CSG :: Volume #15

#1401: Pure Heart Pavilion first ancestor ( 1 )

On Tian Yuan Continent after Tian Jian (Heavenly Sword) and Xiu Si Dun, some people of to become Emperor, immediately caused very big stir on the entire main road once again, attracted numerous Saint Sovereign not to hesitate the thousand li (500 km) to come again to examine. 天元大陆上自天剑休斯顿之后,再次有人成帝,顿时在整个大路上引起了很大的轰动,再次吸引了众多的圣皇不惜千里前來查看。 Soon, here had collected dozens Human Race Saint Sovereign from each place, everyone suspended leaves distant waiting and seeing in the upper air, soon, Sea Clan, Beast Clan as well as Hundred Clans Saint Sovereign. 不多时,这里就已经汇集了数十名來自各个地方的人族圣皇,所有人都悬浮在高空中离得远远的观望,不久之后,就连海族,兽族以及百族圣皇 Good rich world vitality, such pure world vitality and in was quite exceptionally similar on the same day, if I who nearby Raging Flame City appeared expected well, Jian Chen Supreme because of this/should here.” Human Race powerhouse exudes the whoa. “好浓郁的天地元气,这么纯净的天地元气和当日在烈焰城附近出现的异常极为相似,如果我所料不错,剑尘至尊因该在这里。”一名人族强者发出惊叹声。 Although here realization became covered up like the dense fog rich world vitality generally, but set up the surface situation still not to hide the truth from my sensation, I can the clear feeling in have a person to cultivate incessantly, besides this just to become Emperor person, in addition had many aura.” What speech is an old man who wears the blue long gown, he is the Sea Clan person, the whole body covers in a light blue light cover, should to isolate the sunlight of space. “虽然这里的实现被变得如同迷雾一般浓郁的天地元气遮掩了,但立面的情况依然瞒不过我的感知,我能清晰的感觉到里面有不止一个人在修炼,除了这名刚刚成帝的人外,另外还有许多股气息。”说话的是一名身穿蓝色长袍的老者,他是海族的人,周身笼罩在一层淡淡的蓝色光罩之中,应以隔绝天上的阳光。 How is Jian Chen Supreme, actually this Jian Chen Supreme how lets them so easily to break through the boundary, is it possible that has what heaven defying treasure on Jian Chen Supreme.” In a Beast Clan powerhouse tone has envying of not being able to conceal, they cultivation Saint Sovereign are untold hardships, is now, person who so long as is Jian Chen has the relations, in several days world can catch up with they several thousand years of cultivation, this made in many person hearts the difference live some envy. “怎么又是剑尘至尊,这剑尘至尊究竟是如何让他们这般轻易就能突破境界的,莫非在剑尘至尊身上有什么逆天宝物。”一名兽族强者语气中有着掩饰不住的羡慕,他们修炼到圣皇可谓是千辛万苦,可是现在,只要是和剑尘有关系的人,短短几天的世间内就可以赶上他们数千年的修炼,这让苏多人心中都差生了一些嫉妒。 However even if they guessed correctly on Jian Chen to have what heaven defying treasure, does not dare to give birth to anything improper ambition, present Jian Chen has become side Supreme, is existence that made them look up, was not initial Saint Sovereign. 不过即便他们猜出了剑尘身上有什么逆天的宝物,也不敢生出什么非分之想,如今的剑尘已经成为了一方至尊,是让他们仰视的存在,可不是当初的圣皇 Follows side Jian Chen Supreme, but is really the happiness.” Many people's secretly thought in the heart, Jian Chen let person to become king/emperor to become Emperor one after another, this has made them be jealous, wishing one could to cultivate the person in inside at this moment is own. “跟在剑尘至尊身边,可真是幸福。”许多人在心中暗道,剑尘接二连三的让人成皇成帝,这早已让他们眼红了,恨不得此刻在里面修炼到人就是自己 After several days, this piece of mountain range restored tranquilly, this to become Emperor person not only has Changyang Zu to howl, Changyang Zu Yunxiao also broke through the Saint Emperor boundary smoothly, in their Zu Branch these three Saint Sovereign, only then Changyang Zu Ye Yun also stays in the Saint Sovereign boundary, but its strength is actually promoted great perfection from Saint Sovereign 1-layer, is not far from Saint Emperor. 