CSG :: Volume #14

#1394: Raging Flame Divine Guardian

Dozens years of life and death whets, dozens years of difficult self-torture, making once obscure you have powerful strength of standing proudly on Tian Yuan Continent, starting today, you will stand from the gloomy corner under the sunlight, starting today, Tian Yuan Continent will change the past pattern because of your existences, later, you will be the magnificence of Raging Flames Mercenaries, was the Raging Flames Mercenaries honor, was the protection of Raging Flames Mercenaries, Raging Flames Mercenaries because of having you will become more powerful, now, my Jian Chen by Raging Flames Mercenaries second, no matter what the Commander status granted your new titles , Raging Flame Divine Guardian.” Jian Chen affection spirited saying, the tone is loud and clear, like the bell, has continuous reverberation of an unsurpassed dignity vastly in trim mountain range. “数十年的生死磨砺,数十年的艰难苦修,让曾经默默无闻的你们拥有了傲立天元大陆上的强大实力,从今日起,你们将从阴暗的角落里站在阳光之下,从今日起,天元大陆将会因为你们的存在而改变往日的格局,以后,你们将是烈焰佣兵团的辉煌,是烈焰佣兵团的荣誉,更是烈焰佣兵团的守护着,烈焰佣兵团将会因为拥有你们而变得更加强大,现在,我剑尘烈焰佣兵团第二任团长的身份赐予你们新的封号,,烈焰神卫。”剑尘深情激昂的说道,语气洪亮,浩大如钟,带着一股无上的威严在整片山脉中连绵回荡。 Are many some Commander to bestow the name, from now, we will forget the former name, walked by the Raging Flame Divine Guardian status in world, is protecting the Raging Flames Mercenaries honor loyally, guarded the Raging Flames Mercenaries dignity with the life, did not disappoint the expectation of Commander.” Mo Tian loud response, zheng zheng powerful, in the tone has the excitement that is hard to conceal, especially in his pair is full in the firm vision, had presented mist. “多些团长赐名,从此以后,我们将忘记从前的名字,以烈焰神卫的身份行走在世间,忠诚的守护着烈焰佣兵团的荣誉,用生命來捍卫烈焰佣兵团的威严,绝不辜负团长的期望。”魔天大声回应,铮铮有力,语气中有着难以掩饰的激动,特别是在他那双充满坚定的目光中,已经出现了一层水雾。 Initially in Blue Wind Kingdom Wake City, his Mo Tian is small Saint Master, is on Tian Yuan Continent millions of life in one of the of lowest level Mercenary, frequently slaughtered with aggressive Magic Beast, walks in life and death border, but to make money that little gold coins lived, that time Mo Tian, in the heart the biggest desire was to become Earth Saint Master, Heaven Saint Master was dream in his life. 当初在风蓝王国瓦克城,他魔天还是一名小小的圣师,是天元大陆上千千万万名生活在最底层的佣兵之一,经常与凶悍的魔兽厮杀,一次次的行走在生死边沿上,只是为了赚钱那么一点点金币过日子,那个时候的魔天,心中最大的愿望就是成为一名大地圣师,天空圣师都是他一生中的梦想。 Because in Blue Wind Kingdom, Heaven Saint Master is very amazing top powerhouse, once becomes Heaven Saint Master, that following is enjoys not the splendor and riches and honor. 因为在风蓝王国中,天空圣师已经是非常了不起的顶尖强者了,一旦成为了天空圣师,那随之而來的就是享之不尽的荣华与富贵。 But now, he not only successfully completed own once dream, and also honorable becomes Saint Sovereign boundary unparalleled powerhouse, even if places entire Tian Yuan Continent, is still the well-known character, this was initially the Mo Tian unthinkable matter. 可是如今,他不仅成功完成了自己曾经的梦想,并且还光荣的成为了一名圣皇境界的盖世强者,即便是放在整个天元大陆,也是响当当的人物,这是当初魔天想都不敢想的事情。 At this moment, in the Mo Tian heart rejoiced very initially own made a wise choice, if not he chose to pledge to fight to the death to follow Jian Chen initially, that decisively is impossible to have today's magnificence. 此时此刻,在魔天心中十分庆幸当初自己做出了一个英明的选择,若非他当初选择誓死跟随剑尘,那也断然不可能有着今日的辉煌。 The mountain range surrounding, collection four clan Saint Sovereign here exude the whoa, dozens Saint Sovereign powerhouse are playing the role of guard in Raging Flame City unexpectedly, this subverted their cognition to the Saint Sovereign powerhouse completely. 山脉外围,汇集在这里的四族圣皇纷纷发出惊叹声,几十名圣皇强者烈焰城中竟然只是充当着侍卫的角色,这完全颠覆了他们所有人对圣皇强者的认知。 