CSG :: Volume #14

#1389: Damaging severely vitality

Quick, the fight of Abandoned Saint World and Tian Yuan Continent ended, these time that unrivalled wars that spanned two different world although continue is not long, the influence that but it brings without doubt is very huge, caused a stir in the whole world, will be doomed forever in the history, its frigid degree, even Human Race among the antiquity years, Beast Clan and Hundred Clans three clan wars compared also to go beyond. 很快,圣弃界天元大陆的战斗就结束了,这一场跨越了两个不同世界的旷世大战虽然持续的时间不长,但它所带來的影响力无疑是非常巨大的,轰动了整个世界,注定会被永记于历史,其惨烈程度,甚至比起上古年间人族,兽族百族三族大战比起來还有过之而无不及。 The war ends, Tian Yuan Continent has been damaged is serious, is centered on originally Mercenary City, the surrounding area in several thousand li (0.5 km) was made a being too deep to see the bottom endocrater, in endocrater a darkness, and burning hot air waves ascend from the endocrater, the temperature of the region making rapid increasing. 战争落幕,天元大陆已经受损非常严重,以原先佣兵之城为中心,方圆数千里内都被打出了一个深不见底的巨坑,巨坑内一片漆黑,且有一个炎热的气浪从巨坑中升腾而起,令的这片地域的温度都在飞速的攀升。 This is the temperature that the magma of bottom deep place sends out, because this pothole was too deep, could not have seen most under the magma sea of that billowing change completely. 这是地底深处的岩浆散发出的温度,只是因为这个坑洞太深了,已经完全看不见最底下那滚滚翻动的岩浆海。 As for Mercenary City that stretch of ruins, in without a trace, the buildings that in some cities in the war vanished called in the gulf, was buried by the magma. 至于佣兵之城的那片废墟,早已经在大战中消失的无影无踪了,一些城内的建筑物都调入了深坑之中,被岩浆掩埋。 In the dead center place of this gulf, the place has the unusual fluctuation of energy, this is space channel to lead to Abandoned Saint World, not in war by destruction, moreover this space channel, although seems like very frail, but is actually hard to destroy, even if ruins the part, that still meets old feelings remain after a severed relationship, then to heal slowly. 在这个深坑的正中心处,有一处地方有不同寻常的能量波动,这是通向圣弃界空间通道,并未在大战中被毁灭,而且这个空间通道虽然看似很脆弱,但是却难以摧毁,即便是毁掉部分,那也会藕断丝连,然后慢慢的愈合 Being survivor of disaster four clan powerhouse scattered suspended in the upper air, many people stained the blood, not only there is own, meanwhile has the enemy, some Saint Sovereign powerhouse already hit the body extremity/limb in this war are remnant, lacks arm few legs, horrible to look, few people can also maintain complete body. 劫后余生的四族强者零零散散的悬浮在高空中,许多人身上都沾满了鲜血,不仅有自己的,同时还有敌人的,更有一些圣皇强者已经在这一战中被打的身躯肢残,缺胳膊少腿,惨不忍睹,很少有人还能保持完好之身。 We won, we cut to kill several hundred Saint Emperor of Abandoned Saint World invasion completely, we succeeded defended belonged to our world.” The excitement that has the emanation shout that Saint Sovereign powerhouse cannot bear, in the tone filled victory joyful and is hard to conceal. “我们胜利了,我们把圣弃界入侵的数百名圣帝全部都斩杀了,我们成功的守住了属于我们的世界。”有圣皇强者忍不住的发出呼喊声,语气中充满了胜利的喜悦和难以掩饰的激动。 On the people face of being survivor of disaster reveals one from the joy of victory, on everyone's face revealed the smile and excitement of the heart, their side, looks over four clan alliances, Saint Emperor quantity also few several people, but opposite party several hundred Saint Emperor, big of power gap is actually not able to imagine simply. 劫后余生的众人脸上纷纷流露出一丝得自胜利的喜悦,所有人的脸上都露出了发自内心的微笑和兴奋,他们这一方,纵观四族联盟,圣帝的数量也不过寥寥数人而已,而对方却足足有数百名圣帝,实力差距之大简直无法想象。 In the situation of strength disparate such big, they can still achieve the final success, this absolutely not as everyone expected. 