CSG :: Volume #14

#1390: Tie Ta departs

In the people when the heart guessed that secretly Hundred Clans War God and present have almost become actually Human Race most powerhouse Jian Chen can clash, Tie Ta had arrived in front of Jian Chen, golden battle-axe disappearance in slowly his hand, in an instant, the whole person War God that soared to the heavens from previously that imposing manner turned into a seemingly ordinary mortal, besides having golden flesh, he at this moment seems like from the common person is no different. 就在众人在心中暗暗猜测百族战神和如今几乎已经成为人族强者剑尘究竟会不会发生冲突时,铁塔已经來到了剑尘面前,他手中的金色战斧缓缓的消失,刹那间,整个人就从先前那气势冲天的战神变成了一个看似普通的凡人,除了有一身金色的肌肤外,此刻的他看上去与寻常人沒什么不同。 After strength breakthrough, once Tie Ta erupts, will have the prestige of destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth, but once changes into ordinary, will go to the situation of giving up affectation. 实力突破之后,铁塔一旦爆发,将拥有毁天灭地之威,可一旦化为平凡,将达到返璞归真的地步。 Jian Chen, I want to go to Hundred Clans Barren Continent.” Saying of Tie Ta jar sound jar air/Qi, the vision is fiery, initially when he stayed behind from Arukins that drop of golden blood obtained part of memories on dragon island, in the heart very has longed for that can Barren Continent that goes to Hundred Clans to occupy, because in heart deep place, feeling, only then that place is the ownership of own. 剑尘,我想去一趟百族荒漠大陆。”铁塔瓮声瓮气的说道,目光炯炯有神,当初他在龙岛上从阿瑞金斯留下的那一滴金色血液中得到一部分记忆时,心中就已经十分渴望能去一趟百族盘踞的荒漠大陆,因为在他内心深处,感觉只有那个地方才是自己的归属。 Initially, his own strength was too small and weak, if exposed, even if Hundred Clans used the strength of entire clan unable to preserve him, the news weak trend that because Hundred Clans War God appeared spread, wanted to kill his, not only had Beast Clan powerhouse, meanwhile had Tian Yuan Continent many powerhouse. 当初,他自己的实力太弱小,若是曝光出去,即便是百族倾尽全族之力都无法保住他,因为百族战神重现于世的消息弱势传扬了出去,想要杀他的不仅有兽族强者,同时还有天元大陆的诸多强者 However the situation is now different, his present strength has achieved to show disdain for the degree of trim world sufficiently, Origin Realm powerhouse, among the world no one has been able to do to him. 不过现在情况不同了,他如今的实力已经达到足以傲视整片世界的程度,源境界强者不出,天下间已经沒有人能奈何得了他了。 Goes, when I handled something on Tian Yuan Continent, I will come Barren Continent to look for you.” Jian Chen calm saying, in the heart actually somewhat worried, he had seen Beast Clan and Hundred Clans still had a large part of powerhouse not to put aside once hatred, now Tie Ta representative Hundred Clans, small white tiger in the future inevitably on behalf of Beast Clan, is the future that he most does not want to see one day, small white tiger can stand with Tie Ta in the standpoint of opposition. “去吧,等我把天元大陆上的一些事情办理完了,我会來荒漠大陆找你。”剑尘语气平静的说道,心中却有些担忧,他已经看出了兽族百族仍然有很大一部分强者沒有放下曾经的仇恨,如今铁塔代表百族,小白虎将來势必会代表兽族的,他最不想看到的就是将來有一天,小白虎会和铁塔站在对立的立场上。 Under Tie Ta in Hundred Clans did powerhouse to be accompanied by a retinue left here, returned to Barren Continent with Hundred Clans all powerhouse together, when the person who although Hundred Clans can go back did not arrive at 1/3, but on their all faces was full of the joyous feelings. 铁塔百族一干强者前呼后拥之下离开了这里,和百族所有强者一同返回了荒漠大陆,虽然百族会回去的人來不到來时的三分之一,但是他们所有人脸上都充满了喜悦之情。 Dwarf Race Heaven Resisting Shield that inherited from the antiquity years has broken, the fragment was brought back to Barren Continent by Dwarf Race powerhouse, but Elf Clan Elf Ancient Divine Tree also vanished in the world, similarly was brought by Elf Clan powerhouse. 矮人族从上古年间传承下來的御天盾已经破碎,残片被矮人族强者带回了荒漠大陆,而精灵族精灵古神树也自天地间消失,同样被精灵族强者带了回去。 