CSG :: Volume #14

#1399: Chief criminal

Listened to this saying, in the Jian Chen heart is one laughs in one's heart, that say/way arrangement prevents any Saint Emperor to step into the Origin Realm seal he in void not to know that is who arranges, but lives in the source strength reason regarding the universe deep place seal, he is actually clear. 听了这话,剑尘心中是一阵暗笑,那道布置在虚空中阻止任何圣帝踏入源境界的封印他不知道是谁布置出來的,不过对于宇宙深处封印住本源之力的原因,他却是一清二楚。 This is not that mysterious powerhouse wants to prevent some people to step into the Saint Emperor boundary absolutely, but is caused by Yin-Yang Saint Stone, initially Yin-Yang Saint Master from beyond the heavens came, to pound to fall on dragon island, was latter discovered by Mo Tianyun, transfers Yin-Yang Saint Stone during by the technique of big divine ability to the universe is void, and arranged the powerful seal to seal up Yin-Yang Saint Stone together, fixed it there, but Yin-Yang Saint Stone was Chaos inaugurates after all, by Chaos Force Yin-Yang Qi congealed, its powerful unquestionable, even it by the Mo Tianyun seal, but still disrupted this World's rules, absorbed this World's source energy. 这绝对不是那个神秘强者想要阻止有人踏入圣帝境界,而是由阴阳圣石引起的,当初阴阳圣师天外而來,砸落在龙岛上,后被莫天云发现,以大神通之术将阴阳圣石挪移到宇宙虚空之中,并布置出一道强大的封印封住了阴阳圣石,将它固定在那里,不过阴阳圣石毕竟是混沌初开,由混沌之力所化的阴阳二气凝结而成,它的强大的不容置疑的,即便它被莫天云封印,但依然扰乱了这一界的天地规则,吸纳这一界的本源力量 In Jian Chen heart clear, Guihai Yidao and Yang Lie two people are the strength are perhaps insufficient, or is the seal that Mo Tianyun arranges is also too strong, keeping their two people from peeping at the interior of seal, naturally does not understand inside profound and abstruse principles, therefore the Yin-Yang Saint Stone seal and that mysterious powerhouse that cancelled ancient times Era linked. 剑尘心中清楚,归海一刀阳烈二人或许是实力不够,亦或者是莫天云布置下來的封印太强,让他们二人根本就无法窥视封印的内部,自然不明白里面的玄机,因此才把阴阳圣石的封印和那名抹去一个远古时代的神秘强者联系在一起。 However even if they can achieve this step, still makes in the Jian Chen heart admire, at least Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao two people can also induce to universe deep place Yin-Yang Saint Stone the place of seal, but even if he does utmost, is unable to induce to that remote distance. 不过他们二人即便是能做到这一步,也让剑尘心中佩服不已,起码阳烈归海一刀二人还能感应到宇宙深处阴阳圣石的封印之处,而他即便是竭尽全力,也无法感应到那么遥远的距离。 It seems like I, although has with the strength that Origin Realm fights, but compares with true Origin Realm powerhouse, is many insufficient.” In the Jian Chen heart sighed secretly, from Guihai Yidao and Yang Lie two people, he clearer understood own and true Origin Realm powerhouse disparity. “看來我虽然拥有同源境界一战的实力,但是和真正的源境界强者比起來,还是有很多不足。”剑尘心中暗叹,从归海一刀阳烈二人身上,他更加清晰的明白了自己和真正源境界强者的差距。 Even Guihai Yidao and Yang Lie present strength has not fully restored, however in certain aspects, they have surpassed own is too many. 即便归海一刀阳烈如今的实力还未完全恢复,但是在某些方面上,他们已经超出了自己太多。 Suddenly, before Yang Lie one step arrives at the Jian Chen body, face serious is staring at him, asked: Great-grandson, I heard that you had gone to North Pole Ice Temple, and also saw was brought to that girl who Ice Temple goes, may have this matter.” 忽然,阳烈一步來到剑尘身前,一脸严肃的盯着他,问道:“曾孙,我听说曾经你们前往过北极冰神殿,并且还见到了被带到冰神殿去的那个丫头,可有此事。” Really has this matter, initially I and Rui Jin, Hong Lian, Hei Yu three Senior had been to there.” Jian Chen replied, had not denied. “确有此事,当初我和瑞金,红脸,黑鱼三位前辈到过那里。”剑尘答道,沒有否认。 „The situation of then you understanding told me, this North Pole Ice Temple could be said as a this World most mystical influence, I suspected that seal this World's that mysterious powerhouse, had the connection with this North Pole Ice Temple.” Yang Lie said that facial expression extremely serious. “那把你了解的情况都告诉我,这北极冰神殿可以说是这一界最神秘的一个势力,我怀疑封印这一界的那名神秘强者,和这个北极冰神殿有关联。”阳烈说道,神情极为严肃 Therefore, Jian Chen said the news that about North Pole Ice Temple own knew unretentive, but regarding the Imperial Guardian Shui strength, Jian Chen was not clear, can only affirm that at least was Origin Realm powerhouse. 