CSG :: Volume #14

#1400: Reappears Saint Emperor

After the Yang Lie Guihai Yidao two people said goodbye, Jian Chen alone left here, controlled Zi Ying Sword to bring to wipe sword light to cut the expansive sky like lightning, the speed very rapidness. 阳烈归海一刀二人告别之后,剑尘独自离开了这里,驾驭紫郢剑带起一抹剑光闪电般划破长空,速度非常之快。 In return the recollection that on the way, in the Jian Chen brain can not help the news that learns of Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao two people mouth, no one has thought, in compared with the antiquity period also early that years, unexpectedly cancelled ancient times Era, many Saint Emperor powerhouse as well as Origin Realm Supreme by the brutal slaughter, this was made Jian Chen feel some hearts are cool. 在回返的途中,剑尘脑中情不自禁的回忆起从阳烈归海一刀两人口中得知的消息,谁都沒有想到,在比上古时期还早的那一段岁月中,竟然还有一个被抹去的远古时代,许多圣帝强者以及源境界至尊都被无情的屠杀,这让剑尘都感到有些心凉。 The arrangement prevents all Saint Emperor to step into the Origin Realm seal in the universe void that say/way, is passing mystically, he does not know that who that mysterious powerhouse true status is, such that can really such as own guess, that mysterious powerhouse is North Pole Ice Temple Imperial Guardian Shui, if so, actually she leaves behind the this seal to make anything. 还有布置在宇宙虚空中那道阻止所有圣帝踏入源境界的封印,也是透着神秘,他不知道那名神秘强者真正的身份是谁,会不会真如自己所猜测的那样,那名神秘强者就是北极冰神殿水侍卫,如果是的话,那她留下这一道封印究竟要做什么。 Seeks asylum, is the protector what is heavy the treasure, or has other what goals. 是避难,还是守护者什么重宝,亦或是有其他的什么目的。 That only Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger that the antiquity period presented that as well as God Of Sea Clan, they can actually disregard existence of seal to break through Origin Realm, they really such as Yang Lie and of Guihai Yidao guess, was Spirit Body that the world lived. 还有上古时期出现的那只神兽天翼神虎,以及海族之神,他们二人竟然能够无视封印的存在突破到源境界,难道他们真如阳烈归海一刀猜测的那样,都是天地所生的灵体 If that was true, that this World from the antiquity period to today, besides Hundred Clans War God Arukins, has not had any to cultivate to break through by own again diligently to the Origin Realm character. 如果真是这样的话,那这一界从上古时期一直到今日,除了百族战神阿瑞金斯外,就再也沒有产生过任何一名是靠自己努力修炼突破到源境界的人物了。 Initially I had complied with Second Sister, one year later will go to North Pole Ice Temple to visit him, now one year of time has passed, I have not actually come, when handled present several important things, can I go to North Pole Ice Temple, look discover anything, Rui Jin, Hong Lian, Hei Yu three people of Senior are also stranded in North Pole until now, this I must rescue them time resourcefully.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, Rui Jin their three people are because his reason was stranded in North Pole Ice Temple, does not rescue their three people, this makes in his heart have the shame throughout, is hard to forgive own. “当初我答应过二姐,一年之后会前往北极冰神殿探望他,如今一年之期早已过,我却还沒有如约而至,等把眼下几件要紧的事情处理了,我就去一趟北极冰神殿,看看能不能发现一些什么,还有瑞金,红莲,黑鱼三人前辈至今都还被困在北极之中,这一次我一定要想方设法的解救他们。”剑尘心中暗道,瑞金他们三人是因为他的原因才被困在北极冰神殿的,不把他们三人解救出來,这始终让他心中有愧,难以原谅自己 Jian Chen not chapter of Raging Flame City, but returned to Lore City Changyang Mansion. 剑尘沒有回烈焰城,而是回到了洛尔城长阳府中。 Experienced a Abandoned Saint World war, the Jian Chen present prestige has spread over Tian Yuan Continent, on all powerhouse by Tian Yuan Continent was called Mo Tianyun to be reincarnated, had to become Human Race first powerhouse stance faintly, his return, made Lore City blast out the pot immediately, the people in entire city almost toward the direction collection of Changyang Mansion, countless people are wanting to witness Human Race first powerhouse elegant demeanor. 经历圣弃界一战,剑尘如今的威名早已传遍了天元大陆,更是被天元大陆上的所有强者称之为莫天云转世,隐隐有成为人族第一强者的姿态,他的回归,顿时让洛尔城炸开了锅,全城的人几乎都在朝着长阳府的方向汇集,无数的人想要目睹一下人族第一强者的风采。 Human Race first powerhouse, this is the lofty status, usually, even if Saint Sovereign powerhouse does not have the qualifications to see right in front of one, but regarding Lore City these person of life lowest level on Tian Yuan Continent, like god general existence, if can unable to meet with own eyes, many people are willing little to live hundred years old. 