CSG :: Volume #14

#1397: By the world of seal( three

Heard these words, in the Jian Chen heart had very big vibration, never expected that established Ten Great Guardian Clans Changyang Mansion and Tyrant Blade Sect first ancestor actually also has such story. 听到这些话,剑尘心中产生了很大的震动,沒想到创立十大守护家族长阳府霸刀门的始祖竟然还有着这样的故事。 However, making him feel that what is speechless, own Ancestral Grandfather Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao can get down from Saint Realm, unexpectedly is because suffers affect of fight fallout several God King fought to produce, was involved in the void crack, almost arrived at Tian Yuan Continent with the luck. 不过,让他感到非常无语的是,自己祖爷爷阳烈归海一刀之所以能从圣界下來,竟然是因为遭受了几名神王打斗产生的战斗余波的波及,被卷入了虚空裂缝内,几乎是凭着运气才來到了天元大陆 In void crack, if did not present exit|to speak a to lead to outside world in that time exactly, perhaps own Ancestral Grandfather has died in inside. 在虚空裂缝中,如果不是在那个时刻恰好出现了一个通向外界的出口,恐怕自己祖爷爷早已死在里面了。 Our altogether ten people are out of danger, arrived on Tian Yuan Continent, although we succeed left in the void crack, but all of us suffered the heavy losses in the void crack, is not only on the body, the injury on Primordial Spirit, because the injury is extremely serious, and Primordial Spirit also suffered the wound of rule, causing our boundaries to drop, from Origin Realm drops to the Saint Emperor boundary.” “我们总共有十人脱险而出,來到了天元大陆上,虽然我们成功的离开了虚空裂缝中,但我们所有人都在虚空裂缝内遭受了重创,不仅仅是身体上的,还有元神上的伤势,因为伤势太过严重,并且元神还遭受了规则之伤,导致我们的境界跌落,从源境界跌落至圣帝境界。” In these ten people, although not everyone is our Adventure Group person, but we actually become the best friend, dozens years later, our injury completely healed, the regular wound of but on Primordial Spirit suffering is actually not able to remove, not only the strength is unable life-long the little advance, and must always withstand the pain of Primordial Spirit transmitting, making us be at a loss, but fortunately in our these ten people, disciple that stems from the big sect, he was goes out to be involved in this time disaster informed and experienced, he braved to violate secret art that the consequence of sect rule taught us to be reincarnated to repair, by the method of being reincarnated repairing, slowly. Obliteration regular wound on our Primordial Spirit.” “这十人中,虽然并非所有人都是我们冒险团的人,但我们却成为了最好的朋友,数十年后,我们身上的伤势痊愈,但元神上遭受的规则之伤却无法去除,不仅实力终生无法寸进,并且无时无刻都要承受着从元神上传來的痛楚,让我们束手无策,但所幸我们这十人中,有一名出自大宗派的弟子,他是外出历练被卷入了这次的劫难之中,他冒着违背门规的后果传授我们转世重修的密法,以转世重修的方法,慢慢的磨灭掉我们元神上的规则之伤。” After all of us grasp secret art that the reincarnation repaired, then makes to found a sect mutually respectively, after we are reincarnated repairs, within the body breeding, but Saint Item leaves behind, seals the lifetime memory in Saint Item, to prevent Saint Item in experience long years by corrosion, therefore leaves behind a secret technique to descendant, let them for generations nourish Saint Item, so can make Saint Item after losing the master, but also since can preserve.” “当我们所有人都掌握了转世重修的密法之后,便相互约好各自开创一个宗派,在我们转世重修之后,将体内孕育而出的圣器遗留下來,把一生的记忆封存在圣器之中,为了防止圣器在经历漫长的岁月被腐蚀,故此留下一秘术给后人,让他们世世代代温养圣器,如此才能让圣器在失去了主人之后,还能保存至今。” These years, we experienced Samsara a lot of times, reincarnations, repairing of first world, until this life present, obliterated finally completely the regular wound on Primordial Spirit, a turn into saint sovereign, was then induced by Saint Item, the thousand li (500 km) came, making us restore air-splitting to remember, did.” “这些年,我们经历了千百次的轮回,一次次的转世,一世世的重修,直到今生近日,才终于将元神上的规则之伤完全磨灭掉,一成圣皇,便被圣器感应,千里破空而來,让我们恢复记忆,重新做回自我。” Hears here, when the Jian Chen brain remembered Guihai Yidao to become the Saint Sovereign experience unrestrainedly initially, initially he brought Huang Luan in going to Sea Region on the way, met one person to become Saint Sovereign exactly, the day fell seven color auspicious cloud, but this person Guihai Yidao. 