CSG :: Volume #14

#1391: First under heaven city

Several elders, are willing to assist you to construct Mercenary City below, making Mercenary City restore to the peak strength in the shortest time.” Jian Chen also took a stand, during his growth experience, once left behind numerous one in Mercenary City, regarding Mercenary City, in his heart also harbors special feelings, now looks that once Mercenary City of lost/carrying world great reputation had vanished from Tian Yuan Continent, in his heart is also uncomfortable very much. “几位长老,在下愿意协助你们在建佣兵之城,让佣兵之城在最短的时间内恢复到巅峰实力。”剑尘也表态了,他的成长经历之中,曾在佣兵之城内留下了重重的一笔,对于佣兵之城,他心中也怀着一份特殊的感情,现在看着曾负天下盛名的佣兵之城已经从天元大陆上消失,他心中也很不是滋味。 Stands also becomes in Jian Chen Little Spirit very unhappy, mood very low, a depressed appearance, if depth of the sentiment to Mercenary City, that is belongs to Little Spirit absolutely, she grows in Mercenary City, and has been protecting the Mercenary City innumerable ages silently, to her, Mercenary City is not only a family/home is so absolutely simple, because here leaves leeway her master Mo Tianyun trace. 站在剑尘身边的小灵也变得很不开心,情绪非常的低落,一副闷闷不乐的样子,若要伦对佣兵之城的感情之深,那绝对是非小灵莫属,她是在佣兵之城成长的,并且已经默默的守护着佣兵之城无数个年代,对于她来说,佣兵之城绝对不仅仅是一个家那么简单,因为这里留有她主人莫天云的痕迹。 Three Saint Sovereign elders who Mercenary City only saves expressed gratitude for Jian Chen submissively, among manners was full of the respect, that was regarding powerhouse respect/honorable. 佣兵之城仅存的三位圣皇长老纷纷对剑尘拱手表示感谢,一个个神态间都充满了敬意,那是对于强者尊敬 This war, has built firmly the Jian Chen position thoroughly! 这一战,已经彻底筑固了剑尘的地位! Two Ancestral Grandfather, Ancestral Grandmother, your injuries how, I take Radiant Saint Force the quantity of source as your healing.” The Jian Chen vision shifts to Changyang Zu to howl three people, in the vision reveals the color of concern, no matter how he has the strong strength now, but the present these three people after all are the own ancestry characters. “两位祖爷爷,祖奶奶,你们身上的伤势如何,我以光明圣力本源之量为你们疗伤。”剑尘目光转向长阳祖啸三人,目光中露出关切之色,不管他如今拥有怎样强大的实力,但眼前的这三人毕竟是自己的祖辈人物。 Hehe, the great-grandson, our injuries and being affected much, took some healing wondrous medicines to restore, does not need so to take time greatly.” Changyang Zu howls saying with a laugh, Changyang Zu Yunxiao, on the Changyang Zu Ye Yun two people face also shows the gratified smile, Jian Chen this Ancestral Grandfather Ancestral Grandmother, listens in their ears that enjoyable, making them feel the incomparable pride. “呵呵,曾孙啊,我们身上的伤势并无大碍,服用一些疗伤圣药便可恢复了,不必这般大费手脚。”长阳祖啸笑呵呵的说道,长阳祖云霄,长阳祖夜韵两人脸上也露出欣慰的笑容,剑尘这一声祖爷爷祖奶奶,听在他们耳中是那么的舒心,让他们感到无比的自豪。 After all, the Jian Chen present status may not be greatly ordinary, in many eyes, he now is Origin Realm powerhouse, how long even the Saint Emperor peak could not support to be cut to kill in his hands. 毕竟,剑尘现在的身份可大不一般了,在许多人眼中,他现在已经是一名源境界强者了,连圣帝巅峰在他手中都支撑不了多久就被斩杀。 Great-grandson, does not know that this is?” The Changyang Zu Yunxiao vision looks to Little Gold, face curious asking. In his mind, to Little Gold was full of the gratitude, because he understands, if not Little Gold intended to rescue several times, he perhaps in war already falls/dies. “曾孙啊,不知这位是?”长阳祖云霄的目光看向小金,一脸好奇的问道。在他的心中,对小金的充满了感激,因为他明白,若非小金数次出手相救,他恐怕在大战中就已经陨落了。 Jian Chen informed the Little Gold origin truthfully, when knew that initially Tungsten alloy ore that shocking Heavenly Thunder fell because of Little Gold, when Little Gold real status, Changyang Zu howls their three people and Mercenary City three Saint Sovereign elders is startled dumbfoundedly, expression that the whole face cannot believe. 