CSG :: Volume #15

#1409: Transformation of Shangguan Aojian

Be that as it may, but Innate Chaos Body and Acquired Chaos Body compare, there is a very big advantage, speed that its one, grows must by far quickly in Acquired Chaos Body. 虽说如此,但先天混沌之体后天混沌之体相比起來,也有非常巨大的优势,其一,成长起來的速度要远远快于后天混沌之体 Chaos Force that second, Innate Chaos Body uses wants to be purer than it Acquired Chaos Body, is more powerful, this causes in the same boundary, innate Chaos Force battle strength constant voltage Acquired Chaos Body, is invincible with the boundary. 其二,先天混沌之体所使用的混沌之力比之后天混沌之体要精纯很多,强大很多,这就使得在相同境界中,先天混沌之力战力稳压后天混沌之体,同境界无敌。 Third, is the most important point, high of innate Chaos Force future achievement, will not be Acquired Chaos Body can compare, forever Acquired Chaos Body cultivator is unable to achieve to the high boundary, in front of Innate Chaos Body, not may not touch. 其三,也是最重要的一点,先天混沌之力将來的成就之高,绝非后天混沌之体所能比拟的,后天混沌之体修炼者永远都无法达到的至高境界,在先天混沌之体面前,并非不可触及。 Innate with the day after tomorrow difference, lives for the world, perfect, another by external force, but the casting, has the slight defect roughly, the growth is limited, in the future will be difficult to achieve the extremely high boundary. 先天与后天的区别,一个为天地所生,完美无瑕,另一个则是被外力而铸造,粗糙有瑕疵,成长有限,将來难达到极高境界。 Jian Chen sits cross-legged sits in opposite looking at steadily of Xiao Bao is staring at him, this moment Xiao Bao is swallowing heavenly material treasure to refine to change into Chaos Body casting flesh body, although these years he has been taking heavenly material treasure as well as Magic Core that Jian Chen left behind in the past cultivates, quenchings flesh body, but his flesh body had not achieved the perfection condition, all energies after were built up by Xiao Bao changes into Chaos Force, these Chaos Force all integrated Xiao Bao the flesh of five main internal organs as well as in whole body, Xiao Bao flesh body that made almost every is strengthening. 剑尘盘膝坐在小宝的对面目不转睛的盯着他,此刻小宝正吞服天材地宝炼化为混沌之体铸造肉身,虽然这些年他一直在服用剑尘当年留下的天材地宝以及魔核來修炼,淬炼肉身,但他的肉身一直都沒有达到圆满状态,所有的能量在被小宝炼化为混沌之力后,这些混沌之力就尽数的融入了小宝五脏六腑以及全身的血肉之中,令的小宝肉身几乎每一刻都在增强着。 After absorbing these Chaos Force, Xiao Bao five main internal organs as well as flesh body start to send out the dim multi-colored sunlight, his body just like a valuable body, is exceptionally powerful, pointed weapons difficult wound. 在吸纳了这些混沌之力后,小宝五脏六腑以及肉身都开始散发出朦朦胧胧的霞光,他的身体宛如一具宝体,异常强大,兵刃难伤。 The Innate Chaos Body cultivation step and Jian Chen Acquired Chaos Body is somewhat different, but a little is actually completely same, first step is quenching flesh body. 先天混沌之体的修炼步骤和剑尘后天混沌之体有些不一样,但有一点却是完全相同,第一步都是在淬炼肉身 After several double-hour, Xiao Bao sobers again from the cultivation, on the face reveals the joyful color, said: Father, Xiao Bao felt that flesh body soon quenchinged, almost achieved the saturated condition quickly.” 数个时辰之后,小宝再次从修炼中清醒过來,脸上露出喜悦之色,道:“爹爹,小宝感觉肉身快要淬炼完毕了,几乎快达到饱和状态了。” Continues to cultivate, although you are Innate Chaos Body, but has not crossed the threshold now, only has flesh body to quenching, cultivates Chaos Force, opposed the enemy by Chaos Force stepped into the front door truly, today just right Purple-Azure Sword Spirits here, in cultivation you, if met what issue and difficult is also good to solve.” Jian Chen said that although in his heart loves Xiao Bao similarly very much, however at matter of cultivation, he to Xiao Bao actually extremely severe. “继续修炼,你虽为先天混沌之体,但如今还沒有入门,唯有肉身淬炼完毕,修炼出混沌之力,以混沌之力來对敌才算是真正踏入了大门,今日正好紫青剑灵在这里,修炼中你若是遇见了什么问題和困难也好解决。”