CSG :: Volume #15

#1413: Luring the snake from its hole

He is great Nubisi, the great Nubisi destruction Scattered Clouds City, here was his domain......” “他是伟大的努比斯,伟大的努比斯覆灭了撒云城,这里是他的地盘……” In this moment, in Magic Beast that these run away, remembered Nubisi completely. 在这一刻,在这些逃走的魔兽中,全部都记住了努比斯 In an instant, Scattered Clouds City turned into a extreme heaviness, soon , the entire city was covered by poisonous fog, can only see a lot of Magic Beast bodies to lie down in the city. 转眼间,撒云城就变成了一座死沉,不久之后,整座城池就被一股毒雾覆盖,只能看见大量的魔兽躯体躺在城池中。 Nubisi is looking at these Magic Beast of running away, pondered over the meeting secretly, muttered: As if also insufficient, put down a city, has probably not been able to make my great Nubisi name spread over entire Beast God Continent, it seems like must continue to try hard.” Said here, the Nubisi sudden opens the mouth attracted, sees only covers the poisonous fog of entire city immediately the fierce surges, then by the Nubisi resorption the mouth, merely several time of breath, in Scattered Clouds City could not be seen poisonous fog again, only then all around that changed into the plant of powder, as well as some big trees of withering remained unable to recover, as if in silent was recounting that here just had. 努比斯望着逃走的那些魔兽,暗自琢磨了会,喃喃道:“似乎还不够,扫平了一座城池,好像还不能让我伟大的努比斯的名字传遍整个兽神大陆,看來还要继续努力。”说道这里,努比斯突然张口一吸,只见笼罩整座城池的毒雾顿时剧烈翻腾,然后纷纷被努比斯吸回了嘴里,仅仅几个呼吸的时间,撒云城内就再也看不到一点毒雾了,只有四周那化为了粉末的植物,以及一些枯萎的大树残留下來无法复原,仿佛在无声的述说着这里刚刚发生的一幕。 Nubisi left here, after he walks, numerous Magic Beast that in Scattered Clouds City drops down, some Magic Beast bodies shivered suddenly slightly , then strenuous stood from the ground, does not have the exception, these are completely 6th-Rank Magic Beast. 努比斯离开了这里,在他走后,撒云城内倒下的众多魔兽,忽然有一些魔兽身体轻微颤抖了下,然后便吃力的从地上站了起來,毫无例外,这些全部都是六阶魔兽 Stands after first Magic Beast , had more and more Magic Beast to stand gradually, although seemed very strenuous, but they had not died. 从第一只魔兽重新站起來之后,渐渐地,有越來越多的魔兽纷纷站了起來,虽然一个个都显得很是吃力,但是它们并沒有死亡。 The Nubisi strength has achieved Saint Emperor, he also achieved the boundary of reaching the pinnacle regarding the violently poisonous control, receiving and dispatching is free, just he spouted violently poisonously seems like very intense, lets some small and weak plant turn into ashes in a flash, even if the millennium old trees must wither, but this violent poisonousness, has not actually killed by poison in Scattered Clouds City any Magic Beast, but made these Magic Beast fall into the stupor. 努比斯的实力已经达到了圣帝,他对于自身剧毒的控制也达到了登峰造极之境,收发自如,刚刚他喷出的剧毒看似很强烈,一瞬间让一些弱小的植物灰飞烟灭,即便是千年古树都要枯萎,但是这股剧毒,却沒有毒死撒云城内任何一只魔兽,只是让这些魔兽陷入了昏迷之中。 After sober, these Magic Beast have not continued to keep in Scattered Clouds City, had a lingering fear looked at a sky, although could not have seen the Nubisi form, but the fear to Nubisi went to the situation in the extreme in their hearts, left Scattered Clouds City in abundance. 清醒之后,这些魔兽沒有继续留在撒云城内,心有余悸的看了眼天空,虽然已经看不到努比斯的身影,但在它们心中对努比斯的恐惧已经达到无以复加的地步了,纷纷离开了撒云城 Soon, Scattered Clouds City turned into a true death city, no least bit life force / vitality. 不久之后,撒云城就变成了一座真正的死城,毫无半点生机 Quick, ran away these Magic Beast that having the matter in Scattered Clouds City from Scattered Clouds City spread, immediately in a radius of several tens of thousands miles created very big stir, and also in gradually filled the air to go toward the distant place, in this surrounding area in 1 million li (0.5 km), a city destruction that had 7th-Rank Magic Beast to assume, is not a minor matter. 