CSG :: Volume #14

#1396: By the world of seal

Suddenly, in the eye of Jian Chen the fine glow flashes, tight is staring at Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao two people sizes up, Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao two people under his Spiritual Consciousness covers, is generally dim like the dense fog, does not look clearly, this is the symbol of Origin Realm, but he suddenly discovered at this moment Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao strength has not achieved Origin Realm unexpectedly, but also situated in the Saint Emperor peak. 忽然间,剑尘的眼中精芒一闪,紧紧的盯着阳烈归海一刀二人打量,阳烈归海一刀两人在他的神识笼罩之下,如同迷雾一般朦胧,根本就看不真切,这是源境界的标志,但此刻他突然发现阳烈归海一刀本身的实力竟然沒有达到源境界,还处于圣帝巅峰。 In Jian Chen brain remembers Changyang Mansion that Emperor Armament, because once he strength limited, no ability saw the grade of Zhangyang sword, has thought the Zhangyang sword was Saint Emperor within the body breeding Emperor Armament, until previously, discovered Changyang Mansion Ancestral Item Zhangyang sword not Emperor Armament finally, but was Origin Realm powerhouse use Divine Weapons, reached the Saint Item grade, was equivalent to World of Immortals Immortal Item. 剑尘脑中不由的想起长阳府的那柄帝王神器,曾经他因为实力所限,沒有能力看出正阳剑的品级,一直都以为正阳剑是圣帝体内孕育的帝王神器,直到先前,才终于发现长阳府祖器正阳剑并非什么帝王神器,而是源境界强者使用的神兵,达到了圣器的品级了,相当于仙界仙器 However makes him feel what contradiction is, Saint Item only then Origin Realm powerhouse can breed, but his Ancestral Grandfather was only the boundary achieved Origin Realm, but strength also stayed in Saint Emperor, was impossible to make Emperor Armament be promoted is Saint Item, achieved with Immortal Item with the 1-Rank level. 不过让他感到矛盾的是,圣器只有源境界强者才能孕育而出,而他的祖爷爷只是境界达到了源境,而本身的实力还停留在圣帝,根本就不可能让帝王神器晋级为圣器,达到和仙器一品级。 Broadminded within, Jian Chen as if thought of anything, asked: Ancestral Grandfather, you achieved Origin Realm initially, is not Saint Emperor boundary that such as in the ancient book records, the present is only because the time is not enough, therefore has not restored to the Origin Realm strength.” 豁然间,剑尘似乎想到了什么,问道:“祖爷爷,难道你当初就达到了源境界,并不是如典籍上记载的圣帝境界,现在只是因为时间不够,因此才沒有恢复到源境界的实力。” Yang Lie shows a faint smile, said: Has not thought that was looked by you, good that the great-grandson, you said that your Ancestral Grandfather I once indeed was Origin Realm, but suffered the injury that was inconceivable afterward, the boundary dropped, returned the Saint Emperor boundary.” 阳烈微微一笑,道:“沒想到被你看出來了,曾孙啊,你说的不错,你祖爷爷我曾经的确是源境界,只是后來遭受了难以想象的伤势,境界跌落了,重新回到了圣帝境界。” On Tian Yuan Continent, only then about Human Race first powerhouse Mo Tianyun, Ancient Divine Beast Heavenly Winged Divine Tiger, Hundred Clans War God Arukins and records of Sea God these four big Origin Realm powerhouse, besides these four people, has never presented the rumor about fifth Origin Realm powerhouse, since Ancestral Grandfather had the Origin Realm strength in the antiquity, and also experiences a war to experience personally the heavy losses, why that Tian Yuan Continent also does not have the least bit about your legend, causes these years, everyone also thinks that you are only Saint Emperor.” Jian Chen face curious asking, very puzzled. “在天元大陆上,只有关于人族第一强者莫天云,上古神兽天翼神虎,百族战神阿瑞金斯以及海神这四大源境界强者的记载,除了这四人之外,从未出现过关于第五位源境界强者的传言,既然祖爷爷在上古就拥有了源境界的实力,并且还经历一场大战身受重创,那天元大陆为何又沒有半点关于您的传说,导致这些年,所有人都还以为你们只是圣帝。”剑尘一脸好奇的问道,十分的不解。 Yang Lie sighed one lightly, the vision looked to the boundless sea of distant place, revealed color of the recalling, after the moment, said slowly: Great-grandson, something I do not want to say that but you have the qualifications to know that now these secrets, I told you fortunately.” 