剑尘说道,虽然他心中同样很疼爱小宝,但是在修炼的事情上,他对小宝却是极为的严厉。 These years slaughter in that on Tian Yuan Continent experiences, have made Jian Chen understand the importance of strength, does not have the strong strength, is very difficult to walk outside. 这些年在天元大陆上经历的一场场厮杀,早已让剑尘明白了实力的重要性,沒有强大的实力,在外面是很难走下去。 He is impossible to accompany side Xiao Bao, in the future their father and son will separate sooner or later, all that by that time, Xiao Bao faces, all dangers, need to reduce and solve by his own ability, resists. 他不可能一直陪伴在小宝身边,将來他们父子迟早会分开,到那时,小宝所面临的所有所有,所有危险,都需要靠他自己的能力去化解,去抵挡。 Now to toleration of Xiao Bao, will be equal to killing his future personally, cut off his future magnificence. 现在对小宝的纵容,等于亲手断送了他的将來,斩断了他未來的辉煌。 Xiao Bao nods, from Space Ring puts out more than ten years again in several thousand years to several tens of thousands year heavenly material treasure, after eating up several, starts to cultivate again. 小宝点了点头,再次从空间戒指里拿出十几株年份在数千年至数万年不等的天材地宝,吃下几株之后开始再次修炼。 In an instant, Xiao Bao has practiced here several days later, in this several days time, he consumed massive heavenly material treasure as well as high-level Magic Core, initially Jian Chen to these cultivation resources that he left behind, now also is only left over one less than half. 转眼间,小宝已经在这里修炼数日之后了,这几日的时间里,他消耗了大量的天材地宝以及高阶魔核,当初剑尘给他留下的那些修炼资源,如今也只剩下一小半了。 On this day, Xiao Bao Chaos Body finally achieved perfection, within the body is concise, but Chaos Force is not strengthening his flesh body, but is such as a faint trace brook class/flow walks randomly in his within the body slowly, will never stand still, as if becomes the second blood of Xiao Bao within the body. 这一日,小宝混沌之体终于达到了圆满,体内凝练而出的混沌之力不在强化他的肉身,而是如一丝丝涓流在他的体内缓缓游走,永不停歇,仿佛成为了小宝体内的第二种血液。 With the body furnace, takes the god as the fire, picks the strength of furnace building world, the furnace becomes, then practices the big medicine, the medicine saves in furnace, nourishes the furnace stack, raises the medicine with the furnace, the medicine urged divine fire, the father, Xiao Bao to enter the Chaos Body cultivation front door now.” The efficacy absorbs, Xiao Bao first opened the eye, reveals the exciting color. “以身化炉,以神为火,采天地之力筑炉,炉成,则练大药,药存于炉,滋养炉身,以炉养药,药催神火,爹爹,小宝现在是不是已经迈入混沌之体的修炼大门了。”药力吸收完毕,小宝第一时间睁开了眼睛,露出兴奋之色。 Continue, do not stop, by medicine Cui divine fire, this is an important start.” Jian Chen has not spoken, Zi Ying serious passes message, in the vision filled excitedly, because, he will witness Innate Chaos Body to enter into today personally officially cultivates the front door, and succeeds under his guidance. “继续,不要停下來,以药崔神火,这是一个重要的开始。”剑尘沒有说话,紫郢严肃传音,目光中充满了激动,因为,今日他将亲自见证一个先天混沌之体正式迈入修炼大门,并且还是在他的教导下成功。 hearing that, Xiao Bao restrains the thoughts immediately, this time, he swallows completely other heavenly material treasure, and in his left and right hands, is grasping 8th-Rank Magic Core respectively. 