CSG :: Volume #15

#1408: Transformation of Shangguan Aojian(

„, Jian Chen... Young Master also here.” Xiao Qian their three people of vision revolutions discovered stands there Jian Chen, on the face reveals surprised expression immediately, but looks became at once to the Jian Chen vision complex, called the Jian Chen name, seemed somewhat stiff. “啊,剑尘公子也在这里。”小倩她们三人目光一转就发现了站在那里的剑尘,脸上当即露出一丝惊讶的神色,不过旋即看向剑尘的目光就变得复杂了起來,就连称呼剑尘的名字,都显得有些生硬。 Since Jian Chen arrives at Three Saints Island previous time, he and Xiao Bao relations have exposed, by Xiao Qian, Xiao Yue and Qin Qin three people knew, unexpectedly with giving birth of their teacher. 自从剑尘上一次來到三圣岛之后,他与小宝的关系就已经暴露,被小倩,小月琴沁三人得知,竟是与她们师尊的亲生子。 This result makes their three people feel the incomparable shock, unbelievable, now, their three people do not know how because of should call Jian Chen. 这个结果让她们三人感到无比震惊,难以置信,如今,她们三人更是不知道因该如何称呼剑尘 Actually was to allow in the past same calling Jian Chen to be Young Master, regarded the ordinary guest to regard, because of should call the teacher's teacher. 究竟是容以往一样的叫剑尘公子,当成普通客人來看待,还是因该叫师公。 However their three people have not known that present Jian Chen has not been that Jian Chen that they once knew, although the person has not changed, but the strength actually happened overturned the heavens the duplicate change, has become Human Race first powerhouse, was regarded second Mo Tianyun by the world, even was the Mo Tianyun reincarnation. 不过她们三人还并不知道如今的剑尘早已不是她们曾经认识的那个剑尘了,虽然人沒有变,但实力却发生了翻天地覆的变化,已然成为了人族第一强者,更被世人当成第二个莫天云,甚至是莫天云转世。 Left for many years, Xiao Qian, the Xiao Yue two girls wins formerly.” Jian Chen with a smile and Xiao Qian Xiao Yue two people are greeting, then the vision looks to Tianqin Clan two young lady Qin Qin, said: Miss Qin Qin, you have left home for about ten years, ten years, regarding your family member, are period of not short time, your family member thinks of you very much, goes back to have a look.” These words, Jian Chen also for the Qin Xiao biography, he narrated with Qin Xiao in Tianqin Clan on the same day, from its words knew that he has missed his younger sister many years, doing to the strength is mean, is unable to take a long journey, has to suppress this missing in the heart. “一别多年,小倩,小月两位姑娘更胜从前啊。”剑尘含笑的和小倩小月二人打着招呼,然后目光看向天琴家族的二小姐琴沁,说道:“琴沁小姐,你已离家将近十年,十年,对于你的家人來说,是一段不短的时间,你的家人都很想念你,有空也回去看看吧。”这番话,剑尘也是替琴箫传的,当日他在天琴家族内与琴箫相叙,从其话语中得知他已思念其妹多年,奈何实力低微,无法远行,只得将这股思念憋在心中。 Although Qin Xiao to become king/emperor, has to tear the Space Gate ability now, can optional random walk in various Tian Yuan Continent places, but Jian Chen also forgets to inform the Qin Xiao Three Saints Island position, if not know the exact location, even if Saint Sovereign powerhouse to probably look for not big islands in the broad boundless sea, is still difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 尽管如今琴箫已经成皇,拥有撕裂空间之门的能力,可以随意的游走于天元大陆各处,但剑尘也忘记告知琴箫三圣岛的位置,若是不知道确切位置,即便是圣皇强者要想在广阔的茫茫大海中需找一座不大的岛屿,也是难如登天。 Because the sea is also divided into four directions, respectively is east, south, west, and north, its range is much more than Tian Yuan Continent. 因为大海也分为四个方向,分别为东南西北四方,其范围远远大于天元大陆 Since sees Jian Chen at that moment, the Qin Qin vision becomes very complex, in the heart was very chaotic, hears Jian Chen to talk about the own family member, Qin Qin that disorderly heart restrained finally little, with having several points is missing, and moved tone said: Jian Chen Young Master, my father they are good.” 