CSG :: Volume #14

#1393: First under heaven city ( 3 )

Qing Suo Sword hung in the upper air horizontally blocked the way of people, immediately made everyone's figure stop suddenly, settled down immediately in same place, does not dare to go forward one step. 青索剑横挂在高空中挡住了众人的去路,顿时让所有人的身形戛然而止,一个个立马驻足在原地,不敢前进一步。 Because everyone recognized this origin of sword, although they are Saint Sovereign powerhouse, in the respective race is best powerhouse, the status is powerful and prominent, but in this in front of Qing Suo Sword, all of them received the arrogance of own at this moment, became respectful. 因为所有人都认出了这把剑的來历,尽管他们都是圣皇强者,在各自的种族中都是数一数二的强者,身份地位显赫,但此刻在这把青索剑面前,他们所有人都收起了自己的高傲,变得恭恭敬敬。 „, My Raging Flames Mercenaries person breaks through here, but also looked at everyone do not disturb them, in order to avoid had the influence on their cultivation.” The Jian Chen sound resounds in each of them's ear, for Jian Chen does not alarm to Little Fatty they cultivates, the way to send greetings told arrived here everyone. “诸位,我烈焰佣兵团的人在这里进行突破,还望各位不要打搅了他们,以免对他们的修炼造成影响。”剑尘的声音在他们每个人的耳边响起,剑尘为了不惊扰到小胖他们修炼,以传音的方式告诉來到这里的所有人。 Is the Jian Chen Supreme sound.” Has Human Race powerhouse to exude the low call, in the tone brings several points of excitement unexpectedly, although Jian Chen is only an evening lives the later generation in their eyes, the real age was still insufficient their odd change, but in this takes the strength as to revere the world, the age is not that important, is used to weigh natural talent of person in some time at most. “是剑尘至尊的声音。”有人族强者发出低呼声,语气中竟带着几分激动,尽管剑尘在他们所有人眼中都只是一个晚生后辈,真实年纪尚不足他们的一个零头,但在这以实力为尊的世界,年纪已经不是那么重要的,顶多就是在某个时刻用來衡量一个人的天赋 Never expected that Human Race Supreme here, we draw back unexpectedly.” Has foreign clan powerhouse to exude in a low voice twittering the sound. “沒想到人族至尊竟然在这里,我们还是退出去吧。”有外族强者发出低声呢喃声。 Here made such big move no wonder, we also think that here hidden has shortcut that can let person Saint Sovereign, now looks like, this is Human Race Supreme is clearly using own the technique of big divine ability, making the own subordinate break through.” “怪不得这里弄出了这么大的动静,我们还以为这里隐藏有能够让人圣皇的捷径呢,现在看來,这分明是人族至尊在施展自己的大神通之术,让自己的部下进行突破。” This Human Race Supreme is really the very powerful ability, can let dozens Saint King to become king/emperor unexpectedly simultaneously, actually he how achieves, when the strength exceeded Saint Emperor, when achieves Origin Realm in legend, will have so the heaven defying method.” “这人族至尊真是好强的能力,竟然能同时让数十名圣王成皇,他究竟是怎么做到的,难道当实力超越了圣帝,达到传说中的源境时,就会掌握如此逆天的手段吗。” Many people were discussing in a low voice, but everyone presses low the sound, then very aware slow retreat, has not wanted to nose again in actual situation thought. 许多人都在低声议论,不过所有人都将声音压得非常之低,然后十分自觉的缓慢后退,再也沒有想要去查探一下里面虚实的念头了。 Finally, Saint Sovereign from various clans fell back on the mountain range surrounding completely, but actually no one leaves, stays in far Fang Jing static stares at the mountain range deep place, even some people looked for an open area to sit, started to cultivate. 最终,來自各族的圣皇全部都退到了山脉外围,不过却沒有一个人离开,都停留在远方静静的凝望山脉深处,甚至还有一些人找了个空地席地而坐,开始修炼了起來。 Because here world vitality to a inconceivable situation, all of them has never seen richly so richly, so pure world vitality, if cultivates in such environment, will have very huge advantage to them, performs to unfold speed with ten thousand li in a day to describe that is not overrated. 