CSG :: Volume #15

#1421: Divine Beast inherits ( 1 )

Beast God Continent Beast God Temple situated in the central area, an imposing manner broad palace flies high suspended in ten thousand meters upper air, sends out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) rays of light, this palace very huge, the length and breadth achieved ten thousand meters greatness high, seeming like seems a small-scale city. 兽神大陆兽神殿位于中心区域,一座气势恢宏的殿宇凌空悬浮在万米高空中,散发出万丈光芒,这个殿宇非常的巨大,长宽高都达到了万米之巨,看上去就仿佛是一座小型城市。 This temple named Beast God Temple, has the unreplaceable position on Beast God Continent, because it was taken the essence of casting land in the antiquity years by Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger, was on Beast God Continent sacred places in all Magic Beast minds, was the powerhouse cultivation of Beast God Continent place. 这个神殿名为兽神殿,在兽神大陆上有着无可替代的地位,因为它是在上古年间由上古神兽天翼神虎取大地之精铸造而成,乃是兽神大陆上所有魔兽心目中的神圣之地,同时也是兽神大陆强者修炼的之地。 Beast God Temple altogether has 99-layer, hundred meters are one, each area big, can step into besides 99th-layer no one, 98th-layer under other, is occupied by the Beast God Continent strength most powerful 98 people, top 3-layer, is Beast God Continent three 9th-Rank top powerhouse the place of cultivation. 兽神殿共有九十九层,百米为一层,每一层的面积都非常之大,除了第九十九层无人能踏入外,其余下的九十八层,都是由兽神大陆实力最为强大的九十八人占据着,最顶层的三层,正是兽神大陆三位九阶至强者的修炼之地。 Now, the experience and a Abandoned Saint World war, Beast God Continent is also the vitality damages severely, in this 99-layer Beast God Temple is also at present more spacious, over 2/3 places no one occupies. 只是如今,经历与圣弃界一战,兽神大陆也是元气大伤,眼前这九十九层兽神殿内也空旷了很多,有超过三分之二的地方已无人占据。 In Beast God Temple 96 th, 97 th, in 98 th this 3-layer open space, each has one person to sit cross-legged to sit in inside, is Beast God Continent strength most powerful three Saint Emperor, Tiger Emperor, Peng Emperor and king. 兽神殿第九十六,九十七,九十八这三层开阔的空间中,每一层都有一人盘膝坐在里面,正是兽神大陆实力最为强大的三位圣帝,虎帝,鹏帝以及王。 However at this moment their these three top powerhouse complexion present a paleness of morbid state, the expression dispirited, disclosed that weak color, in a Abandoned Saint World war, their three people received the serious injury, lacked the treatment of Radiant Saint Master, even if by their as the powerful breakthrough of 9th-Rank Magic Beast, if wants completely healed is not the short time can achieve. 不过此刻他们这三位至强者脸色都呈现一片病态的苍白,神色萎靡,透露出虚弱之色,在与圣弃界一战之中,他们三人都受到了严重的伤势,缺少了光明圣师的治疗,即便以他们那身为九阶魔兽的强大突破,要想痊愈也不是短时间就能做到的。 However at this moment, sat cross-legged to sit in inside healing three top powerhouse opened the eye suddenly at the same time, flashing eyes is staring at outside same direction, their vision seemed can penetrate the hindrance of temple, clear visible outside world resulted. 然而就在这时,盘膝坐在里面疗伤的三位至强者突然在同一时间睁开了眼睛,目光炯炯的盯着外面的同一个方向,他们的目光好似能穿透神殿的阻碍,清晰的看见外面的天地似得。 Meanwhile, in being away from Beast God Temple beyond hundred li (0.5 km), tranquil space produced the faint trace ripples suddenly, at once sees only together the Space Gate rapid appearance, golden clothes Nubisi and wears one set of white long gown, at the back of Dual Swords Jian Chen shoulder to shoulder from inside steps. 与此同时,在距离兽神殿百里之外,原本平静的空间突然产生了丝丝涟漪,旋即只见一道空间之门迅速出现,一身金衣努比斯和穿着一套白色长袍,背着双剑剑尘并肩从里面踏步而出。 Their suspended in ten thousand meters upper air, is open, even the Beast God Continent mountain range fluctuates, but is separated by hundred li (0.5 km) distance, still can still clear visible distant place that imposing manner broad huge temple. 他们悬浮在万米高空,视野开阔,即便兽神大陆山峦起伏,但相隔百里的距离,也依然能清晰的看见远方那座气势恢宏的庞大神殿。 