听到这里,剑尘脑中情不自禁的想起了归海一刀当初成为圣皇时的经历,当初他带着黄鸾在前往海域的途中,恰好碰见一人成为圣皇,天降七彩祥云,而这个人正是归海一刀 In Guihai Yidao just became Saint Sovereign, Ten Great Guardian Clans Tyrant Blade Sect Emperor Armament Breaking Waves Blade comes in unmanned the situation of control air-splitting, by the Guihai Yidao relaxed free control. 就在归海一刀刚刚成为圣皇时,十大守护家族霸刀门帝王神器破浪刀在无人控制的情况下破空而來,被归海一刀轻松自如的掌控。 Meanwhile, he thinks Yang Lie initially when Guardian Clan Changyang Mansion, stepped into the back side of the mountain restricted area to cause the Emperor Armament rebellion, nearly let the matter that Changyang Mansion that Small World collapsed, because of this matter, Changyang Zu Yunkong rushed to the enormous disaster, was not only expelled Guardian Clan, meanwhile was supposed the seal to seal up his natural talent, making in its life unable turn into saint, now looks like, in initially, Changyang Mansion Ancestral Item induced to Changyang Zu Yunkong is the reincarnation of its master, and had obliterated the Primordial Spirit wound on rule completely, will cause Ancestral Item exceptionally, was only the Changyang Zu Yunkong strength is mean at that time, distance Saint Sovereign. Very remote, therefore has not conducted most essential one step, making Saint Item recognize the lord, remembers unsealed. 同时,他又想到了阳烈当初在守护家族长阳府时,一踏入后山禁地就引起了帝王神器暴动,险些让长阳府的那个小世界崩溃的事,因为这件事情,长阳祖云空闯下了弥天大祸,不仅被逐出了守护家族,同时还被设下封印封住他的天赋,让其一生中都无法成圣,现在看來,早在当初,长阳府祖器就感应到长阳祖云空是它主人的转世,并且已经完全磨灭了元神上的规则之伤,才会引起祖器的异常,只是在那个时候长阳祖云空的实力低微,距离圣皇还非常遥远,因此才沒有进行最为关键的一步,让圣器认主,记忆解封 After thinking through this point, in the Jian Chen heart also feels rejoiced secretly, initially Changyang Zu Yunkong stayed in Heaven Saint Master Realm of millennium, the life has come to the end, and experienced suffering suffering of seal on Three Saints Island, all day is in deep sorrow, only has by the zither's music suppression of Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, will reduce his pain, if not met own, perhaps present Changyang Zu Yunkong has exhausted dead because of the life. 想通了这一点之后,剑尘心中也是感到暗自庆幸,当初长阳祖云空天空圣师境界停留了千年之久,生命已经走到了尽头,并且在三圣岛上受尽了封印的折磨,整日痛不欲生,唯有靠琴圣天魔女琴音压制,才会减轻一下他的痛楚,若非遇到了自己,恐怕现在的长阳祖云空已经因寿元耗尽而死去了。 Understands this truth, in the heart of Jian Chen, hated about Changyang Qing Yun and the others, they nearly damaged own Old Ancestor. 明白了这个道理,在剑尘的心中,对长阳青云等人也更加的痛恨了,他们险些祸害了自己老祖宗 Great-grandson, said, my life is you rescues, if did not meet you in the final moment, perhaps I have died in a sitting posture now, this is impossible to awaken.” Yang Lie smiles is staring at Jian Chen, in his heart regarding own this great-grandson, likes more and more. “曾孙啊,说起來,我这条命还是你救的,如果不是在最后关头遇见了你,恐怕我如今已经坐化了,这一世也不可能觉醒。”阳烈笑眯眯的盯着剑尘,在他心中对于自己这个曾孙,也是越來越喜欢。 Yang Lie, you can have so outstanding descendants, making me envy.” The Guihai Yidao smile said, these words are completely from the heart, at this moment, he hopes own Tyrant Blade Sect, can present an resembles Jian Chen so outstanding descendant. 阳烈,你能有一位如此出众的子孙,让我都羡慕不已啊。”归海一刀微笑道,这番话完全发自内心,此时此刻,他多么希望自己霸刀门,也能出现一位像剑尘这般出众的后代。 Jian Chen smiles free and easy, said: Ancestral Grandfather, Changyang Qing Yun these person of once near so treated you, does not know how afterward you were the disciplinary punishment they, moreover in the war with Abandoned Saint World, I have not discovered Qing Branch and Yuan Branch person.” 