CSG :: Volume #15

#1407: Transformation of Shangguan Aojian( two

In the morning, in this vast blue seas the uneventful, tranquil sea level seemingly just like bedding a blue carpet of entire simultaneously, borders on with the world end in the same place. 清晨,在这一片一望无际的蓝色大海上风平浪静,宁静的海面看上去犹如一张被铺的整整齐齐的蓝色地毯,与天地尽头接壤在一起。 A round of giant red glowing sun sends out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden glow to start from the horizon raising slowly, sprinkles the next warm golden sunshine, exaggerates golden color this blue sea, such as that gold results to send out radiant golden rays of light, is dazzling and eye-catching. 一轮巨大的红日散发出万丈金芒开始从地平线上缓缓的升起,洒下一层温暖的金色阳光,将这一片蓝色的大海都渲染成一片金色,如那黄金似得散发出璀璨的金色光芒,耀眼而夺目。 In being far away from the Tian Yuan Continent boundless sea, island alone standing erect in limitless **, in the harbor of island, some simple fishermen in fishing boat that in becomes by the ironwood casting, passing in and out, is day of going to sea ocean prepares. 在远离天元大陆的茫茫大海中,一座小岛孤零零的矗立在无边无际的**之中,在小岛的港口上,一些朴实的渔民在一艘艘由铁木铸造而成的渔船中上上下下,进进出出,为一天的出海大洋做准备。 But not far away in island, in this side has hundred zhang (333 m) high huge stone tablet fully, stone tablet unusual conditions, just like a body, not build one by one, but on stone tablet, flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes writing has three large characters , Three Saints Island. 而在小岛的不远处,里这一面足有百丈高的巨大石碑,石碑浑然天成,宛如一体,并非一节一节的搭建上去的,而在石碑上,龙飞凤舞的写有三个大字,,三圣岛 Three Saints Island that this island Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress lives in seclusion, on Three Saints Island has a scale not big small city, inside is living all locally born the fisherman on Three Saints Island, by hitting the fishing to live, is also practicing, but the overall strength is not high, besides the Three Saints Mountain three sages, did not have Saint King again. 这座小岛正是琴圣天魔女隐居的三圣岛,三圣岛上有一座规模不大的小城,里面生活着全是在三圣岛上土生土长的渔民,靠打渔为生,同时也在修炼,不过整体实力并不高,除了三圣山的三位圣人之外,就再也沒有一名圣王了。 But the three sages of housing on Three Saints Mountain, has very lofty status in Three Saints Island, they in the minds of these fishermen, like Spiritual God general existence, sacred inviolable, frequently some people worship under Three Saints Mountain, a irreverence of face. 而居住在三圣山上的三位圣人,在三圣岛中则是拥有非常崇高的身份,她们在这些渔民的心目中,就是如同神灵一般的存在,神圣不可侵犯,经常有人在三圣山下朝拜,一脸的虔诚。 At this moment, the person's shadow quiet appearance outside Three Saints Island, he seems with the world melts together, is hard to discover his existence, some strength superficial people, even if the vision has swept from him, will regard the air him. 就在这时,一道人影悄无声息的出现在三圣岛外,他好似与天地相融,难以发现他的存在,一些实力肤浅之人,即便目光从他身上扫过,都会把他当成空气。 This person of young, wears the white long gown, seems like 20 years old, is dashing, is impressive, on the face filled resoluteness and solemnness that experienced the wind frost and snow rain, what is most noticeable, carries one purple, one azure two Divine Sword in his back, sends out the light multi-colored sunlight. 此人年纪不大,身穿白色长袍,看起來不过二十來岁,英俊潇洒,气度不凡,脸上充满了经历了风霜雪雨的刚毅和冷峻,不过最令人瞩目的是,在他的背后背着一紫一青两把神剑,散发出淡淡的霞光。 These two swords do not have the scabbard, does not have restraint any rope, seems like sticks after this youth probably to conduct the back results, also does not fall. 