CSG :: Volume #14

#1392: First under heaven city ( 2 )

This Jian Chen makes dozens people Saint Sovereign simultaneously, the caused sound was really big, dozens seven color auspicious cloud packs put together, form resulted in like the breakthrough to Saint Emperor nine color auspicious cloud, when actually to become Saint Emperor Nine Colors auspicious cloud that initiated also wanted more magnificent. 这一次剑尘同时让数十人成为圣皇,弄出的动静实在是太大了,数十道七彩祥云叠加在一起,形成了如同突破至圣帝的九彩祥云似得,但是却比成为圣帝时引发出来的九色祥云还要壮观许多。 The limit that because Saint Emperor Nine Colors auspicious cloud spreads is entire Tian Yuan Continent, but these dozens seven colors auspicious cloud overlay, formed alternative Nine Colors auspicious cloud spread unexpectedly the Tian Yuan Continent range, affected another three big races the border to stop. 因为圣帝九色祥云扩散的极限就是整个天元大陆,而这数十股七色祥云叠加,形成的另类九色祥云竟然蔓延出了天元大陆的范围,足足波及到另外三大种族的边沿才停止。 At this moment, world big quake, Tian Yuan Continent, is Hundred Clans as well as Beast Clan, in all Saint Sovereign powerhouse hearts cannot be tranquil, even if hidden Sea Region under deep sea has a feeling, immediately some strengths break open in Sea Clan powerhouse of Saint Sovereign boundary, treads the whole face in the turbulent sea shocking is staring at the distant place. 这一刻,天下大震,无论是天元大陆,还是百族以及兽族,所有的圣皇强者心中都不能平静,即便是隐藏在深海之下的海域都有所感,顿时有一些实力在圣皇境界的海族强者破开而出,踏在波涛汹涌的大海上满脸震惊的盯着远方。 If Saint King powerhouse, naturally can think that this had Saint Sovereign to break through to Saint Emperor caused nine color auspicious cloud, but the profound and abstruse principles in this piece of Nine Colors auspicious cloud actually could not hide the truth from Saint Sovereign, making world all Saint Empire Capital induce to this is by dozens seven colors auspicious cloud overlay, but inside contained nine colors. 若是圣王强者,自然会以为这是有圣皇突破到圣帝引起了九彩祥云,但是这片九色祥云之内的玄机却瞒不住圣皇,让天下所有圣皇都感应到这是由数十股七色祥云叠加而成,只是里面包含了九种颜色。 Actually on Tian Yuan Continent what happened, why will have so many 14 stars level warrior to break through to the 15 stars level.” Has Sea Clan powerhouse to make the curious sound. 天元大陆上究竟发生了什么事,为何会有这么多十四星勇士突破到十五星级。”有海族强者发出好奇的声音。 Now Tian Yuan Continent Human Race first powerhouse Jian Chen relates significantly with our Sea God Temple, regarding Human Race, the person of our Sea Clan is friendly, we go to Tian Yuan Continent to have a look at, actually ravelled there what happened.” Sea God Temple Saint Sovereign says, dozens people to become king/emperor, this caused their curiosity simultaneously. “如今天元大陆人族第一强者剑尘与我们海神殿关系匪浅,对于人族来说,我们海族之人还是友好的,我们去天元大陆看一看吧,弄明白那里究竟发生了什么事。”海神殿的一名圣皇开口说道,数十人同时成皇,这引起了他们所有人的好奇心。 Good, we go to Tian Yuan Continent to have a look at.” A Sea Clan old man seconded the motion, his complexion some blanches, obviously are the bodies of being wounded, but is actually not able the curiosity that prevents him from going to find out. “好吧,我们去天元大陆看一看。”海族一名老者附议了,他的脸色有些发白,显然是带伤之躯,但是却无法阻止他前往一探究竟的好奇心。 This damn hot sun, shining is really uncomfortable, I felt that my whole body was scorched quickly.” Body very valiant middle-aged woman raise one's head looked at the hot sun in upper air, exudes the discontented imprecations. “这该死的烈日,照射在身上真是不舒服,我感觉我浑身都快被烧焦了。”一名身躯十分彪悍的中年妇女抬头看了看高空中的烈日,发出不满的咒骂声。 Sea Clan lives year to year in Sea Region, they have been used to there environment, outside hot sun will make them feel not familiar with very much, although this is unable to undermine them. 海族常年生活在海域,他们已经习惯了那里的环境,外面的烈日会让他们感到很不习惯,尽管这无法对他们构成伤害。 