因为这里的天地元气已经浓郁到一种不可思议的地步了,他们所有人都从未见过如此浓郁,如此纯净的天地元气,若是在这样的环境下修炼,对他们将会有非常巨大的好处,尽展速度用一日千里來形容也毫不为过。 After several days, Little Fatty they awake to turn around from the cultivation in abundance, when opens that instant of eye, in their vision reveals the excitement and excitement that is hard to conceal. 数日后,小胖他们纷纷从修炼中醒转过來,当睁开眼睛的那一刹那,他们所有人的目光中都流露出难以掩饰的激动和兴奋。 The Saint Sovereign boundary, this to many of them, is unattainable to high boundary, even can achieve such boundary to regard in the life own the biggest dream, if after all wants to become Saint Sovereign, not only needs natural talent, needs a precipitation of long years. 圣皇境界,这对他们当中的许多人來说,都是可望不可即的至高境界,甚至把自己能达到这样的境界当成了一生中最大的梦想,毕竟要想成为圣皇,不仅仅需要天赋,同时也需要一段漫长岁月的沉淀。 But now, they unexpectedly from Heaven Saint Master and Saint King boundary in the time of short several days exceed to Saint Sovereign, this makes them feel that like having a dream general, is such is not real, that illusory. 可是现在,他们竟然在短短数日的时间内就从天空圣师以及圣王境界一举突破至圣皇,这让他们所有人都感觉如同做梦一般,是那么的不真实,那么的虚幻。 Especially Yun Zheng, An Dafu and that dozens Raging Flames Mercenaries elite squad, the feelings are intense. 特别是云峥,安大夫以及那数十名烈焰佣兵团的精锐小队,感触更是强烈。 All sets.” Suddenly, a soaring sound spread over entire mountain range, Charles Raging Flames Mercenaries this elite squad leaders drank high, immediately, dozens elite squads that dispersed in various places caught up from various places, in time that short two could not breathe, they stood a square formation set to finish in an open area. “全体集合。”突然,一声高昂的声音传遍了整个山脉,烈焰佣兵团这支精锐小队的领头人之一查尔斯一声高喝,顿时,数十名分散在各处的精锐小队纷纷从各处赶來,短短两个呼吸不到的时间里,他们就在一处空地上站成一个方阵集合完毕。 Just broke through, they could not very good control own strength, on everyone have powerful energies to reveal in intent, dozens people stood, formed energy storm to wreak havoc in mountain range, in the world that made blustery, the trim is filling a threatening pressure void. 刚刚突破,他们还不能很好的控制自己的力量,每个人身上都有一股股强大的能量在不禁意间流露出來,数十人站在一起,更是形成了一股能量风暴肆虐在山脉间,令的天地间风起云涌,整片虚空都弥漫着一股逼人的威压。 After the set, could not have seen the joyous feelings on the face of this elite squad, all of them press the mood at heart, restored the callousness between ordinary days, unemotional, in the eye divine light like the torch, looks just like a well-trained army. 集合之后,在这支精锐小队的脸上已经看不到喜悦之情了,他们所有人都将情绪压在心里,恢复了平日间的冷酷,一个个面无表情,眼中神光如炬,看上去宛如一支训练有素的军队。 Little Fatty, Wang Yifeng, Yun Zheng, An Dafu they with these people have not stood, arrives at Jian Chen behind to stand firm respectively, has powerful energy often broken bodies in their several people, their strength rises suddenly all of a sudden, although will not leave the hidden danger to them, but if wants completely familiar within the body that to strengthen the innumerable time of strengths suddenly, obviously also needs some time. 小胖,王逸风,云峥,安大夫他们沒有和这些人站在一起,各自來到剑尘身后站定,在他们几人身上同样有一股股强大的能量不时的破体而出,他们实力一下子暴涨,虽然不会给他们留下隐患,但要想完全熟悉体内那突然增强无数倍的力量,明显还需要一段时间。 Then our Raging Flame City increased dozens Saint Sovereign boundaries unparalleled powerhouse, this was really good.” Bi Lian, You Yue as well as Ming Dong they also arrived here from Raging Flame City, looks dozens Saint Sovereign that under such as the army is standing firm generally, reveals to send to the innermost feelings the excitement. “这下我们烈焰城增加了几十名圣皇境界的盖世强者,这真是太好了。”