CSG :: Volume #15

#1416: Easily accomplished

Nubisi Ha Ha laughs, a face teased is staring at the old man, said: Old fogy, who said that my great Nubisi must escape, must escape because of should be you are right.” Finishes speaking, immediately the world of command must from Nubisi send out for the imposing manner that it trembles, this imposing manner were too greatly more than it golden clothes old man stronger were too many, when this imposing manner filled the air , the trim land seemed pressed sinks, big trees as well as various plants all over, disrupted, under this imposing manner, became the smashing by the steamroll directly. 努比斯哈哈大笑,一脸戏谑的盯着老者,道:“老家伙,谁说我伟大的努比斯要逃了,要逃的因该是你才对。”话音刚落,顿时有一股令的天地都要为之震颤的气势从努比斯身上散发而出,这股气势比之金衣老者要强大太多太多了,当这股气势弥漫而出时,整片大地仿佛都被压得下沉,漫山遍野的大树以及各种植物,更是纷纷碎裂,在这股气势之下,直接被碾压成粉碎。 Rear that eight 8th-Rank powerhouse complexion in this moment suddenly big change, the vision are panic-stricken, complexion is pale, shivers the body to stare at Nubisi, was frightened the courage to crack. 后方那八名八阶强者脸色在这一刻骤然大变,目光惊骇,脸色苍白,一个个都颤抖着身躯盯着努比斯,被吓得肝胆欲裂。 9th-Rank, he unexpectedly is 9th-Rank, we are chasing down top powerhouse that unexpectedly steps into 9th-Rank.” Eight 8th-Rank powerhouse wail in the heart, at this moment, their hearts are shivering, the whole body blood is flowing backwards, the heart that wants dead had. 九阶,他竟然是九阶,我们竟然在追杀一名踏入九阶至强者。”八名八阶强者在心中哀嚎,这一刻,他们的心脏在颤抖,浑身血液在倒流,想死的心都有了。 The golden clothes old man also lost the previous calm and calmness, a face unbelievable is staring at Nubisi, calls out in alarm said: You unexpectedly are 9th-Rank.” 金衣老者也失去了先前的从容与镇定,一脸难以置信的盯着努比斯,惊呼道:“你竟然是九阶。” golden clothes old man complexion is pale, does not have blood-color, Nubisi shows the 9th-Rank imposing manner, has all frightened the ghost to brave him, the courage wants to crack, because he similarly is Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake, if his too clear Silver Striped Golden Snake same clan meets, can actually be what kind of result. 金衣老者脸色苍白,毫无一丝血色,努比斯展现出九阶的气势,已经把他吓得亡魂皆冒,肝胆欲裂,因为他同样是一条上古异兽金丝银线蛇,他太清楚金丝银线蛇若是同族相见,究竟会是怎样的结果。 Has not hesitated, the golden clothes old man turns around immediately, toward the distant place escapes by quickest speed that own can achieve, simultaneously displays the secretary, spouts a blood, expression became the dispirited immediately, took the own vitality to damage severely for the price obtains speed of incomparable peer to flee from here, wanted before Nubisi responded vanished in the world. 沒有丝毫迟疑,金衣老者立即转身,以自己所能达到的最快速度向着远方逃去,同时施展秘书,喷出一口鲜血,神色顿时变得萎靡了许多,以自己元气大伤为代价获得无比伦比的速度逃离这里,想要在努比斯反应过來之前消失在天地之中。 He has not displayed Space Gate, because builds Space Gate to require time, in front of 9th-Rank Magic Beast , he if builds Space Gate to escape, without doubt brings about own destruction. 他沒有施展空间之门,因为搭建空间之门需要一个时间,在一只九阶魔兽面前,他若是搭建空间之门逃跑,无疑是自寻死路。 On the Nubisi face reveals to sneer, said: My great Nubisi endured humiliation, pays is chased down half Beast God Continent heavy price by several 8th-Rank Magic Beast, finally directed your old snake with great difficulty, if made you escape, my great Nubisi was busy at work white/in vain.” 努比斯脸上露出冷笑,道:“我伟大的努比斯忍辱负重,付出了被几只八阶魔兽追杀半个兽神大陆的惨重代价,最终才好不容易把你这条老蛇引了出來,如果就这么让你逃跑了,那我伟大的努比斯岂不是白忙活一场。” Nubisi has not pursued the golden clothes old man, on the face reveals wipes to sneer, sees only him to point, has golden light together to project from referring to immediately, to be about inconceivable speed to pursue to must vanish in the golden clothes old man of horizon. 