CSG :: Volume #15

#1415: You unexpectedly are 9th-Rank

golden clothes old man mood very excited, in the vision is completely a burning hot, a hope as well as thick yearning, this is the 9th-Rank attraction. 金衣老者情绪非常的激动,目光中尽是一片炙热,一片渴望以及浓浓的向往,这就是九阶的诱惑力。 Once steps into 9th-Rank, will become Tian Yuan Continent Saint Emperor existence like that dominates above absolutely the person, but entire Beast God Continent, 9th-Rank Magic Beast also only then few three people, the control a stretch of area, is monopolizing the power in a place every people. 一旦踏入九阶,将成为天元大陆圣帝那般的存在,凌驾于万万人之上,而整个兽神大陆,九阶魔兽也只有寥寥三人而已,其中每一人都统御着一片疆域,独霸一方。 More importantly, the golden clothes old man six thousand year life span has remained not much, if he does not make the breakthrough, that other days are not long, therefore, 9th-Rank regarding the golden clothes old man, has the fatal attraction, not only can make him on Beast God Continent fourth position respect/honorable top powerhouse, is also representing more than 4000 years of lives. 重要的是,金衣老者六千年的寿限已经所剩不多,他若是不作出突破,那余下的日子也不长了,因此,九阶对于金衣老者來说,有着致命的吸引力,不仅能让他成为兽神大陆上第四位地位尊敬至强者,同时也代表着四千余年的生命。 At once, the golden clothes old man inquired that from this thin old man mouth that only 7th-Rank peak Silver Striped Golden Snake exact location, then direct tearing builds Space Gate to depart void. 旋即,金衣老者从这名身材瘦小的老者口中打听到那只七阶巅峰的金丝银线蛇的确切位置,便直接撕裂虚空搭建空间之门离去。 Beside ten million miles, transforming is Silver Striped Golden Snake main body Nubisi still in escapes distressedly, whenever the behind powerful enemy will soon catch up his, he always in golden glow will dodge, speed suddenly increase, by the quick inconceivable speed shoots towards front, pulled open suddenly instantaneously with the distances of following these pursuing troops, making following these 8th-Rank powerhouse hate to clench jaws, but will have no alternative. 千万里之外,幻化为金丝银线蛇本体的努比斯依然在“狼狈而逃”,每当身后的强敌即将追上他的,他总是会在金芒一闪之间,速度骤然暴增,以快的不可思议速度射向前方,瞬间就拉开了与后面那些追兵的距离,让后面的那些八阶强者一个个都恨得咬牙切齿,但是却又无可奈何。 Along the way, Nubisi, once discovered that has influence that 8th-Rank Magic Beast assumes, will stay to provoke shortly, as if for fear that pursues own 8th-Rank powerhouse insufficiently many as to result, this causes behind him, to 8th-Rank powerhouse that he is in hot pursuit already from initial five people, increased to eight people. 沿途中,努比斯一旦发现有八阶魔兽坐镇的势力,都会短暂的停留下來招惹一番,仿佛生怕追击自己八阶强者不够多似得,这就使得在他后面,对他紧追不舍的八阶强者已经从最初的五人,增加到八人了。 This Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake is so how hard to deal with, this he does not know all the way displayed many secret skill, but he still does not have the phenomenon that the slight strength uses up, was still dragon Jinghu is fierce, he will display this secret skill not to cause the least bit harm to own frequently, or was the consumption.” In eight 8th-Rank powerhouse hearts that following pursue emitted such thought more than once, this all the way, their eight people are the method exhaust, can restraint live in the method of enemy with all, but these surround same rank powerhouse divine ability sufficiently shortly, only has on 7th-Rank peak Silver Striped Golden Snake in this at present, has not actually played the least bit effect. “这上古异兽金丝银线蛇怎么如此难缠,这一路上他已经不知道施展了多少次秘法了,可是他依然沒有丝毫力竭的现象,仍然是龙精虎猛,难道他频繁的施展这种秘法就不会对自己造成半点损害,或者是消耗吗。”