This is Beast God Temple, although my great Nubisi as Beast Clan, but this is the first time that saw in all Beast Clan minds the supreme Supreme temple.” The Nubisi vision stares at the temple in distant place to exude in a low voice twittering the sound, he had come previously here one time, because in the heart somewhat dreaded to Beast Clan three Saint Emperor, therefore has not visited here. “这就是兽神殿吗,我伟大的努比斯虽然身为兽族,但这还是第一次看见所有兽族心目中至高无上的至尊神殿。”努比斯目光凝望远方的神殿发出低声呢喃声,他先前就來过这里一次,不过因为心中对兽族三位圣帝有些忌惮,因此并沒有踏足过这里。 Jian Chen also stares at Beast God Temple to size up, the front Beast God Temple length and breadth is ten thousand meters high fully, the volume of entire temple seems like seem like a cube, appears in the outlook with many temples is somewhat unusual. 剑尘也盯着兽神殿打量,前方的兽神殿长宽高都足有万米,整座神殿的体积看上去倒像是一个正方体,在外型上显得与诸多神殿有些与众不同。 However although the contour is not outstanding, but the Jian Chen actually clear feeling has an extremely fearful fluctuation of energy in the Beast God Temple embodiment, this fluctuation of energy, making him feel that a heart is startled. 不过虽然外形不出众,但剑尘却清晰的感受到在兽神殿内蕴含着一股极为可怕的能量波动,这股能量波动之强,让他都感到一阵心惊。 This Beast God Temple absolutely compared with Sea God Supreme Temple stronger on many.” In Jian Chen heart secretly thought, at this moment, in his heart Beast God Temple and compared with Mercenary City that Supreme Temple. “这兽神殿绝对要比海神至高神殿要强上不少。”剑尘心中暗道,这一刻,他心中不由的将兽神殿佣兵之城的那座至高神殿相比较。 Beast God Temple was among the antiquity years of Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger casting four big top powerhouse, but Mercenary City Supreme Temple was stays behind by Human Race first powerhouse Mo Tianyun, in the mainland that these two temples in each one was at has the unusual significance, was Beast Clan and work of Human Race most peak. 兽神殿乃是上古年间四大至强者之一的天翼神虎铸造,而佣兵之城至高神殿又是由人族第一强者莫天云留下,这两座神殿在各自所在的大陆中都有着非同一般的意义,乃是兽族人族最为巅峰之作。 Initially I, although that temple that goes to Mo Tianyun Senior to leave behind, but did to that time my strength is too weak, although felt the uncommonness of temple, but is actually not able such as the present so clear saw details of temple.” In Jian Chen heart secretly thought, in brain when appears to see right in front of one Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) that hanging temple that for the first time meets. “当初我虽然去过莫天云前辈留下的那座神殿,但奈何那个时候的我实力太弱了,虽然感觉到神殿的不凡,但却无法如现在这般清晰的看出一座神殿的底细。”剑尘心中暗道,脑中不由的浮现出第一次面见天剑时所遇见的那座悬空神殿。 Jian Chen and Nubisi turn toward the Beast God Temple flight together , when not waits for their two people to be close to Beast God Temple, from Beast God Temple then simultaneously flutters three forms, the vision neatly is staring at their two people. 剑尘努比斯一同向着兽神殿飞行,还未等他们两人接近兽神殿时,从兽神殿内便同时飘飞出三道身影,目光齐刷刷的盯着他们两人 These three people of Beast God Continent most powerhouse, are with smile on the face except for Peng Clan Saint Emperor Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), expression indifferent outside, king and Tiger Emperor Lang Kangli complexion becomes gloomy, is very ugly. 这三人正是兽神大陆的最强者,除了鹏族圣帝苍穹面带微笑,神色淡然外,王和虎帝狼康利斯的脸色都变得十分阴沉,很是难看。 If Jian Chen were initial Jian Chen, let alone he and Beast God Temple two big top powerhouse had hostility, merely was he status as Human Race, was given meeting a cruel death that hit on the morning by them, body and soul completely eliminated, but now, the strong strength brings to show disdain for the world to Jian Chen the capital, even if once and Jian Chen had hostility, but this moment king and Tiger Emperor two people saw Jian Chen being close Beast God Temple swaggering, still felt indignant but not daring to speak out, does not dare to act. 如若剑尘是当初的剑尘,别说他和兽神殿两大至强者恩怨,仅仅是他身为人族的身份,就早被他们给打的粉身碎骨,形神俱灭了,但是如今,强大的实力给剑尘带來傲视天下的资本,即便曾经和剑尘恩怨,但此刻王和虎帝两人剑尘大摇大摆的接近兽神殿,也是敢怒不敢言,根本就不敢出手。 