CSG :: Volume #15

#1402: Pure Heart Pavilion first ancestor ( 2 )

In a Tian Yuan Continent virgin forest, sky over the forest, seven color auspicious cloud are very spatial, sends out dazzling seven colors light cloud Chongchi in the world, covers a surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km) range. 天元大陆的一片原始森林,森林上空,七彩祥云很空,散发出炫目的七色光云充斥在天地间,笼罩方圆百万里范围。 Some this people break through from Saint King to the symbol of Saint Sovereign, was induced by many people, if in the past, once some people of to become king/emperor, that inevitably is a matter of extremely stir, will bring in many powerhouse on Tian Yuan Continent to come to surround, but now, on Tian Yuan Continent one after another appearance nine color auspicious cloud, covers the entire mainland, various step powerhouse that on Tian Yuan Continent made, even was the average people had the immunity to this auspicious cloud, became commonly seen, therefore the appearance of this piece of seven color auspicious cloud, has not brought in the too big attention. 这是有人从圣王突破到圣皇的标志,被许多人都感应到了,若是在从前,一旦有人成皇,那必然是一件极其轰动的事情,会引來天元大陆上的诸多强者前來围观,但如今,天元大陆上接二连三的出现九彩祥云,笼罩整个大陆,令的天元大陆上的各阶强者,甚至是普通人都对这祥云产生了免疫,变得司空见惯了,因此这一片七彩祥云的出现,并沒有引來太大的关注。 Because of this piece of seven color auspicious cloud and dozens pieces of seven color auspicious cloud, even is Nine Colors auspicious cloud compares, is really insignificant. 因为这一片七彩祥云和数十片七彩祥云,甚至是九色祥云比起來,实在是微不足道。 In the deep place of this virgin forest, the person sits cross-legged to sit in a cavern, the cavern that the energy turbulent fluctuation that the whole body rushes, made exuded the trembling sound, dropped many crushed stones. 在这片原始森林的深处,正有一人盘膝坐在一处洞穴中,周身澎湃的能量汹涌的波动,令的这处洞穴都发出震颤声,落下了不少碎石。 He is the person of breakthrough, just broke through the Saint King 9-layer bottleneck, successfully enters into the boundary of Saint Sovereign. 他就是突破之人,刚刚冲破了圣王九重天的瓶颈,成功迈入圣皇之境。 However in this person just broke through shortly after Saint Sovereign, when has not consolidated thoroughly, rays of light is about inconceivable speed to shoot like lightning from the distant place on by, finally hovering above primitive mountain range, sends out dazzling and gentle white rays of light, the fearful fluctuations of energy spread, is extremely powerful, void trembling that made, flooded in entire primitive mountain range. 然而就在这人刚刚突破圣皇不久,还未彻底稳固下來时,一道光芒就以快得不可思议速度从远方闪电般射來,最终悬停在原始山脉上方,散发出耀眼而柔和的白色光芒,更有一股股可怕的能量波动从中扩散而出,极其强大,令的虚空震颤,充斥于整座原始山脉 In a flash, often had primitive mountain range that the beast roar transmits becomes peaceful, the myriad things are quiet, become like dying the general silence. 一瞬间,原本不时有兽吼声传來的原始山脉就变得安静了下來,万物沉寂,变得如同死一般的寂静。 Until at this time, saw clearly this white rays of light true colors that came from the distant place air-splitting, that is Bai Yu (white jade) whisks unexpectedly. 直到这时,才看清这道从远处破空而來的白色光芒的真面目,那竟然是一杆白玉拂尘。 This whisks is not true by the Bai Yu (white jade) manufacture, but seems like its material quality to look like the jade extremely. 这拂尘并非真正的由白玉制作而成,只是看起來它的材质极为像玉。 Bai Yu (white jade) whisking high ga is void, sways gentle white rays of light to flood in the world, as if made this stretch of the world bright many, then, the incomparably powerful energies from whisking to send out, this rushed to under. 白玉拂尘高噶虚空,挥洒出一层柔和的白色光芒充斥在天地间,仿佛让这片天地都变得明亮了不少,而后,更有一股无比强大的能量从拂尘中散发出來,本涌向下方。 Below that Bai Yu (white jade) whisks, the stances of seeming like age 30 -year-old youth maintains is sitting cross-legged to sit floated slowly, just broke through to the Saint Sovereign boundary person. 白玉拂尘的下面,一名看上去年纪不过三十來岁的青年保持着盘膝而坐的姿态缓缓的漂浮了起來,正是刚刚突破到圣皇境界的人。 However makes people feel what inconceivable is, cavern that youth closes up obviously in mountain massif, the above has a thick rock to be cut off, however this person of body actually seems with the rock of surroundings melts for a body, does not destroy rock in the slightest unexpectedly, floats to empty across the rock, as if his body can fuse together with these rocks, free shuttle in rock. 