CSG :: Volume #15

#1414: The old snake comes

8th-Rank powerhouse and Nubisi of hot bird clan pursue escape, their two people utilized Space Force, the speed very rapidness, their two people form that made has changed into a light remnant shadow to flash in void, in an instant namely passed, has vanished in the horizon end. 火雀族的八阶强者努比斯一追一逃,他们两人都运用了空间之力,速度非常之快,令的他们两人的身影已经化为了一片淡淡的残影在虚空中闪现,转眼即逝,已经消失在天际尽头。 Although the 8th-Rank powerhouse strength of hot bird clan is equivalent to Saint Sovereign powerhouse on Tian Yuan Continent, has the good attainments in the comprehension of profound truth of the world, control Space Force or the within the body energy, Magic Beast of not any 7th-Rank peak can compare, but however today, he pursues this only to have Silver Striped Golden Snake of 7th-Rank peak strength at present in his eyes, actually appears extremely strenuous. 虽然火雀族的八阶强者实力相当于天元大陆上的圣皇强者,在天地玄奥的领悟上已经有了不错的造诣,无论是掌控的空间之力还是体内的能量,都绝非任何一只七阶巅峰的魔兽可以比拟的,但然而今日,他追击眼前这只在他眼中仅有七阶巅峰实力的金丝银线蛇,却显得极为的吃力。 Although on speed, Silver Striped Golden Snake is far less than him, but whenever he just pulled closer with the Silver Striped Golden Snake distance, this set of Silver Striped Golden Snake whole body will then burst out golden rays of light, speed in instantaneous suddenly increase, quick inconceivable, in pulled open suddenly by far with his distance, how making this only 8th-Rank powerhouse of hot bird clan pursue cannot catch up. 虽然在速度上,金丝银线蛇远不如他,但每当他刚刚拉近与金丝银线蛇的距离,这套金丝银线蛇浑身便会迸发出金色的光芒,速度在瞬间暴增,快的不可思议,于眨眼间就远远的拉开了与他的距离,让火雀族的这只八阶强者怎么追也追不上。 In this period, he also let the Silver Striped Golden Snake surrounding space solidification several times, wanted to tie restraint to be occupied by him by this, however made him feel what was surprised, front Silver Striped Golden Snake seemed slippery loach results, even if to make space solidify cannot surround him, about his body swayed from side to side, got rid of solidification space easily, then speed did not reduce continuation of in the slightest to escape to the distant place. 期间,他也数次让金丝银线蛇周围的空间凝固,想要以此來束束缚住他,然而让他感到吃惊的是,前方的金丝银线蛇就仿佛是一条滑不溜秋的泥鳅似得,即便以让空间凝固都困不住他,他的身体左右扭动,就轻而易举的摆脱了凝固的空间,然后速度不减分毫的继续逃向远方。 He also has to think uses Space Gate, but Space Gate only suits is used to hurry along, is not suitable to be used to pursue the target, because the opposite party detected when fluctuation of Space Gate, can definitely be ahead of time the fluctuation direction, runs away by another direction, when you step forward from Space Gate, perhaps the opposite party has disappeared in your line of sight end, therefore, Space Gate uses in pursuing this aspect, the function seemed minimal. 他也不是沒有想过使用空间之门,但空间之门只适合用來赶路,根本就不适合用來追击目标,因为对方察觉到空间之门的波动时,完全可以提前变幻方向,以另一个方向逃走,当你从空间之门内跨出时,或许对方早已经消失在你的视线尽头了,因此,空间之门用在追击这方面上,作用就显得微乎其微了。 When the Nubisi body bursts out golden rays of light again, when speed suddenly increase, pulls open all of a sudden in an instant with the hot bird clan 8th-Rank powerhouse distance, this 8th-Rank powerhouse got angry finally, complexion becomes extreme gloomy, pursues a 7th-Rank peak by his solemn 8th-Rank strength Magic Beast unexpectedly also seems so strenuous, this made in his face unable to hang, feeling own was the 8th-Rank powerhouse dignity received the serious provocation. 