At once, these Sea Clan powerhouse tear space build Space Gate to rush to Tian Yuan Continent together. 旋即,这些海族强者纷纷撕裂空间搭建一道空间之门赶往天元大陆 At the same time, in Beast Clan also many Saint Sovereign powerhouse acted, dozens Saint King to become king/emperor gave in their hearts to bring very powerful impact simultaneously, everyone wants to go to the Tian Yuan Continent investigation outcome, had shortcut that can make Saint King Saint Sovereign. 同一时间,兽族中也有许多圣皇强者纷纷行动了起来,数十名圣王同时成皇给他们心中带来了非常强烈的冲击,所有人都想去天元大陆探查究竟,是否有能让圣王成为圣皇的捷径。 Is alarmed in three Great Emperor that in Beast God Temple healed from a wound, simultaneously suspended outside Beast God Temple, stared at the Tian Yuan Continent direction. 就连正在兽神殿内养伤的三位大帝都被惊动了,齐齐悬浮兽神殿外,凝望天元大陆的方向。 In Barren Continent that Hundred Clans occupies, here bleak, the plant is scarce, looking into the distance, is the yellow sand and withered soil of stretching to the horizon, even in these ancient mountain range, is still bare one piece, rarely sees the green color. 百族盘踞的荒漠大陆中,这里一片荒凉,植物稀少,放眼望去,全是一望无垠的黄沙以及干枯的泥土,即便是在那些古老的山脉中,也是光秃秃一片,很少看见有绿色的颜色。 Situated in the Barren Continent dead center place, here has a reaching to the sky mountain peak, this mountain is greatly famous in Barren Continent, because of the entire Hundred Clans right center in this mountain peak. 位于荒漠大陆的正中心处,这里有一座高耸入云的山峰,这座山在荒漠大陆可是大有名气,因为整个百族的权利中枢就在这座山峰。 This mountain peak named War God Mountain, is the Hundred Clans sacred place, supreme War God Temple, stands erect in this mountain peak peak. 这座山峰名为战神山,乃是百族的神圣之地,至高无上的战神殿,就屹立在这座山峰的顶端。 At this moment, in the summit of War God Mountain, golden yellow War God Temple sends out the unprecedented brilliance all over the body, such as a Sun is like that dazzling, its static standing erect there, crawled like ancient times giant beast in the place, sent out an invisible dignity, filled sacredly. 此刻,在战神山之巅,通体金黄的战神殿散发出前所未有的光辉,如一轮太阳那般耀眼,它静静的屹立在那里,如同一只远古巨兽匍匐在地,散发出一股无形的威严,更是充满了神圣。 In War God Temple, body high enough has sitting about three meters Tie Ta haughty, in that is symbolizing on the throne of highest power, his golden flesh with as if melts for the golden throne for a body similarly, sends out the light golden multi-colored sunlight, remote shouted correspondingly with the entire temple. 战神殿内,身高足有三米开外的铁塔大马金刀的坐在那象征着最高权力的宝座上,他那一身金色的肌肤与同样为金色的宝座仿佛融为了一体,散发出淡淡的金色霞光,与整座神殿遥呼相应。 Below head of Tie Ta, entire Hundred Clans all powerhouse completely centralized in the same place, everyone expression excited kneeling on the ground, some old people have even been moved to tears, the old body cannot bear is shivering. 铁塔的下首,整个百族的所有强者全部都集中在一起,所有人都神色激动的跪在地上,一些老人甚至已经热泪盈眶,苍老的身躯忍不住的颤抖着。 In these people, on almost everyone is wounded, some time ago obviously experienced that and Abandoned Saint World war remains, but at this moment, all of them could not attend to healing, regardless of injury how serious, so long as can also stand, so long as is also maintaining sober, collected is completely greeting their War God here. 这些人中,几乎人人身上都带着伤,显然是不久前经历的那场与圣弃界的大战留下来的,但是此时此刻,他们所有人都顾不得疗伤了,无论伤势多么的严重,只要还能够站起来,只要还保持着清醒的,全部都汇集在这里迎接着他们的战神 „The king of great war, you came back finally, we and others you and others well painstakingly......” “伟大的战争之王啊,你终于回来了,我们等你等得好苦啊……” Great War God, we finally found you, our Hundred Clans only then can move toward magnificently under your leadership......” “伟大的战神啊,我们终于找到你了,我们百族只有在您的带领下才能走向辉煌……” Great War God, our Hundred Clans unites as one a piece, everyone is willing to obey your instruction, takes you as to revere, you are the belief of our Hundred Clans, is our souls......” “伟大的战神啊,我们百族上下齐心一片,所有人愿听从您的吩咐,以您为尊,您就是我们百族的信仰,是我们所有人的灵魂……” Kneels below numerous Hundred Clans powerhouse facial expression spirited saying, excited incomparable, when falls/dies large quantities of powerhouse with the war gives the sadness in their hearts bringing, had been diluted with the return of War God. 