数日后,这片山脉恢复了宁静,这一次成帝的人不仅有长阳祖啸,就连长阳祖云霄也顺利突破了圣帝境界,他们祖脉这三名圣皇中,就只有长阳祖夜韵还停留在圣皇境界,但其实力却从圣皇一重天晋级到大圆满,距离圣帝也不远了。 In addition, the Huang Tianba also promote entered the Saint Sovereign great perfection boundary, stood and the Changyang Zu Ye Yun same altitude, this made Huang Tianba be wild with joy, the excitement in heart went to the situation in the extreme. 此外,黄天霸也晋入了圣皇大圆满境界,站在了和长阳祖夜韵同等的高度,这让黄天霸欣喜若狂,心中的激动之情早已达到无以复加的地步了。 Once was guard Jian Chen in City of God, natural talent quite ordinary Yang Ling also gained the huge advantage, his natural talent not only conducted to be reborn one time, caught his many years, is unable turn into saint barrier also to be pierced finally, stepped into his long-awaited Saint King boundary, and this also continued, his strength under Purple Cloud Immortal Peach and help of grasping principles tea, but also is progressing by leaps and bounds, finally conducted a major breakthrough again, entered into the Saint Sovereign boundary, stayed in Saint Sovereign 2-layer. 曾经在神之城担任剑尘护卫,资质较为平凡的杨岭也获得了巨大的好处,他的资质不仅进行了一次脱胎换骨,就连卡住他多年,始终无法成圣隔膜也终于被捅破,踏入了他梦寐以求的圣王境界,并且这还不止,他的实力在紫云仙桃以及悟道茶的帮助下,还在一路突飞猛进,最终再次进行了一次重大的突破,迈入了圣皇境界,停留在圣皇二重天 Qin Country four Imperial Protector also completely to become king/emperor, strength respectively in Saint Sovereign 5-layer to 8-layer. 秦皇国的四位护国国师也全部都成皇,实力分别在圣皇五重天八重天 „The many thanks Jian Chen Supreme gracious gift, making us long for that many years of being unjust of comes about, and also achieves the boundary that made us not dare to imagine.” Qin Country four Imperial Protector to Jian Chen line of big rituals, were full of the gratitude. 多谢剑尘至尊的恩赐,让我们渴望多年的冤枉得以实现,并且还达到了一个让我们都不敢想象的境界。”秦皇国四位护国国师纷纷对剑尘行大礼,充满了感激。 Their four people of to become king/emperor, to Qin Country, have the unusual significance, but now on Tian Yuan Continent Three Great Empires after Abandoned Saint World fights, the strength sharply falls, peak powerhouse loses seriously, but Qin Country attached to of Holy Empire Three Great Empires, Qin Country that as now their four people of simultaneously to become king/emperor, make becomes on Tian Yuan Continent all of a sudden the most powerful country. 他们四人成皇,对秦皇国來说,具有非同一般的意义,而如今天元大陆三大帝国在与圣弃界一战之后,实力锐减,巅峰强者损失惨重,而秦皇国原本是依附于三大帝国之一的神圣帝国,如今随着他们四人齐齐成皇,令的秦皇国一下子成为了天元大陆上最为强大的国家。 Although Qin Country is unable to place on a par with inheritance glorious Three Great Empires in background and national strength by far, but by having the Saint Sovereign quantity, Three Great Empires has been less than Qin Country. 虽然秦皇国底蕴上和国力上都远远无法同传承悠久的三大帝国相提并论,但论起圣皇数量,三大帝国已经不及秦皇国了。 Changyang Ba, Senior Chang as well as Zu Branch more than ten Saint King also to become king/emperor, only had the Gesun Kingdom king to miss completely one step, finally stayed in the Saint King 9-layer boundary, but Zu Branch these Saint King, were moved to tears, was the grateful nasal mucus directed current to Jian Chen, wished one could to kneel to express gratitude in the presence of everyone. 长阳霸,常伯以及祖脉的十余名圣王也全部都成皇,唯有格森王国的国王差了一步,最终停留在圣王九重天境界,而祖脉的那些圣王们,一个个都热泪盈眶,对剑尘是感激的鼻涕直流了,恨不得跪下來当众道谢。 This collective breaks through, although the momentum does not have Raging Flame City to be vast, but also was born two Saint Emperor as well as about 20 Saint Sovereign, lets that crowd of the eye that Saint Sovereign powerhouse envy that comes to wait and see was red. 