碧莲,幽月以及鸣东他们也从烈焰城來到了这里,望着下方如军队一般站定的数十名圣皇,一个个都露出发至内心的激动。 The mountain range surrounding, came from Saint Sovereign of various clans also to see clearly inside one, held breath cold air, Raging Flames Mercenaries not only increased dozens Saint Sovereign powerhouse all of a sudden, these dozens Saint Sovereign powerhouse have like the army general discipline, even if this has never happened in the antiquity years. 山脉外围,许多來自各族的圣皇也看清了里面的一幕,一个个都倒吸了一口凉气,烈焰佣兵团不仅一下子增加了几十名圣皇强者,同时这几十名圣皇强者还有着如同军队一般的纪律,这即便是在上古年间都从未发生过。 These dozens Saint Sovereign actually belong to an influence, this Raging Flame City was also too powerful......” “这几十名圣皇竟然归属一个势力,这烈焰城也太强大了……” „A Tian Yuan Continent disaster just passed, Saint Sovereign of four big races lose seriously, now has remained not many, Raging Flame City under such time emits dozens Saint Sovereign to come out suddenly, this... this...” 天元大陆的一场劫难刚刚过去,四大种族的圣皇损失惨重,如今已经所剩不多,在这样的时刻下烈焰城突然冒出几十名圣皇出來,这…这…” First under heaven city that this Raging Flame City has been worthy of the reputation now, Raging Flames Mercenaries is first Mercenary Group on Tian Yuan Continent, is the first influence, they not only Saint Sovereign is numerous, but also Supreme assumes personal command......” “这烈焰城如今已经名副其实的天下第一城了,烈焰佣兵团已经是天元大陆上的第一佣兵团了,同时也是第一势力,他们不仅圣皇众多,而且还有一位至尊坐镇……” The mountain range surrounding, many people voice the opinions, once Raging Flames Mercenaries on Tian Yuan Continent, although big name, but that time Raging Flames Mercenaries background was not deep, Saint Sovereign powerhouse were few, can say that did not have, all was depends on Jian Chen as well as Rui Jin their three Beast Clan powerhouse reputations is supporting. 山脉外围,许多人发出感叹,曾经的烈焰佣兵团天元大陆上虽然名声响亮,但那个时候的烈焰佣兵团底蕴并不深厚,圣皇强者都非常少,可以说一个都沒有,全是靠着剑尘以及瑞金他们三名兽族强者的名头撑着。 However is now different, Ming Dong, Dugu Feng, You Yue, Bi Hai these person of simultaneously to become king/emperor, simultaneously and many seemed the squad comprised of Saint Sovereign, can not say exaggeratingly, present Raging Flames Mercenaries has deep background, even without Jian Chen, Raging Flames Mercenaries can still standing proudly on Tian Yuan Continent. 但是现在不同了,鸣东,独孤峰,幽月,碧海这些人齐齐成皇,同时又多了一支好似由圣皇组成的小队,可以毫不夸张的说,现在的烈焰佣兵团已经拥有非常深厚的底蕴了,即便沒有剑尘,烈焰佣兵团也能傲立天元大陆上了。 Jian Chen crosses the step void, stands follows his small working group when this batch earliest, among the facial expressions has the pride that is hard to conceal, this group of people follow him earliest, the strength in Saint Master, the Great Saint Master stage, Earth Saint Master is one does not have, is under the leadership of own, they grow step by step, transforms step by step, under consuming large amounts of resources as well as various types of great talent treasures, eventually achieved the achievement of today, this makes in the Jian Chen heart also feel the pride, very satisfaction. 剑尘虚空渡步而下,站在这批最早跟随着他的一班人,神情间有着难以掩饰的自豪,这批人最早跟随他时,实力都在圣师,大圣师阶段,大地圣师是一个都沒有,可是在自己的带领下,他们一步步成长,一步步蜕变,在耗费了大量的资源以及各种一等一的天才地宝之下,最终达到了今日的这种成就,这让剑尘心中也感到非常的自豪,非常的满意。 Because of this batch of Saint Sovereign, is he cultivates personally, lets them from initial very ordinary Mercenary, becomes present unparalleled powerhouse. 因为这一批圣皇,是他亲手培育起來的,让他们从最初的一个非常普通的佣兵,成为了现在的盖世强者
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