CSG :: Volume #15

#1412: Extinguishes the city

The place bottom deep place that Scattered Clouds City these two transform adult 7th-Rank Magic Beast in Scattered Clouds City closes up dives to cultivate/repair, after detecting Scattered Clouds City mutation, immediately wakes up from the cultivation, in an instant then left bottom deep place the institute of closing up, quietly appears in the midair. 撒云城的这两只幻化成人型的七阶魔兽本身在撒云城的地底深处闭关潜修,在察觉到撒云城内发生的异变之后,立即从修炼中醒來,刹那间便离开了地底深处的闭关之所,悄然间出现在半空中。 7th-Rank Magic Beast is equivalent to Saint King on Tian Yuan Continent, even if places Beast God Continent, in a radius of 1000000 miles is still monopolizing the power in a place powerhouse, but these two Scattered Clouds City 7th-Rank Magic Beast like the Scattered Clouds City two protection Spiritual God, with their appearances, in Scattered Clouds City fell into startled in various step Magic Beast hearts to stabilize numerously in abundance much. 七阶魔兽相当于天元大陆上的圣王,即便是放在兽神大陆,在方圆1000000里内也是独霸一方的强者,而这两名撒云城七阶魔兽更是如同撒云城的两尊守护神灵,随着他们二人的出现,撒云城内众多陷入惊慌中的各阶魔兽心中纷纷安定了不少。 These strengths achieve 6th-Rank Magic Beast most, has a worship and trust from the heart regarding 7th-Rank Magic Beast, even if they felt that the turnover toxic gas that golden python strength is not also weak, but the golden python has not transformed person after all, causing in numerous Magic Beast minds to think the strength of golden python also 7th-Rank, because violently poisonous fierce. 这些实力最强才不过达到六阶魔兽,对于七阶魔兽都有着一股发自内心的崇拜以及信任,即便他们感觉到吞吐毒气的那条金色巨蟒实力同样也不弱,但金色巨蟒毕竟沒有幻化出人型,导致众多魔兽心目中都认为金色巨蟒的实力还不到七阶,只是因为剧毒厉害而已。 Therefore, after Scattered Clouds City two 7th-Rank Magic Beast appear, in the city some Magic Beast also in abundance stopped running away, stops to stay over, in the distant place waits and sees, believes that Scattered Clouds City two 7th-Rank powerhouse decide however can cut to kill the person of attack with ease. 因此,在撒云城两名七阶魔兽出现之后,城内一些魔兽也纷纷停止了逃窜,驻足停留在远方观望,相信撒云城的两名七阶强者定然能将來袭之人轻松斩杀。 Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake.” Scattered Clouds City two transform the adult 7th-Rank Magic Beast vision to condense on the golden python, the pupil slightly cannot be checked shrinks, simultaneously exudes the low and deep screams. 上古异兽金丝银线蛇。”撒云城的两名幻化成人型的七阶魔兽目光凝聚在金色巨蟒身上,瞳孔微不可查的一缩,同时发出低沉的惊呼声。 Antiquity Variation Beast, has the unusual position in Beast God Continent, because such Magic Beast is often symbolizing the tremendous potential and unequalled great strength, with Rank, no one is their opponents, having ability that may the step challenge. 上古异兽,在兽神大陆拥有着非同一般的地位,因为这样的魔兽往往象征着巨大的潜力以及无与伦比的强大,同阶级之中,无人是它们的对手,拥有可越阶挑战的能力。 The Magic Beast quantity that Beast God Continent has numerous number, but the Antiquity Variation Beast quantity, like extremely rare is scarce, but does not have the exception, when presents Antiquity Variation Beast, can cause a stir in Beast God Continent, because of this unusual animals, if grows smoothly, in the future will step into 8th-Rank surely, even there is such a uncertain opportunity to become 9th-Rank Magic Beast, and same rank is invincible, only has with is Antiquity Variation Beast bloodlines can take their opponents. 兽神大陆拥有的魔兽数量多不胜数,但上古异兽的数量,却如同凤毛麟角般稀少,不过毫无例外,每当出现一只上古异兽时,都能在兽神大陆引起一阵轰动,因为这种异兽,若是顺利成长起來,将來必定踏入八阶,甚至有那么一丝渺茫的机会成为九阶魔兽,并且还是同阶无敌,唯有同为上古异兽血脉才能作为他们的对手。 However at once, Scattered Clouds City two 7th-Rank Magic Beast in the old man vision reveals the thick greedy color, looked that also changed to the vision of golden python, as if puts at present their is not one is full of the violently poisonous Antiquity Variation Beast gold thread silver wire color, but is a giant buried treasure. 