However this by branch Elf Ancient Divine Tree altogether after absorbing more than ten Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor complete life force / vitality, has not actually had any change, after Divine Tree illusory shadow vanishes, the branch of this Elf Ancient Divine Tree restored the former appearance like that absorbed boundless life force / vitality that came actually not to know the trace from more than ten Abandoned Saint World Saint Emperor within the body. 不过这一段由树枝所化的精灵古神树总共在吸收了十几名圣弃界圣帝的全部生机之后,却并沒有发生任何的改变,当神树虚影消失之后,这一段精灵古神树的树枝就又恢复到了从前的那般模样,从十几名圣弃界圣帝体内吸纳而來的磅礴生机却不知所踪。 Breaking Waves Blade and Zhangyang sword also goes with ending of fight together air-splitting, from beginning to end, actually no one sees the person who acts in secret where, but many people have actually recognized these two might extraordinary Divine Weapons Ten Great Guardian Clans Tyrant Blade Sect and Changyang Mansion Ancestral Item, for these two Ancestral Item might feels in the heart in abundance shocking. 破浪刀正阳剑也随着战斗的落幕一同破空而去,从始至终,都沒有人看见暗中出手的人究竟在何方,不过却有不少人已经认出这两把威力非凡的神兵正是十大守护家族霸刀门长阳府祖器,纷纷在心中为这两把祖器的威力而感到震惊。 The might that because in this war, these two Ancestral Item show had surpassed the record on old book completely, even in that magnificent antiquity age, were controlled Ancestral Item by Saint Emperor powerhouse, was impossible to show the so strong might. 因为这一战中,这两把祖器所展现的威力已经完全超出了古籍上的记载,即便是在那辉煌的上古年代,由圣帝强者掌控祖器,都不可能展现出如此强大的威力。 Then, the collection person here departs in abundance, Peng Clan Saint Emperor Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) also brought Beast Clan powerhouse to return to Beast God Continent, has not stayed behind, they were injured very heavily, must hurry back healing. 接下來,汇集在这里的人纷纷离去,鹏族圣帝苍穹也带着兽族强者返回了兽神大陆,一个都沒有留下,他们这些人都受伤很重,必须要赶回去疗伤 Sea God also departs, walked silence, only then Sea God Temple more than ten are injured not too serious Saint Sovereign to continue to guard here. 海神也独自一人离去,走的悄无声息,只有海神殿的十几名受伤不太严重的圣皇继续驻守在这里。 In an instant, here only had dozens Human Race powerhouse as well as several tired 7th-Rank Radiant Saint Master here, these people in the person who in this campaign lived finally, now entire Tian Yuan Continent, Saint Sovereign powerhouse perhaps also only then at present these dozens people, the person who even some as before hidden world, that quantity was still the bureau refers to being possible to count. 转眼间,这里就只剩下数十名人族强者以及数名一脸疲惫的七阶光明圣师在这里了,这些人是在此次战役中最后活下來的人,如今整个天元大陆,圣皇强者恐怕也就只有眼前这几十人了,即便还有一些依旧隐世不出的人,那数量也是局指可数。 The loss of Radiant Saint Master Guild is also very serious, originally many 7th-Rank Radiant Saint Master also falls/dies several people, now including Union Master and Great Elder, 7th-Rank Radiant Saint Master also only had seven people. 就连光明圣师公会的损失也是很惨重,原本就不多的七阶光明圣师陨落了几人,如今包括会长大长老在内,七阶光明圣师也只剩下七人了。 In Ten Great Guardian Clans, is Changyang Mansion also to preserve strongest battle strength as before, except for has not participated in the fight Qing Branch and Yuan Branch person, Zu Branch Changyang Zu howls, Changyang Zu Yunxiao, Changyang Zu Ye Yun three people all complete, but received some slight injuries. 十大守护家族中,就属长阳府依旧还保存着最强的战斗力,除了未参加战斗的青脉元脉的人,祖脉长阳祖啸,长阳祖云霄,长阳祖夜韵三人全都完好,只是受了一些轻微的伤势。 If not Little Gold has been protecting them, perhaps their three people are more unfortunate than fortunate. 若非小金一直在保护他们,恐怕他们三人已经是凶多吉少了。 Shen Xiao Sect, Extreme Sun Sect, Yi Yuan Sect, Mo Yuan Mansion these four Guardian Clan Saint Sovereign powerhouse died in battle completely, these four families' Emperor Armament also fell into the middle of below magma sea, Saint Sovereign powerhouse that several big Guardian Clan of odd/surplus family/home lose also exceeded half, but Heavenly Fragrant Sect Saint Sovereign after several people of dying in battle, now only then a person survived, but also was only left over half life. 神宵宗,阳极宗,一元宗,墨渊府这四个守护家族圣皇强者全部阵亡,这四个家族的帝王神器也掉入了下方的岩浆海当中,余家的几大守护家族损失的圣皇强者也超过了半数,而天香门圣皇在阵亡的数人之后,如今只有一人存活了,但也只剩下半条命了。 