在实力悬殊如此之大的情况下,他们依然能获得最终的胜利,这绝对出乎所有人意料。 However at once, when these people see these scattered people of suspended in the upper air, brims with on the face excited immediately disappearance slowly, then became painful. 不过旋即,当这些人看见悬浮在高空中这些零零散散的人时,洋溢在脸上的兴奋顿时又缓缓的消失,转而变得沉痛了起來。 This war ends, population in their four clan have only been left over is less than 1/4, others completely falls/dies in this war, forever disappearance in the world. 这一战落幕,他们四族中的人数已经只剩下不到四分之一了,其余人全部都在这一战中陨落,永远的消失在天地之间。 These people almost are completely Saint Sovereign boundary unparalleled powerhouse, only then extremely minority Saint King, powerhouse of this level in Tian Yuan Continent in another three big races, is belongs to stand in pyramid sharp existence, now damages so many all of a sudden, four big races somewhat could not withstand. 要知道,这些人几乎全部都是圣皇境界的盖世强者,只有极为少数的圣王,这种层次的强者无论是在天元大陆还是在另外三大种族之中,都是属于站在金字塔尖的存在,现在一下子损伤这么多,四大种族都有些承受不起了。 After this war, Tian Yuan Continent, Beast Clan, Hundred Clans as well as Sea Clan the vitality has damaged severely, in several Saint Emperor, besides Sea God Temple Palace Master Ya Di Lan Mo and Peng Clan Saint Emperor Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), other Saint Emperor before the fight ended too fled from here because of the injury heavily. 经此一战,天元大陆,兽族,百族以及海族已经元气大伤,几名圣帝之中,除了海神殿殿主亚蒂蓝魔鹏族圣帝苍穹外,其余的圣帝在战斗结束之前就因伤势太重逃离了这里。 This we can win time, was lucky has Jian Chen, Abandoned Saint World these Saint Emperor, over 100 people die in the Jian Chen little brother's hand.” Great Elder face painful saying of Mercenary City, this war, the loss of their Mercenary City was the incomparable seriousness, Saint Sovereign powerhouse only has also had three, several other people died in battle completely, the corpse fell into below huge pit, was buried by the magma, seeks unable to seek. “这一次我们能获得胜利,多亏了有剑尘在,圣弃界的这些圣帝,有超过一百人是死在剑尘小兄弟的手中。”佣兵之城大长老一脸沉痛的说道,这一战,他们佣兵之城的损失也是无比的惨重,圣皇强者已经只剩下三名了,其余几人全部都阵亡,尸首掉入了下方的巨大坑洞中,被岩浆所掩埋,寻都寻不回來。 Immediately, everyone's vision simultaneously collects on Jian Chen, Tian Yuan Continent and Beast God Continent powerhouse expression become very complex, about Jian Chen, unusual is clear, this that powerhouse of these two mainland understand was not these cultivated several thousand years of old monster, but was an age is also less than hundred years old, only cultivated only dozens years of evenings to live the later generation, was such a later generation, now has reached the altitude that has made them be able not hold a candle, cutting to kill Saint Emperor such as the ants to be the same, this had very powerful impact on their minds. 顿时,所有人的目光齐齐汇集在剑尘身上,天元大陆兽神大陆强者一个个神色都变得非常复杂,关于剑尘,这两个大陆的强者可是了解的非常清楚,这可不是那些修炼了数千年的老怪物,而是一个年纪还不到百岁,只修炼了区区数十年的晚生后辈,就是这样一个后辈,如今已经达到了一个让他们都望尘莫及的高度,斩杀圣帝如蝼蚁一般轻松,这对他们的心灵造成了非常强烈的冲击。 This Jian Chen is really the Mo Tianyun reincarnation.” Not only at this moment, there is Human Race, meanwhile had in the powerhouse heart of Beast Clan to have such thought in abundance. “难道这剑尘真的是莫天云转世。”此时此刻,不仅有人族,同时还有兽族强者心中纷纷产生了这样的念头。 