CSG :: Volume #15

#1404: Returns to Qin Country

In Walaurent City, Tianqin Clan is supreme, can not say exaggeratingly, entire Walaurent City under the control of Tianqin Clan, countless people takes can enter Tianqin Clan for the slave for the servant, but glory. 瓦洛朗斯城中,天琴家族就是至高无上的,可以毫不夸张的说,整座瓦洛朗斯城都在天琴家族的掌控之下,无数的人都以能进入天琴家族为奴为仆而荣。 Tianqin Clan in the ordinary days, is similar to ominous beast of deep sleep, tranquil does not lose the dignity, however today, Tianqin Clan up and down is actually a scene of jubilation, even can hear the cheers that hears from Tianqin Clan from several li (0.5 km), slogan. 天琴家族在平日间,就如同一只沉睡的猛兽,宁静中不失威严,然而今日,天琴家族上下却是一片欢腾,甚至从数里之外都能听见从天琴家族里面传來的欢呼声,呐喊声。 Because of today, Tianqin Clan welcomed an extremely extraordinary honored guest, when this honored guest is in front of the goal, even frightens the leg and foot to become tender Tianqin Clan many senior statesmen, the body hits wordy, then uses the strength of entire clan to come to greet, attitude incomparable respectful, in reverential awe. 因为今日,天琴家族迎來了一位极为了不得的贵客,这位贵客临门时,甚至将天琴家族许多元老都吓得腿脚发软,身体都直打啰嗦,而后举全族之力前來迎接,态度无比的恭敬,诚惶诚恐。 This honored guest impressively is Jian Chen, he comes Tianqin Clan, naturally looks for Qin Xiao. 这位贵客赫然是剑尘,他前來天琴家族,自然是找琴箫的。 This time Jian Chen arrives at Tianqin Clan, making Tianqin Clan all high levels feel extremely flattered, although once Jian Chen also came Tianqin Clan more than once, but his present status but today we are no longer as we have been, therefore regarding his arrival, Tianqin Clan everyone felt having a dream general, is wild with joy. 此番剑尘亲临天琴家族,让天琴家族所有高层都受宠若惊,虽然曾经剑尘也不止一次前來天琴家族了,但他现在的身份可是今非昔比,因此对于他的到來,天琴家族所有人都感觉是在做梦一般,一个个欣喜若狂。 When sees Qin Xiao again, his personality has become calm, was maturer than initially, moreover now Qin Xiao has married, being a father, his wife is Zhuya Kingdom Imperial Family Princess, six months ago gave birth to one. 再次见到琴箫时,他性格已经变得沉稳了很多,比当初更加的成熟了,而且现在琴箫已经结婚,身为人父,他的妻子是珠雅王国皇室公主,半年前产下一子。 Looks that was hugged the baby in bosom by the Qin Xiao wife, Jian Chen sighing, the mood became somewhat complex, because thought of own child Shangguan Aojian. 看着被琴箫妻子抱在怀中的婴孩,剑尘不由的叹了口气,心情变得有些复杂了起來,因为想到了自己的孩子上官傲剑 On the same day, Jian Chen and Qin Xiao discussed in the pavilion in garden, although is only short has not seen for several years, but actually had many matter for these years, but their two people seemed separates many years of brothers to have a reunion again, has unable to say the words that discussed several double-hour have not ended. 当日,剑尘琴箫在花园的凉亭中相谈,虽然只是短短数年未见,但这几年却发生了很多的事情,而他们两人就仿佛是分隔多年的兄弟再次重逢,有着说不完的话,足足谈了数个时辰还沒有完。 „When Jian Chen, wants we to meet initially for the first time, your my two people strength still at about the same, is now, you have become Tian Yuan Continent Supreme, I had even also heard you were among Mo Tianyun such rumor antiquity years, I was really happy for you, my Qin Xiao was can have your such friend to be proud......” 剑尘,想当初我们第一次见面时,你我两人实力尚在伯仲之间,可是如今,你已经成为了天元大陆至尊了,我甚至还听说过你就是上古年间的莫天云这样的传言,我是真的为你感到高兴,我琴箫为能有你这样一个朋友而感到自豪……” Jian Chen, I know the days you crossed is very difficult, there are many enemies to look for you, I really want to help you, but my Qin Xiao is really useless, the strength 1/10000 does not have you, wants to help unable to help, in a reason, is your enemy backgrounds is one by one big, my father worried that I will come the total destruction to the family again, even was once confined to barracks me some time, I find out cannot go out......” 