这一次集体突破,声势虽然沒有烈焰城浩大,但也诞生了两名圣帝以及将近二十名圣皇,让那一群前來观望的圣皇强者嫉妒的眼睛都红了。 In them, even in some people hearts has impulsive, kneels in front of Jian Chen immediately kowtows the hope, asked Jian Chen also to them a good fortune. 他们这些人中,甚至有一部分人心中已经有了一股冲动,就是立即跪在剑尘面前磕头祈求,求求剑尘也给他们一次造化。 Because they are Saint Sovereign, by the card in this boundary many years, Saint Emperor has the fatal attraction to them. 因为他们都是圣皇,被卡在这一境界很多年了,圣帝对于他们來说有着致命的诱惑力。 Person who them marches into the later years many, the life span are not many, to continue to live, only has to break through Saint Emperor. 他们当中不乏步入暮年的人,寿限已经不多,要想继续活着,就唯有突破到圣帝 Suddenly, the Jian Chen vision concentrates, broadminded raise one's head looks to the flank, sees only a there space distortion, at once a golden giant emerges out of thin air there. 突然间,剑尘的目光一凝,豁然抬头看向侧方,只见那里的空间一阵扭曲,旋即一尊金色巨人凭空出现在那里。 This person impressively is Tie Ta, Tie Ta has not used Space Gate, but hurries along by own natural talent secret skill, such as flickers fiercely moves results in spans remotely suddenly appears in front of Jian Chen. 这人赫然就是铁塔,铁塔沒有使用空间之门,而是以自己天赋秘法赶路,如瞬移似得跨越遥远的剧烈突然出现在剑尘面前。 Hundred Clans War God.” 百族战神。” The arrival of Tie Ta, making these four clan powerhouse that comes to wait and see send out to call out in alarm, in the vision filled dreaded and dreaded, especially Beast Clan person, response intense. 铁塔的到來,让那些前來观望的四族强者纷纷发出惊呼,目光中充满了忌惮和畏惧,特别是兽族的人,反应更加的强烈。 These saw Tie Ta time, Jian Chen keen discovery Tie Ta had a big change, this was the change on makings, if once Tie Ta were a thick patch of grass Yev, that today's Tie Ta, seeming like seems a King, invisible in had a dignity. 这一次见到铁塔,剑尘敏锐的发现铁塔发生了不小的变化,这是气质上的改变,如果说曾经的铁塔是一个草莽耶夫的话,那今日的铁塔,看起來就仿佛是一位王者,无形之中带有一股威严。 „Can Jian Chen, to me a point, I also want to do something for Hundred Clans.” Tie Ta somewhat embarrassed opens the mouth. 剑尘,能不能给我一点,我也想为百族做一些事。”铁塔有些不好意思的开口。 Jian Chen naturally understands that Tie Ta wants anything, Ha Ha smiles, said: Tie Ta, I had also been planning several days delivered some pasts to you, never expected that your actually parent-child runs over.” Jian Chen without hesitation puts out Space Ring to throw to Tie Ta, in this Space Ring is loaded with over a hundred Purple Cloud Immortal Peach, ten pieces of Immortal Level 5-Rank grasping principles tea leaves as well as dozens pieces of Immortal Level 1-Rank grasping principles tea leaves, Heaven and Earth Divine Water as well as is used to make the grasping principles tea the spring of life is not short, preparation has it all. 剑尘自然明白铁塔想要什么,哈哈一笑,道:“铁塔,我还正打算过几日给你送一些过去呢,沒想到你却亲子跑了过來。”剑尘毫不犹豫的拿出一枚空间戒指扔给铁塔,这枚空间戒指内装有上百枚紫云仙桃,十片仙级五品的悟道茶叶以及数十片仙级一品的悟道茶叶,就连天地神水以及用來煮悟道茶的生命之泉都沒有少,准备的一应俱全。 Naturally, these Purple Cloud Immortal Peach are not completely Immortal Level 5-Rank, in fact, Jian Chen altogether only obtained three Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach in Black and Yellow Small Heaven, other is 4-Rank, 3-Rank, 2-Rank as well as 1-Rank. 当然,这些紫云仙桃并非全部都是仙级五品,事实上,剑尘玄黄小天界内总共只获得了三颗仙级五品紫云仙桃,其余的都是四品,三品,二品以及一品 And Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach he had used up more than 100 for several days, almost used half quickly, therefore he gave in Tie Ta these over a hundred Purple Cloud Immortal Peach, Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach only accounted for 1/10, other was Immortal Level 4-Rank, 3-Rank. 