CSG :: Volume #15

#1411: Scattered Clouds City

Nubisi changes into a several thousand-ten feet large snake to fly in the upper air, as 9th-Rank Magic Beast, he naturally grasps profound truth of the world, and comprehension is not low, sees only his body fuzziness, the entire body has fused together with space, is drawing support from Space Force to hurry along, the speed rapidness, then cuts the expansive sky in an instant, vanishes in the world end... 努比斯化为一条长达数千丈的长蛇在高空中飞行,身为九阶魔兽,他自然掌握有天地玄奥,且领悟力不低,只见他的身子一阵模糊,整个身躯已经与空间相融为一体,正借助空间之力赶路,速度非常之快,刹那间便划破长空,消失在天地尽头。。。 As a person of Silver Striped Golden Snake clan, the person of each same clan meets, will conduct the end of fate, although historically has presented some Silver Striped Golden Snake the people of same clan, but knew from his inheritance memory, once the people of these same clan meet, launches a fight of fate unavoidably, the the winner is the king, swallows the source essence of loser, steps the road of stronger transformation. Now this world Silver Striped Golden Snake is scarce, I do not believe that once my existence were spread, that does not know where old snake hides to meet excited, definitely cannot look for me, so long as he comes, my great Nubisi can swallow him, strengthens own source essence.” In the Nubisi heart secretly thought, is own can find out this method to feel a self-satisfaction, as for the strength of that old snake, he has not cared completely. “身为金丝银线蛇一族的人,每一个同族之人相见,都会进行宿命的终结,在历史上虽然出现过一些金丝银线蛇同族之人,但从他的传承记忆中得知,这些同族之人一旦相见,都免不了展开一场宿命的战斗,胜者为王,吞噬失败者的本源精气,踏上更强的蜕变之路。如今这个世界金丝银线蛇非常稀少,我就不相信一旦我的存在被传扬了出去,那条不知道躲藏在哪里的老蛇会不心动,必然会来找上我,只要他一现身,我伟大的努比斯就可以将他吞噬,强化自身的本源精气。”努比斯心中暗道,为自己能想出这个方法而感到一阵得意,至于那条老蛇的实力,他已经完全不放在心上了。 At this moment, in over ten thousand li (0.5 km) mountain range from Nubisi fully, has city static standing erect there, it constructs, in seems like as if by the mountain peak that on a blade bevels, was surrounded by the numerous mountains, just like treasure lands to together by the innumerable mountain range encirclements. 此刻,在距离努比斯足有上万里的一处山脉中,有着一座城池静静的屹立在那里,它修建在一座看上去仿佛是被一刀削平的山峰上,被众山环绕,犹如一块宝地似得被无数山脉环绕在内。 The city is crude, only then a low city wall encirclement, a city wall darkness, is uses Beast God Continent to have one rare soil construction that exceeds the rock hardly, in this low city wall, faintly powerful fluctuation of energy sending out, poured into the energy by powerful Magic Beast obviously, the city wall that made became also wants hard innumerable times compared with the steel. 城池简陋,只有一层低矮的城墙环绕,城墙一片漆黑,乃是采用兽神大陆才有的一种稀有土壤修建而成,坚硬胜过岩石,且,在这低矮的城墙内,隐隐有一股强大的能量波动散发而出,显然是被实力强大的魔兽灌注了能量在内,令的这片城墙变得比钢铁还要坚硬无数倍。 But has Magic Beast of such ability, only has 7th-Rank, even is above 7th-Rank. 而具备如此能力的魔兽,唯有七阶,甚至是七阶以上。 In the city wall of city, crooked inscribing scatters cloud two characters, is representing name —— Scattered Clouds City of this city! 在城池的城墙上,歪歪斜斜的刻有“撒云”二字,代表着这座城池的名字——撒云城 Scattered Clouds City, in a Beast God Continent surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km) range is also known, because in this city, has two big 7th-Rank Magic Beast to assume personal command, a 7th-Rank Magic Beast strength has reached the peak, is equivalent to the Saint King 9-layer boundary. 