不过旋即,撒云城两只七阶魔兽所化的老者目光中就露出浓浓的贪婪之色,看向金色巨蟒的目光也随之发生了变化,仿佛摆在他们眼前的不是一条充满剧毒的上古异兽金丝银线色,而是一个巨大的宝藏。 Cuts to kill this only Silver Striped Golden Snake at present, causes his meat, drinks his blood, or swallows his Magic Core, will have very big probability by own variation, making me a more powerful, future road also magnificent.” At this moment, in the Scattered Clouds City two 7th-Rank Magic Beast hearts emitted such thought simultaneously, thinks what is placed in the front is the opportunity of having very big probability by own variation, their breath became rapid. “把眼前这只金丝银线蛇斩杀,使他的肉,喝他的血,或者是吞噬他的魔核,将会有非常大的几率让自身变异,让我变得更加强大,将來的路也会更加的辉煌。”这一刻,撒云城两名七阶魔兽心中同时冒出了这样的念头,一想到摆在面前的是一个有很大的几率让自身变异的机会,他们二人的呼吸就变得急促了许多。 Excessively many spoken languages, Scattered Clouds City two 7th-Rank Magic Beast have not also acted, in the vision was full of the burning hot, wants this only Silver Striped Golden Snake to strike to kill in the shortest time at present. 沒有过多的言语,撒云城两名七阶魔兽同时出手,目光中充满了炙热,都想要在最短的时间内将眼前这只金丝银线蛇击杀。 Sees only the forms of these two old men quietly to appear before the golden python body, the thought moves, controls Space Force, in an instant solidified space between this piece of the world, wants in this method golden python restraint, then both hands to become claw, grasps like lightning to the head of golden python, by simplest, the way of most reducing effort striking will kill. 只见这两名老者的身影悄然间出现在金色巨蟒身前,意念一动,控制空间之力,刹那间将这片天地间的空间凝固了起來,想要以此方法将金色巨蟒束缚在内,然后双手成爪,闪电般抓向金色巨蟒的头颅,以最为简单,最为省力的方式将之击杀。 This several thousand-ten feet Silver Striped Golden Snake naturally is Nubisi, Nubisi has not sent out own aura, and appears by the main body, this makes Scattered Clouds City two 7th-Rank Magic Beast not see that he was suppressed in the Saint King 9-layer strength, wrong regards 6th-Rank Magic Beast to regard him. 这条长达数千丈的金丝银线蛇自然是努比斯所化,努比斯沒有散发出自己气息,并且以本体出现,这就使得撒云城两名七阶魔兽沒有看出他被压制在圣王九重天的实力,将他错当成一只六阶魔兽來看待。 On the Nubisi face reveals the taunt expression, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) body shakes gently, solidification space immediately shatter, cannot prevent his in the slightest, then, his several thousand zhang (3.33 m) body moved suddenly, the speed rapidness, sees only a golden light to flash, when strength slightly weak 7th-Rank Magic Beast has not responded, was closely twined by the snake body by him, then he opens the mouth, bites another strength to reach the 7th-Rank peak Magic Beast, only hears crack, this strength was cut by biting by Nubisi in the Magic Beast entire arm of 7th-Rank peak. 努比斯脸上露出嘲讽的神色,数千丈长的身躯轻轻一震,凝固的空间顿时偏偏破碎,不能阻挡他分毫,而后,他那数千丈长的身躯突然动了,速度非常之快,只见金光一闪之间,其中一名实力稍弱的七阶魔兽还沒有反应过來时,就被他以蛇躯紧紧缠绕,然后他张开嘴巴,一口咬住另一名实力达到七阶巅峰的魔兽,只听见“咔嚓”一声,这只实力在七阶巅峰的魔兽整条手臂都被努比斯咬断。 Magic Beast of 7th-Rank peak exudes a stuffy hum/snort that is full of the pain, complexion instantaneously becomes pale, brings the whole face unbelievable retrocedes like lightning, looked that filled panic-strickenly to the Nubisi vision. 七阶巅峰的魔兽发出一声充满痛苦的闷哼声,脸色瞬间变得苍白,带着满脸的难以置信闪电般后退,看向努比斯的目光中充满了惊骇。 And, in his breaking arm place, the bright red blood is transforming toward the black rapidly, Nubisi not only cut by biting his arm, simultaneously is violently poisonous also invades in his body, shivering that the Magic Beast body of this only 7th-Rank peak making kept. 且,在他的断臂处,鲜红的血液正迅速向着黑色转变着,努比斯不仅一口咬断了他的手臂,同时剧毒也侵入他的身体之中,令的这只七阶巅峰的魔兽身躯不停的颤抖。 