CSG :: Volume #15

#1410: Nubisi scheme

Xiao Bao Primordial Spirit is different from us, but I can actually feel that Xiao Bao Primordial Spirit compared with it average man even more powerful many, even I were still inferior.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, in the heart whispered this mostly is being the difference of Innate Chaos Body and Acquired Chaos Body. 小宝元神与我们不同,不过我却能感觉到小宝元神比之常人还要强大许多,即便是我也不如。”剑尘心中暗道,心中嘀咕着这多半就是先天混沌之体后天混沌之体的区别。 Although Acquired Chaos Body Chaos Force of similar cultivation, is not however able to place on a par with Innate Chaos Body in many aspects, the only advantage is the quantity that Acquired Chaos Body has many, in World of Immortals, cultivates Acquired Chaos Body never to cut off. 后天混沌之体虽然同样修炼的混沌之力,但是在许多方面都无法同先天混沌之体相提并论,唯一的优势就是后天混沌之体存在的数量有不少,在仙界,修炼后天混沌之体是从未断绝过。 Because of Acquired Chaos Body, only need by the Chaos Body change body, making the body conduct a transformation then, Innate Chaos Body, is ten million years is difficult to see. 因为后天混沌之体,只需以混沌之体改变身体,令身体进行一次蜕变即可,先天混沌之体,则是千万年难见。 Although the formation of Acquired Chaos Body seems like very easy, but can pass through that step person is actually not many, ruins in transforming the hero on this road is the case everywhere, because is not by the Chaos Force change body that everyone can succeed. 虽然后天混沌之体的形成看似很容易,但能走过那一步的人却是不多,葬送在蜕变这条路上的英杰比比皆是,因为不是所有人都能成功的以混沌之力改变身体。 These information, are Jian Chen learned from Zi Ying Sword spirit there completely. 这些信息,全部都是剑尘紫郢剑灵那里得知。 Medicine Cui divine fire, the father, Xiao Bao has achieved, now Xiao Bao has stepped into the front door.” Xiao Bao wakes up from the cultivation, immediately two dodge to shoot from his eye like the substantive light beam, among expression filled excitedly. “药崔神火,爹爹,小宝已经做到了,现在小宝是不是已经踏入大门了。”小宝从修炼中醒來,顿时有两道如同实质般的光束从他眼中闪射而出,神色间充满了兴奋。 Looks at Xiao Bao that excited expression, on the face of Jian Chen shows a smile finally, among expression filled happily, Xiao Bao has stepped into now truly front door that cultivates Chaos Body, the strength was equivalent achieves him in the past in the Chaos Body 1st-layer stage, may fight Saint King. 看着小宝那激动的神色,剑尘的脸上终于露出了一丝微笑,神色间充满了欣慰,小宝如今已经真正的踏入了修炼混沌之体的大门,实力相当于达到他当年处于混沌之体第一层的阶段,可战圣王 Meanwhile, he also had/left own Primordial Spirit concise, Primordial Spirit, this is promoted Saint King to have the symbol that what although Xiao Bao walks is an unusual path, without comprehending profound truth of the world, but his real battle strength, even compared with just stepped into on Chaos Body 1st-layer Jian Chen even more stronger initially the frontline. 同时,他也凝练出了自己元神,元神,这是晋级圣王才有的标志,尽管小宝走的是一条不同寻常的道路,沒有领悟天地玄奥,但他的真实战力,甚至比当初刚刚踏入混沌之体第一层剑尘还要强上一线。 Because he is Innate Chaos Body. 因为他是先天混沌之体 Now, Xiao Bao age approximately ten years old, have not had Saint King battle strength in this age stage, if publicize, will cause a stir in the whole world absolutely. 如今,小宝的年纪沒约十岁,在这个年龄阶段就拥有圣王战力,若是宣扬出去,绝对会轰动整个世界。 Because, in this age stage, many people just now contacts the cultivation a moment ago, is becoming Saint for congealment Saint's Weapon, but is trying hard. 因为,在这个年龄阶段,许多人都才刚刚才接触修炼,正为凝结圣兵成为一名圣者而努力着。 Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress walked from the hole, looked that does not look at Jian Chen, the complete attention places on Xiao Bao, after she detected Xiao Bao that remarkably strengthened innumerable time of aura, in the vision also reveals a joyful color, but passes in an instant. 琴圣天魔女从洞外走了进來,看也不看剑尘,全部的注意力都放在小宝身上,当她察觉到小宝那明显增强了无数倍的气息之后,目光中也露出一丝喜悦之色,不过转眼即逝。 