剑尘,我知道曾经有一段日子你过的很艰苦,有许许多多的敌人在寻找你,我真的想帮你,可是我琴箫实在是无用,实力连你万分之一都沒有,想帮也帮不上忙,在一个原因,是你的那些仇家來头一个比一个大,我爹担心我会给家族再來灭顶之灾,曾经一段时间甚至把我禁足了,我想出都出不去……” In the Qin Xiao tone filled rebuked oneself with guilty, wants initially, he and Jian Chen in Mercenary City trial space, Jian Chen saves him again and again in the water and fire, more than once pulls back from life and death online him, when Jian Chen had the danger, his actually anything could not do, can only stay in the family is hearing that or good or bad news. 琴箫的语气中充满了自责和内疚,想当初,他和剑尘佣兵之城的试炼空间中,剑尘三番五次的救他于水火之中,不止一次的把他从生死线上拉了回來,可是当剑尘有危难的时候,他却什么都做不了,只能呆在家族内听着那一个个或好或坏的消息。 Jian Chen patted the shoulder of Qin Xiao to comfort, these matters that Qin Xiao said that he has never cared, the enemy who initially own offended was not the hidden world family is Ancient Aristocratic Family, even on Ten Great Guardian Clans with Tian Yuan Continent for the enemy, these influences put out one casually, was moves the finger to let existence of Tianqin Clan destruction, the Qin Xiao father, the Tianqin Clan Patriarch approach was without doubt correct, has not made Qin Xiao participate in that time matter, otherwise, once his enemy involved to Tianqin Clan on, he cannot guarantee that Walaurent City currently also does have a Tianqin Clan this name. 剑尘拍了拍琴箫的肩膀安慰了一番,琴箫说的这些事,他就从未放在心上过,当初自己得罪的敌人不是隐世家族就是上古世家,甚至与天元大陆上的十大守护家族为敌,这些势力随便拿出一个來,都是动动指头就能让天琴家族覆灭的存在,琴箫的父亲,天琴家族家主做法无疑是正确的,沒有让琴箫参与到那次的事情中來,否则的话,一旦他的敌人牵连到天琴家族身上來,他不敢保证瓦洛朗斯城现在还有沒有天琴家族这个名字。 After all, Raging Flame City had exchanged ownerships, was seized some time by Anti-Flame Alliance, if not time Guardian Clan Changyang Mansion Saint Sovereign powerhouse acts finally, picked the most important that group of people, that consequence is simply dreadful. 毕竟,曾经就连烈焰城都易主过,被灭焰联盟占领了一段时间,若非最后时刻守护家族长阳府圣皇强者出面,接走了最重要的那批人,那后果简直不堪设想。 Jian Chen received to only have a half -year-old baby from the wife bosom of Qin Xiao, the baby powder carves the jade to carve, long plump and fair-complected, very cute, just calm static lying down in the bosom of Jian Chen, opens that bright big eye to look at Jian Chen. 剑尘琴箫的妻子怀中接过只有半岁大的婴孩,婴孩粉雕玉琢,长的白白胖胖,十分的可爱,正安静的躺在剑尘的怀中,睁着那一双明亮的大眼睛望着剑尘 Jian Chen touches baby that plump and fair-complected face, then takes out a fist size Heaven and Earth Divine Water to feed in the mouth of baby from Space Ring, washes for him after cutting down the bone. 剑尘摸了摸婴孩那白白胖胖的脸,然后从空间戒指里取出一圈拳头大小的天地神水喂入婴孩的嘴中,为他洗经伐骨。 This Heaven and Earth Divine Water effect is very powerful, not only can make one be reborn, the disabled person who letting is unable to cultivate turns into the cultivation rare talent, and also has the huge advantage to Primordial Spirit. 天地神水的功效十分强大,不仅能令人脱胎换骨,让无法修炼的废人变成修炼奇才,并且还对元神有巨大的好处。 The Qin Xiao child was washed by Jian Chen by Heaven and Earth Divine Water when the baby after cutting down the bone, has been able to expect, after he grows up, will decide however will have extreme heaven defying natural talent, will become on Tian Yuan Continent a dazzling nova. 琴箫的孩子在婴孩时就被剑尘天地神水洗经伐骨,已经可以预料,当他长大之后,定然会拥有极为逆天天赋,成为天元大陆上一颗耀眼的新星。 After the child gives back to the Qin Xiao wife, Jian Chen brings Qin Xiao to fly from Tianqin Clan. 将孩子重新还给琴箫的妻子后,剑尘就带着琴箫飞离了天琴家族 Shortly after Jian Chen walks, Tian Yuan Continent first powerhouse arrived at the Tianqin Clan news also to spread over entire Zhuya Kingdom, even still spread to go toward the distant place in the by irresistible momentum, making countless people shocking, paid close attention in abundance. 而在剑尘走后不久,天元大陆第一强者降临天琴家族的消息也传遍了整个珠雅王国,甚至还在以势不可挡的势头向着更远处蔓延而去,让无数人震惊,纷纷密切关注。 