后面追击的八只八阶强者心中不止一次的冒出了这样的念头,这一路上,他们八人是手段用尽,用出了一切可以束缚住敌人的方法,可这些足以短暂困住同阶强者神通,在眼前这只仅有七阶巅峰的金丝银线蛇身上,却沒有起到半点效果。 Silver Striped Golden Snake of this 7th-Rank peak, too was only difficult to pursue, had made some 8th-Rank Magic Beast want to give up, but thinks hateful Nubisi with no reason at to kill by poison the clansman of own tribe violently poisonously, immediately made them clench jaws, both eyes blushed, reveal the hatred the vision, conducted to Nubisi does not die continuous chasing down. 这只七阶巅峰的金丝银线蛇,实在是太难追了,已经让一些八阶魔兽想要放弃了,但一想到可恶的努比斯无缘无故的以剧毒毒杀自己部落的族人,顿时又让他们咬牙切齿了起來,双目发红,露出仇恨的目光,对努比斯进行不死不休的追杀。 I caught it, I must pull down his snake skin, eats his meat, drinks his blood......” “等我逮到它了,我一定要扒下他的蛇皮,吃他的肉,喝他的血……” Antiquity Variation Beast how, if makes me catch, I will certainly make your body might as well die...” 上古异兽又如何,若是让我抓到,我一定会让你身不如死…” Damn, this Silver Striped Golden Snake obviously only then 7th-Rank peak strength, but actually not dreads provokes me and others, this matter is unusual, is it possible that at present this Silver Striped Golden Snake has what conspiracy, his strength, is not the 7th-Rank peak in surface, but has stepped into 8th-Rank.” These 8th-Rank Magic Beast is not every one does not have the brain, some quick people detected that was not right, but had not given up chasing down. “该死的,这金丝银线蛇明明只有七阶巅峰的实力,可却毫无忌惮的去招惹我等,此事反常,莫非眼前这金丝银线蛇有什么阴谋,还有他的实力,难道不是表面上的七阶巅峰,而是早就踏入了八阶。”这些八阶魔兽当中也不是个个都无脑,很快就有人察觉到了不对劲,但仍沒有放弃追杀。 Move that Ha Ha Ha, this my great Nubisi makes enough big, eight 8th-Rank powerhouse chase down 7th-Rank Antiquity Variation Beast jointly, this matter can cause a stir on Beast God Continent absolutely, will pass on the shortest time, does not know that old snake receives the message.” In the Nubisi heart secretly thought, he is seemingly distressed, but in fact, regarding behind these 8th-Rank Magic Beast he is looked that has not looked at one, the way forward is also aimless, where has the city tribe toward where to run, where Magic Beast many toward where drill. 哈哈哈,这一次我伟大的努比斯弄出的动静够大的吧,八名八阶强者联手追杀七阶上古异兽,这件事情绝对能在兽神大陆上引起一阵轰动,会在最短的时间内传出去,就是不知道那条老蛇有沒有收到消息。”努比斯心中暗道,他看似狼狈,但实际上,对于身后的那些八阶魔兽他是看都沒看一眼,前进的方向也是漫无目的,哪里有城池部落就往哪里跑,哪里的魔兽多就往哪里钻。 Damn, if that old snake closes up exactly, without receiving the message, my great Nubisi must be pursued like this.” Changes mind, Nubisi thinks result that he most does not want to see, immediately became had a headache. “该死的,如果那条老蛇恰好闭关,沒有收到消息,难道我伟大的努比斯就要一直这样被追下去吗。”转念间,努比斯又想到了一个他最不希望看见的结果,顿时变得头疼了起來。 However at this moment, counts beside ten miles from Nubisi, the space radical distortion, sees only together the Space Gate fast formation, has not seen the person's shadow, then the incomparably powerful imposing manners divulge from Space Gate, the surrounding area space within several hundred li (0.5 km) presented ripples layer upon layer unexpectedly, the world vitality as if stopped flowing. 然而就在这时,距离努比斯十里之外,空间剧烈的扭曲,只见一道空间之门快速形成,未见人影,便有一股无比强大的气势从空间之门内宣泄出來,竟然方圆数百里内的空间都出现了一层层的涟漪,天地元气都仿佛停止了流动。 This incomparably powerful imposing manner covers a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) range in an instant, covers eight 8th-Rank powerhouse that Nubisi as well as behind pursue, immediately made that eight 8th-Rank powerhouse pursuit speed slow. 