闻言,小宝立即收敛心思,这一次,他一口气将余下的天材地宝全部都吞噬完毕,并且在他的左右手,各自握着一颗八阶魔核 Swallowed so massive heavenly material treasure one time, when the boundless vitality divulges, immediately supports the body of Xiao Bao rouses the drum, entire body on big several, if changes to others, perhaps has exploded the body to perish, however Xiao Bao Chaos Body is powerful, was equivalent to Jian Chen to be the Chaos Body 1st-layer intensity in the past, took advantage of flesh body merely, can withstand the Saint King 3-layer following powerhouse frontal attack, but sent unsurpassedly, these heavenly material treasure although the boundless vitality was powerful, but also supported not broken Xiao Bao flesh body. 一次性吞服了如此大量的天材地宝,磅礴的元气宣泄开來时,立即将小宝的身体撑得鼓鼓的,整个身体都大上了几圈,若是化作旁人,恐怕早就爆体而亡了,然而小宝混沌之体已经非常强大了,相当于剑尘当年达到混沌之体第一层的强度,仅仅依仗肉身,就能承受圣王三重天以下的强者正面攻击而毫发无上,这些天材地宝所化的磅礴元气虽然强大,但还撑不破小宝肉身 Xiao Bao starts to refine these heavenly material treasure efficacies full power, making his be supported rouses the body of drum, slowly is restoring toward the normal state, these refining up time, Xiao Bao used two days time, after two days, his within the body Chaos Force had turned into rivers from a small brook class/flow, becomes walks randomly in various whole body places that a circulation Zhou Erfu returns, no collects in Dantian, his Dantian until now , completely empty. 小宝开始全力炼化这些天材地宝的药力,让他那被撑得鼓鼓的身体,也慢慢的向着正常状态恢复着,这一次炼化,小宝足足用了两日的时间,两日后,他体内混沌之力已经从一丝小小的涓流变成了一条河流,成一个循环周而复返的在全身各处游走,沒有汇集在丹田之中,他的丹田至今还是,,空空如也。 Meanwhile, as Chaos Force circulates every time for a week in his within the body, will produce light gas to flutter, integrates in his soul, making his soul conduct the qualitative leap. 与此同时,随着混沌之力在他体内每循环一周,都会产生一丝淡淡的气体飘荡而出,融入他的灵魂之中,令他的灵魂在进行质的飞跃。 Raises the medicine with the furnace, the medicine urges divine fire, the medicine, is Chaos Force, divine fire, the soul and Primordial Spirit that is a person, Chaos Force revolves in within the body, will also nourish Primordial Spirit, making Primordial Spirit stronger. 以炉养药,药催神火,药,则是混沌之力,神火,则是一个人的灵魂、元神,混沌之力体内运转,同时也会滋养元神,让元神变得更强。 Practices Chaos Force at the same time, is practicing Chaos Body as well as Primordial Spirit, three with cultivating, throughout situated in balanced. 修炼混沌之力的同时,也在修炼混沌之体以及元神,三者同修,始终处于一个平衡。 This is thing that only then Innate Chaos Body can achieve, even Jian Chen, is still only both with cultivating. 这是只有先天混沌之体才能做到的事,即便是剑尘,也只是两者同修而已。 Xiao Bao has not formed Primordial Spirit before, is be at the soul condition, however at this moment, received moistening of Chaos Force, his soul in the speed swift reinforcement of by inconceivable, gradually turned into Primordial Spirit from the soul condition exuviate unexpectedly. 小宝在之前还沒有形成元神,还是处于灵魂状态,然而此刻,受到了混沌之力的滋润,他的灵魂在以不可思议速度迅速增强,渐渐的竟然从灵魂状态蜕变成元神了。 Primordial Spirit, this on Tian Yuan Continent is the symbol of Saint King, only has to step into the Saint King boundary, forms Primordial Spirit only then, so long as Primordial Spirit does not extinguish, then the eternal life does not die. 元神,这在天元大陆上是圣王的标志,唯有踏入圣王境界,方可形成元神,只要元神不灭,便永生不死。 In that moment that Xiao Bao Primordial Spirit forms, the pupil of Jian Chen concentrates, he discovered that Xiao Bao Primordial Spirit is unusual, others' Primordial Spirit is the white, but Xiao Bao Primordial Spirit is actually very strange, piece of Chaos, has a liking to eradicate originally no color, but also contained all colors between world probably, sends out the dazzling multi-colored sunlight. 就在小宝元神形成的那一刻,剑尘的瞳孔就是一凝,他发现小宝元神与众不同,别人的元神都为白色,而小宝元神却是非常古怪,一片混沌,看上去根本就沒有任何色彩,但是却又好像包容了天地间的所有色彩,散发出耀眼的霞光。
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