努比斯身体再次迸发出金色的光芒,速度一下子暴增,刹那间拉开与火雀族八阶强者的距离时,这名八阶强者终于怒了,脸色变得极为的阴沉,以他堂堂八阶的实力追击一只七阶巅峰的魔兽竟然都还显得如此吃力,这让他面子上挂不住了,感觉自己身为八阶强者的尊严受到了严重的挑衅。 Snort, worthily is Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake, secret skill that this escapes is very indeed powerful, keeps true body/this senior from taking you unexpectedly in a short time, but you display such secret skill, the consumption inevitably is very big, is unable to be long-time, true body/this senior must have a look at you to be able but actually to escape far.” Hot bird clan 8th-Rank powerhouse is clenching teeth tightly, in the heart hates secretly. “哼,不愧为上古异兽金丝银线蛇,这逃跑的秘法的确很强大,竟然让本尊都无法在短时间内拿下你,不过你施展这样的秘法,消耗必然是非常之大,无法长久,本尊倒要看看你能逃得了多远。”火雀族八阶强者紧咬着牙,心中暗恨。 Although Nubisi seems like that escapes in the distress, but in his vision, actually reveals careless expression, has not paid attention to behind hot bird clan 8th-Rank powerhouse completely, instead this all the way, but also reveals expression that has a relish to appreciate along the way scenery. 努比斯虽然看似在狼狈而逃,但在他的目光中,却露出漫不经心的神色,完全沒有把身后的火雀族八阶强者放在眼里,反而这一路上,还露出饶有兴致的神色欣赏着沿途中的风景。 Although he strength suppression of own to the 7th-Rank peak, but he after all is one still at 9th-Rank Magic Beast of heyday, trivial 8th-Rank Magic Beast can catch up can it be that. 虽然他将自己的实力压制到七阶巅峰,但他毕竟是一只尚在全盛时期的九阶魔兽,又岂是区区八阶魔兽就能追上的。 After half double-hour, a Nubisi way large-scale tribe, the figure stops suddenly, the vision took a fast look around under the eye, eye immediately one bright, the opens the mouth puts out one group of rich toxic gas to cover this tribe, then does not return continues to go far away. 半个时辰后,努比斯途径一个大型部落,身形戛然而止,目光扫视了眼下方,眼睛顿时一亮,张口就吐出一团浓郁的毒气将这个部落笼罩,然后头也不回的继续远去。 behind, 8th-Rank powerhouse of hot bird clan has the vast and boundless imposing manner comes, has not stayed, direct impact Nubisi goes. 身后,火雀族的八阶强者带着浩瀚而磅礴的气势呼啸而至,沒有丝毫停留,直冲努比斯而去。 Meanwhile, under that large-scale tribe, transmits heavenshaking angry roaring, the ground splits, had more than ten zhang (3.33 m) great bears to crawl from the place bottom fully, all over the body hair snow white, spotless, stood just like small mountain-like there. 与此同时,在下方那个大型部落中,传來一声震天的怒吼,地面裂开,一只足有十余丈长的巨熊从地底中爬了出來,通体毛发雪白,一尘不染,站在那里犹如一座小山似得。 Great bear standing proudly in the toxic gas that Nubisi emits, periphery looks in the poisonous fog large expanse of as large expanse of as below clansman, the vision immediately becomes red, face upwards to send out heavenshaking roaring, changed into a white light to pursue toward Nubisi, but its body also changed, in short several time of breath, turned into a height about four meters tall and strong guy from several feet polar bear, sent out vastly such as the imposing manner of sea, same was 8th-Rank Magic Beast. 巨熊傲立努比斯喷吐的毒气中,看着周围在毒雾内成片成片到下的族人,目光顿时变得通红,仰天发出一声震天的咆哮,化为一道白光向着努比斯追了过去,而它的身体也随之发生变化,在短短几个呼吸的时间,就从十几丈长的白熊变成了一名身高四米开外的魁梧大汉,散发出浩瀚如海的气势,同样是一头八阶魔兽 In an instant, Nubisi had run away on the 2nd, after two days, from two had turned into five heads in 8th-Rank Magic Beast that behind him pursues, these five 8th-Rank Magic Beast, are he runs through less than half Beast God Continent to meet, was offended by him completely, but does not have the exception, no matter what their method exhausts, is unable to catch up, in the front runs away, seemingly only has Nubisi of 7th-Rank peak strength. 