努比斯沒有去追击金衣老者,脸上露出一抹冷笑,只见他手指一点,顿时有一道金光从指间射出,以快得不可思议速度追向已经要消失在天边的金衣老者。 This payment for shares light only then finger size, if carefully looks, by outside that matter dim golden color rays of light, vaguely what can see to hide in inside is a golden silk thread, only has the chopsticks to be thick or thin, but inside is actually hiding one and astonishing terrifying energy. 这一股金光只有手指头大小,若是仔细看去,透过外面那层朦朦胧胧的金色光芒,可以依稀的看见隐藏在里面的是一根金色丝线,仅有筷子粗细,但里面却隐藏着一股及其惊人的恐怖能量。 The golden silk thread pierced void, submerges void within, seems shuttles back and forth in Space-Time, can disregard the space distance, in an instant then caught up had displayed secret skill to escape the distant golden clothes old man, then formed a big net to cover toward the golden clothes old man. 金色的丝线洞穿了虚空,沒入虚空之内,好似在时空中穿梭,可以无视空间的距离,刹那间便追上了已经施展秘法逃得远远的金衣老者,然后形成一张大网向着金衣老者笼罩。 golden clothes old man complexion changes, face upwards to exude one to drink greatly, the body blooms immediately endless golden rays of light, in this golden rays of light, the faintly blood light mixture, the terrifying fluctuation of energy shakes in the world, lets void fierce shivering, has the momentum of disruption faintly, his fist bang day, destroyed void, a terrifying energy transforms is a giant fist toward from the upper air covers, but below golden big net hits, wants to destroy this net. 金衣老者面色一变,仰天发出一声大喝,身上顿时绽放出无尽的金色光芒,在这金色的光芒之中,隐隐有一层血光夹杂在内,恐怖的能量波动在天地间震荡,让虚空剧烈的颤抖,隐隐有碎裂的势头,他一拳轰天,打碎了虚空,一股恐怖的能量幻化为一个巨大的拳头向着从高空中笼罩而下的金色大网打去,想要打碎这个网。 After making this fist, complexion of golden clothes old man was paler several points, he understands own, once were held by Nubisi, that waits for the own outcome is what consequence, therefore to escape, he not only erupts the Saint Sovereign great perfection complete strength, and also used the unsurpassed secret technique, combustion own blood essence runs away, but this bang a fist, is he burns the startled day that oneself blood essence sends out to strike similarly. 打出这一拳之后,金衣老者的脸色更加苍白了几分,他十分明白自己一旦被努比斯抓住,那等待自己的究竟是什么后果,因此为了逃掉,他不仅爆发出圣皇大圆满的全部实力,并且还施展了无上秘术,燃烧自己精血进行逃遁,而这轰出的一拳,同样是他燃烧自身精血发出的惊天一击。 No matter how the golden clothes old man also the result of this fist, continuation by own blood essence combustion, were withstood consequence crazy running away that the vitality is damaging severely, he knows that by the own Saint Sovereign great perfection strength, Saint Emperor powerhouse, only has combustion blood essence receiving in exchange to exceed he strength radically quickly speed the opportunity of escaping the birth day. 金衣老者也不管这一拳的结果如何,继续让自身的精血燃烧,承受着元气大伤的后果疯狂的逃窜,他知道以自己圣皇大圆满的实力,根本就快不过圣帝强者,唯有燃烧精血换取超越他自身实力的速度才有一丝逃出生天的机会。 The golden fist ground void, place visited space is cracked, brings the golden color that the terrifying power and influence of seeming can destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth with dropping from the clouds hits king bombardment in the same place. 金色的拳头碾碎了虚空,所过之处空间偏偏龟裂,带着好似能毁天灭地的恐怖威势与从天而降的金色打王轰击在一起。 Both bump into, has not erupted the thundering loud sound sound, the golden big net actually by protruding that outward the golden fist hits, golden clothes old man this is burnt the startled day that blood essence sends out to strike not the golden big net disintegration. 两者相撞,并沒有爆发出轰鸣巨响声,不过金色的大网却被金色的拳头打的向外凸出,金衣老者这燃烧自身精血所发出的惊天一击并沒有把金色的大网崩碎。 