At once, the vision of these people put aside from Jian Chen, fall when Little Gold, Tie Ta and Sea God three people of bodies, the war was held, that Little Gold and Tie Ta two people gives full play of power and strength was seen by many people, making in many hearts vibrate greatly, only then Sea God these people have not seen, although Sea God because was covered by a rich blue light, causing no one to see clearly her form, the strength of water element that but sent out from her such as the sea grand imposing manner as well as rushed, its status nature was vivid. 旋即,这些人的目光又从剑尘身上移开,落在了小金,铁塔以及海神三人的身上,大战进行中时,小金铁塔两人大发神威的一幕被不少人看见了,让许多人心中大为震动,只有海神这些人沒有见过,虽然海神因被一层浓郁的蓝光笼罩,导致沒有人能看清她的身影,但从她身上散发出的那股如大海般壮阔的气势以及澎湃的水元素之力,其身份自然是呼之欲出。 Ya Di Lan Mo see Your Majesty.” Ya Di Lan Mo arrives in front of Sea God, on one knee kneels, tone respectful saying. 亚蒂蓝魔参见陛下。”亚蒂蓝魔來到海神面前,单膝跪地,语气恭敬的说道。 You are injured heavily, first go back healing very much.” Sea God said, the tone is light. “你受伤很重,先回去疗伤吧。”海神说道,语气平淡。 Yes, Your Majesty.” Ya Di Lan Mo sets out, turn head looked at behind these injured very heavy Sea Clan powerhouse, then had part injured the specially serious person to return to Sea Region immediately, only left behind some injury light people to continue to guard here. “是,陛下。”亚蒂蓝魔起身,回头看了看身后那些一个个都受伤很重的海族强者,然后带着一部分受伤特别严重的人当即返回了海域,只留下一些伤势较轻的人继续镇守这里。 The Hundred Clans direction, Hundred Clans all powerhouse have knelt completely got down to their War God line of highest expensive/noble etiquette, facial expressions are excited, although this fights them to lose is also very serious, but the return of War God has diluted sadness in their heart, because, War God is their souls, is their spiritual props, believes to be. 百族的方向,百族的所有强者已经全部跪了下來向他们的战神最高贵的礼仪,一个个神情激动无比,尽管这一战他们损失同样很惨重,但战神的回归已经冲淡了他们心中的悲伤,因为,战神就是他们所有人的灵魂,是他们的精神支柱,信仰所在。 Reviews Beast Clan, other Beast Clan powerhouse complexion become very unattractive, the Hundred Clans War God homing, this to Beast Clan is not a good deed. 反观兽族这边,余下的兽族强者脸色都变得很不好看,百族战神归位,这对兽族來说可不是一件好事。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden glow that the Tie Ta whole body sends out starts to restrain slowly, then starting to walk stride in void unique, step by step walks toward Jian Chen. 铁塔浑身散发出的万丈金芒开始缓缓收敛,然后迈开大步在虚空中独步,一步一步的向着剑尘走來。 The Tie Ta movement naturally attracted here everyone, immediately, everyone's vision condenses in abundance on him, first did not say that Tie Ta is the Hundred Clans War God status, merely is the strength that he unfolds to expose, has made him here extremely dazzling stars. 铁塔的动作自然吸引了这里的所有人,顿时,所有人的目光纷纷都凝聚在他身上,先不说铁塔百族战神的身份,仅仅是他展展露出的实力,就已经让他成为了这里的一颗极为耀眼的星辰。 Many people have turned very quiet, in these people, most people do not know relations between Tie Ta and Jian Chen. 许多人都已经屏住了呼吸,这些人中,绝大部分人都不知道铁塔剑尘之间的关系。 In the antiquity years, Hundred Clans War God Arukins attacked Tian Yuan Continent, retreating in defeat again and again that Tian Yuan Continent hit, if not finally Mo Tianyun suddenly appeared blocked him, and cut to kill Hundred Clans many powerhouse by one's effort, perhaps Tian Yuan Continent has exchanged ownerships, now Hundred Clans War God reappears, but Jian Chen also had the posture of Human Race first powerhouse faintly, they should should not be away from Era to continue among the war antiquity years again.” Some people had been whispering at heart. “在上古年间,百族战神阿瑞金斯进攻天元大陆,将天元大陆打的节节败退,最后若非莫天云突然出现挡住了他,并以一己之力斩杀百族诸多强者,恐怕天元大陆早已易主了,现在百族战神再现,而剑尘又隐隐有人族第一强者之姿,他们该不会要隔着一个时代再续上古年间的战争吧。”已经有人在心里嘀咕了起來。
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