转眼间,努比斯已经逃了两日,两日后,在他后面追击的八阶魔兽已经从两头变成了五头,这五头八阶魔兽,是他跑遍小半个兽神大陆才遇见的,全部都被他得罪了,不过毫无例外,任他们手段用尽,都无法追上在前方逃窜,看似只有七阶巅峰实力的努比斯 Nubisi not with these 8th-Rank Magic Beast wars, but leads them to run in Beast God Continent completely everywhere, everywhere one visit, vibrated all Magic Beast, caused very big stir, five 8th-Rank Magic Beast pursued news also rapid spreading of Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake together, quick spread over entire Beast God Continent. 努比斯沒有与这些八阶魔兽大战,而是带着他们在兽神大陆满到处跑,所到之处,震动了所有魔兽,引起了很大的轰动,随之五只八阶魔兽共同追击一只上古异兽金丝银线蛇的消息也飞速的传开,很快就传遍了整个兽神大陆 If Nubisi transforms for the main body exposes in Beast God Continent, although can also cause a stir, but this stir absolutely does not have five 8th-Rank Magic Beast to chase down the intensity that 7th-Rank Magic Beast comes together. 若是努比斯幻化为本体暴露在兽神大陆,虽然也能引起一阵轰动,但这个轰动绝对沒有五只八阶魔兽共同追杀一只七阶魔兽來的强烈。 Because 8th-Rank Magic Beast is together a gold-lettered signboard, where regardless of arrives is glittering, let alone is five in the same place, chases down the strength to be far less than their 7th-Rank Magic Beast together. 因为八阶魔兽本身就是一块金字招牌,无论走到哪里都是金光闪闪,更何况还是五只同在一起,一起追杀实力远不如他们的七阶魔兽 Such matter let alone is now, even places in the Beast God Continent history, is the unique things, if said that Magic Beast of several 7th-Rank peaks chases down 8th-Rank Magic Beast that together experiences personally the heavy losses, that but actually also passable, but if in turn, that was too unthinkable. 这样的事情别说是现在,即便是放在兽神大陆的历史之中,都是绝无仅有的事情,若说数只七阶巅峰的魔兽共同追杀一名身受重创的八阶魔兽,那倒还说得过去,可如果反过來,那就太令人匪夷所思了。 From Nubisi ten million miles beside, in the moor swampy ground that toxic gas fill, the blonde old man sits cross-legged to sit in the gloomy moist cavern cultivates, the old man wears golden clothes, flesh presents the light golden color, although the look is ordinary, but in the foreheads actually the dignity sends out, obviously lives for a long time fosters top. 在距离努比斯千万里之外,一片毒气弥漫的沼沼泽地内,正有一名金发老者盘膝坐在阴暗潮湿的洞穴中修炼,老者身穿金衣,就连身上的肌肤都呈现淡淡的金色,虽然相貌普通,但眉宇间却有一股威严散发出來,显然是长久身居高位养成的。 Suddenly, eye opening that slowly this old man shuts tightly, the vision looked at outside the eye profoundly, his vision seems can penetrate the hindrance of rock, sees remote Beast God Temple, in the foreheads reveals light worried look. 突然,这名老者紧闭的眼睛缓缓的睁开,目光深邃的看了眼外面,他的目光好似能穿透山石的阻碍,看到遥远的兽神殿,眉宇间露出一丝淡淡的忧色。 Does not know that Beast God Continent and Abandoned Saint World war ended, how the tactical situation is, these days, although my vague feeling return of many 8th-Rank Magic Beast, when the quantity and departs few were too many.” “也不知兽神大陆圣弃界的战争结束了沒有,战况又是如何,这些日子,虽然我隐晦的感受到了不少八阶魔兽的回归,但数量和离去时少的太多了。” Initially Peng Emperor summoned in the territory that he governs all 8th-Rank Magic Beast, must go to Tian Yuan Continent to resist the invasion of Abandoned Saint World, pledges to fight to the death to guard our side world, but as far as I know, the Abandoned Saint World strength is too strong, even if four clans add is not possible to win, but I have the 8th-Rank peak strength, but does not have the full assurance