Takes a broad view at Tian Yuan Continent, which Saint Sovereign not, when turn into god comes consecrated, even is better than Guardian Clan, once there is Saint Sovereign powerhouse born, that immediately the promotion will be Supreme Elder, will have the greatest right. 放眼天元大陆,哪个圣皇不是被当成神供奉着,即便是强如守护家族,一旦有圣皇强者诞生,那将立即晋升为太上长老,拥有莫大的权利。 Even the Saint Sovereign quantity are more than on many Sea Clan Tian Yuan Continent, still has no side influence on regard the guard and guard Saint Sovereign absolutely regards, even if three big temples, started out the rich treatment to give favored treatment to each Saint Sovereign. 即便是圣皇的数量远比天元大陆多上许多的海族,也绝对沒有任何一方势力把圣皇当成侍卫以及守卫來看待,哪怕是三大神殿,也是开出了丰厚的待遇來优待每一名圣皇 Raging Flame City, pioneers a beginning now, is from ancient to present, only regards the influence that the guard looks like with Saint Sovereign powerhouse. 烈焰城,今开创了一个先河,是从古至今,唯一一家拿圣皇强者当成侍卫看來的势力。 Jian Chen leads You Yue and others and dozens Raging Flame Divine Guardian returned to Raging Flame City, welcomed the entire city most intense cheers, but Raging Flame City increased dozens Saint Sovereign powerhouse news all of a sudden, spread over entire Tian Yuan Continent by the potential of violent storm, even also the proliferation to another three big races, stirred a controversy, lets the world big quake, entire day below people revolve this matter to whoop, exude the sound of exclamation. 剑尘带着幽月等众人和数十名烈焰神卫返回了烈焰城,迎來了全城最为强烈的欢呼声,而烈焰城一下子增加了数十名圣皇强者的消息,也以狂风暴雨之势传遍了整个天元大陆,甚至还扩散到另外三大种族之中,引起了一阵轩然大波,让天下大震,全天下的人都围绕着这件事情议论纷纷,发出惊叹之声。 The 2nd day, some numerous Saint Sovereign powerhouse visit Raging Flame City, not only there is Tian Yuan Continent, meanwhile has Beast Clan, Hundred Clans and Sea Clan person, is comes to be the rise of Raging Flame City congratulates. 第二日,就有众多圣皇强者來访烈焰城,不仅有天元大陆,同时还有兽族,百族以及海族的人,皆是來为烈焰城的崛起而道贺。 Even Sea God Temple Palace Master Ya Di Lan Mo personally arrived in Raging Flame City. 甚至连海神殿殿主亚蒂蓝魔都亲自來到了烈焰城中。 Regarding these people, Jian Chen lets Bi Lian and You Yue two people completely calls, his own only received some familiar guests, for example Sea God Temple Palace Master Ya Di Lan Mo, as well as Changyang Zu howls and the others. 对于这些來访的人,剑尘全部让碧莲幽月二人去招呼,他自己只接待了一些熟悉的客人,例如海神殿殿主亚蒂蓝魔,以及长阳祖啸等人。 In brief, is not and Jian Chen has some friendship Saint Sovereign, wants see above Jian Chen at the same time to be the countless sufferings and hardships, is not Jian Chen has how proudly, but was visiting four clan powerhouse is really many, he does not want to waste the energy on this. 总之,不是和剑尘有着一些交情的圣皇,想见上剑尘一面都是千难万难,并非剑尘有多么的自傲,而是來访的四族强者实在是太多了,他不想把精力都浪费在这上面。 Of Qin Country four big Imperial Protector Tian Yuan Continent Eight Great Powerful Countries also came, the treatment that but they enjoy in Raging Flame City actually wants to be nobler than numerous Saint Empire Capital, merely by the Saint King boundary strength, on opening access was invited the backing to see right in front of one Jian Chen. 天元大陆八大强国之一的秦皇国四大护国国师也來了,不过他们在烈焰城中所享受的待遇却比众多圣皇都要高贵很多,仅仅以圣王境界的实力,就畅通无阻的被邀请到后援面见剑尘 Holy Empire Kala Clan beloved daughter Kala Liwei also and Old Ancestor Kala Luo visits Raging Flame City, was invited in the backyard. 神圣帝国卡拉家族的掌上明珠卡拉丽薇也和老祖宗卡拉洛拜访烈焰城,被邀请到后院中。 In addition, Ancient Aristocratic Family Tianmu Clan Tianmu Ling, visits Jian Chen under two big Saint King powerhouse Jun Mohao and Wang Yanhong companions. 除此之外,还有上古世家天幕家族天幕灵,在两大圣王强者君莫豪王殷红的陪伴下拜访剑尘 Jian Chen small Elder Brother, I can also call you now like this.” Tianmu Ling sees Jian Chen, cautious saying, a miserable appearance, among expression has several points timid. 剑尘哥哥,我现在还能这样叫你吗。”