CSG :: Volume #14

#1398: History of disappearance

Guihai Yidao raise one's head looks at the day, the vision is profound, but floods in also has a helplessness, said ; Jian Chen, you have not to know, actually this world, is one by the world of seal, during very powerful seals exist in the universe are void, impediment makes one step into Origin Realm, so long as this seal exists, that this world will never possibly have the Origin Realm production.” 归海一刀抬头望天,目光深邃,但充斥在其中的还有一股无奈,道;“剑尘,你有所不知,其实这个世界,是一处被封印的世界,有一个非常强大的封印存在于宇宙虚空之中,阻止让人踏入源境,只要这个封印存在,那这个世界就永远都不可能有源境界产生。” „When initially our ten people just arrived at this world, how long this seal has existed does not know, now the distance has passed initially so many years, this seal still remains, preventing everyone in this world to step into Origin Realm, does not know that arranges the person of this seal, actually to intend what for, but also because of existence of this seal, I and Guihai Yidao two people strength also can only stay in the Saint Emperor peak, is unable to step into Origin Realm.” Yang Lie resigned-looking saying. “当初我们十人刚來到这个世界时,这个封印就已经存在不知多长时间了,如今距离当初已经过去了这么多年,这个封印依然还存在着,阻止这个世界的所有人踏入源境,也不知布置出这个封印的人,究竟意欲何为,而也因为这个封印的存在,我和归海一刀两人的实力也只能停留在圣帝巅峰,无法踏入源境。”阳烈一脸无奈的说道。 Listened to this saying, Jian Chen to have doubts, said: You, since said that this world never has the person to step into Origin Realm, why that has also presented four big top powerhouse in the antiquity years, moreover in some time ago, Raging Flame City nearby Tungsten alloy mineral lode, but also was born Origin Realm powerhouse.” 听了这话,剑尘更加的疑惑了,说道:“你们既然说这个世界从來沒有人踏入源境,那为何在上古年间还出现过四大至强者,而且在不久前,烈焰城附近的钨合金矿脉中,还诞生出了一位源境界强者。” „When initially we had not started to be reincarnated, in the world basic on no Origin Realm, among four big top powerhouse that the antiquity years presented that that also after we were reincarnated appeared, regarding they four people of further information, we were also unknown, when this we remembered awakened, once went to family's some ancient books to inquire about antiquity period all things, in that four big Origin Realm besides Hundred Clans War God Arukins, Beast God Continent Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger, Tian Yuan Continent Mo Tianyun, Sea Region Sea God was not the half a point record, according to content that in the antiquity ancient book recorded, Human Race Mo Tianyun and Beast Clan Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger . Sea Region Sea God they as if brave baseless, without course that the least bit grows, appears has the Origin Realm strength.” The Yang Lie sinking sound said. “当初我们还未开始转世时,天底下根本就沒有任何一位源境界,至于上古年间出现的四大至强者,那也是在我们转世之后才出现的,对于他们四人的详细情况,我们也不得而知,不过这一世我们记忆觉醒时,曾去家族的一些典籍中查询过关于上古时期的一切事情,那四大源境界中除了百族战神阿瑞吉斯外,兽神大陆上古神兽天翼神虎,天元大陆莫天云,海域海神是沒有半分记载,据上古典籍中记载的内容,人族莫天云兽族天翼神虎,以及海域海神他们仿佛是凭空冒出來的,沒有半点成长的历程,一出现就拥有源境的实力。”阳烈沉声说道。 Their three people are not the this World's people, gets down from Upper Realm.” Jian Chen surprised saying, in his heart, had determined Mo Tianyun from another Upper Realm, among that only Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger and Sea God as for antiquity years, he was unknown. “难道他们三人都不是这一界的人,是从上界下來的。”剑尘一脸惊讶的说道,不过在他心中,已经确定了莫天云是來自另一个上界,至于上古年间的那只天翼神虎海神,他就不得而知了。 