自从看到剑尘那一刻,琴沁的目光就变得非常复杂,心中很乱,听到剑尘谈及自己的家人,琴沁那凌乱的心才终于收敛了少许,用带着几分思念,以及伤感的语气说道:“剑尘公子,我爹他们还好吗。” They are very good, now Tianqin Clan is rising, has become the Zhuya Kingdom five big top family's heads, is next to existence of Imperial Family, perhaps the present, the Tianqin Clan reputation has spread over less than half Tian Yuan Continent, is one of the Tian Yuan Continent top families......” Jian Chen to talk about the Tianqin Clan present situation, informs all that own knows, including Qin Xiao already the matter that is a father, but has not actually talked clearly Qin Xiao to become Saint Sovereign. “他们都很好,如今天琴家族如日中天,早已成为珠雅王国五大顶尖家族之首,仅次于皇室的存在,于现在,天琴家族的名声恐怕已经传遍小半个天元大陆了,位列天元大陆的顶尖家族之一……”剑尘谈及天琴家族的现状,告知自己所知道的一切,包括琴箫已经身为人父的事,不过却沒有说清琴箫已经成为了圣皇 Although Qin Qin some missing families' people, but she obviously somewhat is at this moment absent-minded, has not noticed Jian Chen saying that „the Tianqin Clan reputation spreads over less than half Tian Yuan Continent the matter, after knowing the family member is well, became silent, vision somewhat absent-minded took a fast look around on Jian Chen and Xiao Bao, for a very long time did not have the words. 琴沁虽然有些思念家族的人,但此刻她显然有些心不在焉,并未注意到剑尘说的那句“天琴家族的名声传遍小半个天元大陆”的事,得知家人安好之后哦,就变得沉默了起來,目光有些恍惚的在剑尘小宝身上扫视,久久无话。 The Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress vision shot a look at Qin Qin, was then saying to Jian Chen: Xiao Bao also looked, you should also leave.” Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress tone ice-cold, points to the door to Jian Chen directly, does not welcome Jian Chen to come to here. 琴圣天魔女目光瞥了眼琴沁,然后便对着剑尘说道:“小宝也看了,你也该离开了。”琴圣天魔女的语气冰冷,直接对剑尘下了逐客令,并不欢迎剑尘來这里。 Jian Chen coughs, just about to speaks, Xiao Bao closely grasped Jian Chen, said: Does not want, Xiao Bao does not want the father to walk, the father cannot walk, mother, you cannot make the father walk.” 剑尘干咳一声,刚要说话,小宝就紧紧的抱住了剑尘,说道:“不要不要,小宝不要爹爹走,爹爹不许走,娘亲,你不许让爹爹走。” Xiao Bao, obedient.” Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress drinks lowly, complexion serious, but looked that still has love that to the Xiao Bao vision is hard to conceal. 小宝,听话。”琴圣天魔女低喝,脸色严肃,但看向小宝的目光中依然有着一丝难以掩饰的疼爱。 No, no, I, I do not want the father, I want the father to accompany me, the father has not come to see Xiao Bao for a long time, Xiao Bao thinks of the father, wants to make the father stay here to accompany Xiao Bao and mother.” Usually in Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress to Xiao Bao that always follows, violated the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress words in this moment unexpectedly unquestioning, as if in the Xiao Bao mind, this father even more stronger not seen in several years has accompanied at present daily side her, cares about her, cherishes his mother. “不,不,我就不,我要爹爹,我要爹爹陪我,爹爹好长时间都沒有來看小宝了,小宝想念爹爹,想让爹爹一直留在这里陪着小宝和娘亲。”平日里对琴圣天魔女言听计从的小宝,在这一刻竟然毫不迟疑的违背了琴圣天魔女的话,仿佛在小宝的心目中,眼前这多年不见的爹爹还要强过天天陪伴在她身边,关心她,爱护他的娘亲。 The chest of Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress fluctuates slightly, obviously had been angry, simultaneously in the heart also had a powerless feeling, Xiao Bao since the birth, is counted today, with also has always met three with Jian Chen, each meeting time is not long, however in the heart of Xiao Bao, his father seems in very important position, not, because does not see Jian Chen year to year, but desalinates to the Jian Chen sentiment. 琴圣天魔女的胸脯微微起伏,显然已经生气了,同时心中也产生了一股无力感,小宝从出生以來,算上今日,总用也就和剑尘见过三次面而已,每一次见面的时间都不长,然而在小宝的心中,他爹似乎占据着十分重要的位置,并沒有因为常年不见剑尘,而对剑尘的感情淡化。 You first get down.” Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress waves, their three people was saying to Xiao Qian. “你们先下去。”琴圣天魔女挥了挥手,对着小倩她们三人说道。 Xiao Qian, the Xiao Yue two people looked at each other eye mutually, then drew Qin Qin to draw back, vanished in the line of sight of Jian Chen. 小倩,小月二人互相对视了眼,然后拉着琴沁退了下去,消失在剑尘的视线中。 After they walk, Jian Chen also sized up under Xiao Bao carefully, inspected under the Xiao Bao strength with emphasis, discovers the Xiao Bao strength, although has not arrived at Chaos Body 1st-layer, but his physique is powerful, is foundation that the cultivation of Chaos Force built insisted. 