CSG :: Volume #14

#1395: By the world of seal( one

Regarding Kala Liwei, in the Jian Chen heart also has the favorable impression, regarded half friend her, hehe said with a smile: Miss Kala Liwei felt relieved although, my Jian Chen complied with the matter will certainly achieve, will never break a promise, when seal unsealed in next Saint Item space, release Radiant Saint Force source energy, I leave certainly behind several for you specially, going all-out make you 7th-Rank Radiant Saint Master.” 对于卡拉丽薇,剑尘心中也是颇有好感,把她当成了半个朋友,呵呵笑道:“卡拉丽薇小姐尽管放心,我剑尘答应了的事情就一定会做到,决不食言,等下一次圣器空间里的封印解封,释放光明圣力本源力量时,我一定专程为你留下几道,尽全力让你成为一名七阶光明圣师。” Liwei is waiting for the Jian Chen Supreme good news when Kala Clan, hoping Liwei can thanks to Jian Chen Supreme, can, in the next opportunity approaches is promoted 7th-Rank smoothly, completes in the Liwei mind the biggest dream.” Kala Liwei said with a smile sweetly, obtained the commitment of Jian Chen, making her happy. “那丽薇就在卡拉家族等着剑尘至尊的好消息了,希望丽薇能托剑尘至尊的福,能在下一次机会來临时顺利晋级七阶,完成丽薇心目中最大的梦想。”卡拉丽薇甜甜笑道,得到了剑尘的承诺,让她开心无比。 Originally when seal unsealed in previous Saint Item space, Jian Chen collected many Radiant Saint Force source energy to give Radiant Saint Master Guild Union Master, bit specially has first let Kala Liwei and Quan Youcai enjoys, but pitifully in that opportunity, Kala Liwei and Quan Youcai two people failed, lost one time the golden opportunity of being promoted 7th-Rank Radiant Saint Master. 原本上一次圣器空间里的封印解封时,剑尘就收集了不少光明圣力本源力量交给光明圣师公会会长,特意叮属过优先让卡拉丽薇权有才享用,但可惜在那一次机会中,卡拉丽薇权有才两人都失败了,失去了一次晋级七阶光明圣师的大好机会。 Is promoted 7th-Rank Radiant Saint Master from 6th-Rank Radiant Saint Master, although only need make the soul integrate together Radiant Saint Force source energy, making the soul conduct a transformation then, but these step is actually not that can achieve easily, once made numerous 6th-Rank Radiant Saint Master halt in this, only then extremely a small number of few people can break through smoothly. 六阶光明圣师晋级七阶光明圣师,虽然只需让灵魂融入一道光明圣力本源力量,让灵魂进行一次蜕变即可,但这一步却不是那么容易就能做到的,曾让众多六阶光明圣师止步于此,只有极为少数的一部分人能顺利突破。 At this moment, Jian Chen expression moves, at once the body results in like flying arrow shoots up to the sky, in an instant flew sky, suspended stared at the distant place in several kilometers upper air, his vision as if pierced void, looked at the horizon end, several tens of thousands miles away, he saw Divine Sword air-splitting the line, sent out a very vague fluctuation of energy, this fluctuation of energy was unusual, even Saint Emperor powerhouse were unobservable. 就在这时,剑尘神色一动,旋即身子如同离弦之箭似得冲天而起,刹那间飞上了高天,悬浮在数千米的高空中凝望远方,他的目光仿佛洞穿了虚空,望到了天际尽头,数万,他看见了一柄神剑破空而行,散发出一股十分隐晦的能量波动,这股能量波动不同寻常,即便是圣帝强者都难以察觉。 After that Divine Sword several tens of thousands miles away circled, then goes far away air-splitting, in an instant then vanishes does not see. 那柄神剑数万盘旋了一圈之后,便破空远去,刹那间便消失不见。 Jian Chen Spiritual Consciousness sending out, by the extremely quick speed spanwise front, covers remote of 20 Yu Wanli, suddenly covers that Divine Sword. 剑尘神识散发而出,以极快的速度展向前方,覆盖二十余万里之遥,眨眼间就将那柄神剑笼罩在内。 This is Changyang Mansion Emperor Armament.” Under covering of Spiritual Consciousness, the Jian Chen clear observation this Divine Sword each slight place, recognizes this Divine Sword Changyang Mansion Ancestral Item, power and influence that but this Ancestral Item sends out at this moment, were too greatly more than former stronger are too many. “这是长阳府帝王神器。”在神识的笼罩之下,剑尘清晰的观察到这柄神剑的每一处细微的地方,一眼就认出这柄神剑正是长阳府祖器,不过这柄祖器此刻散发出的威势,比从前要强大太多太多了。 The Zhangyang sword as if also induced peeping at Jian Chen Spiritual Consciousness, speed rose suddenly suddenly, changes into flowing light to go far away in an instant, pierces void vanished instantaneously does not see, has escaped from the range that Jian Chen Spiritual Consciousness has covered. 