Unlikely.” Guihai Yidao shakes the head, hesitated, said: In this piece by the world of seal , to break through Saint Emperor to achieve Origin Realm, only then three possibilities, the first possibility is your strength establishing person of this seal is bigger, can disregard existence of seal directly, the second possibility, is Spirit Body that is remained by the world, some Spirit Body just a birth had the Origin Realm strength, such Spirit Body has presented two now, one in Mercenary City, another in that golden body boy of your side, the third possibility, on is for example Hundred Clans War God existence like that Hundred Clans War God Is lives by the world, is extremely powerful, in the future must become supreme existence, is known as God Clan in Saint Realm, although this seal is powerful, but could not have restrained it.” “不太可能。”归海一刀摇了摇头,沉吟了下,道:“在这片被封印的天地中,要想突破圣帝达到源境界,只有三种可能,第一种可能是你的实力比设置这个封印的人还强强大,可以直接无视封印的存在,第二种可能,就是由天地所剩的灵体,一些灵体刚一出生就拥有源境界的实力,这样的灵体如今已经出现了两个,其中一个在佣兵之城,另一个就是跟在你身边的那个金身男孩,第三种可能,就是例如百族战神那般的存在,百族战神是由天地所生,极其强大,将來必成至高无上的存在,在圣界号称神族,这个封印虽然强大,但还约束不了它。” As for the first possibility, can neglect directly, the third possibility is not big, the powerful race that because is lived by the world like Hundred Clans War God this type were too few, then, only then the second possibility was biggest.” “至于第一种可能,可以直接忽略,第三种可能性也不大,因为像百族战神这种由天地所生的强大种族真的太少了,如此一來,就只有第二种可能最大了。” That person, why will shoot such seal, impediment makes one step into Origin Realm.” Jian Chen muttered said that was puzzling, that person in his mouth, has the fuzzy form in his brain, in his mind, had the person of such powerful strength, besides North Pole Ice Temple that immeasurably deep Imperial Guardian Shui, could not find others again. “那个人,为何会射下这样的封印,阻止让人踏入源境界。”剑尘喃喃说道,百思不得其解,他口中的那个人,在他脑中已经有了模糊的身影,在他的印象中,拥有这样强大实力的人,除了北极冰神殿的那名深不可测的水侍卫外,就再也找不到其余人了。 Real reason that that mysterious powerhouse arranges this seal, perhaps is impediment allows the person to enter Saint Realm, when we just arrived here initially, once had discovered from the trace that ancient times Era stays behind, what we definitely know is that in ancient times Era, this world also some Origin Realm powerhouse, but afterward these Origin Realm powerhouse were inexplicable vanished, initially we when discovering these traces, the person who that stemmed from the big sect once displayed profound secret art to peep at source, tracked down the ancient times, finally obtained a very astonishing news, ancient times all Origin Realm powerhouse of period, completely bewildered died, And is not only Origin Realm, many Saint Emperor, but these traces, were erased by big divine ability in secret, therefore these hearsay have not spread.” Guihai Yidao complexion becomes extremely dignified, this news, is not to them wonderful, because they do not know that happened can happen at ancient times' these disasters in this Era. “那名神秘强者布置这个封印的真正原因,恐怕就是阻止让人进入圣界,因为我们当初刚刚來到这里时,曾发现过一些自远古时代留下的痕迹,可以肯定的是,在远古时代,这个世界也有一些源境界强者,只是后來这些源境界强者都是莫名的消失了,当初我们在发现这些痕迹时,那名出自大宗派的人曾施展高深的密法窥视本源,追寻远古,最后得出一个十分惊人的消息,远古时期的所有源境界强者,全部都莫名其妙的死去了,并且不仅仅是源境界,还有许许多多的圣帝,而这些痕迹,都被人在暗中以大神通抹去了,因此这些传闻才沒有流传下來。”