天幕灵一见到剑尘,就小心翼翼的说道,一副楚楚可怜的样子,神色间带着几分怯怯。 Sees the old friend, Jian Chen appears very happy, Ha Ha laughs saying: Why not, Miss Tianmu Ling helped me be many initially, how my Jian Chen can forget, although present I had very big change in the status compared with it past, but actually cannot change the basic principle that I cultivated the behavior.” 见到老朋友,剑尘显得十分的开心,哈哈大笑道:“有何不可,当初天幕灵小姐可是帮过我不少,我剑尘怎能忘记,虽然现在的我在身份上比之从前发生了很大的变化,但却改变不了我做人的基本原则。” Just in this manner called Jian Chen, in the Tianmu Ling heart is also perturbed, very disturbed, Jian Chen will for fear that blame, but saw Jian Chen saying that raised the heart on throat to put finally, in the heart understands Jian Chen, although becomes Supreme powerhouse, but had not forgotten that once that friendship, this made Tianmu Ling immediately excited. 刚刚以这样的方式來称呼剑尘时,天幕灵心中也是一阵七上八下,非常的忐忑,生怕剑尘会怪罪,但见剑尘如此说,那提在嗓子上的心是终于放了下來,心中明白剑尘虽然成为了至尊强者,但还沒有忘记曾经的那一段友情,这顿时让天幕灵变得兴奋了起來。 Unlike in Tianmu Ling Jun Mohao and Wang Yanhong see Jian Chen to the Tianmu Ling attitude, looked at each other one mutually, shows an understanding smile. 跟在天幕灵身边的君莫豪王殷红剑尘天幕灵态度不同,不禁互相对视了一眼,露出一丝会心的微笑。 Wants initially when attending the Mercenary grand meeting, the girl and Jian Chen small Elder Brother, as well as Ming Dong, Dugu Feng several people stay in the Earth Saint Master boundary together, now passes only dozens years, Jian Chen small Elder Brother has become Supreme that dominates above Saint Emperor, Ming Dong and Dugu Feng broke through to the Saint Sovereign boundary, only has the girl also to stay in the original boundary, even Heaven Saint Master has not made great strides forward, yeah.” Tianmu Ling sighed spookily, was somewhat discouraged, looks to Jian Chen, Ming Dong, in the Dugu Feng three people of vision has envying that was hard to conceal. “想当初在参加佣兵盛会时,小女子和剑尘哥哥,以及鸣东,独孤峰几人一同停留在大地圣师境界,如今不过才过去区区数十年时间,剑尘哥哥就已经成为凌驾于圣帝之上的至尊了,就连鸣东独孤峰都突破到圣皇境界了,唯有小女子至今还停留在原先的境界,连天空圣师都沒有迈进,哎。”天幕灵幽幽一叹,有些气馁,看向剑尘,鸣东,独孤峰三人的目光中有着难以掩饰的羡慕。 Together that Tianmu Ling these words, making Jian Chen the recollection that could not help initially and Ming Dong attend the Mercenary grand meeting, in the vision reveal the color of longing immediately, said: Tianmu Ling, you helped my Jian Chen be many, you could rest assured that when here matter, I will boost helping hand, lets your to become king/emperor.” 天幕灵这番话,让剑尘情不自禁的回忆起当初和鸣东一起参加佣兵盛会的一幕,目光中顿时露出怀念之色,说道:“天幕灵,曾经你帮过我剑尘不少,你放心,等这里事了,我会助力一臂之力,让你成皇。” Really.” Tianmu Ling eye immediately one bright, becomes very excited. “真的。”天幕灵眼睛顿时一亮,变得非常激动。 Jun Mohao and Wang Yanhong two people is also startled, at once reveals the wild with joy color, now the Jian Chen status is extraordinary, they will be will not suspect absolutely Jian Chen is talking irresponsibly, and he has let dozens people of precedent that will become Saint Sovereign, therefore Jun Mohao and Wang Yanhong will not doubt Jian Chen to make Earth Saint Master in a short time the Saint Sovereign ability. 君莫豪王殷红两人也是一怔,旋即露出狂喜之色,如今剑尘身份非凡,他们二人是绝对不会怀疑剑尘是在信口开河,并且他已经拥有了让数十人成为圣皇的先例,因此君莫豪王殷红是毫不怀疑剑尘拥有让一名大地圣师在短时间内成为圣皇的能力。 Jian Chen, do not forget you also to owe me a commitment, my can Kala Liwei become 7th-Rank Radiant Saint Master to depend entirely on you.” Kala Liwei also collected, stares a pair of phoenix eye to stare at Jian Chen. 剑尘,别忘了你还欠我一个承诺,我卡拉丽薇能不能成为七阶光明圣师就全靠你了。”卡拉丽薇也凑了过來,瞪着一双凤眼盯着剑尘 After clarifying the Jian Chen temperament, Kala Liwei also enlarged the courage, did not have the least bit to restrict again. 在弄清了剑尘的脾气之后,卡拉丽薇也放大了胆子,再也沒有半点拘束了。
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