其中仙级五品紫云仙桃他这些天已经用掉一百多颗了,几乎快用去了一半,因此他送给铁塔的这上百枚紫云仙桃中,仙级五品紫云仙桃只占十分之一,其余的都是仙级四品,三品 As for grasping principles tea, harvest of Jian Chen in Black and Yellow Small Heaven scarce, presently for this group of people enhances the strength, Jian Chen only to take 45 pieces of Grasping Principles Tea Tree leaf together decoctions. 至于悟道茶,剑尘玄黄小天界内的收获则是更加的稀少,当前为这一批人提升实力,剑尘都只取了四五片悟道茶树叶一同煎煮。 Tie Ta accepted Space Ring, this inside thing he knows the edible method, therefore had not asked. 铁塔收下了空间戒指,这里面的东西他都知道食用的方法,因此也沒有多问。 Before departing, Tie Ta said to Jian Chen: I went to War God Temple, that is a very special place, has very big advantage to me, cultivates there, compared with ordinary day on quick many, and can also help me comprehend battling heavens deep meaning, Jian Chen, Beast Clan also has Beast God Temple, I do not know that has the same effect with War God Temple, but as far as I know, that is not a common temple, you had free time also to have a look because of this/should belt/bring little white in the past.” 离去前,铁塔剑尘说道:“我去了战神殿,那是一个很特别的地方,对我有非常大的好处,在那里修炼,会比平日里快上许多,并且还能助我领悟战天奥义,剑尘,兽族也有兽神殿,我不知道是不是和战神殿有一样的效果,但据我所知,那不是一座寻常神殿,你有空也因该带小白过去看看。” My meeting.” Jian Chen said, had heard in him initially Beast God Temple 99th-layer leaves leeway the inheritance of previous generation Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger, only has common origin bloodlines to go, initially was because did not have that ability, therefore can only look to sigh. “我会的。”剑尘道,早在当初他就听说过兽神殿第九十九层留有上一代天翼神虎的传承,唯有同源的血脉才能进去,当初是因为沒有那个能力,因此只能望而兴叹。 In Ten Great Guardian Clans Pure Heart Pavilion Small World, in the back side of the mountain restricted area, has a high altar, in altar, snow white such as whisking static lying down of jade there, imperceptibly the vast and boundless pressure send out. 十大守护家族清心阁小世界中,后山禁地内,有着一座高高的祭坛,在祭坛上,一杆雪白如玉的拂尘正静静的躺在那里,无形中有一股浩瀚而磅礴的威压散发出來。 This is Pure Heart Pavilion Ancestral Item, continuously in consecrated here, however today, these for 1 million years never have whisking of change to send out dim white rays of light suddenly, the next instance, rays of light suddenly becomes extremely intense, the direct impact world, the fearful fluctuation of energy from whisking to send out, made to tremble void, making Small World sway. 这是清心阁祖器,一直在供奉在这里,然而今日,这百万年來从未发生过异动的拂尘突然散发出朦朦胧胧的白色光芒,下一个瞬间,光芒忽然变得极其强烈,直冲天地,更有一股可怕的能量波动从拂尘中散发出來,令虚空震颤,让小世界摇晃。 Whiz.” Then, Bai Yu (white jade) whisks goes air-splitting, vanishes in Pure Heart Pavilion Small World. “嗖。”而后,白玉拂尘破空而去,消失在清心阁小世界中。 In a Pure Heart Pavilion secret room, is closing up Pure Heart Pavilion Pavilion Lord complexion suddenly big change that heals from a wound, immediately ran out, the secret room pursued like lightning, after that two Pure Heart Pavilion Saint Sovereign shoot up to the sky from the different directions, pursued with Pure Heart Pavilion Pavilion Lord together. 清心阁一处密室内,正在闭关养伤的清心阁阁主脸色忽然大变,立即冲出了,密室闪电般追了下去,其后,还有两名清心阁圣皇从不同的方向冲天而起,和清心阁阁主一同追了下去。 In the Pure Heart Pavilion temple, Changyang Hu of white clothing goes out from inside, vision profound stares at Bai Yu (white jade) to whisk to vanish the direction that in his pupil, as if has sun, moon and stars to rotate. 清心阁的神殿内,一身素衣的长阳虎从里面走出,目光深邃的盯着白玉拂尘消失的方向,在他的瞳孔中,仿佛有日月星辰在转动。 I as if saw a magnificence, saw a piece cheers, prosperous times.” Partly after making a sound, Changyang Hu muttered said. “我仿佛看到了一片辉煌,看到了一片欢呼,一片盛世。”半响后,长阳虎喃喃说道。
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