阳烈轻叹一声,目光看向远方的茫茫大海,露出一丝追忆之色,片刻后,才缓缓说道:“曾孙啊,有些事我原本是不想说出去的,但如今你已经有资格知道这些秘密了,所幸我就告诉你吧。” One hear of this saying, Jian Chen came the spirit, listening respectfully with total concentration, he had realized, Ancestral Grandfather perhaps is a person who has the big secret, even is fluent some to bury ancient secret in river of history. 一听这话,剑尘就來了精神,聚精会神的聆听,他已经意识到,祖爷爷恐怕是一个有着大秘密的人,甚至能道出一些已经掩埋在历史长河中的古老秘辛。 Great-grandson, actually your Ancestral Grandfather is not the this World's person, I and Guihai Yidao from another world, that are level higher big, on Tian Yuan Continent, all strengths exceeded Saint Emperor, achieves the Origin Realm person, can leave here to go to that world, the name of that world was called , Saint Realm.” Yang Lie said. “曾孙啊,其实你祖爷爷并不是这一界的人,我和归海一刀都是來自于另一个世界,那是一个层次更高的大界,在天元大陆上,所有实力超越了圣帝,达到源境界的人,都可以离开这里前往那一个世界,那个世界的名字叫,,圣界。”阳烈说道。 Jian Chen mind big quake, face inconceivable is staring at Yang Lie, regarding Saint Realm, he had known from the Purple-Azure Sword Spirits mouth, but he has not thought that founded the Guardian Clan Changyang Mansion person to get down from Saint Realm in the antiquity years unexpectedly, this was greatly not as he expected. 剑尘心神大震,一脸不可思议的盯着阳烈,对于圣界,他早已经从紫青剑灵口中得知,但他万万沒有想到在上古年间开创守护家族长阳府的人竟然是从圣界下來的,这大大出乎他的意料。 This universe is really flooding the infinite profound mystery, has not thought above this world, a more powerful world.” Jian Chen expresses an exclamation, pretends not to know that existence of Saint Realm, then the vision looks to Yang Lie, curious asking: Ancestral Grandfather, since also has another world above this stretch of the world, why that the person who gets down from Saint Realm only then you, but without others.” “这个宇宙果然充斥着无穷的玄奥,沒想到在这一片世界之上,还有一片更加强大的世界。”剑尘发出一阵惊叹,装作不知圣界的存在,而后目光望向阳烈,好奇的问道:“祖爷爷,既然在这片天地之上还有着另一片世界,那为何从圣界下來的人就只有你们,而沒有其他人呢。” Stood stared Jian Chen one in Yang Lie Guihai Yidao, said: You think that the Saint Realm person can be casual, Saint Realm powerhouse like clouds, let alone Origin Realm, even if God Realm above Origin Realm does not know many, such existence only needs one, can easily occupy destroyed this stretch of the world, the Saint Realm person, regardless of strength height, even if only the ordinary mortal, if wants Lower Realm to be the countless sufferings and hardships, even is not possible.” 站在阳烈身边的归海一刀瞪了剑尘一眼,道:“你以为圣界的人可以随便下來吗,圣界强者如云,别说源境界,即便是源境界之上的神境界都不知有多少,这样的存在只需下來一个,就能轻易而居的毁了这片天地,圣界的人,不论实力高低,哪怕只是普通的凡人,要想下界都是千难万难,甚至是根本就不可能。” Good that Guihai Yidao said that when the Lower Realm person works as the strength is enough, can go to Upper Realm, but the Upper Realm person must think of Lower Realm to come, is actually the incomparable difficulty, but we can come here, a whole body accident/surprise is the result.” Yang Lie said, the affection is somewhat absent-minded, he at this moment remembered initial. 归海一刀说的不错,下界的人当实力足够时,可以前往上界,但上界的人要想到下界來,却是无比的艰难,而我们之所以能來到这里,全身一场意外所致。”阳烈说道,深情有些恍惚,此刻的他又想起了当初的一幕幕。 Jian Chen has not spoken, the vision is staring at Yang Lie, waiting as follows. 剑尘沒有说话,目光盯着阳烈,等待下文。 Great-grandson, your Ancestral Grandfather I in Saint Realm, although is Origin Realm cultivator, but Origin Realm absolutely does not have the least bit position in Saint Realm, is far less than Tian Yuan Continent the scenery, if really must compare with Tian Yuan Continent, that Origin Realm in the Saint Realm position, is equivalent to Tian Yuan Continent Saint Master, Great Saint Master, perhaps even Great Saint Master slightly has.” “曾孙,你祖爷爷我在圣界虽然是一名源境界修炼者,但源境界圣界根本就沒有半点地位,远不如天元大陆这边风光,如果真要拿天元大陆來做比较的话,那源境界圣界的地位,就相当于天元大陆圣师,大圣师,或许连大圣师都略有不及。” In the Jian Chen heart has long known Origin Realm in the Saint Realm position, in the heart does not feel surprised, but he will actually not reveal this secret, reveals extremely shocking expression on the face intentionally. 