这两把剑沒有剑鞘,同时也沒有束缚任何绳索,看上去就好像是粘在这名青年的后背上似得,也不掉落。 This person impressively is Jian Chen, vision glance of Jian Chen suspended under the upper air, the stay moment when that huge stone tablet, he came to here initially for the first time, in this island also has stone tablet, present stone tablet actually be bigger than initially on many, obviously exchanges newly. 这人赫然是剑尘,剑尘悬浮在高空中目光扫视下方,在那面巨大的石碑上停留片刻,当初他第一次來这里时,这座岛上同样有一座石碑,不过现在的石碑却要比当初大上许多,显然是新换上的。 In an instant, has separated of several years with Xiao Bao, now does not know the Chaos Body cultivation of Xiao Bao how.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, arrives at Three Saints Island, that in his heart read the child cherished impulsion more intense, then restrained own aura to fly toward Three Saints Mountain of distant place. “转眼间,已经与小宝分离数年之久了,如今也不知小宝混沌之体修炼的怎么样了。”剑尘心中暗道,來到三圣岛,他心中的那股念子心切的冲动更加强烈了,然后一路收敛着自己气息向着远方的三圣山飞去。 He has not utilized Spiritual Consciousness, at this moment he rushes excitedly, wants personally to see Xiao Bao first by the eye. 他沒有运用神识,此刻他心情激动而澎湃,想要以眼睛亲眼看见小宝的第一眼。 Three Saints Mountain, near the cliff, is having has ten meters high blue stone static standing erect together fully there, in the blue stone, the age seems like ten -year-old young boys to shut both eyes to sit cross-legged to sit there, turnover world essence, under the small boy front blue stone in, is fully thousand zhang (3.33 m) deep steep cliffs, however the small boy courage and wisdom is extraordinary, not an average man, although is young, but sits here actually as stable as Mount Tai, does not fear. 三圣山,悬崖边上,正有一块足有十米高的青石静静的屹立在那里,青石上,正有一名年纪看上去不过十來岁的小男孩正闭着双目盘膝坐在那里,吞吐天地精气,在小男孩面前的青石之下在,则是足有千丈深的陡峭悬崖,然而小男孩胆识过人,并非常人,虽然年纪不大,但是坐在这里却稳如泰山,丝毫不惧。 In his mouth and nose place, visible white air currents with his breath, but turnover, and around his body, very pure world vitality is condensing, as his breath rhythm passes in and out from the whole body pore. 在他的口鼻处,有一股股肉眼可见的白色气流随着他的呼吸而吞吐着,并且在他的身体周围,更有一股非常精纯的天地元气在凝聚,随着他的呼吸节奏从浑身毛孔中进进出出。 Each breath of young boy, can cause the world vitality within surrounding certain range with it resonance, the pore of his whole body is opening, is accepting the baptism of the world vitality, removes within the body each impurity, only leaves behind innate source. 小男孩的每一处呼吸,都能引起周围一定范围内的天地元气与之共鸣,他浑身的毛孔都在张开着,接受着天地元气的洗礼,清除体内的每一份杂质,只留下先天本源 In behind of young boy, stands is wearing the female of purple long skirt, she embraces ancient zither, the beautiful appearance wins Heavenly Immortal, the body sends out one makings of dust, looks just like unearthly Fairy. 在小男孩的身后,立着一身穿紫色长裙的女子,她怀抱古琴,美貌更胜天仙,身上散发出一股出尘的气质,看上去宛如一位不食人间烟火的仙子 She is Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, but her present strength had been far in excess of Saint King, looked that filled to the vision of young boy gentle and loves, in fact, only if she is not on Three Saints Island, otherwise, whenever the young boy when the cultivation, she static standing in not far away, the vision will flicker is staring at the young boy, as if the young boy will for fear that meet what danger to result. 她正是琴圣天魔女,不过她如今的实力已经远远超越了圣王,看向小男孩的目光中充满了温柔和疼爱,事实上,除非她不在三圣岛上,否则的话,每当小男孩在修炼时,她都会静静的站在不远处,目光一瞬不瞬的盯着小男孩,似乎生怕小男孩会遇到什么危险似得。 