正阳剑似乎也感应到了剑尘神识的窥视,速度骤然暴涨,化为一道流光刹那间远去,洞穿了虚空瞬间就消失不见,已经逃出了剑尘神识覆盖的范围。 This is not Emperor Armament, but is Origin Realm powerhouse use Divine Weapons, is Saint Item.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, the big feeling is surprised, then immediately stepped Zi Ying Sword to change into long rainbow to pursue together. “这不是帝王神器,而是源境界强者使用的神兵,是圣器。”剑尘心中暗道,大感惊讶,然后立即踏上紫郢剑化为一道长虹追了过去。 As is getting deeper and deeper to the sensibility of sword-controlling flight, speed of Jian Chen governing sword is also quicker and quicker, is quick initially speed when Sea Region first governing sword, pursuing that the wind spreading electricity holds up to the Zhangyang sword. 随着对御剑飞行的感悟越來越深,剑尘御剑的速度也是越來越快,已经快过了当初在海域第一次御剑时的速度,正风驰电擎的追向正阳剑。 Although the Zhangyang sword had lost the trail, but Jian Chen can still remain slight a trace in void to distinguish the flight direction of Zhangyang sword according to the Zhangyang sword. 虽然正阳剑已经失去了踪迹,但剑尘仍然能根据正阳剑残留在虚空中的一股细微的痕迹辨别正阳剑的飞行方向。 far north, this is the Tian Yuan Continent northern border position, close to North Sea, goes a step further again, has been separated from the Tian Yuan Continent range, arrived in the sea. 极北之地,这是天元大陆北方的边沿地位,临近北海,再进一步,就已经脱离了天元大陆的范围,來到大海之中了。 Close to far north of North Sea, is having a mountain to stand erect here, the mountain peak is exceptionally grand, is steeply difficult to climb, the highest place is the several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m) fully, attacks Yunxiao . 在临近北海的极北之地,有着一座大山屹立在这里,山峰异常雄伟,陡峭难攀,最高处足有数万丈,直插云霄,. At this moment, in the highest place of this mountain peak, two person's shadows stands shoulder to shoulder, static standing erect here, results in the motionless, looking that profound vision does flicker just like stone carving to the North Sea deep place. 此刻,在这座山峰的最高处,两道人影并肩而立,静静的屹立在这里,宛如石雕似得一动不动,深邃的目光一瞬不瞬的望向北海深处。 One of them is one about 40 -year-old middle age robust man, the light the upper body, only then shorts put on below, revealed that bronze muscle, strong powerful. 其中一人是一名大约四十岁左右的中年壮汉,光着上身,只有一条短裤穿在下面,露出了那身古铜色的肌肉,强壮有力。 Another person is over 70-year- old man, young-looking elderly, has the tone of several points of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, the vision is profound. 另一人是一名年过七旬的老者,鹤发童颜,带着几分仙风道骨的气韵,目光深邃无比。 At this time, Divine Sword came from the distant place air-splitting, shot directly toward this old man, speed very rapidness. 这时,一柄神剑从远处破空而來,径直朝着这名老者射來,速度非常之快。 However this old man had not responded, does not seem to detected the arrival of this Divine Sword quite the same as, when this Divine Sword just approached the old man hundred zhang (333 m) distance, speed then reduces suddenly greatly, then changed into red glow to fall into the hand of old man to vanish like lightning does not see. 然而这名老者却沒有丝毫反应,仿佛浑然沒有察觉到这柄神剑的到來,不过当这柄神剑刚临近老者百丈距离时,速度便骤然大减,而后化为一道红芒闪电般落入了老者的手中消失不见。 He came, me estimated is quicker, Yang Lie, your great-grandson is not simple.” That stature tall and powerfully built man said. “他來了,比我预想中的要快,阳烈,你这个曾孙不简单。”那名身材身材魁梧的男子说道。 This two people Changyang Mansion and Tyrant Blade Sect first ancestor, Yang Lie and Guihai Yidao. 两人正是长阳府霸刀门的始祖,阳烈归海一刀 Guihai Yidao finishes speaking, purple sword light appears from the world end together, purple sword light speed also wanted on the quick several points compared with previously that Divine Sword, previous quarter also in a very remote world place, however the next instance, then fell by inconceivable speed on this mountain peak, the belt/bring incomparably swift and fierce sword qi, making all plants within surrounding area kilometer change into the powder completely. 