Jian Chen knows that for several days Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress has been observing Xiao Bao in secret, seems in the heart not to feel relieved, she regarding love of Xiao Bao, although rarely exposes, but is actually from the heart. 剑尘知道这些天琴圣天魔女一直在暗中观察小宝,好似心中不放心,她对于小宝的疼爱,虽然很少展露出來,但却发自内心。 Then, Jian Chen puts out massive Immortal Level heavenly material treasure as well as 8th-Rank obtained from Black and Yellow Small Heaven from Space Ring, the 9th-Rank Black and Yellow Beast energy crystal comes out, gives Xiao Bao to make him continue completely to cultivate. 接下來,剑尘又从空间戒指里拿出大量从玄黄小天界内获得的仙级天材地宝以及八阶,九阶玄黄兽的能量晶体出來,全部交给小宝让他继续修炼。 Jian Chen lets not satisfy Xiao Bao only to have the Saint King strength, no one knows when next Abandoned Saint World will attack, but a little can not be questioned that when the Abandoned Saint World next invasion approaches , is more terrifying than absolutely previous time, the flames of war will even fill the whole world, Saint Emperor not necessarily have the ability of self-preservation, therefore, in these period of time, Jian Chen must enhance the Xiao Bao strength with all might and main, diligently becomes by Xiao Bao stronger. 剑尘让不满意小宝仅有圣王的实力,谁也不知道下一次圣弃界会在什么时候來袭,不过有一点是毋容置疑的,当圣弃界下一次入侵來临时,绝对比上一次还要恐怖许多,战火甚至会弥漫整个世界,圣帝都不见得拥有自保的能力,因此,在这段时间内,剑尘要竭尽全力的提升小宝的实力,努力让小宝变得更强。 Then, Jian Chen puts out Heaven and Earth Divine Water, Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach as well as Grasping Principles Tea Tree gives Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, and explained the effect. 而后,剑尘又拿出天地神水,仙级五品紫云仙桃以及悟道茶树交给琴圣天魔女,并说明功效。 Although what Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress walks is another path, does not need to comprehend Tian Yuan Continent profound truth of the world, but the say/way of zither's music similarly is a rule, is one in 3,000 Grand Dao, these things naturally have big using to her. 琴圣天魔女虽然走的是另外一条道路,不需要领悟天元大陆天地玄奥,但琴音之道同样是一种规则,乃三千大道中的一种,这些东西对她自然也有大用。 Gave the own thing facing Jian Chen, Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress hesitated, without immediately accepted, if this were Jian Chen gives Xiao Bao, making her temporarily be taking care, she naturally without hesitation, because she thinks that Jian Chen gave the Xiao Bao thing, that was natural, but if to own, that significance were different. 面对剑尘送给自己的东西,琴圣天魔女迟疑了,沒有立即收下,倘若这是剑尘送给小宝的,让她暂为保管,她自然毫不犹豫,因为她认为剑尘小宝东西,那是理所当然的,但倘若是给自己的,那意义就不一样了。 „When Abandoned Saint World previous invasion, space channel is unstable, therefore without Origin Realm powerhouse arrives, only then Abandoned Saint World lord Holy Spirit King to come clone, when they will invade our Tian Yuan Continent next time, space channel has become very stable, had Origin Realm powerhouse to arrive inevitably, if you did not have the sufficient strength, how to protect Xiao Bao, is it possible that you must look at Xiao Bao helplessly at present falls/dies.” Jian Chen said like this. 圣弃界上一次入侵时,空间通道不稳定,因此沒有源境界强者降临,只有圣弃界之主圣灵王來了一道分身,不过当他们下次入侵我们天元大陆时,空间通道已经变得非常稳固,必然有源境界强者降临,你若是沒有足够的实力,如何保护小宝,莫非你要眼睁睁的看着小宝在眼前陨落。”剑尘这样说道。 Hears this flower, in the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress vision reveals to struggle, but the silent compromise, received the thing that Jian Chen sent finally, because of regarding the great strength of Abandoned Saint World, in her heart is also clear, when clearer next Abandoned Saint World invasion, such as that violent storm, the whole world will change into the battlefield inevitably, the place of no security, to protect oneself, only has the strength to be powerful enough. 听闻此花,琴圣天魔女目光中露出挣扎,但最终还是无声的妥协了,接过了剑尘送來的东西,因为对于圣弃界的强大,她心中也非常清楚,更明白下一次圣弃界入侵时,必然如那狂风暴雨,整个世界都会化为战场,沒有一处安全之地,要想自保,唯有自身实力足够强大。 