CSG :: Volume #15

#1403: see again/goodbye Qin Xiao

Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao restraining own aura, this has not deliberately caused their aura clearly was induced by Pure Heart Pavilion three Saint Sovereign, this makes their three people be startled immediately, because in their sensations, Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao two people of aura such as ** the sea is ordinary, vast boundless, is unable the clue, so vast and boundless aura, they, even if unable to see on Human's Desire Daoist Master as well as Beast Clan three Saint Emperor. 阳烈归海一刀并未收敛刻意自己气息,这就导致他们三人的气息清晰的被清心阁三名圣皇感应到了,这顿时让他们三人大吃一惊,因为在他们三人的感知中,阳烈归海一刀二人的气息如**大海一般,浩瀚无边,根本就无法端倪,如此浩瀚而磅礴的气息,他们即便是在人欲道道主以及兽族的三位圣帝身上都无法看见。 Saint Emperor.” 圣帝。” In the Pure Heart Pavilion three Saint Sovereign hearts emits such thought in abundance, they not only concluded Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao strength achieved Saint Emperor, but also was one compared with it Beast Clan three Saint Emperor and Human's Desire Daoist Master even more stronger top powerhouse, but in their three people of hearts the doubt varies at once, because on Tian Yuan Continent, everything had Saint Sovereign powerhouse born, will have Nine Colors auspicious cloud accompanying, alarmed the world, even can be induced by powerhouse far away from Tian Yuan Continent. 清心阁三位圣皇心中纷纷冒出这样的念头,他们不仅断定阳烈归海一刀的实力达到了圣帝,而且还是一名比之兽族三位圣帝人欲道道主还要强至强者,不过旋即他们三人心中又狐疑不一,因为在天元大陆上,凡是有圣皇强者诞生,都会有九色祥云相伴,惊动天下,即便是远离天元大陆都能被强者感应到。 Saint Emperor powerhouse that but recently, on Tian Yuan Continent presented can call the name completely, never had strange powerhouse to break through, when Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao these two Saint Emperor were born, their three people actually did not know the circumstances of the matter completely, this is not normal. 可是最近,天元大陆上出现的圣帝强者全部都能叫出名字,从未有陌生的强者突破过,阳烈归海一刀这两名圣帝是何时诞生的,他们三人竟然完全不知情,这太不正常了。 The Pure Heart Pavilion Pavilion Lord vision falls on Yang Lie, he had seen Changyang Zu Yunkong, at this moment discovered unexpectedly these two people of appearances are unexpectedly exactly the same, only different is the makings of two people, sentences completely, if two people. 清心阁阁主的目光落在阳烈身上,他曾经见过长阳祖云空,此刻竟发现这二人的容貌竟然一模一样,唯一不同的就是两个人的气质,完全是判若两人 Feng Xiaotian, the seal still remains, you stem from the person of big sect, the grasped divine ability far superegos, do not know that you may have what means solution.” Guihai Yidao said. 风笑天,封印依然还存在,你是出自大宗派的人,掌握的神通远超我们,不知你可有什么办法解决。”归海一刀说道。 hearing that, Feng Xiaotian complexion became serious immediately, raise one's head looked to the universe is void, weak shaking the head. 闻言,风笑天脸色顿时变得严肃了起來,抬头望向宇宙虚空,无力的摇了摇头。 Even you do not have the means that it seems like, our only hopes all on my great-grandson.” Yang Lie sighed lightly. “连你也沒有办法,看來,我们唯一的希望就全在我那曾孙身上了。”阳烈轻叹。 Great-grandson.” Feng Xiaotian is astonished puzzled however, wear a look is looking at Yang Lie. “曾孙。”风笑天讶然,面带不解的望着阳烈 Mentioned own that great-grandson, on the face of Yang Lie has the pride that is hard to conceal, said: Perhaps Feng Xiaotian, you have not known that my Yang Lie has a natural talent very extraordinary descendant, his natural talent, even places Saint Realm, is belongs to stand in the peak position, until now cultivates less than hundred years, has is not weak in the Origin Realm strength.” 一提到自己的那个曾孙,阳烈的脸上就有着难以掩饰的自豪,道:“风笑天,你恐怕还不知道吧,我阳烈有一位天赋非常了不得的后代,他的天赋,即便是放在圣界,都是属于站在最顶尖的位置上,至今修炼不足百年,却已经拥有不弱于源境界的实力了。” Has saying that Jian Chen natural talent is indeed fearful, takes the unusual path, performs to unfold speed also such rapidness, moreover he breaks through to Origin Realm as if not need source strength completely, can by this great formation restraint, perhaps this Jian Chen Huan Zhen (really) not be we at present the only hope.” Guihai Yidao also exudes the murmur, from admires regarding Jian Chen at heart. “不得不说,剑尘天赋的确非常可怕,走非同寻常的道路,尽展速度还如此之快,而且他突破至源境界似乎完全不需要本源之力,可以不受这个大阵束缚,说不定这剑尘还真是我们目前唯一的希望。”