剑尘如实的告知了小金的来历,当得知当初钨合金矿那场惊世天雷就是因小金而降,以及小金的真实身份时,长阳祖啸他们三人和佣兵之城的三名圣皇长老一个个都惊得目瞪口呆,满脸都是不敢相信的神色 Little Gold unexpectedly is innate Spirit Body that is lived by the world, and reveals itself has the Origin Realm strength, this subverted their cognition completely. 小金竟然是由天地所生的先天灵体,并且一出世就拥有源境界的实力,这完全颠覆了他们的认知。 After all, Origin Realm powerhouse even placed the antiquity period, was scarce, known only had four. 毕竟,源境界强者即便是放在上古时期,都非常稀少,已知的只有四位而已。 Jian Chen and Changyang Zu howled several people to exchange greetings several, brought Little Gold to return to Raging Flame City, but Changyang Zu howled three people not to stay for a long time, after Jian Chen walked, returned to Lore City Changyang Mansion. 剑尘长阳祖啸几人寒暄了几句,就带着小金回到了烈焰城,而长阳祖啸三人也没有久留,在剑尘走后,也同时返回了洛尔城长阳府 Little Spirit has not walked with Jian Chen, a face grief remained, silently looks at Mercenary City to vanish position that to be lost in thought that disappearance of Mercenary City, not only made her lose the family/home, lost the trace that her master once left, this made her very sad, very sad, even had the comfort of Jian Chen, was hard to smooth. 小灵并没有和剑尘一起走,一脸伤痛的留了下来,默默的望着佣兵之城消失的位置一阵出神,佣兵之城的消失,不仅让她失去了家,同时也失去了她主人曾经留下的痕迹,这让她非常伤心,非常的难过,即便是有剑尘的安慰,都难以抚平。 The extremely heartshaking and moving war happening in Mercenary City spread over entire Tian Yuan Continent by the potential of violent storm, stirred a controversy, and not only makes in Tian Yuan Continent noisily, Sea Clan, Beast Clan and Hundred Clans three big races are also so. 发生在佣兵之城的这场惊天地,泣鬼神的大战以狂风暴雨之势传遍了整个天元大陆,引起了一阵轩然大波,并且不仅在天元大陆闹得沸沸扬扬,就连海族,兽族以及百族三大种族也是如此。 Although powerhouse of this four clan loses very seriously, but they gained the final victory after all, cuts to kill all invaders, therefore the invasion of Abandoned Saint World has not caused the big panic in world, even can also see the joyful atmosphere in some places. 虽然这一次四族的强者损失非常的惨重,但毕竟他们取得了最后的胜利,将所有侵略者斩杀,因此圣弃界的入侵并没有在世间引起多大的恐慌,甚至在一些地方还能看到充满喜庆的气氛。 Meanwhile, Jian Chen of big show/unfolds crest of wave in this war, Little Gold, Little Spirit, Sea God as well as Hundred Clans War God Tie Ta several strength incomparably powerful Supreme was also known by the world person, created very big stir in four clans. 与此同时,在这一次大战中大展风头的剑尘,小金,小灵,海神以及百族战神铁塔几名实力无比强大的至尊也被天下人所知,在四族中都引起了很大的震动。 Shen Xiao Sect, Extreme Sun Sect, Yi Yuan Sect, Mo Yuan Mansion four big Guardian Clan Saint King shortly after the war ended, arrived at the place of that war on simultaneously, uses the secret technique to seek to drop in place bottom deep place that magma seas Emperor Armament, under the help of Saint Sovereign elder then in Mercenary City three only save, successfully took from the magma sea their family's Ancestral Item, was brought back to the family by them. 神宵宗,阳极宗,一元宗,墨渊府四大守护家族圣王在大战结束不久,就齐齐来到了那处战争之地,施展秘术寻找跌落在地底深处那片岩浆海的帝王神器,然后在佣兵之城三名仅存的圣皇长老的帮助下,成功将他们家族的祖器从岩浆海中取了出来,然后被他们带回了家族。 Raging Flames Mercenaries respective Raging Flame City, the close city was also relieved with the return of Jian Chen, You Yue and Bi Lian one group of people encircle immediately in the inquiry tactical situation of side Jian Chen talking at once, very paid attention to Mercenary City that side matter. 烈焰佣兵团所属的烈焰城,原本封闭的城池也随着剑尘的归来而被解除,幽月碧莲一群人立即围在剑尘身边七嘴八舌的询问战况,十分关注佣兵之城那边的事。 When knew when Tian Yuan Continent this side has blocked the invasion of Abandoned Saint World, the person on the face revealed the happy color, raised the heart on throat to put finally. 当得知天元大陆这方已经挡住了圣弃界的入侵时,人人脸上都露出了高兴之色,提在嗓子上的心终于是放了下来。 