Trivial 8th-Rank, dares with my great Nubisi with it contending.” Nubisi in the distant place reveals to sneer, his finger place has a golden silk thread and golden big net is connected, the thought moves, the golden big net starts to contract immediately, golden fist package, fast wears down the energy of golden fist. “区区八阶,也敢和我伟大的努比斯与之抗衡。”努比斯在远方露出冷笑,他的手指处有一根金色的丝线与金色大网相连,意念一动,金色的大网立即开始收缩,将金色的拳头包裹在内,飞快的消磨金色拳头的能量。 Meanwhile, on golden big net , the golden silk thread differentiation, takes the golden big net as the root, pricked like lightning vanished void does not see, passed through void, spanned in Space-Time, completely disregarded distance limit between both, in an instant then caught up with the golden clothes old man who the front ran away. 与此同时,在金色的大网上,又有一根金色的丝线分化而出,以金色的大网为根,闪电般刺入了虚空消失不见,穿越了虚空,在时空中跨越,完全无视两者之间的距离限制,刹那间便又追上了前方逃遁的金衣老者。 The golden clothes old man also detected obviously golden silk thread that behind pursues, complexion immediately disastrous incident, however this golden silk thread is similar to a flying arrow, does not give the golden clothes old man to respond slightly, changed into light golden glow to prick from the back of golden clothes old man together, pierced his body, from his chest penetration, then the golden silk thread surrounded immediately layer upon layer, tied up a steamed rice dumpling the golden clothes old man. 金衣老者显然也察觉到身后追來的金色丝线,脸色当即惨变,然而这次金色丝线就如同一根离弦之箭,不给金衣老者丝毫的反应,化为一道淡淡的金芒金衣老者的后背刺入,洞穿了他的身躯,从他的前胸穿透而出,而后金色丝线立即层层环绕,将金衣老者捆绑成一个粽子。 At this moment looks, this careful golden silk thread has spread has counted ten miles to be long, crosses the trim sky, extends from the Eastern horizon end to the end of West directly, if stands in the middle, is unable to see the golden silk thread two to connect where. 此刻看去,这一根细细的金色丝线已经蔓延了数十里长,横穿整片天空,从东方的天际尽头直接伸延到西方的尽头,若是站在中间,根本就无法看见金色丝线的两段连接到何处。 Short one time of breath, the golden clothes old man has run away has counted far of ten miles, but golden silk thread, not really can pass through Space-Time, but is speed too creates quickly. 就这么短短一个呼吸的时间,金衣老者就已经逃遁了数十里之远,而金色丝线,也并非真得能穿越时空,而是速度太快造成的。 Nubisi finger, tied up the golden clothes old man of steamed rice dumpling to knock it off his front from the horizon end immediately, looks that a face is pale, if the surface the golden clothes old man of dying embers, Ha Ha laughs: Old fogy, does not get up now crazily, but also wants to attempt to swallow my great Nubisi source essence to step into 9th-Rank.” 努比斯手指一拉,被捆绑成粽子的金衣老者立即从天际尽头被拉倒他的面前,看着一脸苍白,面若死灰的金衣老者,不由的哈哈大笑:“老家伙,现在狂不起來了吧,还想妄图吞了我伟大的努比斯本源精气踏入九阶。” You... you just did not step into 9th-Rank Silver Striped Golden Snake, just stepped into 9th-Rank top powerhouse, the old man, even if not beat, but will not have the strength to hit back, at least can also resist several moves, you have stepped into the 9th-Rank many years, is impossible, the old man has never heard besides Beast God Continent three top powerhouse, fourth 9th-Rank top powerhouse.” golden clothes old man trembling sound said. “你…你不是刚刚才踏入九阶金丝银线蛇,刚刚踏入九阶至强者,老夫即便不敌,但也不会毫无还手之力,最起码还能抵抗几招,难道你已经踏入九阶多年,不可能,老夫从未听说过除了兽神大陆的三位至强者外,还有第四名九阶至强者。”金衣老者颤声道。 Nubisi Ha Ha laughs: My great Nubisi, although just stepped into 9th-Rank, who makes my great Nubisi have good brothers, obtained helping of this brothers, my great Nubisi just entered 9th-Rank, is not common 9th-Rank, how by the strength of your trivial 8th-Rank peak is my opponent.” 努比斯哈哈大笑:“我伟大的努比斯虽然刚刚才踏入九阶,但谁让我伟大的努比斯有一位好兄弟,得到了这位兄弟之助,我伟大的努比斯刚入九阶,就已经不是寻常九阶了,以你区区八阶巅峰的实力如何是我的对手。”
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