跪在下方的一众百族强者神情激昂的说道,一个个都兴奋无比,在与界大战时陨落的大批强者给他们心中带来的悲伤,早已随着战神的回归而被冲淡。 The matter that War God returns to spread over entire Barren Continent by the potential of violent storm, lets all clansman incomparable excitements and excitements of Hundred Clans, in this piece of environmentally harsh Barren Continent, so long as has the place of habitation, can see the cheers everywhere, the slogan, even some Hundred Clans start to be decorated with lanterns and colored streamers according to the custom, a jubilance. 战神回归的事情以狂风暴雨之势传遍了整个荒漠大陆,让百族的所有族人都无比的兴奋和激动,在这片环境恶劣的荒漠大陆中,只要是有人烟的地方,随处都可以看见欢呼声,呐喊声,甚至还有一些百族依照习俗开始张灯结彩,一片喜气洋洋。 At this time, Tie Ta had a sleep/felt, the vision looks suddenly to the Tian Yuan Continent direction, revealed the color of thinking deeply. His strength is extraordinary, obviously, he also induced to the sound that the Tian Yuan Continent direction transmitted very much. 这时,铁塔似有所觉,目光豁然望向天元大陆的方向,露出深思之色。他实力非凡,很显然,他也感应到天元大陆方向传来的动静了。 However this War God Temple situated in the Barren Continent dead center, from the Barren Continent border very remote distances, in War God Temple besides Tie Ta, others has not induced to that fluctuation that transmits from Tian Yuan Continent, even if here has Saint Sovereign great perfection boundary powerhouse. 不过这战神殿位于荒漠大陆的正中心,距离荒漠大陆边沿还有一段十分遥远的距离,战神殿中除了铁塔之外,其余人都没有感应到从天元大陆传来的那股波动,即便这里有圣皇大圆满境界的强者 Tian Yuan Continent, in that piece of mountain range near Raging Flame City, Little Fatty and the others the breakthroughs are still continuing, after they become Saint Sovereign, the Purple Cloud Immortal Peach boundless vitality has not exhausted completely, everyone is turning toward Saint Sovereign 1-layer, 2-layer, 3-layer continues to sprint. 天元大陆,烈焰城附近的那片山脉中,小胖等人的突破还在继续,他们成为圣皇之后,紫云仙桃的磅礴元气还未完全耗尽,所有人都在向着圣皇一重天,二重天,三重天继续冲刺着。 While strength rise, the grasping principles tea also plays the huge role, led into their souls a marvelous boundary, the assistance they comprehended the world to be mysterious, had helping of grasping principles tea, is extremely difficult to comprehend profound truth of the world that in all person eyes to simply, the clearest situation presented before them. 在实力提升的同时,悟道茶也起到了巨大的作用,将他们的灵魂带入了一种奇妙的境界之中,协助他们领悟天地玄妙,有了悟道茶之助,在所有人眼中都极难领悟的天地玄奥将以最为简单,最为清晰的形势呈现在他们面前。 Around this piece of mountain range, had collected numerous powerhouse, not only attracted many Saint King, Saint Empire Capital came much. 在这片山脉四周,已经汇集了众多的强者,不仅吸引了许多圣王,就连圣皇都来了不少。 In this piece of mountain range sky, dazzling purple rays of light is glittering, Zi Ying Sword turns into 30 meters Divine Sword suspended in the upper air, Jian Chen sits cross-legged to sit above is paying close attention to below all, his Spiritual Consciousness has covered a surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) range, is these person of Custodian, protects them the security in breakthrough. 在这片山脉的上空,一道耀眼的紫色光芒在闪烁,紫郢剑变成一柄三十米长的神剑悬浮在高空中,剑尘盘膝坐在上面密切关注着下方的一切,他的神识已经笼罩方圆万里范围,为这些人护法,保护他们在突破中的安全。 