于是,剑尘自己知道的关于北极冰神殿的消息毫无保留的说了出來,不过对于水侍卫的实力,剑尘也不清楚,只能肯定起码是一位源境界强者 In the Yang Lie eye the fine glow flashes, sinking sound said: As I expected, in this mysterious North Pole Ice Temple Huan Zhen (really) has so powerhouse.” 阳烈眼中精芒一闪,沉声道:“果然不出我所料,这神秘的北极冰神殿还真有一位如此强者。” Guihai Yidao also encircled, said: This stretch of the world was sealed 1 million years ago, absolutely does not have the means to break through Origin Realm, but Origin Realm also only has the hundred thousand year life span, if Ice Temple the Imperial Guardian Shui breaks through within this hundred thousand year, this is impossible, draws back one step, even if this Imperial Guardian Shui were the character of ancient times period, repaired to live this with our ten people of same reincarnations, was not possible to cultivate in this to Origin Realm.” 归海一刀也围了过來,道:“这片天地在百万年前就被封,根本就沒有办法突破到源境界,而源境界又仅有十万年的寿限,如果冰神殿的这个水侍卫是在这十万年之内突破的,这根本就不可能,退一步來说,即便这水侍卫是远古时期的人物,和我们十人一样转世重修活到这一世,那在这一世中也不可能修炼到源境界。” Hears here, in the Jian Chen heart moves, mutters: „, That this Imperial Guardian Shui true status also only then two possibilities, the first possibility, she was like Little Gold Little Spirit, is Spirit Body that innate lived.” 听到这里,剑尘心中一动,喃喃道:“如此说來,那这水侍卫的真正身份也只有两种可能了,第一种可能,她是和小金小灵一样,是先天所生的灵体。” „The second possibility, she is that mysterious powerhouse of seal world, cancels the ancient times chief criminal.” Yang Lie added that complexion was very unattractive. “第二种可能,她就是封印这个世界的那名神秘强者,同时也是抹去远古的罪魁祸首。”阳烈补充道,脸色很不好看。 Jian Chen takes a deep breath, said: If is really the second type if possible, that this Imperial Guardian Shui strength also was too rather strong, actually lives from the ancient times period now, moreover she cancelled so many powerhouse in the ancient times, decided however to make boundless slaughter, why did not have the Celestial Decay disciplinary punishment.” 剑尘深吸一口气,说道:“如果真是第二种可能的话,那这水侍卫的实力未免也太强了吧,竟然从远古时期活到现在,而且她在远古抹去了那么多强者,定然造下了无边的杀戮,为何沒有天人五衰的惩戒。” If the second possibility, that this Imperial Guardian Shui strength have really been aloof Origin Realm, achieved God Realm, God Realm had been aloof restraint of the world, may with the world same longevity, be known as immortal, naturally does not have the Celestial Decay disciplinary punishment . Moreover the seal intensity and complexity from arrangement, this Imperial Guardian Shui not only achieved God Realm, and is also in the God Realm high-end boundary.” Guihai Yidao said, looked has a faint trace to dread the color to the vision of North Sea deep place. “如果第二种可能为真,那这水侍卫的实力则已经超脱了源境,达到了神境界,神境界已超脱了天地的束缚,可与天地同寿,号称永垂不朽,自然沒有天人五衰的惩戒,而且从布置下的封印强度以及复杂性來看,这个水侍卫不仅仅达到了神境,并且还处于神境的高端境界。”归海一刀说道,看向北海深处的目光中已经带着一丝丝忌惮之色。 God Realm, to them, is a long-awaited boundary, initially when Saint Realm, all efforts that they made, to can enter into God Realm this supreme boundary toward 1st, because Origin Realm had restraint of life span, even if achieved source, is unable to change the final life, once broke through to God Realm, that with the world same longevity, will enjoy the endless life span. 神境界,对于他们來说,是一个梦寐以求的境界,当初在圣界时,他们做出的所有努力,都是为了又朝一日能迈入神境界这至高无上的境界,因为源境界有寿限的束缚,即便是达到本源,也无法改变最终的寿元,而一旦突破至神境,那将与天地同寿,享有无尽的寿命。 But God Realm from Origin Realm is a very giant watershed, the disparities between these two boundaries, are similar to the Tian Yuan Continent mortal and Saint Emperor, although only has the one pace, but these step was too difficultly is too difficult. 神境界距离源境界是一个非常巨大的分水岭,这两个境界之间的差距,就如同天元大陆的凡人与圣帝,虽然仅有一步之遥,但这一步实在是太难太难了。 This seal , if not relieve, we will stay in the current boundary forever, its life is unable to break through Origin Realm finally, ten thousand years later, will then die, but the method of reincarnation Samsara, actually must have source strength to display, although we left behind part of source strength in Saint Item in the past, but remains now, is insufficient.” Yang Lie sighed lightly, in the foreheads brings several points of worried, he and Guihai Yidao remembers to regain consciousness, but preserved the boundary, divine ability that Origin Realm powerhouse grasps, they almost can, but strength also stays in the Saint Emperor peak only, is unable to go a step further. “这个封印若不解除,我们将永远都停留在目前的境界,终其一生都无法突破到源境,万年之后,便会死去,而转世轮回之法,却必须要有本源之力才可施展,虽然当年我们在圣器内留下了一部分本源之力,但如今所剩,却已不够。”