很快,从撒云城内逃走的那些魔兽就把发生在撒云城内的事情传扬了出去,顿时数万引起了很大的震动,并且还在渐渐的向着更远处弥漫而去,在这方圆百万里内,一座拥有七阶魔兽坐镇的城池覆灭,已经不是一件小事了。 But Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake Nubisi prestige, spread gradually. 上古异兽金丝银线蛇努比斯的威名,也渐渐的传扬了出去。 Nubisi not many pays attention to own to destroy completely the stir that Scattered Clouds City creates, because in his heart always thinks that destroys completely merely has the city that 7th-Rank Magic Beast assumes unable to cause a stir in entire Beast God Continent, not necessarily can draw out that not to know where old snake hides, therefore he stared at the vision a strong presence that had 8th-Rank Magic Beast to assume. 努比斯沒有过多的去关注自己灭掉撒云城所引起的震动,因为他心中始终认为仅仅灭掉拥有七阶魔兽坐镇的城池并不能轰动整个兽神大陆,不见得能引出那条不知躲藏在什么地方的老蛇,因此他将目光盯上了一个拥有八阶魔兽坐镇的强大势力。 8th-Rank Magic Beast, are not many in Beast God Continent now, most 8th-Rank Magic Beast in falls/dies with a Abandoned Saint World war, few part lived. 八阶魔兽,如今在兽神大陆已经不多,绝大多数八阶魔兽都在与圣弃界一战中陨落了,只有很少的一部分活了下來。 The hot bird tribe, is one, even if places Beast God Continent, can still be a top tribe, this tribe belongs to a domain of hot bird clan. 火雀部落,是一个即便是放在兽神大陆,也算得上是顶尖的一个部落,这个部落是属于火雀一族的地盘。 A hot bird clan, in Beast God Continent is obscure, starts to rise in recent millennium, starts in the entire Beast God Continent precipitous peak reveal corner/horn, because a hot bird clan in this generation of hot birds that presented three variations, two have visited the 8th-Rank domain more than thousand years ago, makes a hot bird clan the Beast God Continent top influence all of a sudden, but other variation hot birds, the strength also reached the 7th-Rank peak, is not far from 8th-Rank. 火雀一族,原本在兽神大陆是默默无名,在最近千年时间才开始崛起,开始在整个兽神大陆崭头露角,因为火雀一族在这一代出现了三只变异的火雀,其中两只在千多年前就已经踏足八阶领域,一下子让火雀一族成为了兽神大陆的顶尖势力,而余下的一只变异火雀,实力也达到了七阶巅峰,距离八阶已经不远。 Recently, the flame bird tribe covers in a thick sadness, because the two big patron gods of their tribe, one of them in the war falls/dies with Abandoned Saint World in Tian Yuan Continent, the corpse has not even looked, this to the flame bird tribe, is an incomparably sever attack. 最近一段时间,炎雀部落都笼罩在一层浓浓的哀伤之中,因为他们部落的两大守护神,其中一人在与圣弃界的大战中陨落天元大陆,连尸首都沒有找回來,这对炎雀部落來说,是一个无比沉痛的打击。 In a person of hot bird clan also caves when in the thick sadness has not restored, suddenly, together golden long-line came from the distant place air-splitting, the speed rapidness, stays in a sky of hot bird clan suddenly. 在火雀一族的人还沉陷在浓浓的哀伤中沒有恢复过來时,突然,一道金色的长线从远处破空而來,速度非常之快,眨眼间就停留在火雀一族的上空。 Carefully looks, this golden long-line unexpectedly is one is several thousand ten feets, the body only has a bucket thick or thin python, transforms for carcasses Nubisi impressively. 仔细看去,这条金色的长线竟是一条长达数千丈,身躯仅有水桶粗细的一条巨蟒,赫然是幻化为兽体的努比斯 Looking was so long, finally found 8th-Rank Magic Beast.” Nubisi suspended long implored the one breath in the upper air, to look for 8th-Rank Magic Beast, his surmounted the Qian mountain ten thousand forests all the way, does not know that marched on many ten thousand li (0.5 km) road, discovered one with great difficulty here. “找了这么久,终于找到一只八阶魔兽了。”努比斯悬浮在高空中长吁了一口气,为了找一只八阶魔兽,他这一路上可是翻越了千山万林,也不知道赶了多少万里的路,好不容易才在这里发现了一只。 Naturally, this also several influences that has 7th-Rank Magic Beast to assume met with a disaster all the way, but Nubisi also shows mercy, only in view of having under two 7th-Rank above influences the killer, each influence, he would bleeding off 7th-Rank Magic Beast, also has not forgotten to announce that own is the Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake status, Magic Beast that as if for fear that these run away does not know that he is Silver Striped Golden Snake results. 