Dozens Saint Sovereign break through in this place, I remember that some time ago here divided shocking Heavenly Thunder, it seems like here Huan Zhen (really) has some mystery, perhaps here will cultivate, breaks through the bottleneck with ease also many.” “数十名圣皇就是在这个地方突破的,我记得不久前这里劈下了一场惊世天雷,看来此处还真有一些玄妙,或许在这里修炼,突破瓶颈也会轻松不少。” Here world vitality was too rich, the old man cultivates for several thousand years, Ten Great Guardian Clans Small World had once gone, but there world vitality and compared with here, simply is the difference of small stream and sea.” “这里的天地元气太浓郁了,老夫修炼数千年时间,就连十大守护家族小世界都曾去过,但那里的天地元气和这里相比较,简直是小溪与大海的区别。” Some Saint Sovereign powerhouse voice the opinions, arrived here, they felt that just like arrives was heavenly, because here world vitality not only very rich, but also incomparable purity. 一些圣皇强者发出感叹,来到了这里,他们感觉就犹如来到了天堂一般,因为这里的天地元气不仅非常的浓郁,而且还无比的纯净。 These Saint Sovereign not only have Human Race, meanwhile has Sea Clan, Beast Clan as well as Hundred Clans, although in Hundred Clans these Saint Sovereign in War God Temple have not induced to the Tian Yuan Continent sound, but some Hundred Clans powerhouse situated in Barren Continent border is actually clear seeing horizon the light of auspicious omen. 这些圣皇不仅有人族的,同时还有海族,兽族以及百族的,虽然百族战神殿中的那些圣皇没有感应到天元大陆的动静,但位于荒漠大陆边沿的一些百族强者却是清晰的看到天边的祥瑞之光。 If in usually, these people arrives at Tian Yuan Continent, will decide however will cause Tian Yuan Continent all powerhouse to prevent, but Tian Yuan Continent is under the threat of Abandoned Saint World now, will also need powerhouse of another three clans to help, therefore at this time, many people gave up the race concept, will not conflict regarding the arrival of foreign clan person. 若是在平时,这些人来到天元大陆,定然会引起天元大陆的所有强者阻挡,但如今天元大陆面临着圣弃界的威胁,还需要另外三族的强者来援,因此在这个时候,许多人都放弃了种族观念,对于外族人的到来并不抵触。 Actually we go in to have a look at to have what secret.” The Beast Clan powerhouse proposition said, quick won the support of many, immediately more than 20 Saint Sovereign go hand in hand, cautiously toward the mountain range deep place vanguard. “我们大家进去看一看里面究竟有什么秘密。”有一名兽族强者提议道,很快就赢得了不少人的支持,当下就有二十余名圣皇结伴而行,小心翼翼朝着山脉深处前行。 However when they lead the way less than a kilometer distance, azure sword light flashes to pass together, sees only azure Divine Sword to bring frightening sword qi to come, to change into dozens meters to hang in void air-splitting horizontally, prevented the ways of these people. 然而他们才前行不到千米距离时,一道青色剑光一闪而逝,只见一柄青色神剑带着惊天剑气破空而来,化为数十米大小横挂在虚空中,阻止了这些人的去路。 This is not Jian Chen Saint Emperor hand one in that two Divine Sword!” Immediately some people recognized Qing Suo Sword, immediately exudes the screams. “这不是剑尘圣帝手中的那两把神剑中的一把吗!”立即有人认出了青索剑,顿时发出惊呼声。 „The Jian Chen Supreme strength has exceeded Saint Emperor, achieved Origin Realm in legend, you may shout the Jian Chen Supreme given name randomly, if causes Supreme is not happy, do not want to go back today.” A Human Race powerhouse low voice rebuttal said that unusual disaffection, now Jian Chen, but the pride of Human Race, is the magnificence of Human Race, is the Human Race forcing another three big races key men, at this moment before foreign clan person, the Human Race person naturally maintains own this side the dignity. 剑尘至尊的实力已经超越了圣帝,达到了传说中的源境界,你可乱呼剑尘至尊的名讳,若是引得至尊不高兴,你今天就别想回去了。”一名人族强者小声的反驳道,非常的不满,如今剑尘可是人族的骄傲,是人族的辉煌,同时也是人族力压另外三大种族的关键人物,此刻在外族人面前,人族的人自然十分维护自己这方的尊严。 hearing that, that is called Jian Chen Saint Emperor foreign clan powerhouse complexion immediately changes, reveals the color of deep dreading, he has also participated in that war, witnessed Jian Chen to kill Saint Emperor such as of ants. 闻言,那名叫剑尘圣帝的外族强者脸色顿时微变,露出深深的忌惮之色,他也参与过那次战争,亲眼目睹了剑尘圣帝如蝼蚁的一幕。
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