归海一刀也发出赞叹声,对于剑尘是从心里佩服。 Feng Xiaotian eye of reveal strange look, said: Jian Chen, is Raging Flames Mercenaries Commander.” 风笑天目露奇色,道:“剑尘,可是烈焰佣兵团团长。” Good, my great-grandson indeed is Raging Flames Mercenaries Commander, Feng Xiaotian, has not thought that to my great-grandson's given name, you have also heard.” Yang Lie Ha Ha laughs. “不错,我那曾孙的确是烈焰佣兵团团长,风笑天,沒想到对我那曾孙的大名,你也听说过。”阳烈哈哈大笑。 Feng Xiaotian expression immediately became strange, the forced smile said: Far more than has heard, moreover I have also seen him.” 风笑天神色顿时变得古怪了起來,苦笑道:“何止是听说过,而且我还见过他。” What, this matter?” Yang Lie and a Guihai Yidao face surprise. “什么,还有这回事?”阳烈归海一刀一脸诧异。 Initially I once met with your great-grandson outside Raging Flame City, if not for some people asked favor, perhaps my had ended in your great-grandson's hand.” The Feng Xiaotian forced smile said. “当初我在烈焰城外曾与你的曾孙相遇,若不是有人求情,恐怕我这一世已经结束在你那曾孙的手中了。”风笑天苦笑道。 hearing that, Yang Lie and in Guihai Yidao heart one startled, looked at each other eye mutually, in the vision reveals the color of being startled, they have not thought absolutely, Feng Xiaotian unexpectedly and Jian Chen has had the conflict. 闻言,阳烈归海一刀心中一惊,相互对视了眼,目光中都露出吃惊之色,他们绝对沒有想到,风笑天曾经竟然和剑尘有过冲突。 However does not wait for their two people to speak, the Feng Xiaotian vision concentrates suddenly, said: Recollection initially, that Changyang Hu, seemed to have entered greatly comfortable state of mind boundary.” Feng Xiaotian moves sideways to arrive at side Pure Heart Pavilion three Saint Sovereign, anxious asking: You because of this/should understand that the greatly comfortable state of mind, that Changyang Hu does have by you are received the Pure Heart Pavilion hanger-on.” In the Feng Xiaotian tone filled anxiously, very concerned about this matter. 不过不等他们二人说话,风笑天目光突然一凝,道:“回想当初,那个长阳虎,似乎已经进入了大自在心境境界。”风笑天一个闪身來到清心阁三名圣皇身边,紧张的问道:“你们因该都明白大自在心境,那个长阳虎有沒有被你们收入清心阁门下。”风笑天的语气中充满了急切,十分关心这件事情。 Sees the Feng Xiaotian so anxious affection, Yang Lie and a Guihai Yidao simultaneously god, they had been together not short years with Feng Xiaotian, in their mind, Feng Xiaotian consistently is maintaining serene, the myriad things do not moisten my body, cut off Seven Emotions Six Desires, is aloof the makings above bustling place, has never shown the so anxious and tense facial expression. 看到风笑天这般急切的深情,阳烈归海一刀齐齐一愣神,他们已经和风笑天相处了一段不短的岁月了,在他们的印象中,风笑天始终保持着云淡风轻,万物不沾我身,斩断了七情六欲,超脱于红尘之上的气质,从未露出过这般急切和紧张的神情。 Changyang Hu had been received in the gate by me, now calmly is repairing in Pure Heart Pavilion.” Pure Heart Pavilion Pavilion Lord said, now their three Saint Sovereign have somewhat acted bashful does not permit the Feng Xiaotian status, saying Feng Xiaotian was the Pure Heart Pavilion Ancestral Master master, that was also too astonishing , if not but for the words, that Emperor Armament takes the matter in hand by Feng Xiaotian docilely, unable to explain clear. 长阳虎已经被我收入了门内,如今正在清心阁静修。”清心阁阁主说道,现在他们三位圣皇已经有些拿捏不准风笑天的身份了,说风笑天清心阁祖师爷,那也太惊人了,可若不是的话,那帝王神器温顺被风笑天拿在手中的事情,也无法解释清楚。 Moreover the most important thing is, on Feng Xiaotian, their three people induced one only to have Pure Heart Pavilion disciple to have unique makings that. 而且最重要的是,在风笑天身上,他们三人都感应到了一股唯有清心阁弟子才有的一股独特气质。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, good! Good! Good!” Feng Xiaotian from the heart laughs, said: ” Yang Lie, Guihai Yidao, I must return to Pure Heart Pavilion immediately, another day narrated again. ” Then, Feng Xiaotian then whisks to tear void by the hand, left here. 哈哈哈哈哈,好!好!好!”风笑天开怀大笑,道:”阳烈,归海一刀,我要立即回清心阁,改日再叙。”说完,风笑天便以手中拂尘撕裂虚空,离开了这里。 