Beast God Continent, this is a total area big with the Tian Yuan Continent huge land, the entire mainland 90% area were covered by the rich jungle, huge primitive mountain range is, almost covered the entire mainland, rarely has the place of plain. 兽神大陆,这是一块总面积不小与天元大陆的庞大陆地,整个大陆百分之九十的面积都被浓郁的丛林所覆盖,庞大的原始山脉更是一片又一片,几乎覆盖了整个大陆,很少有平原之地。 Beast God Continent, very suitable Magic Beast survival, regarding all Magic Beast, to just like the heaven in mind to be the same, because here, not only primitive mountain range wants on many many compared with it Tian Yuan Continent, the world vitality wants the rich three points compared with Tian Yuan Continent, if cultivates here, the progress quick is not Tian Yuan Continent can compare. 兽神大陆,非常适合魔兽生存,对于所有魔兽來说,就犹如心目中的天堂一般,因为这里不仅原始山脉比之天元大陆要多上许多,就连天地元气都比天元大陆要浓郁三分,若是在这里修炼,进步之快绝非天元大陆能比。 In Beast God Continent, there is the existence of city as well as tribe, represents a side overlord, often can see incarnation manner 7th-Rank Magic Beast to fly from the upper air. 兽神大陆,也有城池以及部落的存在,代表一方霸主,不时能看见化身为人型的七阶魔兽从高空中飞过。 At this moment, in piece of primitive mountain range, youth lazy lying down that wears golden clothes in has on the hundred zhang (333 m) high great tree trunk and branches fully, the vision is absent-minded, looking distressed is looking at the distant sky. 此刻,在一片原始山脉中,正有一名身穿金衣青年懒惰的躺在一颗足有百丈高的巨树枝干上,目光恍惚,愁眉苦脸的望着远方天空。 Yeah, Beast God Continent was too big, even if I become Saint Emperor, but if wants to find a person here, is not easy, now I have arrived here several days of time, unexpectedly has not inquired that only to be of old news snake, actually he hides where.” Wears golden clothes youth to mutter said, he just became 9th-Rank Magic Beast Nubisi impressively. “哎,兽神大陆太大了,即便我成为圣帝,但要想在这里找一个人,也并不容易,如今我已经來到这里数天时间了,竟然还沒有打探到那只老蛇的消息,他究竟躲在哪里。”身穿金衣青年喃喃说道,他赫然是刚刚成为九阶魔兽努比斯 Is it possible that Beast God Continent, only then that was only struck that old snake that kills by Mercenary City Great Elder Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword), does not have second.” Nubisi is frowning the thinking, at once shakes the head, said: Is impossible, my informed sources are reliable, Beast God Continent should the stronger old snakes be right, but I inquired long time, actually does not have the news, is it possible that old snake is very low-key, reputation not loud, or is no one knows the main body of that old snake.” “莫非兽神大陆只有那只被佣兵之城大长老天剑击杀的那条老蛇,沒有第二条。”努比斯皱着眉头思索,旋即又摇了摇头,道:“不可能,我消息來源可靠,兽神大陆应该还有一条实力更强的老蛇才对,可我打探了多日,竟然毫无消息,莫非那条老蛇很是低调,名声不响,亦或者是无人知道那条老蛇的本体。” Hesitated the meeting, Nubisi patted the thigh suddenly, in an instant sat straight the body, said: Since could not find that old snake, that makes me direct on own initiative you, snort/hum, I do not believe my great Nubisi unable to look for you.” 沉吟了会,努比斯忽然一拍大腿,刹那间坐直了身体,道:“既然找不到那条老蛇,那就让我主动把你引出來吧,哼,我就不信我伟大的努比斯还找不着你。” The Nubisi body blooming golden color rays of light, dazzling rays of light covers his body immediately, bathes in this golden light, aura that he sends out weakened fast, quick from Saint Emperor weakened to Saint Sovereign, has not then been stopping , to continue to turn toward lower boundary weakened, finally stays in the Saint King 9-layer intensity. 努比斯身体当即绽放金色光芒,耀眼的光芒将他的身体覆盖,沐浴在这一层金光之中,他散发出來的气息正在飞快的减弱,很快就从圣帝减弱圣皇,然后还沒有停止,继续向着更低的境界减弱,最终停留在圣王九重天的强度。 Then, Nubisi changes, changes into one to be several thousand zhang (3.33 m) fully, but actually only then the bucket thick or thin golden color large snake soars to go, looks from afar, seems a golden silk thread float in in the air. 而后,努比斯摇身一变,化为一条足有数千丈长,但却只有水桶粗细的金色长蛇腾空而去,远远看去,就仿佛是一根金色的丝线漂浮在空中。
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