剑尘心中早就已经知道了源境界圣界的地位,心中并不感到惊讶,不过他却不会将这个秘密表露出來,故意在脸上露出一丝极度震惊的神色 Yang Lie continues saying: In Saint Realm, my respective small-scale Adventure Group, this Adventure Group population are not many, only then more than 50 people, achieve person God Realm besides the Commander strength, others also stay in Origin Realm completely, once, our Adventure Group members the little world treasure hunt that goes to one just to start, actually had the misfortune here, in the little world appears suddenly importantly, quick brought in competition of God Realm powerhouse, they attack brutally in the little world, making the little world extremely unstable, huge space crack appearance one after another, making the little world be near frequently shatter, many people suffered the disaster of fishpond, but our Adventure Group Everyone was also involved in the void crack together with many other Adventure Group Origin Realm cultivator, crashed into the Space-Time turbulent flow.” 阳烈继续说道:“在圣界,我所属一个小型冒险团,这个冒险团的人数并不多,只有五十余人,除了团长实力达到人神境界外,其余人全部都还停留在源境界,有一次,我们冒险团全体成员前往一个刚刚开启的小天地寻宝,却在这里发生了不幸,小天地内突现重要,很快就引來了神境界强者的争夺,他们在小天地内大打出手,让小天地变得极不稳定,巨大的空间裂缝一道又一道的出现,让小天地都频临破碎,许多人都遭受了鱼池之殃,而我们冒险团的所有人也连同很多其他冒险团源境界修炼者被卷入了虚空裂缝中,坠入了时空乱流。” In void crack bad risk, God King by falls/dies, even the person of Everlasting Beginning Realm in cautiously, our Adventure Group members altogether were still involved in together with over a thousand other Adventure Group people, I once personally saw many people buried in inside, even if the strength achieves person God Realm Commander unable to escape by luck, the rule in the void crack is chaotic, the time is confused, from time to time flickers ten million years, from time to time backs up the several tens of thousands year, inside all are Chaos, cannot see any color, cannot feel passing of time.” “虚空裂缝内十分的凶险,神王都被陨落,即便是无极始境界的人在里面也得小心翼翼,我们冒险团全体成员连同上千名其他冒险团的人一共被卷入了进去,我曾亲眼看见许许多多的人在里面葬身,即便是实力达到人神境界团长也沒能幸免,在虚空裂缝内规则混乱,时间错乱,时而一瞬千万年,时而倒退数万年,里面的一切都是混沌顿顿,看不见任何色彩,也感觉不到时间的流逝。” In the void crack, I can only see person continuous falls/dies of our Adventure Group, some people were involved in the time turbulent flow, or is silver-haired in the flash, flesh body is decayed, is only left over a skeleton, finally even the skeleton also changed into the dust, turns into the newborn baby in the flash, then changes into a nihility.” The Yang Lie tone has slight shivering, the bitter experience in void crack makes him frightened, even in the past the innumerable years, still cast an indelible shadow in his heart. “在虚空裂缝内,我只能看见我们冒险团的人接连不断的陨落,一些人被卷入时间乱流中,或是在一瞬间白发苍苍,肉身腐朽,只剩下一具骷髅,最后连骷髅也化为了粉尘,或是在一瞬间变成初生的婴孩,然后化为一片虚无。”阳烈的语气有着轻微的颤抖,虚空裂缝中的遭遇让他恐惧,即便是过去无数年,也在他心中留下了一道难以磨灭的阴影。 At that time all of us were full of the fear, thinks that finally will die here, when lets our delighted, in the void crack presented exit|to speak a to lead to outside world unexpectedly at that time, and this exit|to speak is away from us is not far, therefore, we also living the person does utmost toward this exit|to speak is close, finally finally left that damn void crack.” What speech is Guihai Yidao, in the vision remains in the excitement of being survivor of disaster. “当时我们所有人都充满了恐惧,认为最终都会死在这里,然而让我们喜出望外的时,虚空裂缝中竟然在那个时候出现了一道通向外界的出口,并且这个出口距离我们并不远,于是,我们还活着的人纷纷竭尽全力向着这个出口接近,最后终于离开了那该死的虚空裂缝。”说话的是归海一刀,目光中残留在劫后余生的激动。
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