当他们走后,剑尘也仔仔细细的打量了下小宝,重点检查了下小宝的实力,发现小宝的实力虽然还未到混沌之体第一层,但他的体魄却已经非常强大了,为混沌之力的修炼打下了坚持的基础。 This time, I will stop over some date and time in Three Saints Island, guides the cultivation of Xiao Bao specially, Xiao Bao is Innate Chaos Body, cultivates Chaos Force, what walked is an unusual path, this path you did not understand, but I the path happen to is also this.” Jian Chen said. “这一次,我会在三圣岛逗留一些时日,专程指导小宝的修炼,小宝先天混沌之体,修炼混沌之力,走的是一条不同寻常的道路,这条道路你不理解,而我所走的道路正好也是这一条。”剑尘说道。 This time, Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress has not spoken, pair of beautiful eyes does flicker is staring at Xiao Bao, hesitated half sound, is floating to go, vanishes in the Three Saints Mountain other aspect. 这一次,琴圣天魔女沒有说话,一双美目一瞬不瞬的盯着小宝,迟疑了半响,然后飘然而去,消失在三圣山的另一面。 Oh, good, the father you can accompany Xiao Bao finally.” One hear of Jian Chen said that must stay some time, Xiao Bao exudes cheers immediately. “噢,太好了,爹爹你终于可以陪着小宝了。”一听剑尘说要停留一段时间,小宝顿时发出一声欢呼声。 Then, Jian Chen excavated at will a cave on Three Saints Mountain, as their father and son two people the place of occupying. 接下來,剑尘三圣山上随意的开凿了一个山洞,作为他们父子两人的占居之地。 Although the cave is not big, but is also very spacious, the dim cave was arranged a lot of legendary luminous pearls by Jian Chen, each sends out gentle rays of light, shines the cave is being ordinary like the daytime. 山洞虽然不大,但也很宽敞,原本昏暗的山洞被剑尘布置了大量的夜明珠,每一颗都散发出柔和的光芒,将山洞照耀着如同白昼一般。 In the cave, Xiao Bao sits cross-legged to sit, cultivates under the direction of Jian Chen, but in the Jian Chen back, that one purple, one azure two Divine Sword also sends out the light multi-colored sunlight, is indistinct to see these two light multi-colored sunlight to congeal to unify two youth females to float in the midair, is paying close attention to Xiao Bao in cultivation. 山洞内,小宝盘膝而坐,在剑尘的指点之下修炼,而在剑尘的背后,那一紫一青两把神剑也散发出淡淡的霞光,隐约间可以看见这两种淡淡的霞光凝凝聚成两个青年女子漂浮在半空中,密切关注着修炼中的小宝 But in the Xiao Bao side, but also is scattering many as well as some useless root hair that lie from heavenly material treasure. 而在小宝的身边,还散落着不少从天材地宝身上趴下來的费皮以及一些无用的根须。 Although Xiao Bao is Innate Chaos Body, the world will be rare, has the infinite potential and magnificent future, but similarly, sight back, there is deeply grieved payout, that cultivates Chaos Body, huge of energy needs, surpassed everyone absolutely wants first, Acquired Chaos Body will be so, Innate Chaos Body similarly will be so. 小宝虽然是先天混沌之体,天地罕见,拥有无穷的潜能以及辉煌的将來,但同样的,风光的背后,也有惨痛的付出,那就是修炼混沌之体,所需要的能量之庞大,绝对超出了所有人的想先,后天混沌之体是如此,先天混沌之体同样是如此。 Because Chaos Force is too powerful, if true Chaos Force changes into the Tian Yuan Continent world vitality, perhaps uses ** the sea described is not overrated, therefore, if condensed Chaos Body at the world vitality grade of low-level energy, the world vitality that needed was only much are also many. 因为混沌之力太强大,一丝真正的混沌之力若是化为天元大陆的天地元气,恐怕是用**大海來形容也不为过,因此,若是以天地元气这等低级的能量來凝聚成混沌之体,那所需的天地元气也是只多不少。 Chaos Force that Xiao Bao Innate Chaos Body cultivates, similarly is not true Chaos Force, true Chaos Force may melt Yin-Yang, evolves the complete world, but being disillusioned universe is void, making the rule chaotic, annihilates the trim world, is powerful and terrifying. 小宝先天混沌之体所修炼的混沌之力,同样也不是真正的混沌之力,真正的混沌之力可化阴阳,演化完整的天地,可破灭宇宙虚空,让规则混乱,湮灭整片天地,强大而恐怖。 Such Chaos Force, is true Chaos Force, from Purple-Azure Sword Spirits, never some people cultivation. 这样的混沌之力,才是真正的混沌之力,从紫青剑灵所述,从未有人修炼而成。 But Xiao Bao even Innate Chaos Body, Chaos Force that but cultivates, was attenuated many Chaos Force similarly, slow strengthened step by step, transforms step by step. 小宝即便是先天混沌之体,但所修炼出的混沌之力,同样是被弱化了很多的混沌之力,徐一步步增强,一步步蜕变。 PS: Continues the symbol, a chapter, the time must be late. PS:继续码字,还有一章,时间要晚点。
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