阳烈轻叹道,眉宇间带着几分忧愁,他和归海一刀记忆苏醒,只是将境界保存了下來,源境强者掌握的神通,他们几乎都会,但惟独本身的实力还停留在圣帝巅峰,无法更进一步。 As for the method of this reincarnation Samsara, if they remember that has not regained consciousness, that naturally can continue to work, but once regains consciousness, that reincarnation Samsara secret art will also finish. 至于这转世轮回之法,若是他们记忆还未苏醒,那自然可以继续进行下去,可一旦苏醒,那转世轮回密法也会结束。 Ancestral Grandfather, Senior, you can count on that so long as there are me, that this seal I will break sooner or later, what because I walk is an unusual road, this seal can prevent in the world everyone, but is not necessarily able to prevent me.” Jian Chen zheng zheng powerful saying, in the tone filled the powerful self-confidence. 祖爷爷,前辈,你们放心,只要有我在,那这个封印我迟早会打破,因为我走的是一条不同寻常的路,这个封印能阻挡天底下所有人,但未必能阻挡我。”剑尘铮铮有力的说道,语气中充满了强大的自信。 He indeed has this confidence, what because he cultivates is Chaos Force, the rise of strength does not need to depend upon source strength, but the breakthrough of boundary does not need to comprehend profound truth of the world, before Chaos Body 6-layer, only needs the sufficient energy, can success when conditions are ripe, now his Chaos Body situated in 4-layer, has with the strength that Origin Realm fights, when his Chaos Body achieves 5-layer, when is 6-layer, high what kind situation that strength can promote. 他的确有这个信心,因为他修炼的是混沌之力,实力的提升根本就不需要依靠本源之力,而境界的突破又不需要领悟天地玄奥,混沌之体六层,只需要有足够的能量,便可水到渠成,如今他混沌之体处于第四层,就拥有与源境界一战的实力,当他的混沌之体达到第五层,甚至是第六层时,那实力又将会提升的高何种地步。 In his Space Ring also has a lot of extraordinary quality heavenly material treasure as well as Purple Cloud Immortal Peach, so long as there is an enough time, he is promoted Chaos Body 5-layer, 6-layer absolutely does not have the issue, and is joined to the grasping principles tea, he comprehends the Sword Dao boundary is also get twice the result with half the effort, if enhances the strength in this manner, he believes that seal could not prevent own. 他的空间戒指里还有大量的仙品的天材地宝以及紫云仙桃,只要有足够的时间,他晋级混沌之体五层,第六层完全沒有问題,并且配上悟道茶,他领悟剑道境界也是事半功倍,若是以这样的方式提升实力,他相信那个封印根本就阻止不了自己 My Chaos Force achieves 6-layer, simultaneously the Sword Dao boundary is breaking through, does not need to step into Sword Spirit, only need achieve Sword Primary great perfection, believes that had with the strength that God Realm fought.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, at this moment, his confidence inflates, wishes one could to make the breakthrough immediately, this morning achieves Chaos Body 6-layer. “等我混沌之力达到第六层,同时剑道境界在进行突破,无需踏入剑灵,只需达到剑元大圆满,相信就拥有与神境界一战的实力了。”剑尘心中暗道,这一刻,他信心膨胀,恨不得立即就去做出突破,今早达到混沌之体六层 However he also knows that this at present is not possible, even if his some lot of extraordinary quality talent treasures, to achieve 5-layer, or 6-layer still required period of not short time, Purple Cloud Immortal Peach he broke through 4-layer initially used up one, takes second obtained hundred years later, as for other extraordinary quality talent treasures, not taking that was possible not to stop rests, if used in the short time internal medicine were too many, that body can have the antibiotic nature, by heavenly material treasure effect big weakened, will be direct invalid. 不过他也知道这在目前是不可能的,即便他有大量仙品天才地宝,要想达到第五层,亦或是第六层也需要一段不短的时间,紫云仙桃他当初突破第四层时就用掉了一颗,服用第二颗得到百年之后,至于其他的仙品天才地宝,也不可能无止休的服用,若是在短时间内服用的太多,那身体会产生抗药性,会让天材地宝的功效大大减弱,甚至是直接无效。 As for the 9th-Rank Black and Yellow Beast energy crystal, affected to him is not that obvious, wasted with its own, might as well left these people. 至于九阶玄黄兽的能量晶体,对于他來说作用也不是那么明显了,与其自己浪费,还不如留给身边的那些人。
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