不过让人感到不可思议的是,青年闭关的洞穴明明在山体之中,上方有厚厚的一层岩石阻隔,然而这人的身体却好似与周围的岩石融为了一体,竟然不毁坏岩石分毫,穿过岩石而浮空上來,仿佛他的身体可以与这些岩石融为一体,自由的穿梭在岩石之中。 youth floats to Bai Yu (white jade) whisking under directly, suddenly, Bai Yu (white jade) whisks to erupt a very powerful energy to cover youth, but has not actually injured to youth in the slightest. 青年径直漂浮到白玉拂尘下方,骤然间,白玉拂尘内爆发出一股非常强大的能量将青年笼罩在内,但是却沒有伤到青年分毫 Looks from afar, the youth whole body seemed wrapped in a giant cocoon. 远远看去,青年浑身就仿佛被包裹在一个巨大的茧之中。 Soon, together Space Gate beside counting ten miles was torn, two Saint Sovereign that in the Ten Great Guardian Clans Pure Heart Pavilion Pavilion Lord same side only saves continually arrived here simultaneously, their three people tagged along after the direction that Emperor Armament is departing to pursue here finally. 不久之后,一道空间之门在数十里之外被撕裂,十大守护家族清心阁阁主连同门内仅存的两名圣皇同时來到了这里,他们三人一路尾随着帝王神器离去的方向最终追到了这里來。 However when their three people see Pure Heart Pavilion Ancestral Item, was shocked. 不过当他们三人看见清心阁祖器时,一个个都愣住了。 Pavilion Lord, what's all this about.” Saint Sovereign powerhouse surprised asking of Pure Heart Pavilion. 阁主,这是怎么回事。”一名清心阁圣皇强者一脸吃惊的问道。 Pure Heart Pavilion Pavilion Lord shakes the head, the vision does flicker stares at Bai Yu (white jade) to whisk, this issue they were also unasnwerable, because in the Pure Heart Pavilion antiquity ancient book, but also has never recorded the Emperor Armament uncontrolled matter. 清心阁阁主摇了摇头,目光一瞬不瞬的盯着白玉拂尘,这个问題他们谁也无法回答,因为在清心阁的上古典籍中,还从未记载过帝王神器会不受控制的事情。 Their three people have not acted rashly, stops to stay over in far Fang Jing static are waiting, because in their front, the invisible strengths whisks from Bai Yu (white jade) on sends out, keeping them from being close. 他们三人都沒有妄动,驻足停留在远方静静的等候着,因为在他们前方,有一股无形的力量从白玉拂尘上发出,让他们无法接近。 Bai Yu (white jade) whisked only blocked void within surrounding area certain range by own strength, even if Saint Emperor were hard to break through. 白玉拂尘仅凭自身的力量就封锁了方圆一定范围内的虚空,即便是圣帝都难以突破进去。 This first-grade, is several days, after several days, Bai Yu (white jade) whisks the energy of sending out to dissipate finally slowly, but has been whisked protection that youth also to open the eye by Bai Yu (white jade) slowly, in this flash, the ray between entire world as if became gloomy several points. 这一等,就是数日,数日后,白玉拂尘散发出的能量终于缓缓消散,而一直被白玉拂尘保护在内的那名青年也缓缓的睁开了眼睛,在这一刹那,整个天地间的光线仿佛都变得暗淡了几分。 But Pure Heart Pavilion Pavilion Lord and another two Saint Sovereign are the mind shake, on the face reveals look of astonishment, they felt that own saw a piece of vast boundless universe in the youth vision, lets settlement that they cannot bear, nearly lost. 清心阁阁主和另外两名圣皇更是心神一震,脸上露出骇然之色,他们感觉自己青年的目光中看到了一片浩瀚无边的宇宙,让他们都忍不住的沉陷了进去,险些迷失了自我。 This makes their three people feel panic-stricken immediately inexplicable , the present person just broke through to the Saint Sovereign boundary, the strength is far less than them, but can actually bring this feeling to them, this makes them feel inconceivable. 这顿时让他们三人感到惊骇莫名,要知道,眼前之人可是刚刚突破到圣皇境界,实力远不如他们,但是却能给他们带來这种感觉,这让他们感到不可思议 At the same time, in far north, is still in that mountain, Guihai Yidao and Yang Lie stand like the stone carving look here to the North Sea deep place, however at this moment, their two people expression moves, turns the head to look that whisks the direction that suddenly to Bai Yu (white jade) is, in the vision reveals the inexplicable brilliance, then the two people figure in a flash, simultaneously vanishes does not see. 同一时间,在极北之地,依然是那片大山中,归海一刀阳烈如石雕似地站在这里望向北海深处,然而就在这时,他们两人神色一动,豁然转头看向白玉拂尘所在的方向,目光中露出莫名的光彩,而后两人身形一晃,齐齐消失不见。 