to live in this war, therefore, I chose to leave my den, hid in this remote area, evaded the command of Peng Emperor, does not know that Peng Emperor did not come back, whether had discovered I evaded and Abandoned Saint World one fight, if were discovered by Peng Emperor., He, if investigates......” “当初鹏帝号召他所辖的领地内所有的八阶魔兽,务必前往天元大陆抵挡圣弃界的入侵,誓死守卫我们这方世界,可据我所知,圣弃界的实力太强,即便是四族加起來都不一定能取胜,而我虽然有八阶巅峰的实力,但在这一战中也沒有十足的把握能活下來,故此,我选择离开了我的老巢,独自一人隐藏在这偏远之地,逃避鹏帝之令,也不知鹏帝回來沒有,是否已经发现我逃避与圣弃界一战,若是被鹏帝发现了,他若追究……” In the old man heart thinks secretly, is very anxious, because of the war of Abandoned Saint World, his level had mentioned by name by Peng Emperor with emphasis, finally he worried that own meets falls/dies, has not gone to enter the war. 老者心中暗暗想到,很是不安,因为与圣弃界之战,他层被鹏帝重点点名过,结果他担心自己陨落,沒有前去参战。 At this time, a thin old man such as a spirit, the quiet appearance closed up outside of cavern in the old man, bent the body to speak of: Reported Old Ancestor, the Beast God Continent rumor presents a strength to reach the 7th-Rank peak Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake, is suffering chasing down of five 8th-Rank powerhouse.” 这时,一名身材瘦小的老者如一只幽灵,悄无声息的出现在老者闭关洞穴的外面,弓着身体对着里面说到:“禀告老祖,兽神大陆传言出现了一只实力已经达到七阶巅峰的上古异兽金丝银线蛇,正遭受五只八阶强者的追杀。” hearing that, in the golden clothes old man eye in cavern exploded to lighten the golden light immediately, the whole person stood together suddenly, outside the exciting arriving cavern, the eyes such as poisonous snake resulted in stubbornly is staring at this thin old man, anxious asking: You said, outside emitted 7th-Rank peak Silver Striped Golden Snake.” 闻言,洞穴内的金衣老者眼中顿时爆闪出一道金光,整个人豁然站了起來,神情激动的來到洞穴外,双眼如一条毒蛇似得死死的盯着这名身材瘦小的老者,急切的问道:“你说的可是真得,外面冒出了一条七阶巅峰的金丝银线蛇。” Reported Old Ancestor, the subordinate was also the hearsay, had not determined, but the attribute has sent for the nosing actual situation, believes that quick will have the news.” The thin old man said respectfully, however his words just said, suddenly expression moves, puts out together ancient jade from Space Ring, sees only the ancient jade bold light to flash, an information has transmitted. “禀告老祖,属下也是道听途说,尚未确定,不过属性已经派人去查探虚实了,相信很快就会有消息。”身材瘦小的老者恭敬说道,然而他话刚说完,突然神色一动,从空间戒指里拿出一块古玉,只见古玉豪光一闪,一股信息已经传递而出。 Reported Old Ancestor, the person who the subordinate sent has inquired clearly, this matter was absolutely true, will not have the false.” The thin old man said immediately, in the tone also brings an excitement. “禀告老祖,属下派去的人已经打探清楚,此事千真万确,不会有假。”身材瘦小的老者立即说道,语气中也带着一丝激动。 hearing that, the golden clothes old man complexion great happiness, Ha Ha laughs: Good, good, good, is really heaven helps me, never expected that this time presented Silver Striped Golden Snake unexpectedly, and strength has reached the 7th-Rank peak, the old man I the card in the 8th-Rank peak many years, only has the one pace from 9th-Rank, if swallowed the source essence of this small snake, may make the old man break through, henceforth steps into 9th-Rank, by that time, what Xu dreads Peng Emperor, hides does not dare to go out here.” 闻言,金衣老者面色大喜,哈哈大笑:“好,好,好,真是天助我也,沒想到这个时刻竟然出现了一条金丝银线蛇,并且实力已经达到七阶巅峰,老夫我已经卡在八阶巅峰多年,距离九阶也只有一步之遥,若是吞服了这条小蛇的本源精气,或许会让老夫突破,从此踏入九阶,到那时,又何需忌惮鹏帝,躲在这里不敢出去。”
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