Originally is Jian Chen Supreme, my Peng Clan welcome the arrival of Jian Chen Supreme on behalf of Beast God Continent, Jian Chen Supreme , if there is place that what need we help, although proposed that is.” Peng Clan Saint Emperor Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to Jian Chen, smiling saying, non- throat not inferior, at once the vision takes a fast look around complexion gloomy king and Tiger Emperor, reveals rejoice in other people's misfortune expression. “原來是剑尘至尊,我鹏族代表兽神大陆欢迎剑尘至尊的到來,剑尘至尊若是有什么需要我们帮忙的地方,尽管提出便是。”鹏族圣帝苍穹对着剑尘拱手,一脸微笑的说道,不吭不卑,旋即目光又扫视了眼脸色阴沉的王和虎帝,露出一丝幸灾乐祸神色 Regarding Peng Emperor, the impression in Jian Chen heart is good, even also had an admiration to Peng Emperor, because he is in three big Saint Emperor has not involved in little white time only, simultaneously previous time on Tian Yuan Continent competes for Heaven and Earth Sacred Fruit, Peng Emperor also has not acted to make things difficult for own, and in a Abandoned Saint World war , is also in three Beast Clan Saint Emperor, the body that only discarded own dies, persists in fighting to finally great Saint Emperor. 对于鹏帝,剑尘心中的印象非常不错,甚至对鹏帝还产生了一丝敬佩,因为他是三大圣帝中唯一沒有牵扯到小白的时间中來,同时上次在天元大陆上争夺天地圣果时,鹏帝同样也沒有出手为难自己,并且在与圣弃界一战中,也是三位兽族圣帝中,唯一一名舍弃了自己的身死,坚持战斗到最后的一位伟大圣帝 Jian Chen friendly and Peng Emperor exchanged greetings several, then the vision then looks to king and Tiger Emperor Lang Kangli, said with a smile pale: Looks at two complexion, as if too does not welcome below arrival.” 剑尘友好的和鹏帝寒暄了几句,然后目光便看向王和虎帝狼康利斯,淡笑道:“看二位的脸色,似乎不太欢迎在下的到來啊。” king and the Tiger Emperor two people iron tooth bites tightly, standing of complexion gloomy there, although in the heart arrived here to be very angry to Jian Chen, although in the heart does not welcome Jian Chen very much, but actually a few words do not dare saying that as for looking like Jian Chen admitted defeat, this was more impossible, because they were top powerhouse, they have the own lofty and unyielding character. 王和虎帝两人铁牙紧咬,脸色阴沉的站在那里,尽管心中对剑尘來到这里十分愤怒,尽管心中很不欢迎剑尘,但是却一句话都不敢说,至于像剑尘服软,这更加不可能,因为他们是至强者,他们有着自己的傲骨。 Sees this, on the Nubisi face reveals to sneer immediately, proceeds a stand, said: Two 9th-Rank top powerhouse, is it possible that really result in does not welcome our two brothers to come here, according to the Beast God Continent custom, you must drive out our two brothers.” With the voice, a huge imposing manner sends out from Nubisi, his is the 9th-Rank strength to be completely unmasked. 看到这一幕,努比斯脸上顿时露出冷笑,往前一站,道:“两位九阶至强者,莫非真得不欢迎我们兄弟二人來到这里,按照兽神大陆的规矩,你们二人是不是要把我们兄弟二人赶出去。”随着话音,一股庞大的气势从努比斯身上散发出來,他那属于九阶的实力暴露无遗。 Peng Emperor, Tiger Emperor and king complexion simultaneously change, the vision shifts from Jian Chen to Nubisi on finally, previously their attention completely centralized on Jian Chen, subconscious neglected existence of Nubisi, until this time, they surprised discovery Nubisi unexpectedly was also 9th-Rank Magic Beast. 鹏帝,虎帝和王三人的脸色齐齐一变,目光终于从剑尘身上转移到努比斯身上,先前他们的注意力全部都集中在剑尘身上,下意识的就忽略了努比斯的存在,直到这时,他们才吃惊的发现努比斯竟然也是一只九阶魔兽 king and the Tiger Emperor two people looked at each other eye, saw the deep helplessness and aggrievedness from the eyes of opposite party, formerly was they humiliates others, never looks like now this appearance, the archenemy arrived at their dens, their actually words do not dare to say one much, for fear that was own provokes the total destruction. 王和虎帝二人对视了眼,都从对方的眼中看到了深深的无奈和憋屈,从前都是他们欺凌别人,从未像现在这个样子,大敌來到他们的老巢了,他们却话都不敢多说一句,生怕为自己招惹灭顶之灾。 On this day under naturally cannot prevent your footsteps the place, but Beast God Temple, you actually cannot go.” Tiger Emperor Lang Kangli braces oneself saying that complexion extreme non- nature. “这天下自然沒有能阻挡你们脚步的地方,不过兽神殿,你却不能进去。”虎帝狼康利斯硬着头皮说道,脸色极为的不自然。
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