At this moment, Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress complexion changes, the broadminded brick looks to Three Saints Island, in vision gentle passes in an instant, became indifferent, such as an iceberg, aloofed. 就在这时,琴圣天魔女脸色一变,豁然砖头看向三圣岛外面,目光中的温柔转眼即逝,变得冷漠了起來,如一座冰山,拒人于千里之外。 Meanwhile, cultivated the young boy also to open the eye in the blue stone suddenly, immediately two bright divine light flashed in his eyes, face pleasantly surprised looking to the distant place, called out in alarm said: Father, the father, was the father comes back.” Young boy very excited, to turning over/standing up to stand from the blue stone, stands in the blue stone the hand is pointing at the distant place, jumping is shouting, excessively excited, making his small face rise red. 与此同时,在青石上修炼到小男孩也突然睁开了眼睛,顿时有两道炯炯神光在他眼中闪现,一脸惊喜的望向远方,惊呼道:“爹爹,爹爹,是爹爹回來了。”小男孩十分的激动,一个到翻身从青石上站了起來,站在青石上手指着远方,蹦蹦跳跳的呼喊着,过度的激动,使他那张小脸已经涨得通红。 Sees only Jian Chen slowly flew from the distant place, his speed is not quick, be with smile on the face, is close toward Three Saints Mountain. 只见剑尘缓缓的从远方飞了过來,他的速度并不快,面带微笑,向着三圣山接近。 Father, you came back finally, Xiao Bao is good to think of you, daily is thinking.” “爹爹,你终于回來了,小宝好想念你,天天都在想。” The Jian Chen both feet just fell the ground, Xiao Bao jumps down from ten meters high blue stone, the exquisite body has the extraordinary skill, such as Great Peng glided dozens meters distance to fall to the ground, preserved the waist of Jian Chen affectionate. 剑尘双脚刚落地面,小宝就从十米高的青石上一跃而下,小巧的身子却拥有非凡的身手,如一只大鹏似滑翔了数十米的距离才落地,亲昵的保住了剑尘的腰。 Now Xiao Bao has grown many, young he, has four -and-a-half chi (0.33 m) height, has achieved the waist of Jian Chen. 现在小宝已经长高了不少,年纪不大的他,却拥有四尺半的身高,已经达到剑尘的腰部了。 Jian Chen held Xiao Bao, excited could not speak, outside blood and iron callous him, also had side of own tender feelings. 剑尘一把将小宝抱了起來,心情激动的说不出话來,在外面铁血冷酷的他,同样也有自己柔情的一面。 „Do you do.” The Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress vision is fixing the eyes on Jian Chen, saying unrestrained/no trace of politeness, looks at her manner, as if not welcome Jian Chen to come here. “你來干什么。”琴圣天魔女目光紧盯着剑尘,毫不客气的说道,看她那神态,似乎并不欢迎剑尘來到这里。 The Jian Chen vision looks to Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, on the face shows the temperate smile, said: Xiao Bao is my child, I as the father, can certainly come to see him.” 剑尘目光看向琴圣天魔女,脸上露出温和的笑容,道:“小宝是我的孩子,我作为父亲,当然可以來看他。” , Jian Chen continued saying: I know, these years I have a deficit Xiao Bao to be many, without achieving a father's duty, is not a competent father, but I will recover whole-heartedly, Xiao Bao, is my second life.” 顿了顿,剑尘继续说道:“我知道,这些年我亏欠小宝很多,沒有做到一个父亲的义务,不是一个称职的父亲,但我会全力以赴的补救,小宝,就是我的第二生命。” Master, has the guest to arrive on our Three Saints Island.” “师傅,有客人來到我们三圣岛上吗。” Are which Island Master or Sect Master visit, the person who for several days came to visit the master were really many.” “又是哪位岛主或者宗主來拜访啊,这些天前來拜访师傅的人真多。” At this moment, Xiao Qian and Xiao Yue sound passed on, sees only (Bai Yi) white clothes them to walk toward here with Qin Qin. 就在这时,小倩小月的声音传了过來,只见一身白衣的她们正和琴沁向着这里走來。
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