剑尘洒脱一笑,道:“祖爷爷,长阳青云这些人曾近这般对待你,不知后來您又是如何惩戒他们的,而且在与圣弃界的大战中,我也沒有发现青脉元脉的人。” Hears such words, on the face of Yang Lie appears immediately a angry look, said: Not to mention this group of unfilial descendants, I restored to remember initially, said my status, this group of non- loyal sons also dared below to defy superiors unexpectedly, acted to me, was really absurd.” 一听到这样的话,阳烈的脸上顿时浮现出一股怒色,道:“别提这帮不孝子孙了,当初我恢复记忆,说出我的身份时,这帮不孝子竟然还敢以下犯上,对我出手,真是岂有此理。” Guihai Yidao patted the shoulder of Yang Lie, said: Yang Lie, Saint Realm brutal compared with Tian Yuan Continent, had experienced in you who Saint Realm slaughters, could not have completely understood that these things, ok, the beforehand unhappiness forgot him, do not forget time our these main purpose that Jian Chen said.” After saying, Guihai Yidao flashing eyes is staring at Jian Chen, said: Jian Chen, this we attract you time, besides informing your our status, in addition the important things want to inquire you.” 归海一刀拍了拍阳烈的肩膀,道:“阳烈,圣界的残酷远比天元大陆,曾经经历过在圣界厮杀的你,难道还看不透这些事情吗,行了,以前的不快就把他忘记了吧,别忘了我们这一次把剑尘叫过來的主要目的。”说完之后,归海一刀目光炯炯的盯着剑尘,道:“剑尘,这一次我们把你引來,除了告知你我们的身份外,另外还有一件重要的事情想要询问你。” Senior opens the mouth although, so long as Junior knows that will decide however will explain for you strongly.” Jian Chen said submissively, but in the heart actually a disturbance, Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao get down from Saint Realm, does not know that they can know the secret about Purple Azure Dual Swords. 前辈尽管开口,只要晚辈知道的,定然会竭力为你们解答。”剑尘拱手道,不过心中却一阵忐忑,阳烈归海一刀都是从圣界下來的,不知道他们会不会知晓关于紫青双剑的秘密。 Jian Chen, actually you now are Saint Emperor, stepped into Origin Realm.” Guihai Yidao asked that complexion serious, Yang Lie one face sincere is staring at Jian Chen, as if very concerned about this issue. 剑尘,你现在究竟是圣帝,还是踏入了源境。”归海一刀问道,脸色严肃,就连阳烈都一脸正色的盯着剑尘,似乎十分关心这个问題。 On the Jian Chen face reveals stunned expression, he has not thought Guihai Yidao inquiry unexpectedly is this issue, he hesitated a meeting, said: Junior because of this/should also stays in the Saint Emperor boundary, is only because of helping of two Divine Weapons, can let the strength strong display of Junior, is adding on Junior the road is different from Tian Yuan Continent, what cultivation is a ratio Saint Force even more powerful strength, therefore has to endure to compare Origin Realm battle strength.” 剑尘脸上露出一丝错愕的神色,他沒想到归海一刀询问的竟然是这个问題,他沉吟了一会,说道:“晚辈因该还停留在圣帝境界,只是因为有两把神兵之助,能让晚辈的实力超强发挥,在加上晚辈所走的路不同于天元大陆,修炼的是一种比圣之力还要强大的力量,因此拥有堪比源境战力。” So that's how it is, I also think in this piece by the world of seal, but also some people can break the limit of seal to step into Origin Realm, originally you have not stepped into similarly that step.” Guihai Yidao muttered said, the facial expression somewhat lost. “原來如此,我还以为处于这片被封印的世界中,还有人能够突破封印的限制踏入源境,原來你同样也沒有踏入那一步。”归海一刀喃喃说道,神情有些失落。 Yeah.” Yang Lie also exudes one to sigh lightly, said: Thinks that had presented the hope, finally is still disappointing.”, “哎。”阳烈也发出一声轻叹,道:“原以为已经出现了希望,结果依然让人失望。”、 Jian Chen somewhat perplexed is looking at two people, asking of doubts: Senior, you said anything by the world of seal, but also hopeful is anything.” 剑尘有些不明所以的望着两人,疑惑的问道:“前辈,你说什么被封印的世界,还有希望又是什么。” Guihai Yidao raise one's head looks at the day, the vision is profound, but floods in also has a helplessness, said ; Jian Chen, you have not to know, actually this world, is one by the world of seal, during very powerful seals exist in the universe are void, impediment makes one step into Origin Realm, so long as this seal exists, that this world will never possibly have the Origin Realm production.” 归海一刀抬头望天,目光深邃,但充斥在其中的还有一股无奈,道;“剑尘,你有所不知,其实这个世界,是一处被封印的世界,有一个非常强大的封印存在于宇宙虚空之中,阻止让人踏入源境,只要这个封印存在,那这个世界就永远都不可能有源境界产生。”
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