Jian Chen arrives at Tianqin Clan, invisible in lets the position big enhancement of Tianqin Clan, Zhuya Kingdom Imperial Family starts to flatter Tianqin Clan. 剑尘亲临天琴家族,无形之中让天琴家族的地位大大的提高,就连珠雅王国皇室都开始巴结天琴家族 After several days, suddenly the day falls seven color auspicious cloud, covers a surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km) range, many Saint King that made envied, seven colors that but recently Tian Yuan Continent presents were Nine Colors auspicious cloud were too even frequent, making many people commonly seen, therefore curiosity also not once was so heavy, actually few people went to examine are whose to become king/emperor. 数日后,突然天降七彩祥云,笼罩方圆百万里范围,令的许多圣王都为之羡慕,不过最近一段时间天元大陆出现的七彩甚至是九色祥云太频繁了,让许多人都司空见惯,因此好奇心也并沒有曾经的那么重,很少有人前去查看究竟是谁成皇 Inside and outside in a several tens of thousands remote mountain, the Qin Xiao whole body fills the huge imposing manner to stand in the summit of mountain peak, some complexion delay, follows in also one excitement that is hard to conceal. 数万里外的一处深山中,琴箫周身弥漫着庞大的气势站在山峰之巅,面色有些呆滞,伴随在其中的还有一股难以掩饰的激动。 He is not really able to believe, Jian Chen unexpectedly in this short several days, makes him Saint Sovereign boundary unparalleled powerhouse, stood in the Tian Yuan Continent highest end. 他真的无法相信,剑尘竟然在这短短数天的时间内,就让他成为了圣皇境界的盖世强者,站在了天元大陆最高端。 Moreover Qin Xiao is clearer, own becomes Saint Sovereign, then means anything to Tianqin Clan. 而且琴箫更加明白,自己成为了圣皇,那对天琴家族來说将意味着什么。 Although Tianqin Clan is the Zhuya Kingdom five big top family's heads, but in family strongest strength, is only five Heaven Saint Master, even Saint King does not have one, but now, Tianqin Clan will have Saint Sovereign to assume personal command directly. 天琴家族虽然已经是珠雅王国内的五大顶尖家族之首,但家族内最强大的实力,也只是五名天空圣师而已,连圣王都沒有一位,而现在,天琴家族将直接拥有了一位圣皇坐镇。 After Qin Xiao success to become king/emperor, Jian Chen has not returned to Tianqin Clan again, neutralized Qin Xiao to exchange greetings several in the remote mountain, then departed directly. 琴箫成功成皇之后,剑尘也沒有再次返回天琴家族,就在深山中和琴箫寒暄了几句,便径直离去。 The next stand, he had arrived at Qin Country Tian Yuan Continent Eight Great Powerful Countries, regarding Qin Country, in the Jian Chen heart always has a gratitude, if not initially he becomes Qin Country Imperial Protector, bringing the elitest army corps to go to rescue Gesun Kingdom through Space Gate, perhaps Gesun Kingdom by four big Kingdom Allied armies to the destruction, Lore City Changyang Mansion is not known initially remains. 下一站,他已经來到了天元大陆八大强国之一的秦皇国,对于秦皇国,剑尘心中始终存在着一份感激,当初若非他成为了秦皇国护国国师,带着最精锐的兵团通过空间之门前去解救格森王国,恐怕格森王国早在当初就被四大王国联军给覆灭了,就连洛尔城长阳府都不知道还存不存在。 Although Qin Country four Imperial Protector making an exception made Jian Chen be promoted to fifth Imperial Protector initially saw his potential, has the meaning of winning over, but in any event, the help of Qin Country to Jian Chen is unable to forget that although he made Qin Country four Imperial Protector be promoted Saint Sovereign completely, repaid the initial benevolence, but in Qin Country, Jian Chen also important, that was Third Prince Qin Ji. 虽然当初秦皇国四位护国国师破例让剑尘晋升为第五名护国国师是看出了他的潜力,有拉拢之意,但无论如何,秦皇国剑尘的帮助是无法忘记的,虽然他让秦皇国四位护国国师全部都晋级了圣皇,算是偿还了当初的恩情,但在秦皇国内,剑尘还有一位重要的,那就是三皇子秦记 Besides Qin Ji, the leader Qin Wujian three father and son of Eastern Divine Sword regiment, as well as Dongyi Junbai, Qing Shaofan and other are following him together goes to Gesun Kingdom to fight Country's Expert. 除了秦记之外,还有东方神剑军团的首领秦武建三父子,以及东逸君百,庆少凡等几名跟随着他一同前往格森王国战斗过的国师
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