人族第一强者,这是何等崇高的身份,平日间即便是圣皇强者都沒有资格面见,而对于洛尔城这些生活在天元大陆上最底层的人來说,更是如同神一般的存在,若是能亲眼见上一面,许多人都愿意少活百岁。 Lore City City Lord reacts readily, first to transfer continuing in all city defense force maintenance cities, the ten miles range nearby Changyang Mansion is divided into the forbidden area, in the meantime, Changyang Mansion guard also all send out, cast the second human wall regarding Changyang Mansion. 洛尔城城主立即作出反应,第一时间调动所有城防军维护城内的持续,将长阳府附近十里范围划分为禁区,同时,长阳府的侍卫也全体出动,围绕着长阳府铸成了第二道人墙。 And, this matter passed to the king ear of Gesun Kingdom quickly, the Gesun Kingdom king put down all things in hand immediately, flew from Imperial Palace with a help of Heaven Saint Master with great speed. 并且,这件事情很快就传到了格森王国的国王耳中,格森王国的国王立即放下了手中的所有事情,在一名天空圣师的帮助下火速从皇宫飞了过來。 In addition, in the Gesun Kingdom peripheral several kingdoms, several king monarch sovereigns also brings the grand gift in abundance, gave up the luxurious carriage, invited Heaven Saint Master in kingdom at the back of their governing spatial flight, rushed to Gesun Kingdom Lore City by quickest speed. 除此之外,在格森王国周边的几个王国,几个国主也纷纷带着隆重的礼物,放弃了豪华的马车,请王国内的天空圣师背着他们御空飞行,以最快的速度赶往了格森王国洛尔城 Jian Chen arrives at Changyang Mansion, not only alarmed the four directions, lets the Changyang Mansion high and low surges, this time, lived in seclusion these Zu Branch Saint King in Changyang Mansion backyard also persisted in the figure and haughty manner, all came out to greet, the person of lead was Changyang Zu howls impressively as well as Changyang Zu Yunxiao husband and wife. 剑尘降临长阳府,不仅惊动了四方,同时也让长阳府上下一片翻腾,这一次,隐居在长阳府后院中的那些祖脉圣王也放下了身段和架子,全部都出來迎接,领头之人赫然是长阳祖啸以及长阳祖云霄夫妇 Changyang Mansion Palace Master Changyang Ba made people arranging a banquet seat immediately, invited the good friend broadly, entire mansion big celebration, and will change to the day of Changyang Mansion annual celebration on this day. 长阳府府主长阳霸立即令人大摆宴席,广邀好友,全府大庆,并且将这一天改为长阳府一年一度的庆典之日。 After then, the Gesun Kingdom king arrives, is the earliest possible time orders, will decide as the day of annual National Day on this day. 而后,当格森王国的国王到來之后,也是第一时间下令,将这一天定为一年一度的国庆之日。 Because the day , after is Changyang Mansion fourth young master becomes Human Race first powerhouse, for the first time returns to the hometown, this regarding Gesun Kingdom or Changyang Mansion, has the extraordinary significance. 因为这一天,是长阳府四少爷成为人族第一强者之后,首次回到家乡,这无论是对于格森王国还是长阳府來说,都具有非凡的意义。 At the celebration, Jian Chen excessively has not made an appearance, all are his parents and Senior Chang are handling, he spreads the news in secret, seeks for Huang Tianba, Yang Ling and the others, making them return to Lore City Changyang Mansion immediately, made one notice return to family's Jiede Tai, as well as Qin Country Imperial Protector. 庆典上,剑尘并未过多露面,一切都是他的父母和常伯在打理,他则暗中放出消息,寻找黄天霸,杨岭等人,让他们立即返回洛尔城长阳府,同时也令人通知已经返回了家族的杰德泰,以及秦皇国护国国师 The Changyang Mansion celebration was held on the 7 th, the person who these seven during the day, come to visit increased many Saint King as well as Saint Sovereign, Mercenary City Great Elder arrived here, but Gesun Kingdom is the whole nation rejoices. 长阳府的庆典足足举行了七日,这七日间,前來拜访的人又增添了不少圣王以及圣皇,就连佣兵之城大长老都來到了这里,而格森王国更是举国同庆。 Is so lively like today and grand day, the first time in the Gesun Kingdom history. 像今日这般热闹以及盛大的日子,在格森王国的历史中还是第一次。 seven days later, the guest diverges in abundance, Huang Tianba, Yang Ling and Jiede Tai three people also all arrived at Lore City Changyang Mansion, Qin Country four Imperial Protector are first catches up from Raging Flame City, early waited in Changyang Mansion. 七日后,來宾纷纷散去,黄天霸,杨岭以及杰德泰三人也全部都來到了洛尔城长阳府,秦皇国的四位护国国师更是第一时间从烈焰城赶來,早早的就在长阳府等候了。 The 2nd day, Jian Chen and Changyang Ba, Senior Chang, the Gesun Kingdom king, Huang Tianba, Yang Ling, Jiede Tai, Qin Country four Imperial Protector as well as Zu Branch everyone all left Lore City, in the virgin forest near front. 第二日,剑尘长阳霸,常伯,格森王国的国王,黄天霸,杨岭,杰德泰,秦皇国的四位护国国师以及祖脉的所有人全部离开了洛尔城,前方附近的原始森林中。 