这股无比强大的气势刹那间笼罩方圆数百里范围,将努比斯以及身后追击的八只八阶强者都笼罩在内,立即让那八只八阶强者的追击速度变得缓慢了许多。 In the Nubisi eye reveals fine glow, turns the head to look that suddenly to counting that outside ten miles said Space Gate, escaping speed also deliberately slowed down several points. 努比斯眼中露出一丝精芒,豁然转头看向数十里外的那道空间之门,逃跑的速度也刻意放缓了几分。 In the following eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast hearts startles greatly, stopped the pursuit, a face shocking stares at Space Gate to present the position that this imposing manner was really strong, covered them, immediately made their eight people feel that as if shouldered a mountain, making their bodies heavy little, and surrounding space as if received the extrusion of this imposing manner, making them move in this piece of space, just like was stuck in the mud, was exceptionally strenuous. 后面的八只八阶魔兽心中纷纷大骇,一个个都停止了追击,一脸震惊的盯着空间之门出现的方位,这股气势实在是太强了,将他们笼罩,顿时让他们八人感觉身上仿佛背负了一座大山,让他们的身体都变得沉重了少许,并且就连周围的空间仿佛都受到了这股气势的挤压,使得他们在这片空间内活动,就犹如陷入了泥潭之中,异常吃力。 8th-Rank peak, this is 8th-Rank peak powerhouse.” Body high enough has about five meters guy to exude the screams, complexion becomes very dignified, his main body is a giant polar bear. 八阶巅峰,这是八阶巅峰的强者。”一名身高足有五米开外的大汉发出惊呼声,脸色变得很是凝重,他的本体是一只巨大的白熊。 The voice falls, sees only one to wear golden clothes, leaves leeway an old man of golden long hair slowly the steps from Space Gate, in that pair of ice-cold brutal eye pupil, has an imposing manner of looking disdainfully world, seems situated in nine days, king who overlooks the common people. 话音一落,只见一名身穿金衣,留有一头金色长发的老者缓缓从空间之门内踏步而出,那一双冰冷无情的眼眸中,带着一股睥睨天下的气势,仿佛立于九天,俯视苍生的君王。 However in Beast God Continent, this old man indeed has this qualifications, as Antiquity Variation Beast, strength Saint Sovereign great perfection, in this mainland except for three 9th-Rank top powerhouse, few can suppress him. 不过在兽神大陆,这名老者的确有这个资格,身为上古异兽,实力圣皇大圆满,在这个大陆上除了三位九阶至强者,几乎沒人能压制得了他。 In seeing the flash of this old man, Nubisi immediately became excited, in the vision a burning hot, as if at present this old man is not 8th-Rank peak powerhouse, but was a sparkling buried treasure. 在看见这名老者的一瞬间,努比斯顿时变得激动了起來,目光中一片炙热,仿佛眼前这名老者不是一名八阶巅峰的强者,而是一个闪闪发光的宝藏。 At the same time, the vision of old man also sees to count Nubisi outside ten miles, reveals with the Nubisi same vision, similarly filled the burning hot and excitement. 同一时间,老者的目光也看见数十里外的努比斯,露出和努比斯一样的目光,同样充满了炙热和激动。 The golden clothes old man one step took, sees only his surrounding space to fluctuate slightly, his body vanished instantaneously, when appeared again, outside several ten miles, keeps off in Nubisi front exactly greedily, the vision had been staring at present Nubisi, excited say/way: Good, good, is really 7th-Rank peak Silver Striped Golden Snake, is really heaven helps me, heaven helps me.” 金衣老者一步迈出,只见他周围的空间轻微波动了下,他的身体瞬间消失,当再次出现时,已经在几十里外了,恰好挡在了努比斯的前面,目光贪婪的盯着眼前的努比斯,一脸兴奋的道:“不错,不错,果然是一只七阶巅峰的金丝银线蛇,真是天助我也,天助我也。” That eight 8th-Rank Magic Beast stop to stay over in the distant place, the vision fills looks to the golden clothes old man who dreads and dreads, although makes them hate, wishes one could to kill then quick Nubisi immediately in their front, had stopped escaping, but their eight people actually do not dare to go forward. 