In Pure Heart Pavilion Small World, Feng Xiaotian is form quiet emergence here, without causing anybody's detection, this Small World, was he opened initially single-handedly, must say that to this side Small World familiarity, no one can compare with him. 清心阁小世界中,风笑天是身影悄无声息的出现在这里,沒有引起任何人的察觉,这处小世界,当初本來就是他一手开辟的,要说对这方小世界的熟悉程度,无人能和他比。 At this moment, Changyang Hu is shutting both eyes to sit cross-legged to sit in a blue stone, seems melts with the world, with the Grand Dao resonance, in the world, as if mysterious strengths lies in it coordinates with each other across a great distance. 此刻,长阳虎正闭着双目盘膝坐在一块青石上,好似与天地相融,与大道共鸣,天地之间,仿佛有一股神秘的力量在于它遥相呼应。 Form quiet appearance of Feng Xiaotian in front of Changyang Hu, however he just one, Changyang Hu on had a sleep/felt, opened the eye slowly, vision tranquil is looking at Feng Xiaotian. 风笑天的身影悄无声息的出现在长阳虎面前,然而他刚一來,长阳虎就似有所觉,缓缓的睁开了眼睛,目光平静的望着风笑天 As I expected, my strength, although far exceeds in you, but if the short distance contacts you, still cannot hide the truth from your induction.” Feng Xiaotian both eyes shine is staring at Changyang Hu, seems sizing up a rare wonderful treasure. “果然不出我所料,我的实力虽然远超于你,但若是近距离接触你,依然瞒不过你的感应。”风笑天双目放光的盯着长阳虎,仿佛是在打量一件稀世奇宝。 Initially, he remembered has not regained consciousness, did not understand that Changyang Hu arrived at this path, even also once urged Changyang Hu to repent and be saved with good intention, was the present was different, now he remembers to awaken, knows many matters, will comprehend the greatly comfortable state of mind to mean anything clearly. 当初,他记忆未苏醒,不理解长阳虎走到这一条道路,甚至还曾好心劝过长阳虎回头是岸,可是如今不同了,如今他记忆觉醒,知道了许多事,非常明白领悟了大自在心境将意味着什么。 Originally is Feng Yixiao Senior, although I induced in the darkness to for several days having a seemingly familiar person can look for me, has not thought that unexpectedly can be you.” Changyang Hu recognized Greedy Wolf King Feng Yixiao, somewhat is quite surprised. “原來是风一笑前辈,虽然这些天我在冥冥之中感应到有一位似曾相识的人会來找我,沒想到居然会是你。”长阳虎一眼就认出了贪狼王风一笑,颇有些惊讶。 What, you induced to me before will come to here to look for you.” Changyang Hu these words fall in the Feng Xiaotian ear, is not absolutely weak at the thunderous sound, the Changyang Hu anything strength, the Feng Xiaotian anything strength, the former can induce to the latter unexpectedly can look for him, this too unthinkable. “什么,你之前就感应到我会來这里找你。”长阳虎这番话落在风笑天耳中,绝对不弱于雷鸣之音,长阳虎什么实力,风笑天什么实力,前者竟然能感应到后者会來找他,这太令人匪夷所思。 ...... …… Zhuya Kingdom, is a strength slightly was strong in the Gesun Kingdom country, is separated by hundreds of thousands li (0.5 km) with Gesun Kingdom, however two years ago, the Zhuya Kingdom position rises sharply, becomes a middle-grade country that is next to Eight Great Powerful Countries. 珠雅王国,原本是一个实力略强于格森王国的国家,与格森王国相隔十几万里,但是在两年前,珠雅王国地位大涨,成为了仅次于八大强国的一个中等国家。 Because in Zhuya Kingdom, Imperial Protector successful broke through from Heaven Saint Master Realm to the Saint King boundary. 因为在珠雅王国中,有一名护国国师成功从天空圣师境界突破到圣王境界了。 In addition, five big top families in Zhuya Kingdom, these top families has Heaven Saint Master to assume personal command, strength most powerful Tianqin Clan, even has presented fifth Heaven Saint Master, becomes in Zhuya Kingdom to be next to the Imperial Family strongest influence. 除此之外,在珠雅王国内还有五大顶尖家族,这些顶尖家族都有天空圣师坐镇,其中实力最为强大的天琴家族,甚至已经出现第五名天空圣师了,成为了珠雅王国内仅次于皇室的最强势力。 In so many Heaven Saint Master is in the situation of backbone, in addition Saint King, let the Zhuya Kingdom national strength and influence immediately rose a stair. 在这么多天空圣师为顶梁柱的情况下,外加一名圣王,顿时让珠雅王国的国力以及影响力上升了一个台阶。 Walaurent City, is not only in Zhuya Kingdom one of the only big cities, simultaneously here is also the Zhuya Kingdom five big top family's heads , Tianqin Clan the place of taking root. 瓦洛朗斯城,不仅是珠雅王国内仅有的大城之一,同时这里也是珠雅王国五大顶尖家族之首,,天琴家族的生根之地。
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