撒云城,在兽神大陆方圆百万里范围之内也是小有名气,因为在这座城池内,拥有两大七阶魔兽坐镇,其中一只七阶魔兽的实力已经达到巅峰,相当于圣王九重天境界。 The brutality of Beast God Continent is not weak in Tian Yuan Continent, finds at everywhere massacring of same-kind in the open country, because this is also a process of their fast growth, or swallows same-kind Magic Core to strengthen own strength, the edible same-kind flesh, was expecting that very uncertain variation arrives on own. 兽神大陆的残酷绝不弱于天元大陆,在野外随处可见同类的残杀,因为这也是它们快速成长的一个过程,或是吞噬同类魔核来增强自身的实力,或是食用同类的血肉,期望着那十分渺茫的变异降临在自己身上。 Once has the variation, then they will conduct one to be reborn immediately, conducts a transformation from the personal servant, just like Human Race, from a natural talent mediocre average person, leaps to turn cultivates the rare talent. 一旦产生变异,那它们将立即进行一番脱胎换骨,从跟班上进行一次蜕变,就犹如人族,从一个资质平庸的普通人,一跃而变成修炼奇才。 Moreover, has the variation, not only means that they conducted a transformation, means that their battle strength will also become stronger! 而且,产生变异,不仅仅意味着他们进行了一次蜕变,更意味着它们的战力也将变得更强! This made on Beast God Continent very difficult to find together the safe place, if the strength were insufficient, even in the process of cultivation, will receive killing of same-kind, did not pay attention then to meet falls/dies slightly. Is powerful, can divide a domain, is like a robber, even so, if also the time guards against strength stronger Magic Beast to compete. 这就使得在兽神大陆上很难找到一块安全的地方,若是实力不够,即便是在修炼的过程中,都会受到同类的狙杀,稍不注意便会陨落。实力强大,便可划分一块地盘,占山为王,但即便如此,也要是时刻提防着实力更强的魔兽来争夺。 But has cities as well as tribes on Beast God Continent, then becomes many Magic Beast minds shelters, as long as each city also or the tribe, has powerful Magic Beast to assume personal command, establishes the rule, has the order, forms influences, so long as becomes one in these influences, or is payment precious heavenly material treasure, can obtain to move in the jurisdiction, may feel relieved the cultivation, does not need to be worried that can meet massacring of same-kind. 而存在于兽神大陆上的一座座城池以及一个个部落,则成为了许多魔兽心目中的安身之所,但凡每一座城池亦或是部落,都有实力强大的魔兽坐镇,建立规则,拥有次序,形成一个个势力,只要成为了这些势力中的一员,亦或者是缴纳珍贵的天材地宝,便可获得入住权限,可放心修炼,不必担心会遇到同类的残杀。 Today, in Scattered Clouds City such as the past was like that lively, numerous Magic Beast from here passed in and out, these Magic Beast were completely the carcasses, strength from 3rd-Rank to 6th-Rank, body big was several feet fully, small only had 1-2 meters, the type was also millions. 今日,撒云城内如往日那般繁华,众多的魔兽从这里进进出出,这些魔兽全部都是兽体,实力从三阶六阶不等,身躯大的足有十几丈,小的只有1-2,种类也是千千万万。 The Beast God Continent Magic Beast wisdom becomes long-term wants on quick many compared with Tian Yuan Continent, so long as achieves 2nd-Rank, has not the weak wisdom, therefore these Magic Beast regardless of strength height, once enters Scattered Clouds City, will become well-mannered, received the air/Qi of outside evil spirit completely. 兽神大陆魔兽智慧成长远比天元大陆要快上许多,只要达到二阶,就已经拥有不弱的智慧了,因此这些魔兽无论实力高低,一旦进入撒云城,都会变得规规矩矩,完全收起了外面的凶煞之气。 However at this moment, the golden light flies together rapidly from the distant place, finally stays sky over Scattered Clouds City, this is one is several thousand zhang (3.33 m) fully, but body actually very tiny python. 然而就在这时,一道金光从远方急速飞来,最终停留在撒云城上空,这是一条足有数千丈,但身躯却十分细小的巨蟒。 This python Nubisi, his suspended above Scattered Clouds City, took a fast look around eye below city indifferently, in the vision filled brutal and cold blood. 