归海一刀脸色变得极为的凝重,这条消息,对于他们來说非常不妙,因为他们也不知道发生在远古的那些灾难会不会发生在这一个时代 hearing that, in the Jian Chen heart the big quake, this news will be absolutely earth-shaking, no one has thought that before Ten Great Guardian Clans is born, this world has also encountered such disaster, this lets in his heart some round of cool. 闻言,剑尘心中大震,这条消息绝对会惊天动地,谁也沒有想到,在十大守护家族诞生之前,这个世界还遭遇过这样的劫难,这让他心中有些发凉。 Can be she does.” In the brain of Jian Chen can not help and remembered North Pole Ice Temple Imperial Guardian Shui, the Imperial Guardian Shui origin is strange, at least is also Origin Realm powerhouse, even is not limited to this, and North Pole Ice Temple this influence, actually no one can talk clearly is what age appears on that icefield. “会是她做的。”剑尘的脑中情不自禁的又想起了北极冰神殿水侍卫,水侍卫的來历诡异,起码也是一名源境界强者,甚至远不止于此,并且北极冰神殿这个势力,更沒有人能说清究竟是什么年代出现在那片冰原上的。 Ancestral Grandfather, Senior, do you know North Pole Ice Temple this influence.” Jian Chen over and over, decides to inquire hesitant finally these two elders characters, the matter that after all they know are many. 祖爷爷,前辈,你们知不知道北极冰神殿这个势力。”剑尘犹豫再三,最终还是决定询问一下这两位老辈人物,毕竟他们知道的事情非常多。 Listened to this saying, Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao two people vision simultaneously looks to the North Sea deep place. 听了这话,阳烈归海一刀两人的目光齐齐看向北海深处。 At this moment the position that they are is located in Tian Yuan Continent most north, front not far away is North Sea, the North Sea deep place, is the North Pole icefield that Ice Temple is situated. 此刻他们所在的位置位于天元大陆的最北方,前方不远处就是北海,北海深处,则是冰神殿坐落的北极冰原。 Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao vision deep is staring at the North Sea deep place, no one has spoken. 阳烈归海一刀目光深深的盯着北海深处,谁都沒有说话。 Partly after making a sound, Yang Lie opens the mouth slowly: That icefield was mystical we to know in the past, initially our ten people once went to explore that icefield together, but our ten people are unable to penetrate, there had very fearful cold air, even if our strengths restore to the most flourishing condition still by this fearful cold air frozen to turn into ice sculpture, therefore can only let it go, from now has not visited there, but that icefield, had been divided into the forbidden area that cannot be visited by us, no one knows that actually to hide has what secret, awakened until this, we know that the secret in that icefield, original also hid there unexpectedly. A very mysterious temple.” 半响后,阳烈才徐徐开口:“那片冰原的神秘我们当年就知晓,当初我们十人曾一同前往探索那片冰原,但我们十人根本就无法深入,那里有非常可怕的寒气,即便我们的实力恢复到全盛状态也会被这股可怕的寒气冻成冰雕,因此只能不了了之,从此以后再也沒有踏足过那里,不过那片冰原,已经被我们划分为不可踏足的禁区,谁也不知道里面究竟隐藏有什么秘密,直到这一世觉醒,我们才知道那片冰原中的秘密,原來在那里竟然还隐藏着一座非常神秘的神殿。” Moreover is reincarnated Samsara these years in us, that mysterious powerhouse acted one time, time this he does is more excessive, unexpectedly directly the source strength seal in universe most deep place, causing source strength on Tian Yuan Continent to be getting more and more thin, finally cut off source, and world rule was also disrupted, making one break through the boundary more difficult, Saint Emperor had no chance quickly.” Guihai Yidao hates the sound saying that regarding that mysterious powerhouse, he dreads and hates. “而且在我们转世轮回的这些年,那个神秘强者又出手了一次,这一次他做的更加过分,竟然直接将本源之力封印在宇宙最深处,导致天元大陆上的本源之力越來越稀薄,最终断绝了本源,并且天地规则也被扰乱,让人突破境界更加艰难,圣帝都快沒希望了。”归海一刀恨声说道,对于那名神秘强者,他是又畏惧又痛恨。
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