Then, Jian Chen continues the unrivalled magnificent feat that conducts has not completed, brings Little Fatty, Wang Yifeng, Yun Zheng, An Dafu and the others and that dozens loyal Buer elite squad arrives at once Tungsten alloy mineral lode deep place again, enhances their strengths with various talent treasures that obtain from Black and Yellow Small Heaven. 接下来,剑尘继续进行还未完成的旷世壮举,带着小胖,王逸风,云峥,安大夫等人以及那数十名忠心不二的精锐小队再次来到曾经的钨合金矿脉深处,用从玄黄小天界内得到的各种天才地宝提升他们的实力。 In his heart understands, what this time blocking is only the first wave of invasion of Abandoned Saint World, at present space channel is unstable, the person who can only let the Saint Emperor boundary passes, once the strength surpasses Saint Emperor, that will cause the collapse of space channel easily, although this space channel is unable to destroy thoroughly, during but if were involved in the endless universe to be void by the space turbulent flow, perhaps Origin Realm powerhouse metropolis/can a narrow escape. 他心中明白,这一次挡住的只是圣弃界的第一波入侵而已,目前空间通道还不稳定,只能让圣帝境界的人通过,实力一旦超过圣帝,那将容易引起空间通道的崩溃,虽然这个空间通道无法彻底毁坏,但若是被空间乱流卷入了无尽的宇宙虚空之中,恐怕源境界强者都会九死一生。 Moreover at present, space channel is conducting slowly solidly, this process is unable to stop, even if goes all-out to destroy, that will still only delay next time, when space channel thorough every is solid, Abandoned Saint World will have many Saint Emperor inevitably, even is Origin Realm powerhouse arrived here. 而且目前,空间通道正在缓慢的进行着凡固,这个过程无法制止,即便是尽全力去破坏,那也只会拖延一下时间而已,当空间通道彻底凡固时,圣弃界势必会有更多的圣帝,甚至是源境界强者来到这里。 Therefore , to promote strength that now Jian Chen must go all-out, not only need promote own this side, but must promote entire Tian Yuan Continent resourcefully, even is Sea Clan, Beast Clan as well as Hundred Clans overall strength. 因此,现在剑尘必须尽全力的提升实力,不仅要提升自己这方,还要想方设法的提升整个天元大陆,甚至是海族,兽族以及百族的整体实力。 But makes Raging Flames Mercenaries first powerful, is only his first step! 而让烈焰佣兵团首先强大起来,只是他的第一步! Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach Jian Chen altogether harvested three in Black and Yellow Small Heaven, each has 108 peach, therefore these enhances the strength for these dozens people time, he can ignore the waste not to waste, did not put out dozens Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach parsimoniously to them. 仙级五品紫云仙桃剑尘总共在玄黄小天界内收获了三颗,每一颗都有一百零八颗桃子,因此这一次为这数十人提升实力,他也顾不得浪费不浪费了,毫不吝啬的拿出了数十颗仙级五品紫云仙桃给他们。 Because the strengths of these people almost also stay in Heaven Saint Master, no one turn into saint, to let them becomes Saint Sovereign completely, only has to use Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach to be safe enough, after all during the process of absorption, they will waste many Purple Cloud Immortal Peach boundless vitalities. 因为这些人的实力几乎都还停留在天空圣师,没有一人成圣,为了让他们全部都成为圣皇,唯有使用仙级五品紫云仙桃才够保险,毕竟在吸收的过程当中,他们都会浪费掉不少紫云仙桃的磅礴元气。 After one day, in the sky presented first auspicious cloud, not seven colors, but becomes the symbol of Saint King, them natural talent best Little Fatty first breaks through to the Saint King boundary. 一日后,天空中出现了第一朵祥云,并非七彩,而是成为圣王的标志,他们当中天赋最好的小胖第一个突破到圣王境界。 Soon, Wang Yifeng, Yun Zheng, An Dafu and this Raging Flames Mercenaries elite squad also breaks through in abundance, in an instant, in the sky Cai Xia (colored clouds) all over the sky, is shining the entire world, the connotation nine colors, proliferated to hundred li (0.5 km) beyond. 不久之后,王逸风,云峥,安大夫以及这一支烈焰佣兵团的精锐小队也纷纷突破,刹那间,天空中彩霞满天,照耀着整个天地,内涵九种色彩,扩散到百里之外了。 This is not Nine Colors auspicious cloud, but is dozens people breaks through to become Saint King simultaneously, initiated auspicious cloud conducted overlapping, the auspicious cloud color of every people drawing out has nothing in common, when therefore dozens people of auspicious cloud appear simultaneously, presented nine colors, the covered range also wants on a big way compared with single turn into saint many. 