The Pure Heart Pavilion Pavilion Lord makings have the dust, the tackless human food, in the person just like the dwelling place of celestial beings, he acted arches cupping one hand in the other across the chest free and easy, the smile said: From now henceforth, Tian Yuan Continent will increase Saint Sovereign again, is really may celebrate encouraging, does not know how this friend said.” 清心阁阁主气质出尘,不粘人间烟火,宛如仙家中人,他动作洒脱的拱了拱手,微笑道:“从今以后,天元大陆将再次增添一名圣皇,真是可喜可贺啊,不知这位朋友如何称呼。” youth has not spoken, his vision looked that has not looked at Pure Heart Pavilion three one, but is Bai Yu (white jade) that holds the float in the top of the head whisks, in hand gently is stroking, reveals the color of longing. 青年沒有说话,他目光看都沒有看清心阁三位一眼,而是一把抓住漂浮在头顶的白玉拂尘,拿在手里轻轻的抚摸着,露出怀念之色。 Bai Yu (white jade) whisks docilely incomparable, although inside contained inconceivable powerful energy, however it at this moment seems a yeanling. 白玉拂尘温顺无比,尽管里面蕴含了不可思议强大能量,然而此刻的它就仿佛是一只小绵羊似地。 This, the eyes of looked Pure Heart Pavilion three powerhouse highlighted quickly, this Bai Yu (white jade) whisked continuously by Pure Heart Pavilion consecrated in the back side of the mountain restricted area, frequently went to pay respect, was the sacred thing, powerful incomparable, however took at this moment like this in the hand strokes, this made their three people be hard to accept. 这一幕,看的清心阁三位强者的眼睛都快突出來了,这白玉拂尘一直被清心阁供奉在后山禁地中,经常前去参拜,乃是神圣之物,强大无比,然而此刻却被人这样拿在手里抚摸,这让他们三人都难以接受。 Moreover the might that this Bai Yu (white jade) whisks is infinite, usually, even if they to use Bai Yu (white jade) to whisk, must perform corresponding secret skill by the powerful strength auxiliary only then, however at this moment, this Bai Yu (white jade) whisks unexpectedly by one is not the Pure Heart Pavilion person with ease in the hand, has not suffered any backlash, this makes them shock incomparably. 而且这白玉拂尘的威力无穷,平日间,即便是他们要想动用白玉拂尘,都要以绝强的实力加以相应秘法辅助方可,然而此刻,这白玉拂尘竟然被一名不是清心阁的人轻轻松松的拿在手里,沒有遭受任何反噬,这让他们震惊无比。 Greedy Wolf King , Feng Yixiao, this was my once name, but from now, on Tian Yuan Continent did not have Feng Yixiao this person again, only had Feng Xiaotian.” youth opens the mouth suddenly, the tone is very light, but the probably infinite charm implication is one of them. 贪狼王,,风一笑,这是我曾经的名字,不过从此以后,天元大陆上再也沒有风一笑这个人了,只有一个风笑天。”青年突然开口,语气很轻,但好像有一股无穷的魔力蕴含在其中。 Feng Xiaotian your excellency, please returns our Pure Heart Pavilion Ancestral Item.” Pure Heart Pavilion Pavilion Lord complexion tranquil saying, he really cannot bear the Pure Heart Pavilion sacred thing actually to take by outside in the hand tarnishes like this, after all, this is their Pure Heart Pavilion consecrated many years of Ancestral Item. 风笑天阁下,请归还我们清心阁祖器。”清心阁阁主脸色平静的说道,他实在受不了清心阁的神圣之物竟然被外拿在手里这样玷污,毕竟,这是他们清心阁供奉多年的祖器 Feng Xiaotian body, the imposing manner of whole person suddenly changes, became sacred, at this moment, his buddhist image was dignified, did not get angry from the prestige, a unique world, immediately feeling above myriad things all living things. 风笑天身子一挺,整个人的气势豁然一变,变得神圣了起來,这一刻,他宝相庄严,不怒自威,给人一种超脱天地,立即万物众生之上的感觉。 I am your Ancestral Master masters.” The Feng Xiaotian dignified say/way, has an unquestionable dignity. “我是你们的祖师爷。”风笑天庄严道,带着一股不容置疑的威严。 Your excellency, this joke cannot open randomly.” A Pure Heart Pavilion Saint Sovereign sinking sound said that angry. “阁下,这个玩笑可不能乱开。”清心阁一名圣皇沉声说道,面带怒色。 At this time, Space Gate split together suddenly, Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao arrived here simultaneously, when they saw Feng Xiaotian, simultaneously laughed, said: Feng Xiaotian, never expected that you awaken unexpectedly after both of us, this may be degrading you to stem from the big sect disciple status.” 这时,一道空间之门忽然裂开,阳烈归海一刀同时來到了这里,当他们看见风笑天时,齐齐大笑,道:“风笑天,沒想到你居然觉醒在我们二人之后,这可有辱你出自大宗派弟子的身份啊。” In the Feng Xiaotian vision reveals unusual look, said: You walk unexpectedly in front of me, this truly not as I expected.” 风笑天目光中露出一丝异色,道:“你们二人竟然走在我前面,这确实出乎我意料。”
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