当然,这一路上也有数个拥有七阶魔兽坐镇的势力遭殃,不过努比斯也是手下留情,只针对拥有两名七阶以上的势力下杀手,每一个势力,他总会放走一只七阶魔兽,同时也沒忘公布自己上古异兽金丝银线蛇的身份,仿佛生怕那些逃走的魔兽不知道他是金丝银线蛇似得。 Nubisi restrained own aura, causing 7th-Rank Magic Beast of hot bird tribe not to discover that his existence, that only 8th-Rank Magic Beast of not overdone bird tribe actually discovered the arrival of Nubisi immediately. 努比斯收敛了自己气息,导致火雀部落的七阶魔兽都沒有发现他的存在,不过火雀部落的那只八阶魔兽却是在第一时间就发现了努比斯的到來。 Saw only in the Nubisi front, space rippled slightly, tall and powerfully built, left leeway a middle-aged man of red long hair to appear there quietly, his whole body flesh became dark red, that pair of pupil was the red. 只见在努比斯的前方,空间轻微荡漾了下,一名身材魁梧,留有一头红色长发的中年男子悄无声息的出现在那里,他全身肌肤都成暗红,就连那一双瞳孔都是红色。 Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake.” This middle-aged man is that hot that 8th-Rank Magic Beast the bird clan only saves, his eyes recognized Nubisi, in the vision revealed an astonished color immediately, was faint brings to wipe excitedly. 上古异兽金丝银线蛇。”这名中年男子正是火雀族仅存的那名八阶魔兽,他一眼就认出了努比斯,目光中顿时露出一丝惊异之色,隐隐间带着一抹兴奋。 Nubisi that cold blood brutal eye transferred on the middle-aged man, at once without slightly hesitant, turns around to walk, flies toward the distant place by extremely quick speed, seems like as if flees to the wilderness. 努比斯那双冷血无情的眼睛在中年男子身上转了一圈,旋即沒有丝毫犹豫,转身就走,以极快的速度向着远处飞去,看起來仿佛是落荒而逃。 In the middle-aged man eyes reveals to wipe to sneer, mutters: Antiquity Variation Beast is quite rare, taking a broad view at entire Beast God Continent are not many, but this that at present presents only exactly is Silver Striped Golden Snake, this is an unusual race, same clan meets on such as has the blood sea deep enmity mortal enemy, does not put together to vow not to rest life and death, definitely does not need to be worried that behind them will have powerhouse to support, this only Antiquity Variation Beast strength is not exactly strong at present, I must kill him to be easy as pie, even if I have achieved 8th-Rank now, but if swallows Antiquity Variation Beast, should still gain the huge advantage, but Silver Striped Golden Snake that only has the source essence that same clan may swallow, although I have no need, but can actually give to that Sir.” 中年男子眼中露出一抹冷笑,喃喃道:“上古异兽极为罕见,放眼整个兽神大陆都不多,而眼前出现的这只恰好是金丝银线蛇,这是一个奇特的种族,同族相见就如拥有血海深仇的死敌,不拼个你死我活誓不罢休,完全不必担心他们后面会有强者撑腰,恰好眼前这只上古异兽实力不强,我要杀他易如反掌,即便我如今已经达到八阶,但若是吞服一只上古异兽,仍然会获得巨大的好处,而金丝银线蛇那唯有同族才可吞噬的本源精气,虽然我用不着,但是却可以献给那位大人。” The middle-aged man pursued immediately, by his 8th-Rank Magic Beast strength, to catch up with Nubisi to be naturally a cinch, the distance between quick both pulled closer. 中年男子立即追了下去,以他八阶魔兽的实力,要想追上努比斯自然不在话下,很快两者之间的距离就被拉近。 Behind looks at more and more near middle-aged man, Nubisi not slightly startled, instead reveals to taunt the color, in the heart secretly thought: „ 看着后面越來越近的中年男子,努比斯沒有丝毫惊慌,反而露出一丝嘲讽之色,心中暗道:“ You can pursue my great Nubisi, but to complete my great Nubisi plan, so long as can direct that old snake, even if were caught up by you a while what's the big deal, for does not make that old snake have slightly vigilantly, my great Nubisi cannot certainly show the 8th-Rank strength, only then exposes the 7th-Rank strength, may make that old snake coming without hesitation kill me. ” 你能追我伟大的努比斯,只是为了完成我伟大的努比斯计划而已,只要能把那条老蛇引出來,就算被你追上一阵子那又如何,不过为了不让那条老蛇有丝毫警惕,我伟大的努比斯一定不能展现出八阶的实力,只有暴露出七阶的实力,才有可能让那条老蛇毫不犹豫的前來杀我。”
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