Now Tian Yuan Continent Great Calamity has not completely eliminated, the threat from Abandoned Saint World always exists, what we definitely know is that after passage stability, the person who Abandoned Saint World will come next time was not only 500 Saint Emperor was so simple, Origin Realm powerhouse brought up the rear inevitably. 如今天元大陆大劫还未彻底消除,來自圣弃界的威胁始终存在,可以肯定的是,当通道稳定之后,圣弃界下次前來的人就不仅仅是五百名圣帝这么简单了,必然还有源境界强者压阵。 Therefore these days, Jian Chen must use in the own hand the existing resources, doing utmost the strength of promotion Tian Yuan Continent this side, is the Abandoned Saint World next invasion prepares completely safe. 因此在这一段时间内,剑尘必须要用自己手中现有的资源,竭尽全力的提升天元大陆这一方的实力,为圣弃界下一次入侵做好万全的准备。 Although he obtained massive heavenly material treasure in Black and Yellow Small Heaven, but these things are not inexhaustible, he must first do enhances own this side person strength, even if wastes a point also to refuse to balk, finally considers others. 虽然他在玄黄小天界内获得了大量的天材地宝,但这些东西并不算用之不竭,他首先要做的就是将自己这一边的人实力提高,哪怕浪费一点也在所不惜,最后才考虑其他人。 Although these people may not participate next time with the Abandoned Saint World war, but the next time war inevitably is more frigid, without the corresponding strength, was fight fallout makes them die merely sufficiently. 虽然这些人不一定会参与到下一次与圣弃界的战争中,但下一次的战争必然更加惨烈,沒有相应的实力,仅仅是战斗余波就足以让他们死亡。 Therefore, Jian Chen enhances their strengths now, not necessarily must count on that what kind of contribution they make in the war, but hopes they can safe lives in the next war. 因此,剑尘现在提升他们的实力,不一定非要指望他们在大战中做出怎样的贡献,只是希望他们能平安的在下一次大战中活下來。 In a virgin forest, everyone sits, the Jian Chen service performance best grasping principles tea as well as Purple Cloud Immortal Peach enhance the strength for them, these people are not the person of his close relative, is his friend, as well as had helped his person, therefore he is not parsimonious, puts out the best thing to share with them directly. 在一片原始森林中,所有人席地而坐,剑尘使用品质最好的悟道茶以及紫云仙桃为他们提升实力,这些人不是他至亲之人,就是他的朋友,以及曾经帮助过他的人,因此他是毫不吝啬,直接拿出最好的东西与他们分享。 Among them, was the Gesun Kingdom king strength to be weakest, only then Earth Saint Master strength, limit that but Purple Cloud Immortal Peach had no to the user, even if the common mortals can eat up. 他们当中,就属格森王国的国王实力最弱了,只有大地圣师的实力,不过紫云仙桃对使用者却沒有任何的限制,即便是寻常凡人都可以吃下。 After two days, the day falls auspicious cloud, Huang Tianba and Yang Ling first makes the breakthrough, their two people is in the Saint King 9-layer peak and Sixth Cycle Heaven Saint Master peak respectively, was near from the next boundary, therefore after taking Purple Cloud Immortal Peach as well as grasping principles tea, in abundance breakthrough to Saint Sovereign as well as Saint King boundary. 两日后,天降祥云,黄天霸杨岭首先做出突破,他们两人分别处于圣王九重天巅峰以及六转天空圣师巅峰,距离下一个境界本來就非常近,因此在服用了紫云仙桃以及悟道茶之后,纷纷突破到圣皇以及圣王境界。 The 3rd day, an incomparably huge pressure transmitted suddenly, presses void trembles, the collapse, the world vitality was nearly disrupted, sees only in the world, presented piece of Nine Colors auspicious cloud rapidly, sent out incomparably intense rays of light, is covering entire Tian Yuan Continent. 第三日,一股无比庞大的威压突然传來,压得虚空震颤,险些崩溃,天地元气都被扰乱,只见在天地之间,迅速出现了一片九色祥云,散发出无比强烈的光芒,笼罩着整个天元大陆 Changyang Zu howled to break through Saint Sovereign, successfully entered into the Saint Emperor boundary. 长阳祖啸突破了圣皇,成功迈入了圣帝境界。 Now in the world , although because of the Yin-Yang Saint Stone reason, making source vanish, world regular disorder, but not to become Emperor, is not only incomparable difficult, the strength that Changyang Zu howls in the Saint Sovereign great perfection boundary, only has the one pace from Saint Emperor, Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach and grasping principles tea can complement to hinder his to become Emperor two big flaws exactly, making him make the breakthrough in a short three days time smoothly. 如今在天地间虽然因为阴阳圣石的原因,让本源消失,天地规则紊乱,但并非不可成帝,只是无比的艰难罢了,长阳祖啸的实力已经在圣皇大圆满境界,距离圣帝只有一步之遥,仙级五品紫云仙桃以及悟道茶恰好能补全阻碍他成帝的两大缺陷,让他在短短三日的时间内就顺利做出突破。
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