归海一刀话音刚落,一道紫色剑光就从天地尽头出现,紫色剑光速度比先前那柄神剑还要快上几分,前一刻还在十分遥远的天地一线之处,然而下一个瞬间,便以不可思议速度落在了这座山峰上,带起一股无比凌厉的剑气,让方圆千米内的所有植物全部都化为了粉末。 sword light dissipated, revealed the Jian Chen form, he was away from the Yang Lie and Yang Lie km far place to stand firm, the vision stared at them, in the heart was not very tranquil. 剑光消散,露出了剑尘的身影,他距离阳烈远的地方站定,目光凝视他们,心中很不平静。 Because this two people under his Spiritual Consciousness covers, generally is unexpectedly dim just like one group of dense fog, does not look clearly, this lets his unusual being startled, because will only have to step into the Origin Realm person to let his Spiritual Consciousness expiration, as for Saint Emperor powerhouse, regardless of will display what secret art, basic will hide on nowhere under his Spiritual Consciousness. 因为这两人在他的神识笼罩之下,竟然宛如一团迷雾一般朦胧,根本就看不真切,这让他非常的吃惊,因为唯有踏入源境界的人才会让他的神识失效,至于圣帝强者,无论施展什么密法,在他的神识之下根本就无处遁形。 On Tian Yuan Continent the unexpectedly bewildered appearance two Origin Realm Supreme, this made the Jian Chen big feeling shocking, because in Tian Yuan Continent historical, except for Mercenary City the spirit of barrier, but also has never presented the fifth Origin Realm powerhouse rumor. 天元大陆上竟然莫名其妙的出现了两名源境界至尊,这让剑尘大感震惊,因为在天元大陆的历史上,除了佣兵之城结界之灵,还从未出现过第五位源境界强者的传言。 Ancestral Grandfather.” When Jian Chen sees Yang Lie, subconscious exudes one to call out in alarm, became dumbfounded, the whole face was unbelievable expression. 祖爷爷。”当剑尘看见阳烈时,下意识的发出一声惊呼,变得目瞪口呆了起來,满脸都是难以置信的神色 At this moment, Jian Chen suspected simply the eye of own has problems, admitted mistakes the person, one of the two mysterious Origin Realm powerhouse unexpectedly are he very familiar Ancestral Grandfather Changyang Zu Yunkong. 这一刻,剑尘简直怀疑自己的眼睛出了问題,认错了人,这两名神秘的源境界强者之一竟然是他十分熟悉的祖爷爷长阳祖云空 But present Changyang Zu Yunkong in the makings, happened with the past overturned the heavens the duplicate change, seemed like sentences simply, if two people. 只不过现在的长阳祖云空在气质上,和从前发生了翻天地覆的变化,看上去简直是判若两人 Jian Chen subconscious rubbing the eyes, earnest is taking a look at the present person, he is somewhat hard to accept this, according to his guess, Changyang Zu Yunkong present strength most also Saint Sovereign, even his natural talent unprecedented melts now, but absolutely is impossible to conduct twice major breakthroughs in such a short time, crosses Saint Emperor to enter into Origin Realm. 剑尘下意识的揉了揉眼睛,认认真真的打量着眼前的人,他有些难以接受这一幕,按照他的猜测,长阳祖云空如今的实力最强也不过圣皇,即便他天赋旷古烁今,但也绝对不可能在如此短的时间内进行两次重大的突破,越过圣帝迈入源境 Yang Lie turns the head to look to Jian Chen, the vision is gentle, a gentleness of face, be with smile on the face saying: Never expected that my Yang Lie also such as your such heaven defying grandson, really makes me be overjoyed, even if in Upper Realm, can achieve your so natural talent person is still few.” 阳烈转头望向剑尘,目光柔和,一脸的慈祥,面带微笑的说道:“沒想到我阳烈还有一位如你这么逆天的孙子,真是让我喜出望外啊,即便是在上界,能达到你这般天赋的人也是屈指可数。” Hears Upper Realm, the Jian Chen vision concentrates, flickers is staring at Yang Lie, asked: Actually you are.” 一听到上界,剑尘的目光就是一凝,一瞬不瞬的盯着阳烈,问道:“你究竟是谁。” I called Yang Lie, was Changyang Zu Yunkong, your Ancestral Grandfather, Guardian Clan Changyang Mansion created for me, but this was my reincarnation, now my memory regains consciousness, did.” Yang Lie answered. “我叫阳烈,同时也是长阳祖云空,你的祖爷爷,守护家族长阳府为我所创,只不过这一世是我的转世,如今我的记忆苏醒,重新做回了自我。”阳烈解释道。 Jian Chen was shocked, in the brain recalls that Yang Lie was previously saying to speak repeatedly, this news was really astonishing, bountiful by his present state of mind, was startled dumb as a wooden chicken. 剑尘愣住了,脑中一遍遍的回忆着阳烈先前所说的那发话,这消息实在是太惊人了,饶是以他现在的心境,都被惊得呆若木鸡。
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