You... you are not 6th-Rank, but is 7th-Rank, and 7th-Rank peak.” Magic Beast of 7th-Rank peak was startled to call out, until this moment, he realized that suddenly present Silver Striped Golden Snake, the strength by far was not in the own imagination like that small and weak, his great strength, was not own can cope. “你…你不是六阶,而是七阶,并且还是七阶巅峰。”七阶巅峰的魔兽惊叫道,直到这一刻,他才忽然意识到眼前的金丝银线蛇,实力远远不是自己想象中的那般弱小,他的强大,根本就不是自己能对付的。 Nubisi cracks into a smile, although does not have incarnation person, but mouth speak human speech, said: You said right, my great Nubisi has not been 6th-Rank, what a pity you knew was too late.” 努比斯咧嘴一笑,虽然沒有化身人型,但是却口吐人言,道:“你说对了,我伟大的努比斯早就不是六阶了,可惜你知道的太晚了。” hearing that, the Magic Beast complexion disastrous incident of 7th-Rank peak, has not hesitated, is suppressing the violent poisonousness of within the body, abandons him to operate many years of Scattered Clouds City to escape to the distant place. 闻言,七阶巅峰的魔兽脸色惨变,沒有丝毫迟疑,压制着体内的剧毒,扔下他经营多年的撒云城逃向远方。 Nubisi has not gone to pursue, the vision that a pair fills brutal and cold blood stares by another 7th-Rank Magic Beast of own winding, the body is contracted suddenly, as if turned into meat grinder to result, this only 7th-Rank Magic Beast strangling to death while still alive, met a cruel death. 努比斯沒有去追,一双充满无情和冷血的目光盯着被自己缠绕的另外一只七阶魔兽,身躯骤然收缩,仿佛是变成了绞肉机似得,将这只七阶魔兽活活的勒死,粉身碎骨。 Bumps.” Suddenly, this only 7th-Rank Magic Beast day spirit breaks open, his Primordial Spirit set of shield, flies like lightning to the distant place, was full of the fear. “碰。”突然间,这只七阶魔兽的天灵破开,他的元神套盾而出,闪电般飞向远方,充满了恐惧。 However when also not waits for him to depart is too far, together golden rays of light flashes to pass, sees only the Nubisi snake tail from the distant place air-splitting to come, caught up with running away Primordial Spirit instantly, under pulls out, Primordial Spirit dissipates immediately, body and soul completely eliminated. 然而还未等他飞出太远时,一道金色的光芒一闪而逝,只见努比斯的蛇尾从远处破空而來,刹那就追上了逃遁的元神,一抽之下,元神顿时消散,形神俱灭 Scattered Clouds City, had spread violently poisonously the less than half city, changes into smog to turn toward under drive of breeze the distant place to spread, but in the distant place, all Magic Beast standing dumb as a wooden chicken is staring there in the air, in the vision filled with amazement, Scattered Clouds City two strength incomparably powerful 7th-Rank Magic Beast are repulsed unexpectedly quickly, finally also ends up the fate that dies escapes, this shocked all Magic Beast in Scattered Clouds City. 撒云城,剧毒已经蔓延了小半个城池,化为一股烟雾在微风的带动下正向着更远处蔓延着,而在远处,所有魔兽都呆若木鸡的站在那里盯着空中,目光中充满了骇然,撒云城两位实力无比强大的七阶魔兽竟然这么快就败退,最终还落得一死一逃的下场,这惊呆了撒云城内的所有魔兽 Suddenly, fills the panic-stricken beast roar to transmit, one length of body one zhang (3.33 m), outside the taking the form of cat, the body covers entirely Magic Beast of scales to exude one to call out in alarm the sound, escapes by quickest speed to the distant place. 突然,一声充满惊恐的兽吼声传來,一只体长一丈,外形似猫,身上布满鳞甲的魔兽发出一声惊叫声,以最快的速度逃向远方。 Other Magic Beast in Scattered Clouds City also recover, immediately, all Magic Beast escape completely together, displays peak speed, hears stormy depressed sounds of footsteps in the ground. 撒云城内的其余魔兽也纷纷回过神來,顿时,所有魔兽全部一起逃亡,将速度发挥到极致,在地面上传來一片密集的沉闷脚步声。 From now, this city does not exist, here will be one of my numerous domains, will remember my name, Antiquity Variation Beast Silver Striped Golden Snake, great Nubisi.” Nubisi has not been ruthless, Ha Ha of suspended in the upper air laughs, is still maintaining the snake body, has not changed into the human form. “从此以后,这座城市不存在了,这里将是我的众多地盘之一,记住我的名字,上古异兽金丝银线蛇,伟大的努比斯。”努比斯沒有赶尽杀绝,悬浮在高空中哈哈大笑,依然保持着蛇躯,沒有化为人形。 Antiquity Variation Beast, unexpectedly is Antiquity Variation Beast......” 上古异兽,竟然是上古异兽……”
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