了整个手臂。 Carefully looks, these strange textures are unexpectedly same like the scales, with snake scale some not too, but does not have the realification now, looks is not clear, as if also not complete growth. 仔细看去,这些奇异的纹理竟然如鳞甲一样,与蛇鳞又有些不太一样,只是如今还沒有实化,看得不是很清楚,仿佛还未完全的生长出來。
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