这并非九色祥云,而是数十人同时突破成为圣王,引发的祥云进行了重叠,其中每一人引出的祥云颜色都各不相同,因此当数十人的祥云同时出现时,就出现了九种色彩,覆盖的范围也比单人成圣要大上很多。 This, caused a big stir on Tian Yuan Continent once again, many Saint King powerhouse also think that Tian Yuan Continent presented new Saint Emperor to result. 这一幕,再次在天元大陆上引起了不小的轰动,许多圣王强者都还以为天元大陆又出现了新的圣帝似得。 But in this piece of mountain range, is the mist is at this moment vigorous, the rich vitality scatters in void, formed thick fog to expand unexpectedly scatters to all directions, these were completely the Purple Cloud Immortal Peach vitalities, overflowed from their within the body. 而在这片山脉中,此刻已经是雾气蓬勃,浓郁的元气飘散在虚空中,竟形成了一层厚厚的浓雾扩撒向四面八方,这些全部都是紫云仙桃的元气,从他们体内溢出的。 Immortal Level 5-Rank Purple Cloud Immortal Peach, truly by the vitality that they absorb perhaps half. 一颗仙级五品紫云仙桃,真正被他们所吸收的元气恐怕连一半都还不到。 After several days, Little Fatty conducted the breakthrough again, first becomes Saint Sovereign, the day falls seven color auspicious cloud, covers a surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km) range. After him, others also break through in abundance, within short one day, here everyone all broke through is the Saint Sovereign boundary. 数日后,小胖再次进行了突破,第一个成为了圣皇,天降七彩祥云,笼罩方圆百万里范围。自他之后,其余人也纷纷突破,在短短一天的时间之内,这里所有人就全部都突破为圣皇境界了。 Dozens seven color auspicious cloud spread the volume simultaneously in the upper air, blooms the light of incomparably dazzling auspicious omen, contained nine colors to cover entire Tian Yuan Continent. 数十道七彩祥云同时铺卷在高空中,绽放出无比耀眼的祥瑞之光,包容九种色彩笼罩了整个天元大陆 Also when this momentum compared with they become Saint King time wants on a big way many, became Cai Xia (colored clouds) quick inconceivable speed that to fill the air by dozens seven color auspicious cloud overlay to the distant place, quick covered entire Tian Yuan Continent, caused the huge stir. 这一次的声势比他们成为圣王时还要大上很多,由数十道七彩祥云叠加而成的彩霞一快不可思议速度弥漫向远方,很快就笼罩了整个天元大陆,引起了巨大的轰动。 And this has not stopped, blooms nine color auspicious cloud still to proliferate toward the overseas, finally touched Sea Clan, Beast Clan, the Hundred Clans three big races territory border positions stopped, gave to shake all powerhouse of these three big races. 并且这还没有停止,绽放出九种色彩的祥云还在向着海外扩散,最终触及到海族,兽族,百族三大种族的领地边沿位置才停了下来,将这三大种族的所有强者都给震住了。 This is not Nine Colors auspicious cloud, seven color auspicious cloud that but some people of turn into saint sovereigns draw out, heavens, I induce to under do not overlap in 50 seven color auspicious cloud in the same place, is it possible that dozens Saint King broke through on the same day, achieved the Saint Sovereign boundary......” “这不是九色祥云,而是有人成圣皇引出的七彩祥云,天啊,我感应到不下于五十股七彩祥云重叠在一起,莫非有数十名圣王在同一天突破,达到了圣皇境界……” Is the Tian Yuan Continent direction, this is how possible, how to have so many Saint King to break through on the same day......” “是天元大陆的方向,这怎么可能,怎么会有这么多圣王在同一天突破……” Tian Yuan Continent, Beast Clan, Sea Clan, Hundred Clans all Saint Sovereign powerhouse all are both eyes blankly is staring at the sky, the incomparable shock, dozens Saint King break through on the same day to the Saint Sovereign boundary, even if this has not appeared in the magnificent antiquity years. 天元大陆,兽族,海族,百族的所有圣皇强者皆是双目呆呆的盯着天空,无比的震惊,数十名圣王在同一天突破到圣皇境界,这即便是在辉煌的上古年间都不曾出现过。 Let alone is dozens, even ten Saint King at the matter that the same day breaks through, has never happened in the antiquity age. 别说是数十名,就算是十名圣王在同一天突破的事情,在上古年代都从未发生过。
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