Felicity Empire Emperor Great Imperial Ancestor died in battle, just like Karl Empire, is only left over Saint Sovereign to assume personal command now, Holy Empire City of God Zha Family Old Ancestor Zha Fei Mo Er also falls/dies in this war, but reviews in the Holy Empire three big families another two respected families, Saint Sovereign powerhouse is still in good health, this makes the strength dominate in Zha Family that another two respected families unite completely, dropped all of a sudden. 费里斯塔帝国太祖皇帝阵亡,和卡拉尔帝国一样,如今只剩下一名圣皇坐镇了,神圣帝国神之城扎家老祖扎菲摩尔也在这一战中陨落,而反观神圣帝国三大家族中另外两大家族,圣皇强者依然健在,这让实力完全凌驾于另外两大家族联合的扎家,一下子跌落了下來。 But originally several points of Mercenary City of strength on compared with Ten Great Guardian Clans even more stronger, now remaining Saint Sovereign powerhouse also only then three people, but in this war rarely has the Saint King participation fortunately, the future blood has not cut off, how long cannot want, on Tian Yuan Continent will produce new Saint Sovereign. 而原本实力比十大守护家族还要强上几分的佣兵之城,如今剩下的圣皇强者也只有三人而已,不过所幸这一次大战中很少有圣王参与在内,未來的血液沒有断绝,要不了多久,天元大陆上就会产生新的圣皇 „The Jian Chen little brother, for I thanked your side friend lends a hand to assist repeatedly, perhaps otherwise, my Kala Luo had been finished.” A Old Ancestor face of Kala Clan grateful is speaking to Jian Chen, vision often sweeping to standing in Jian Chen Little Gold, eye of reveal strange look. 剑尘小兄弟,替我感谢你身边这位朋友的多次出手相助,否则的话,恐怕我卡拉洛早就完蛋了。”卡拉家族老祖宗一脸感激的对着剑尘说到,目光不时的扫向站在剑尘身边的小金,目露奇色 Jian Chen cupped one hand in the other across the chest, exchanged greetings several, Kala Luo was not only Kala Liwei Ancestral Grandfather, simultaneously their Kala Clan was also the influence that Qin Country attached, therefore regarding Kala Luo, Jian Chen has to look. 剑尘拱手,寒暄了几句,卡拉洛不仅是卡拉丽薇祖爷爷,同时他们卡拉家族也是秦皇国所依附的势力,因此对于卡拉洛,剑尘不得不照顾一下。 At once, the Jian Chen vision looks to Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress, just about when goes forward, the Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress body in a flash, has actually changed into the remnant shadow to leave here unexpectedly together. 旋即,剑尘的目光看向琴圣天魔女,刚要上前时,却不料琴圣天魔女身躯一晃,已经化为一道残影离开了这里。 Jian Chen stands there silently looks at Saintess of The Zither Heavenly Enchantress to go far away the back that long time later, sighed lightly, has not pursued. 剑尘站在那里默默的望着琴圣天魔女远去的背影,良久之后,才轻叹了口气,并沒有追上去。 Yeah, our Mercenary City established in the antiquity years, has inherited over a million years in world, it has become a sign on Tian Yuan Continent, without thinking of this all destroyed, could not see including stretch of ruins.” Mercenary City Great Elder stares at huge pit that under foot that is too deep to see the bottom, the sorrow of whole face. “哎,我们佣兵之城建立于上古年间,至今已经传承了上百万年世间,它早已经成为了天元大陆上的一个标志,沒想到就这样全毁了,连一片废墟都见不到了。”佣兵之城大长老盯着脚下那深不见底的巨大坑洞,满脸的悲痛。 Although once Mercenary City has been destroyed in a moment, what ruins is only a shell of Mercenary City, its soul remains, we must reconstruct Mercenary City.” “虽然曾经的佣兵之城已经毁于一旦,但毁掉的只是佣兵之城的一个壳,它的灵魂仍然存在,我们要重建佣兵之城。” Good, the city destroyed us to construct, do not forget us also to have the spirit of great barrier, background that respect/honorable Supreme Elder as well as this innumerable years accumulated.” “不错,城池毁了我们可以在建,别忘了我们还有伟大的结界之灵,还有尊敬太上长老以及这无数年累积下來的底蕴。” Other Mercenary City another two Saint Sovereign said, was full of the flaming fighting spirit, Mercenary City, although destroyed, Small World that but these were opened can still open, this fight, Mercenary City besides ruining the city, lost some Saint Sovereign, the foundation has not had the too big vacillation. 佣兵之城余下的另外两名圣皇纷纷说道,充满了熊熊斗志,佣兵之城虽然毁了,但那些被开辟出來的小世界仍然可以打开,这一次战斗,佣兵之城除了毁掉了城池,损失了一些圣皇外,根基并沒有产生太大的动摇。
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