这条巨蟒正是努比斯,他悬浮撒云城上方,冷眼扫视了眼下方的城池,目光中充满了无情和冷血。 At once his opens the mouth spurts, immediately one group of rich poisons spurted from his mouth, changes into the billowing smoke cloud to turn toward below Scattered Clouds City to cover to go rapidly. 旋即他张口喷,顿时有一团浓郁的毒物从他嘴里喷了出来,化为滚滚烟云急速向着下方的撒云城笼罩而去。 This type of poison is quite intense, the toxic gas will follow the air to disseminate, short in an instant, all plants in surrounding area ten miles to be about inconceivable speed to wither in abundance, finally changed into one group of ashes to fly, with the wind however dispersed. 这种毒极为强烈,毒气会顺着空气进行传播,短短刹那间,方圆十里内的所有植物纷纷以快得不可思议速度枯萎,最终化为了一团灰飞,随风而散。 The toxic gas arrives at Scattered Clouds City, first contacts a toxic gas some Magic Beast regardless of the strength height, does not have lying down of strength of resistance in abundance on the ground, in the mouth flows out the black blood, the ability that escapes continually does not have. 毒气降临撒云城,首先接触道毒气的一些魔兽无论实力高低,纷纷毫无反抗之力的躺在地上,嘴中流出黑色的血液,连逃跑的能力都没有。 The sudden accident, lets stay all Magic Beast in Scattered Clouds City stares in abundance, turns the head to look that is proliferating the toxic gas that came from the distant place unceasingly, in the vision reveals expression that does not dare to believe. 突如其来的变故,让停留在撒云城内的所有魔兽纷纷一愣,一个个转头看着从远处正不断扩散而来的毒气,目光中都露出不敢置信的神色 Strong presence that but Scattered Clouds City two powerful 7th-Rank Magic Beast assume, and one of them 's strength has reached the peak, only has the one pace from 8th-Rank, has these two powerhouse to assume personal command, making Scattered Clouds City becomes a surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km) illustrious influence, since establishment, but also never some people dare to provoke, is actually the fellow who which does not enlarge ones vision dares to come to here to cause trouble. 撒云城可是有两只实力强大的七阶魔兽坐镇的强大势力,并且其中一人的实力已经达到巅峰,距离八阶也只有一步之遥,拥有这两位强者坐镇,令撒云城成为了方圆百万里赫赫有名的一股势力,自从成立至今,还从未有人敢来挑衅,究竟是哪个不开眼的家伙敢来这里闹事。 However when these Magic Beast see to proliferate to come with the toxic gas, strength of the passivity lie down when ground same-kind, awakened in abundance, takes to one's heels to dash about wildly immediately, flees from here by quickest speed. 不过当这些魔兽看见随着毒气扩散而来,一片一片毫无抵抗之力就躺在地上的同类时,纷纷惊醒了过来,立马撒丫子狂奔,以最快的速度逃离这里。 No matter Scattered Clouds City can block the person of invasion, but they must first save the life. 不管撒云城能不能挡住入侵之人,但他们首先要保住性命。 In an instant, Scattered Clouds City systematic became the chaos, all Magic Beast in city all escaped fled from here that moved, they saw the terrifying of this poisons, in many Magic Beast vision revealed the color of fear. 刹那间,原本井然有序的撒云城变得大乱,城内的所有魔兽全部逃命搬的逃离了这里,它们都看出了这片毒物的恐怖,不少魔兽目光中都露出恐惧之色。 Meanwhile, two huge aura low transmit from Scattered Clouds City, Scattered Clouds City two most powerhouse appeared, sees only in the Scattered Clouds City upper air, quietly presented two tall and powerfully built old men, the body sends out the powerful imposing manner, achieved the Saint King boundary. 与此同时,两股庞大的气息撒云城地低中传来,撒云城的两名最强者出现了,只见在撒云城的高空中,悄然间出现了两名身材魁梧的老者,身上散发出强大的气势,都达到了圣王境界。 They are Scattered Clouds City two most powerhouse! 他们正是撒云城的两名最强者
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