那八只八阶魔兽一个个驻足停留在远方,目光充满忌惮和畏惧的看向金衣老者,尽管让他们痛恨不已,恨不得立即杀之而后快的努比斯正在他们前方,已经停止了逃跑,但他们八人却不敢上前。 Several thousand zhang (3.33 m) Silver Striped Golden Snake vanishes from the upper air, sees only Nubisi to transform manner, turned into that to wear golden clothes, left leeway handsome youth of golden long hair, the vision was full of the burning hot stares at the old man, the corners of the mouth brings a strange evil to smile. 数千丈长的金丝银线蛇自高空中消失,只见努比斯已经幻化为人型,重新变成了那名身穿金衣,留有一头金色长发的英俊青年,目光充满炙热的盯着老者,嘴角带着一丝诡异的邪笑。 Old fogy, my great Nubisi directed finally you, never expected that your strength went beyond my expectation unexpectedly, reached the 8th-Rank peak, almost visited 9th-Rank.” Nubisi sneers to say. “老家伙,我伟大的努比斯终于把你引出來了,沒想到你的实力竟然超出了我的预料,达到了八阶巅峰,差一点就踏足九阶了。”努比斯冷笑道。 hearing that, distant place that eight 8th-Rank powerhouse complexion change, surprised is staring at Nubisi, they have not thought, Nubisi provokes them to come to chase down own all the way, its goal is to cause the stir unexpectedly, this obvious has reached the 8th-Rank peak powerhouse to direct at present. 闻言,远处那八只八阶强者脸色一变,纷纷一脸吃惊的盯着努比斯,他们谁都沒有想到,努比斯一路上招惹他们前來追杀自己,其目的竟然是引起轰动,将眼前这名明显已经达到八阶巅峰的强者引出來。 On the golden clothes old man face reveals wipes to sneer, said: Little fellow, misjudged, although you hid the strength, hid 7th-Rank 8th-Rank, but the old man has stepped into the 8th-Rank many years, now situated in the 8th-Rank peak, before the old man, the ability that you escape does not have.” 金衣老者脸上露出一抹冷笑,道:“小家伙,失算了吧,虽然你隐藏了实力,把八阶隐藏到七阶,但老夫早已踏入八阶多年,如今更是处于八阶巅峰,在老夫面前,你连逃跑的能力都沒有。” Nubisi Ha Ha laughs, a face teased is staring at the old man, said: Old fogy, who said that my great Nubisi must escape, must escape because of should be you are right.” Finishes speaking, immediately the world of command must from Nubisi send out for the imposing manner that it trembles, this imposing manner were too greatly more than it golden clothes old man stronger were too many, when this imposing manner filled the air , the trim land seemed pressed sinks, big trees as well as various plants all over, disrupted, under this imposing manner, became the smashing by the steamroll directly. 努比斯哈哈大笑,一脸戏谑的盯着老者,道:“老家伙,谁说我伟大的努比斯要逃了,要逃的因该是你才对。”话音刚落,顿时有一股令的天地都要为之震颤的气势从努比斯身上散发而出,这股气势比之金衣老者要强大太多太多了,当这股气势弥漫而出时,整片大地仿佛都被压得下沉,漫山遍野的大树以及各种植物,更是纷纷碎裂,在这股气势之下,直接被碾压成粉碎。 Rear that eight 8th-Rank powerhouse complexion in this moment suddenly big change, the vision are panic-stricken, complexion is pale, shivers the body to stare at Nubisi, was frightened the courage to crack. 后方那八名八阶强者脸色在这一刻骤然大变,目光惊骇,脸色苍白,一个个都颤抖着身躯盯着努比斯,被吓得肝胆欲裂。 9th-Rank, he unexpectedly is 9th-Rank, we are chasing down top powerhouse that unexpectedly steps into 9th-Rank.” Eight 8th-Rank powerhouse wail in the heart, at this moment, their hearts are shivering, the whole body blood is flowing backwards, the heart that wants dead had. 九阶,他竟然是九阶,我们竟然在追杀一名踏入九阶至强者。”八名八阶强者在心中哀嚎,这一刻,他们的心脏在颤抖,浑身血液在倒流,想死的心都有了。 The golden clothes old man also lost the previous calm and calmness, a face unbelievable is staring at Nubisi, calls out in alarm said: You unexpectedly are 9th-Rank.” 金衣老者也失去了先前的从容与镇定,一脸难以置信的盯着努比斯,惊呼道:“你竟然是九阶。”
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